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Anupama - November Teasers 2022

Kavya successfully snatched Vanraj's property cunningly.  The Shah families with Anu cerebrate Leela and Hasmukh 50th wedding anniversary. Vanraj forced Anuj to accept his Lovr for Anupama. Anuj agreed he Loves Anupama for 26 years. Anu hears him and get shocked. Goons attack Anuj and Anupama.  Anuj angrily trash goon for touching Anu while another goon hits his head from behind and he falls unconscious. Anu rushes him to hospital where doctor says he can go into coma if he doesn’t regain his consciousness by morning. Vanraj insists Anu to accept that she loves Anuj and says she is free from today. Anu tells Vanraj that Anuj loved her for 26 years and now she realized that he is an important part of her life. Doctor asks Vanraj to sign consent form as his condition is very critical and he needs surgery.

 Anuj dances on his bed excitedly on Bin Tere Sanam Marmitenge Hum song. Anu tells Bapuji that she is ready to move on with Anuj, but fears that she may become old Anupama who needs support. She shatters hearing Anuj expressing his love for Malvika.

This month Anupama is not going exciting but EXTRAORDINARY Fascinating.

Coming up on Anupama this November 2022:

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Episode 401

Anupama and Anuj win the award for the best duo performance. When Leela insults their relationship, Anupama takes a stand against her.

Episode 402

Anu warn Baa and her team that she will not hear any ill words against Anuj from hereon and she perform ravan dahan with Anuj saying they need to end a ravan of ill thinking within them.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Episode 403

Anu ask Anuj why didn’t he marry yet? Anuj ask if he should? She says she is eager to hear his story. Bapuji get worried when Anu doesn’t return home. Vanraj hope Anu is fine. Kavya feels insulted when Anupama add her ideas to Kavya's work and she retaliates by badmouthing about Anu and Anuj’s relationship and try to malign Anupama's reputation. Anuj get furious and fires Kavya on her first day of work.

Episode 404

Vanraj humiliate Anu. Anu removes cotton balls from her ears revealing she didn’t hear him and taunt him to stop rising his BP, instead he should send her a voice message daily. The next morning, Vanraj try to stop Anu from leaving the house. She climb wall and walk out and leave in Anuj’s car, leaving Vanraj more frustrated.

Thursday 3 November 2022

Episode 405

Anuj ask Anu when she told every person needs a life partner, then why don’t she marry. Their car meet with an accident and they get stuck on their way home. Bapuji gets worried for them. Out of concern, Nandini gives Vanraj a piece of valuable advice. 

Episode 406

Anu and Anuj dance with youngsters. Vanraj feel insecure and wait for Anu till 3 a.m. Meanwhile Anuj get a high fever, Anu take care of him. Vanraj call landline and enquire about Anupama. Boy says uncle and aunty are resting in a room. Vanraj get angry and wait for Anupama to humiliate Anu. Kavya provoke him the more.

Friday 4 November 2022

Episode 407

Vanraj  accuses Anupama of spending the night with Anuj and humiliate her. Anu says enough of respect, agni pariksha is given for Ram and not Ravan/Vanraj. Baa shouts. Anu signals her hand to stop, she keeps quiet. Anu get emotional and decides to leave Shah house.

Episode 408

Anu leave Shah house, Samar also leave with her. Bapuji ask Anu to go and if someone point finger at her, she should cut their finger like a kalimaa. Anuj call Anu and then call Samar and ask why Anu is not picking his call and get shocked hearing what happened at Shah's house. Baa says she fought with Anu before and humiliated her, but she never left home but today she left without tear in her eyes. Vanraj says she loves her family most and left it easily. Toshu says he didn’t expect this from mummy. Kavya says she doesn’t understand their reaction, there will be peace in this house without her, noting will change with her absence. 

Saturday 5 November 2022

Episode 409

Anu return to her mother’s house. Mother says she is proud that her daughter will not sacrifice her self-respect. Vanraj removes Anu’s nameplate saying she shouldn’t return to this house. Anu with Samar dances and cheers up her mother. Vanraj tell Kavya not to let family feel Anu’s absence. He removes Anu’s name plate and says there is no place for Anu in this house or his family and he doesn’t care if she stays at her mother’s house, Anuj’s house, or on the road; he will not allow her inside his house even if she beg him.

Episode 410

Kavya provokes Baa that until Anu’s name are on property papers, they cannot get rid of her. A lady deny to rent house to Anu citing she doesn’t need a single woman tenant. Anuj get worried for Anu thinking she didn’t attend office yet, but find her stamping papers angrily in her cabin. He ask why she is venting out her anger on papers, if something happened? 

