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Anupama rush to Shah house blabbering its good today is Sunday and weekend or else it would have been difficult for children alone to handle wedding arrangements. She pray to tulsi plant to keep rain away today. Kavya get jealous seeing her and think of clearing her dues with Anupama. Anu and Dolly get Baa ready as a bride. Baa says sometime mother gets a daughter ready and sometime a daughter get her mother ready, its a circle of life. They both say she is looking very beautiful. 

Vanraj get Bapuji ready as a groom and says its good that Bapuji’s fate is not ill like his regarding marriage. Bapuji says one has to handle issues, even he should. Vanraj get a message that his parcel has arrived. 

Leela get emotional. Anu ask her not to cry today and keep smiling. Hasmukh enter wedding venue dancing on Sajanji Ghar Aaye.. song with a swag. Family join and dances with him. Anu perform Leela and Hasmukh’s aarti. GK ask Anuj if he is feeling jealous seeing Anu and Vanraj together? He says they are together for children and family and he doesn’t mind. Leela and Hasmukh exchange garlands and celebrate their golden jubilee wedding anniversary. Family wish them to be together for another 50 years. Anuj give them a gift and wish them happy golden jubilee wedding anniversary. He says they should make this couple play a game. They agree. He gives them ropes and asks them to make a knot with 1 hand to evaluate their compatibility. They succeed. Everyone clap for them. Samar call everyone for a group picture. 

Vanraj stand keeping his hand on Anu’s shoulder behind Baa and Bapuji. Kavya get jealous and pull her out. Vanraj get angry and ask why is she misbehaving? Kavya says Anu misbehaved with her during Toshu’s wedding when she slapped and kicked her out of the house, then Anu was a gharwali/insider and herself baharwali/outsider, now she is gharwali and Anu baharwali. Kinjal says it was a different situation that time. Vanraj says she should talk later. Kavya insists to talk right now. Anu says they should speak in a room instead of spoiling Baa and Bapuji’s wedding anniversary or else she will show her, her old avatar again. Kavya says this is her house and she will take her to a room and drags Anu along, remembering Anu doing same. Family feels embarrassed with Kavya’s misbehavior. Anuj says he knows he shouldn’t comment, but kavya’s misbehavior with Anu is wrong.

Kavya take Anu to her bedroom. Anu remember Vanraj’s betrayal. Kavya says she must be having problem in this room. Anu says she has problem by coming here without a reason. Kavya asks then why she barges into her house and life without a reason? 

Leela tells Hasmukh that situation was stabilizing with great difficulty, but Kavya started it again. 

Anu says she is here for Baa and Bapuji’s wedding anniversary. Kavya says why is she always here instead of working, she is a partner of a big company, even then she and her boyfriend are here all the time. Anu reply that they work and not act like her. Kavya shouts why she hijacked all her celebration ideas and took over every arrangements? Anu says that’s because Kavya couldn’t and is incapable, she doesn’t like seeing her and Vanraj’s faces, but come here for family’s sake. Kavya ask then she shouldn’t come. Anu says she will not if she takes cares of Baa, Bapuji, and children, but she is busy conning them. Kavya says its easy for her to say this as she had a house. 

Anu says she hadn’t grabbed a house by conning and betraying people like her. Kavya says she wanted security. Anu says she got security now, then why is she afraid of losing it; she is losing her family and even Vanraj with her heinous act. Kavya shout there is nothing like that. Anu says there is. Kavya shout you bloody embarrasser, just shut up. Anu pick her phone and checking it's meaning and says she could have directly say a fool in Hindi instead of using hifi English words; she ask if she is done with her argument and gives gyaan that to keep Mr Shah happy, she need to keep his family happy or else she will be left alone. Kavya shouts she doesn’t need a family. Anu says she need a family in happiness and sorrows and once she get old, she need a family; one need 4 people to bury them when they are dead; she should stop her heinous acts or else she will be left alone. 

Vanraj get a courier. 

Anu continues that she is still young and can buy 4 more houses with her hard work as nobody is benefitted after stealing someone’s stuff, she should change before it's too late and remember her words or else she will break down.

Anupama returns to family after her verbal debate with Kavya. Vanraj ask what happened? Anu says nothing and asks them all why they look so serious? She play Baa’s favorite song Saath Samandar Paar Mai Tere.. song and make all of them dance. Vanraj ask what did Kavya say? Anupama says its between she and Kavya. Kavya switch off music, irritating every one. She tells Baa and Bapuji that she wants to gift them something on their 50th wedding anniversary, she return property papers transferred back into Bapuji’s name, and says Anupama made her realize that family is everything, so she need family’s happiness and V’s love. She apologize to everyone and ask Vanraj if he is happy now. Vanraj smile. Anuj ask Anu if she is fine? She says yes. He says Kavya spent a few minutes with her changed completely for good. 

Anu says Kavya loves Mr Shah and hence changed. He says she changed her. She says she can understand Kavya’s feeling like any other woman and explains a woman’s fear in her in-law's house, etc. He says its good that this house’s problem is solved and she can concentrate on him, he means work and herself. She says she can visit her parents’ house freely now, she will even concentrate on their business. He pokes his finger in his eye by mistake. She scolds him and apply warm compressed from her sari. Leela calls Anu, and they disperse. Leela thank everyone for organizing their 50th wedding anniversary. Kavya taunt they got back their house as wedding gift, what else they need? Vanraj says she made his parents happy, so he wants to gift her something. She excitedly open the envelope and stands shocked. 

Vanraj gives her an evil smile and ask how is his return gift? She says divorce? He shouts yes divorce, he was waiting for his parents’ wedding and its time to rebreak his marriage. She shouts if he has gone mad? He says he was mad to marry her and thankfully he realized his mistake soon; she can keep their house, bank balance, cafeteria, and car and sign these divorce papers. She says he can not forcefully divorce her without any logic. He says where was her logic when she forcefully married him, marriage was her decision and divorce is his decision. She blame Anupama as usual and says she provoked V against her. She whisk Anu and shouts how dare she to provoke her husband? 

Anu says it's she and her husband’s issue and she shouldn’t involve her. Kavya continues whisking Anu. Anuj warns her not to dare touch Anu. Kavya shouts if he will hit her. Vanraj pull her away and warn her not to blame Anu as its his decision. Kavya says they both planned all this, they became BFF and provoked her to do all this and now came up with this divorce drama. 

Vanraj warn her to shut up. Anu confronts her to stop blaming her as she has fallen into her own dug pit. Kavya continues shouting. Anuj warn her not to dare touch Anu again. She asks what will he do. He warn that she didn’t see his anger yet, he will make sure that she suffer wherever she goes. She get silent. Vanraj says this is how she understand things. She shout she will not sign divorce papers and tears them. He grins, brings another copy, and says he has made multiple copies and she will be tired tearing them, so its better she sign them.

Precap: Kavya pleads Vanraj not to leave her. She says their story ended here and walks away. Dolly requests Anu to speak to bhai once. Kavya injures herself and threatens Vanraj to file a domestic violence case against him. Anu says Vanraj never abused her. Kavya says she will take Anu’s revenge then and make him suffer.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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