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Anu returns home from her business trip. Vanraj is waiting for her at the door and remember her leaving home in a sari and returning in a shwalwar kameez. She silently walk in. Nandini ask how was temple darshan? Vanraj says not darshan, she should ask how was her raas leela/romance. Anu angrily shout Mr. Shah. Baa shout back at Anu. Samar and Pakhi request them not to shout at mummy. Vanraj warn them not to interfere and says he will not listen to Anu’s explanation. Anu says she is tired of explanation and explain the whole incident. Baa ask why is her clothes changed? Anu says its that boy’s mother’s clothes and she need to return them, Anuj got high fever last night. Vanraj says his body must be burning, so she was comforting him alone in a room at 3 a.m. Anu warn him to behave in front of her daughter and daughter-in-laws. Vanraj says she shouldn’t say she was not in a room with him. Anu says she was and was taking care of ill Anuj. Kavya shows Anuj and Anu’s dancing video with youngsters. Baa yells if she is not ashamed to lie. Anu says she is not and there must be video of Anuj stumbling and falling down after that. Vanraj ask if his children’s mother is not ashamed of falling in everyone’s eyes. She ask if her children’s father falling in her eyes, he stooped too low and showed his cheapness. Baa says when she has entered a black room, her clothes would have smeared black. Anu says one whose intentions are clean can not smear their clothes black. All 3 continue to humiliate her and call her characterless. Samar warn them not to dare call his mother characterless. Toshu back Vanraj and says his mother is characterless. Samar hold Toshu’s collar, and their fight starts. Nandini and Pakhi stop them. Kavya ask Vanraj to control them. Vanraj ask how can he when their mother is characterless. Baa says she made a sin. Anu says a burden of sin is very heavy, she didn’t do any sin and Baa knowing her well shouldn’t have accused her character. Vanraj continues. Anu warns to stop or else. He asks what will she do.
Anuj in his house get concerned for Anu and tell GK that a house where issues are created unnecessarily will create a big drama, Anu has to give agni pariksha again and he feel something wrong will happen this time. 

Back at Shah house, Anu ask Vanraj to let it go. Vanraj says why should he when she is not. Baa ask what is going on between she and Anuj. Anu ask why is she asking when she doesn’t want to trust her, she told her 100 times that she and Anuj are just friends, but Baa want to continue questioning until she hears what she wants to. Vanraj ask her to speak to him. Anu says she doesn’t want to talk to him, even she will tell him one last time that she and Anuj are only friends, he can believe her or go to hell. She then start crying vigorously. Vanraj ask her not to cry after doing heinous act. Baa continues calling her characterless. Samar ask when she didn’t for 26 years, then why now? Baa says Anu’s character has changed seeing Anuj’s wealth. Anu says she feel she was staying with strangers for 26 years. Mamaji warn Baa to stop her cheap talk in jijaji’s absence, she may apply perfume for a pleasant smell, but Anu’s character spread pleasant smell. Baa warn him to shut up. Kavya start next. Anu warn her to shut up. Vanraj shouts she has to respect Baa. Anu says enough of giving respect, they are questioning her character after doing so much for them, enough now and this is her last tears. Vanraj says she has to cry until she gives agni pariksha. Anu ask who is he to seek agni pariksha as it's given to Ram and not Ravan. Baa shouts Anupamaaaa. Anu signals her hand to stop and says even a stone break down with continuous hammering, she is a human though; she was afraid that a day will come when she will say she can not tolerate it anymore, today is that day; Draupadi was humiliated in a sabha, she was humiliated in front of her children; this house will not be same after so much happened, so she will leave this house. Kavya says she got a chance to shift with Anuj, shall she call Anuj to pick her up, will they have marriage first or honeymoon like they already did, etc. Anu says Kavya slept with a married man in this house on her bed already and is questioning her. She tells Baa that she should have questioned her son and daughter inlaw who did all that in real. Toshu try to support Vanraj. Anu warn him to shut up or else she will slap him and he will fall in his pent house, now its time to leave this house with whatever precious this house has. Kavya says she will not get any jewelry or money. Anu says one who think jewelry and money is precious is the most poor person on earth, she will take away her self-respect and devotion.

Anupama pray to god that Shah house’s peace and good luck stays forever. She tell Baa it doesn’t look like it will stay as it won’t wherever a daughter is disrespected. Mamaji request her not to say that. Bapuji enters and says let her go, he will perform his daughter farewell today. Anu says she can’t stay back today. Bapuji says he will not request her as he understood what Vanraj, Leela, and Kavya must have said to her. Baa shout he doesn’t know what happened. Bapuji says he knows the capability of what she, Vanraj and Kavya most have said to Anupama, he tells Anu that she should take her self-respect and everything she want except guilt. He says this dirt doesn’t deserve this lotus. Samar says this family doesn’t deserve mummy. Nandini says anything excessive is bad, be it devotion or respect. Mamaji says Anu made this house as a temple, but Vanraj and Leela’s cheap words turned it into a market and devi/god always stays in a temple and not market. Samar says even he will leave with mummy. Bapuji ask Anu to go and if someone point a finger at her, she should cut their finger like a kalimaa. He apply devimaa’s kumkum on her forehead and with all the supporters chanting move ahead. Anu touches Bapuji’s feet and takes his blessings. She then looks at Toshu and remembers her motherhood for him. She then look Leela and Kavya and remembers serving and supporting them. Baghban Rab Hai Baghban.. song plays in the background. She then pack her clothes and family picture, pray at home temple one last time, touch Baa’s feet who turn her face, then touch Bapuji and Mamaji’s feet and takes their blessings, then hug her children and walk out of Shah House holding her luggage. Samar also walk away with her. She says this house gave her both love and pain, love became her nest and pain will help her to fly, thanks for giving her pain; god knows she always thought good of this family and this house and if there is something left, she is sorry for that. Pakhi cry seeing her leaving. Kavya grin. Baa and Vanraj frown. Bapuji cry saying her daughter left.
Samar walk with Anu and says she is going in a wrong direction. She says she knows, but want to be alone for sometime. He ask her to promise him to return soon. She promises and leaves senselessly. Samar ask god why did he do this to mummy, he gave pain to her and should give her strength to cope up or else he will lose faith on him. Anuj call Anu and then Samar and ask why Anu is not picking his call and get shocked hearing what happened. 

Back at Shah house, Baa says she fought with Anu before and humiliated her, but she never left home; today she left without tears in her eyes. Vanraj says she loves her family the most and left it easily. Toshu says he didn’t expect this from mummy ( ALL OF YOU ARE MAD). Kavya says she doesn’t understand their reaction, there will be peace in this house without her, nothing will change with her absence. 

Anuj search for Anu. Anu goes and sit in a park.

Precap: Anu returns to her mother’s house. Mother says she is proud that her daughter will not sacrifice her self-respect. Vanraj removes Anu’s nameplate saying she shouldn’t return to this house. Anu with Samar dances and cheers up her mother. Kavya provokes Baa that until Anu’s name are on property papers, they cannot get rid of her. A lady denies to rent house to Anu citing she doesn’t need a single woman tenant.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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