Sunday 6 November 2022

Episode 411

Anu touches Baa’s feet on street. Baa warns her to stay away and says she is neither her daughter inlaw or daughter and she is not related to her. Kavya asks her to sign on property papers. Anu says she is feeling light again like she felt after divorce. Kavya tell Vanraj that Anupama has Anuj’s support, so they should take back karkhana from her, Vanraj agree. Anu says Anuj always look special. They check a house which Anu like and hope owner agree to rent it out to her as she is single.

Episode 412

Anuj gifts Anupama her named key chain and write her name on wall. Baa get jealous seeing Bapuji getting gift for Anu’s new house and says she will break all Anu’s relationships before she breaks her house. Devika tell Anu that leaving Shah house was her life’s best decision and cry hugging her. Anu says she needs a friend like her always though.

Monday 7 November 2022

Episode 413

Anu, Anuj, and Devika enjoy lively friendship moments dancing and laughing on Dil Chahta Hai.. song. Devika act to be sleeping to let Anu and Anuj speak, but get disappointed when Anuj says he is leaving. Devika fumes that Anuj speaks a lot, but can not express what is in his heart; she should do something after which he speaks his heart out. Bapuji tell Kinjal to become Anupama version 2 and not 1 who used to silently suffer without opposing injustice towards her, she shouldn’t make a mistake which he and Anu did and should fight for her justice.

Episode 414

Baa curses that even if Anu lights up 1000 lamps, her diwali will be black. Anu celebrates diwali with her dear ones. Dolly question Baa that her son’s affair is accepted, but daughter’s friendship is considered wrong; she feel ashamed to call Baa as her mother. Dolly says Baa has done phD in double standards Vanraj shout at Dolly that sibce Anu is most important to her and they are evil for her, he demands she repay all the expenses they incurred on her since 40 years or else she should sign on the property document and forgo her right on their house. Anuj gifts a fairytale snow globe to Anu. Anu enjoys diwali with her supporters. 

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Episode 415

Vanraj scold Baa and Kavya for provoking him against Dolly and says he will never snatch his sister’s right and will return her property share to her. Baa blames Anu for the rift between Vanraj and Dolly and shouts she will never forgive her. Toshu says Anupama ruined his life as Rakhi kicked him out of pent house and job after knowing that Anu left Shah house and ordered she will return his job and pent house only if Kinjal comes and stays at the pent house. Toshu character assassinate Anu and shouts how can she be so shameless being a mother and is thinking of romance at this age still of playing with grandchildren. Anuj breaks his silence and warns him to shut up or else he will see his different form which he left 26 years ago, he will not tolerate him insulting his mother.

Episode 416

Anu gives Toshu a tight slap, and he falls down. She break all ties with Toshu. Toshu accuse Anuj of seperating a son from his mother. Anuj feels guilty that Anu’s life is being ruined because of him and reach Shah house to end the issue where Vanraj provokes him to accept that he loves Anupama and he accepts that he loves Anu since 26 years. Anupama reach Shah house just them and hear Anuj admitting he LOVES ANU.

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Episode 417

Anuj warn Vanraj that if Vanraj has adamancy, he has junoon/madness and hence his madness will break his adamancy. He feels guilty for expressing his love for Anu in front of Shahs and think he will not make another mistake to hide his first mistake. Goons beat Anuj. Samar walk to Anu and says what is wrong if Anuj loves her? Anu says Anuj is just her friend and try to leave. He hold her tightly. She break down. Vanraj ask himself why he is bother if Anuj loves Anu or if he romances her? Kavya try to provoke Vanraj and vent out her frustration that Anuj loves a middle aged woman who is not as beautiful like her.

Episode 418

Samar tells Anu that Anuj loved her 1000 times more than she loved Vanraj. Anuj thinks he lost Anu before getting her. Baa decides to punish Anu and Anuj for hiding truth. Samar says relationship means MAAN/respect, its up to her whether she will respect Anuj’s truth and friendship. Anuj regrets his confession at Shah house and fear that Anu might be angry with him. Samar says Anupama and Anuj relationship means MAAN/respect as Anuj respected her friendship, truth, and everything. 

