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Kanta gets emotional hearing Anupama and Devika’s discussion. Anuj asks her what happened? Kanta says when a girl grows up, a mother decide what to wear for her, whom to befriend, when and how to get out of the house, etc.; even she was same mother and never let Anu befriend anyone, she realized that she was wrong during Anu’s divorce and thought a friend is always needed in life, be it a boy or a girl. She apologize to Devika and thanks Anuj for proving her wrong and making her realize that a friend is just a friend and not boy or girl. She ask Anuj’s phone and clicks Anu, Anuj, an Devika’s picture.

At night, Kinjal with Nandini gives medicine to Bapuji. Bapuji says Anu left junior Anu here. Kinjal says she will. Bapuji says she should become Anupama version 2 and not 1 who used to silently suffer without opposing any injustice towards her, she shouldn’t make a mistake which he and Anu did and should fight for her justice. Kavya walk in with milk and think she wanted to impress Bapuji, but Kinjal has already taken over. Once Kinjal and Nandini leave, Kavya offer milk to Bapuji and ask if he is still angry with her? He says he is angry more on her son and wife. She ask if he will not forgive her like a father? He says if he become a father to her, he will scold her and try to correct her, which she will not like, so it's better he be a father-in-law as every FIL can be father but every DIL can not be a daughter. Kavya get angry and think she try to impress one and other get angry, how does Anu used to manage all this?

Anu, Anuj, and Devika enjoy lively friendship moments dancing and laughing on Dil Chahta Hai.. song. 

Toshu walk to his room hoping Anu is fine and thinking he is angry with her, but he is also her son. He get angry seeing Pakhi and Kinjal watching Anu, Anuj, and Devika’s picture on Devika’s social media account. Kinjal ask what is he doing here at this time? He asks if he shouldn’t, why she rudely behaves with him? She says because he rudely behaves with mummy. Their argument starts. He says she is close to his mom, why she has problem if he is getting close to her mom? She says she never said that. He says she wants to be a perfect daughter inlaw, why she doesn’t want to be a perfect wife? She says she wants to be with her husband but not with a son who doesn’t respect his mother, so the choice is his.

Devika act as sleeping to let Anu and Anuj speak. Anuj says he will leave as GK must be waiting for him and ask for his jacket. Anu returns his jacket and he walks away wishing her goodnight. Dil Hai Ke Manta Hi plays in the background. Devika fumes that Anuj speaks a lot, but can not express what is in his heart; she should do something after which he speaks his heart out. Anu thank god for tension-free day today and pray to him to take care of everyone.
Kavya fixes her nameplate on door and grins. She wakes up and realizes it was her dream. The next morning, Baa prepares laddoos murmuring its her house and she doesn’t care if Anu leaves her house, she will celebrate diwali alone and will never be happy. Kavya walks to her and asks what is she murmuring? Baa says she will prepare special dishes and will make Anu jealous, Anu’s diwali and her whole life will be dark forever. Kavya thinks she doesn’t want to spoil her first diwali in the kitchen. Vanraj asks Baa to stop cursing Anu has she is gone. Bapuji shows nazar battu/gift to Kinjal which he bought for Anu’s new house, to ward off evil from Anu’s life. Baa asks if Anu’s mother also kicked her out of her house and starts yelling at Anu and her mother. Kavya back her. Bapuji stops Baa. She offers him sweets, but he refuse saying sweetness should be in lives first. Vanraj requests Bauji not to go on festival day. Bapuji says even if he stays here, his mind will be Anu’s house, so he can’t. Kinjal bring halwa for Anu. Baa shouts at her to keep it back. Bapuji asks Kinja to keep halwa box and walks out with her. Kavya provokes Baa. Baa reminiscing Bapuji’s changed behavior towards her shouts she doesn’t care if he leaves and throws sweets. 

Anu with all her supporters visits her new house and performs pooja.

Anupama performs Hanhaji’s aarti singing Aarti Kunj Bhiari Ki bhajan. Bapuji, GK, and others pray behind her. Anu then presents aarti to everyone. 

