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Leela tells Anu and Anuj that a person becomes anounymous if he/she doesn’t have a name and relationship becomes disgraceful if it doesn’t have a name, so they should give a name to their relationship to gain respect from the society and end all the problems. She ask Anuj if he truly love Anu and when he can openly express his love in front of her family, he should fill sindhoor in her hairline and marry her. She then provokes children, Bapuji, and GK that they should be happy with this marriage and then starts humiliating Anu that she will be defamed and character assassinated if he doesn’t fill sindhoor in her hairline. Anu request her to stop. Baa continues provoking Anuj. Anuj picks sindhoor and apply tika on her forehead instead. Anu gets shocked but then relaxes seeing tika instead. Anuj tells Baa that he doesn’t care about society and Baa’s thinking and only Anu’s wish matters to him. Baa says she can’t understand his high talks. He says its a one-sided love and only he loves Anu and she will never love him. She says people will humiliate their relationship. Anuj says he doesn’t care, he can apply sindhoor and make her a devi and not a biwi/wife; he further says she insulted herself and sindhoor by playing this cheap game; a relationship without love is never accepted and he will never disgrace Anu with this kind of relationship, etc. Anu confronts Baa and asks why she is still adamant, why can’t Anuj be her friend when Devika can be her friend. Baa shouts Anuj has feelings for her. She says Anuj and her relationship is a pure friendship without any sin, so she should spare them. Baa says she gave them a chance to shut everyone’s mouth, but they are lecturing her. Samar ask why is she interfering in mummy’s life when she already left Shah's house? Baa says they are interfering in her life and happiness, her house is dark because of them. Mamaji says if she is pointing 1 finger at them, the remaining 4 fingers are pointed towards herself. She warn him to shut his mouth or else she will slap him and continue humiliating them. Bapuji loses his calm and says he always considered a wife as a life partner and not a servant, he tolerated all her nonsense till now and now he can and orders her to get out of his daughter’s dance academy and his warehouse. Baa reply who is he to kick her out and remind him of all the sacrifices she made for his house and got humiliation in return. He says she got his silence in return, her tongue is bitter, even then he didn’t say anything to her; people used to laugh at him, he was silent seeing her sacrifice, but not today and ask her again to get out of here. She deny and continues humiliating Anu. He warns her not to take his daughter’s name. She ask what will he do then. Kavya think these oldies get short of breath walking a few steps, but have stamina to fight. Anu try to stop Baa and request her not to exaggerate the issue. Baa continues humiliating Bapuji and says he didn’t have money to hire a rickshaw after their marriage and she had to walk 5 miles to reach his house, his mother just gave blessings and father 1.25 rs, he gave her Ramayan and not even a single silver article. Bapuji says he was poor. She asks why did he marry her then and continues that he couldn’t even give proper education to his children, her son had to start working from 14 to fund Dolly’s studies as his father was not capable, she had to run the house in his 400 rs salary which can not even buy a begging pot, her son got her daughter married or else her daughter would have been unmarried till now, etc. Anu says if she and her son have sacrificed a lot, even Bapuji poured his heart out and fulfilled all his responsibilities, etc. Baa warns her to shut up and not interfere between her and her husband. Mamaji try to stop her next, but she shouts that he is incompetent saala/BIL of an incompetent jija and shuts his mouth.
GK suggest to Leela/Baa that a mother has her house, a wife has her household, and a man has a pride of running the house, hence she shouldn’t snatch her husband’s pride or else he will be shatter. He fulfilled his responsibility of providng food for them, they get a dry roti with hard work and ghee-laced roti with faith, he worked hard and left the rest on faith; he fulfilled all his responsibilities loyally, so she should stop humiliating her husband. Baa shouts being a bachelor how will he know what kind of husband Hasmukh is? GK says he knows what kind of a father Hasmukh is seeing Dolly and Anupama and what kind of a mother Baa is seeing Vanraj. Baa shouts she doesn’t talk to servants. Anuj warns her to stop humiliating GK. GK says when this woman is not in her senses and can insult her husband publicly, why should they bother? Anu plead with Baa to vent out her anger on her and spare Bapuji. Anuj says same. Kinjal says children learn from elders and what if she similarly mistreats Toshu? Samar asks what if Kavya mistreats Mr Shah. Toshu asks Baa to stop as its getting too much. Dolly confronts her next that she will not keep quiet if her Bapuji is insulted more. Baa says she is not her daughter anymore, so she should shut up. Sanjay speaks next, and she shuts even his mouth. Mamaji try next, and she slaps him and warns that he is born to forget and not confront. She shouts at everyone to shut their mouths. Mamaji says people will spit on her, he will forget that he had an elder sister. Baa gets out of control and breaking things around shouts everything belongs to her. Kavya thinks good this oldie is breaking things before she could take over karkhana. Baa then orders Bapuji that there will be her role on her house from hereon and he will just nod yes on her order like a puppet without opposing her and her son’s decisions. She drags his hand and orders that he will not meet Anu from hereon. He frees his hand and says he will not return to that house, what will she do taking a living dead body home, there shouldn’t be a place for him at that house if he is a bad father and husband. He break down and says he gave her respect and love for years and didn’t realize that she values money more than love; he will stay on street, beg in temple, polish shoes, but will not stay at her house. He falls down crying. Anu and others rush to him and console him. Pita Se Hai Naam Tera.. song plays in the background.
Baa yells at him to stop his drama and return home. Anu warns her not to dare speak a word against Bapuji now or else she will cross her limits. She then consoles Bapuji that she is lucky to have a father and FIL like him, his daughter is still alive to care of him. Baa yells if she will become a son now. Anu says being a daughter is enough, if a son is pride and lineage, daughter is dignity and life, she will take Bapuji to her home. Bapuji agrees. Toshu asks Baa to stop Bapuji. Baa shouts let him go when he doesn’t value her, they all should go to hell. Anu with Anuj lifts Bapuji and says she made mistakes before and sin today, she will have house and karkhana and will be very wealthy from today, but will be most poor in the world. They all except Kavya and Toshu take Bapuji from there. Baa shouts get out. Anu takes Bapuji to her house. Anuj tells her that one who don’t have parents can understand parents’ value. Anu says she can not see her Bapuji shatter and wants to get back his dignity, which he has right on; he gave her respect till now and she will get back his lost smile again.

Baa swinging on her swinger remembers Vanraj leaving house and shouts let everyone go away. Kavya remembers Vanraj’s warning that he will not spare whoever troubles Bapuji in his absence, so she has to calm down Baa and bring back Bapuji home before V returns. 

Anu makes Bapuji lie on the bed and breaks down seeing his condition. She says Bapuji always says that a house needs both sunlight and shadow; if a mother is shadow, father is sunlight; her sunlight is shedding; Baa humiliated everyone; she would have killed her instead of humiliating Bapuji so badly.

Precap: Anu try to cheer up Hasmuk but fails. Jignesh leaves Shah house cursing Leela that her days will be dark from hereon. Kavya tells Baa that they should sort out things and bring back Bapuji home before V returns home. Leela reminds Hasmukh of pheras during their wedding and drags him along holding his hand. He frees himself and says they both will die alone. Vanraj returns home and asks Toshu if something happened in his absence. Kavya asks Bapuji what if V returns. Bapuji says tell him that his father died.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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