Thursday 10 November 2022

Episode 419

Anuj stops his car seeing Anupama walking on street. He gets out of car nervously thinks she must have found out about his confession by now. Anu reminisces Anuj confessing his love for her. Anuj tells Anu that he was going to her house. She says even she was going to his house to ask him something. He nervously asks what she wants to ask? She says he loves her since 26 years. He says yes and apologizes for messing up her life, he wanted to sort out issues, she should forget it. She says how can she forget in 26 hours when he couldn’t forget in 26 years? 

Episode 420

Vanraj misses Anu in his hotel room. Shah family performs aarti with sad faces. Kavya think why they are behaving like someone stole their kidneys even on festival day. Leela create havoc at Anupama's accademy. Leela shows sindhoor to Anu and Anuj and asks them to marry on each other, leaving everyone in shock.

Friday 11 November 2022

Episode 421

Leela tells Anuj that if he wants to support Anu, he should get marry her as relationship without any name is debauchery and he should shut her mouth by marrying Anu. She continue to provoke Anuj and Humiliating Anu. Anuj in rages pick sindhoor and apply on Anu’s hairline, shocking everyone. Husmuskk try to intervene but Leela get out of countrol and humilate him in presence of everyone, leaving them shocked. Jignesh try to stop Leela from humilating Hasmuk further, but she shouts at him that he is an incompetent BIL of an incompetent husband so he should shuts his mouth.

Episode 422

Leela continue humilating Hasmuk that she will rule over his house and karkhana from hereon and he should just nod yes. She says there will be her role on her house from hereon and he will just nod yes on her order like a puppet without opposing her and her son’s decisions. Bapuji breaks down. Anu consoles him and takes him to her house. Kavya think she should set things right before Vanraj return and bring Hasmuk back home. Anu tells Anuj that she wantsto get back her father’s respect.

Saturday 12 November 2022

Episode 423

Anu try to cheer up Hasmuk but fails. Jignesh leaves Shah house cursing Leela that her days will be dark from hereon. Kavya tells Leela that they should sort out things and bring back Bapuji home before V return home. 

Episode 424

Baa reminds Bapuji of pheras during their wedding and drags him along holding his hand. He frees himself and says they both will die alone. Vanraj returns home and asks Toshu if something happened in his absence. Kavya asks Bapuji what if V returns. Bapuji says tell him that his father died.

Sunday 13  November  2022

Episode 425

Vanraj warns Baa to not enter his house after what she did with his father and takes oath not to have even a drop of water until she brings Bapuji back home. Baa pleads Anu to convince Bapuji and bring him back home. Anupama comforts a dejected Leela.

Episode 426

Anu try to stop Vanraj from shutting door on Baa’s face and says she knows how it feels. He doesn’t budge and forcefully try to close door when Bapuji walks in.

Monday 14 November  2022

Episode 427

Vanraj tells Kavya that his father will return home with respect and they will get out of this house. She shout she made a biggest mistake of her life by marrying in this family. He says he made a biggest mistake by marrying her. She says he can go wherever he wants to and showing property documents says this house belongs to only her, shocking the entire Shah families.

Episode 428

Hasmukh tells Anupama that sending Anuj in her life was in Kanhaji’s hands and letting him in her heart is in her hands, so she should let Anuj enter her heart. Kavya hug and apologize to Vanraj. Vanraj think he will become his old self for his family.

Tuesday 15 November  2022

Episode 429

Leela while apologizing to Hasmuhk fall unconscious, Anupama rush to Shah house to tend to Leela. Leela apologize to Anu for insulting Bapuji and making the whole family cry. Anu ask her to forget everything like mamaji does. Leela says she will if Anu accept her one request. What could that request be?

Episode 430

Leela pleads with Anupama to keep visiting them, and she reluctantly agrees. Kavya sees Anu lighting home temple lamp and ask how dare she to do that in her house? Anu says she lit just a lamp, but Kavya lit her whole household. Kavya warn her that she will fix a board outside that dogs and Anupama are not allowed inside her house. Anu says good she compared her with an animal and not herself. Vanraj tells her that Kavya got out of his heart by snatching the house by trick, he want to become a winner from loser at any cost.

Wednesday 16  November  2022

Episode 431

Anupama prepares a special dish for Anuj while the Shahs celebrate Bhai Dooj. Later, Vanraj wishes to forget the past and move ahead in life. 

Episode 432

Anupama witnesses Anuj’s patience and his availability for her needs and feels guilty. Later, Kavya oders Leela to take her permisson before inviting Anupama. Pakhi calls Anu to visit her PTM meeting. Anuj takes Anu to meeting. Anu tells Devika that she has to think about Anuj like he think about her. Devika ask her to accept her love for Anuj.