At Shah house, Kavya continues provoking Baa that Anu’s own house mean full enjoyment without any restrictions, the whole family is enjoying festival with her and 3 of them are sitting here like donkeys. Vanraj warns her to mind her language and says for the first time Bapuji and kids are not with them, he is not feeling good. Kavya says he should get habituated to it. Baa says this will not happen until she is alive. Kavya says she didn’t marry him to see this day. Baa says this will not repeat itself again, she will break all Anu’s relationships before she breaks her family. Dolly with Sanjay enters and says she will break her relationship with Baa.

Anu takes elders’ blessings. Youngsters congratulate her for her new house. GK says this house will bring peace and wealth in her life. Bapuji says there would be many hurdles ahead and gives her advice to keep smiling in every situation in poetry style. Anu get happy and ask if he wrote this poem. Bapuji says Anuj did. She then thank Anuj. Youngsters gift her a painting. Kinjal goes to bring sweets for everyone.
Dolly tells Baa says she will break her relationship with Baa and this house. Baa ask what is she saying? Sanjay says Dolly is right, they didn’t do right with his sister Anupama. Vanraj says they don’t know what happened here. Dolly says she knows everything, she didn’t come here to count their mistakes as they will not accept it. She confronts Baa that she considered her son’s affair right and daughter’s friendship as debauchery, she says Baa has done phD in double standards. Baa asks if she will misbehave with her brother and mother for Anupama? Dolly says Anupama served her brother and mother for 26 years and loved her and Sanjay like a true sister and Meenu like a mother, she is not cheap like them. Baa says she is calling her mother cheap. Dolly says she forced her to say this, she is ashamed to discuss that they forcefully took Anu’s signatures on property papers, Baa has gone worst now. Vanraj asks if she is not ashamed to misbehave with her mother? Dolly says she is ashamed to call her as her mother. Baa asks then why did she come here instead of going to Anu’s house; she says Anu snatched her husband, brother, and daughter now. Dolly says bhabhi didn’t snatch them, but Baa pushed them away. Vanraj shout not to dare speak rudely with maa. Sanjay says even he can not speak rudely with his wife.

Anuj gifts Anu a fairytale snow globe and says he imagined Anu in it. She smiles. Kinjal serves Anu’s prepared laddoos to everyone. GK says he will finish them all. Anu thanks them all for making her 4 walls as house, continues expressing her joyful feelings and hopes Toshu would also have come. They all cheer her up and dance with her on Na Na Na re Na Anu thinks her happiness is incomplete without Baa and Toshu and knows Kanhaji will refix her relationship with them. They then play dumb charades.

Back to Shah house, Dolly continues confronting Baa and Vanraj and says they did wrong with Anu for 26 years and crossed limits today, Vanraj and Kavya themselves had an affair and pointed at Anu instead. Kavya asks her to shut her mouth and get out. Dolly asks why should she as this is also her house and asks if they want her also to sign on property papers. Kavya says she came here to show her right, she is sure Anu must have sent her here. Dolly says she hopes Anu would have, she is ashamed to call them her family. Vanraj shouts enough and brings property papers. He says Anu is everything to her and a devi, they are evils and Kavya chudail/witch; Anu served this house for 26 years, but he made this house; he took care of Dolly’s studies, bought her up, and got her married and did everything for her; instead of thanking him, she is showing rights on this house. She says she is not. He says this house belongs to only him and insists her to sign property papers and sacrifice her right. Kavya also insists and emotionally blackmails her. Dolly signs papers saying she can not become great like Anu and doesn’t want be like Vanraj as she can not stoop so low; she become a stranger after marriage for namesake, but today they literally made her a stranger; she never saw such an ill fated house which disowned both daughter and DIL; they light lamp on diwali to ward off darkness, but their life will be filled with darkness forever. Vanraj asks her to leave if she is done. Dolly walks away saying one who makes other’s life dark can never be happy.

Precap: Toshu calls Anu characterless, Anu gives him a tight slap, and he falls on floor. Vanraj forces Anuj to accept his love for Anu. Anuj accepts that he loves Anu since 26 years. Anuj feels guilty that Anu’s life is being ruined because of him and reach Shah house to end the issue where Vanraj provokes him to accept that he loves Anu and he accepts that he loves Anu since 26 years.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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