Thursday 17  November  2022

Episode 433

Anu discusses with Vanraj and children that should perform Baa and Bapuji’s wedding again on their 50th wedding anniversary. Kavya threatens Vanraj that he can not do anything in her house without her permission. He threatens back that nobody can stop him from celebrating his parents’ wedding anniversary and asks if he should leave the house with his family. Kavya manipulates Paritosh against the family.

Episode 434

Anu grinding mehandi for anniversary celebration asks Kavya to behave normally if possible. Kavya says she is giving her knowledge in her own house. Anu warn her to stop saying that as names written on paper can be changed, so she should write her name on people’s heart. Kavya says she is trying to become poetic with her boyfriend’s company.

Friday 18  November  2022

Episode 435

The Shahs grow nervous as Anuj arrives for the anniversary celebration. However, they are stunned when Leela and Vanraj greet him without hesitation.  Kavya get jealous noticing Leela and Vanraj welcoming AK and GK she ask Vanraj if he will get Anu and Anuj married? Vanraj says he will if they are ready. 

Episode 436

Vanraj behaves politely with Anuj and treats him well, startling Kavya. Later, the Shahs enjoy their evening with a formal discussion on marriages. Toshu comments one has to think well before marrying. Vanraj says if they couldn’t for the first time, they should for the second time. Pakhi says seeing situations around her, she doesn’t want to get marry at all; her parents had arranged married and used to fight due to incompatibility, then she saw papa and Kavya’s love marriage and they fight even more.

Saturday 19 November  2022

Episode 437

The Shahs shower their love on Leela and Hasmukh during their golden wedding anniversary celebrations. After marriage, during family photo session, Kavya pulls Anu away and says she was an outsider during Anu’s marriage and now Anu is an outsider.

Episode 438

Kavya return property papers transferred back into Hasmuhk’s name, and says Anupama made her realize that family is everything, so she needs family’s happiness and V’s love. Kavya apologize to everyone and asks Vanraj if he is happy now. Vanraj smiles. Later Vanraj offers divorce papers to Kavya and says Baa and Bapuji’s remarriage has finished, its time for his breakup again, shocking Kavya.

Sunday 20  November  2022

Episode 439

Kavya plead with Vanraj not to leave her. She says their story ended here and walk away. Vanraj tell Kavya that he made mistakes as he couldn’t tolerate Anupama’s success and fought with Anupama; he never said truth to Anu and never lied to Kavya, but Kavya betrayed him and his family. Dolly requests Anu to speak to Vanraj once.

Episode 440

Kavya injures herself and threatens Vanraj to file a case of domestic violence case against Vanraj. Anu says Vanraj never abused her. Kavya says she will take Anu’s revenge then and make him suffer.  Vanraj states that he would prefer to go jail than staying with her. Anuj gets concerned for Anupama and calls her. GK asks whom he is calling. Anuj says Anu is alone with Vanraj and Kavya and hope everything is fine. 

Monday 21 November  2022

Episode 441

Hasmukh plays a game of Ludo with Kavya while Vanraj attends an important meeting. Anuj informs Anu that they are going for their next project’s site visit and hence he will come and pick her up tomorrow morning. Anuj meets with a car accident on the way to her home.

Episode 442

Goons attack Anuj and Anupama. Anuj plead with them to take everything but not touch Anu. Goon try to snatch her jewelry. Anuj angrily trashes goon for touching her. Another goon hits him from behind and he falls unconscious. Anu rush him to hospital where doctor says he can go into come if he doesn’t regain his consciousness by morning.

Tuesday 22 November  2022

Episode 443

Samar informs Hasmukh and Paritosh about Anuj and Anupama’s mishap. Anu tells Vanraj that Anuj loved her for 26 years and now she realized that he is an important part of her life. Doctor ass Vanraj to sign consent form as his condition is very critical and he needs surgery.  Vanraj consoles a disheartened Anupama at the hospital.

Episode 444

Vanraj volunteers to stay at the hospital with Anupama and look after Anuj. Kavya is taken aback to learn about Vanraj’s concern for Anuj. Kavya confronts Kinjal, Pakhi, and Nandini that V is playing a big game. Nandini warns her to keep her dirty thinking in her mind. Anuj’s condition deteriorates.

Wednesday 23 November  2022

Episode 445

Anu imagines Anuj singing Main Yahaan hoon yahan.. song around her. Vanraj insists Anu to accept that she loves Anuj and says she is free from today.

Thursday 24  November  2022

Episode 446

Anupama tries to confess her feelings to Anuj but chooses to be silent. Anuj gets a warm welcome at home after his discharge from the hospital. Bapuji suggests Anu to shift to Anuj’s house to take care of him. Anuj informs GK that Malvika had called, she is his biggest responsibility.

Episode 447

Anu think of informing Anuj that she accept him in her heart, reaches his house and stops seeing a torn photo on floor. Who could that be?

Friday 25 November  2022

Episode 448

Hasmukh boosts Anupama’s confidence as she decides to start afresh life with Anuj. Anuj dances on his bed excitedly on Bin Tere Sanam Marmitenge Hum song. Anu tells Hasmukh that she is ready to move on with Anuj, but fears that she may become old Anupama who needs support. She shatters hearing Anuj expressing his love for Malvika. Who is Malvika?

Episode 449

Vanraj wears black suit and taunts Kavya that Baa says he looks handsome in suit, what if some woman falls for him. Anu meets Vanraj at a restaurant and says he looks different. Anuj is nervous to meet Malvika.

Saturday 26 November  2022

Episode 450

Vanraj announces his new business venture Vanika Team Works and introduces his partner Malvika. The Shahs are pleased to learn about Vanraj and Malvika’s joint venture. Malvika run and hug Anuj. Everyone stand shocked seeing their excitement.

Episode 451

The Shahs are taken aback upon learning about Anuj and Malvika’s relationship. Later, Kavya burn in jealousy over Vanraj and Malvika’s fond closeness. Anuj and Malvika dance. Malvika asks Anu if she doesn’t know about her. Anuj says he didn’t want to hide anything. Anu says she has trust and even questions.

Sunday 27  November  2022

Episode 452

Malvika hold Anuj’s hand and heads towards home. Kavya taunt Anupama that Anuj left her alone and went home with his sister. Anu ask her not to bother about her and think of her and her husband. Leela tell family that they don’t have any problem with Anu staying in Anuj’s house, but Malvika may.

Episode 453

Vanraj neglects Kavya in front of the Shahs. On the other hand, Anuj recalls his past with Malvika. Anuj tells Anu that he is her and Mukku’s sinner and cry leaning on her lap. Malvika with GK walk in on them. Malvika tells Anuj that she didn’t like him discussing their family issues with an outsider.

Monday 28 November  2022

Episode 454

Samar and Nandini make a promise to each other. Malvika asks Anu if she loves Anuj. Anuj requests Anu not to bother about Malvika’s words as he knows there is nothing in her heart. Anu think there is. Malvika stops Anu from cooking food for Anuj and says she will cook for bhai.

Episode 455

The Shahs are delighted when Paritosh lends a helping hand at the cafe. Malvika panics and break things around and ask Anuj if everything will be normal with an apology, he did same during Akshay’s time. Anuj with Anu search for her.Malvika leaves the house after quarrelling with Anuj and reach Vanraj’s house.

Tuesday 29 November  2022

Episode 456

Malvika reach Shahs house and seeks permission from Leela to stay in their house. Anu questions Anuj about Akshay.

Episode 457

Kavya becomes furious after Vanraj agrees to Malvika’s wish to stay with them. Later, as Kavya chastises Malvika for intruding, Anuj interrupts her. Vanraj permit Malvika to stay in his house. Kavya shouts to get out of her house. Anuj reach there. Malvika hold Vanraj’s hand and says she will stay with her partner Raj. Anu permit her to stay at Vanraj's house. Malvika happily hugs Anu hapily.

Wednesday 30 November  2022

Episode 458

Malvika and Vanraj plan their upcoming projects in front of the Shahs. Malvika and Vanraj then get into a heated argument deciding cuisine for their restaurant. Malvika plays game with Shahs. Anuj tell Anu that it would have been better if Malvika had worked under his guidance, but she chose Mr Shah. Malvika informs Vanraj that she transferred 50 lakhs in company’s account. Anu ask Anuj if he thinks Malvika didn’t chose a right partner?

Episode 459

Malvika informs Anuj that she transferred 50 lakhs in her company’s project account. He is shocked to hear that and says its not question of why she transferred money. She asks if he has problem with her giving money to Vanraj. Vanraj says even he wants to know why he has a problem with it. Malvika questions Anuj about his preferences since he does not trust Vanraj. Kavya manipulates Leela against Vanraj and Malvika’s partnership. 

Anupama air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm.

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