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Anupama walk senselessly on the road while Anuj search for her. She sit on a park chair and sees a boy disguised as Bal Krishna walking to her and ask why she is sad, he will solve everything. He hug her, and she cry vigorously remembering Vanraj and Baa’s bitter words. 

Bapuji establish an akhand jyot/lamp and pray ti Kanhaji crying. Family join him. 

Anuj relax finding Anu and thank Kanhaji. Boy tells Anu that Kanhaji can solve anything and blesses her. Anu laugh. 

Bapuji pray to Kanhaji that even Kanhaji must be crying like him; he says a father and Kanhaji both couldn’t stop Anu as they both know this place was not right for her and its better she stay away from here. 

Boy ask Anu not to cry again. Anu says no, as he said everything will be fine, and thank him. Boy’s mother takes him away. 

Bapuji pray to god that people who forced her to leave this house can never be happy and a day will come when they themselves will realize their mistake and try to bring her back home, till then akhand jyot will be on, and it's a father’s decision. Mamaji play shank.

Anu head to her mother’s house. Anuj follow Anu and think Samar informed him that he and Anu is going to his grandma’s house, its good for them. Samar walk to him and ask what is he doing here, mummy... Anuj says she is fine and went into her mother’s house. Samar request him to meet mummy as a person needs a friend’s support at this time. Anu walk into her mother’s house and hug her mother Kanta. Kanta says Samar informed everything to her, she is proud of Anu; Anu was Shah family’s daughter inlaw first and then became a daughter, they couldn’t respect either daughter inlaw or beti/daughter; most of the time a tradition becomes a habit more than tradition, so they see women tolerating injustice and stay in their in-laws’ house for years; she is proud that her daughter broke her habit for her dignity. Anu ask if she is not angry with her? Kanta says no, she says daughters are always wrongly blamed, they should be supported instead, giving examples. Anu thanks her Kanhaji for giving her a mother and brother like Kanta and Bhavesh, a family like Bapuji, Kinjal, Nandini, Samar, and a friend like Anuj. Samar return with Anuj.
At Shah house, Nandini serves snacks and medicine to Bapuji, but he deny. Vanraj ask Pakhi to feed him, Kavya says he is not even drinking water. Kavya ask him to relax as things will get normal soon, Anu wanted to leave the house after spending night with Anuj and feeling guilty and they gave her a chance, its all Anu’s plotting. Vanraj says whatever it is, he want her not to let family feel Anu’s absence. He removes Anu’s name plate and says there is no place for Anu in this house or his family and he doesn’t care whether she stays at her mother’s house, Anuj’s, or on the road; he will not allow her inside his house even if she beg him.

On the other side, Anuj ask Anu if she is fine? She says she is, though she is not completely fine. He apologize to her for the problem she faced because of him. She ask him not to as its not his fault, its the heinous thinking people whom she tolerated her whole life, but she will not. She says he need not worry as she has her mother, brother, son, and her friend who know that she is not wrong. She smile and continue that she wants to fly alone; her Samar is with her, but she can not stop his progress and he can visit her often; if she stays at her mother’s house, people will taunt her, so she will stay alone. Bhavesh ask if she will stay alone? Kanta says she will stay with herself and encourages her. Samar says he will be with his mother as her support. Anuj says his company provides accommodation to its employees. She says she will manage. He says she can seek his help if she need. She is determines to succeed high in life and munches laddu. Everyone smile seeing that.
During dinner, Kavya serves rotis to Bapuji and he ignores her. Vanraj says whatever had to happen has happened, Anu left them, they can not stop living without her, they should start upcoming diwali celebration. Kavya rudely shout Anu left with Anuj and left inauspiciousness for them. Bapuji angrily stands up and leaves followed Pakhi, Nandini, and Mamaji. Toshu asks Kavya why did she comment when everyone’s mood is off, they all left without having dinner, she should give them 3-4 days to adjust and normalize. Leela says Bapuji will not normalize, Anu took away this house’s peace and Bapuji from her. 

On the other side, Anu blabbers worried for Bapuji and family. Kanta walk to her and says Bhavesh, Samar, and Nihar are sleeping on the terrace. Anu pampers her mother and says she is sleeping with her 26 years after her mehandi and according to Samar and Sweety, she is having sleep over after 26 years. Kanta ask what is that? She says sleeping in friend’s house and says she is feeling as if she is in her own house after 26 years. Kanta says she is right. Anu says her mind is still stuck there. Kanta says she will be fine soon and to cheer her up reminds Bhavesh’s favorte song Jumma Chumma Dede song. Anu laughs.

The next morning, Anu sleeps till late morning. Baa try to wake her up. Samar says one who used to wake up sun herself is sleeping and reminds its Dantheras today and she needs to start afresh from today. Anu hurriedly gets ready and pray to Kanhaji that she was with family even after divorce and for the first time, she is away from them; she got more love than hatred in that house, so her family will be her dear ones forever; Kanhaji should take care of her family and her; she want to find a new house and celebrate Diwali in her new house. 

At Shah house, Bapuji prepares tea for himself. Baa notice him and request to let her prepare tea for him and then starts badmouthing about Anu that she took him away from her; she considered her as her daughter and went against her son, but she left with Anuj, etc. Bapuji says it would have been good if she had gotten Anuj long ago and walk away from there. Kavya enters and tells Baa that she has thought of something.

Anu get ready for work and hope her family is alright. Samar gives her office bag to her, and Kanta gives her tiffin for her, Anuj, and GK. He ask when to visit real estate broker? She says before or after office. He asks if he should before office? She agrees. Kanta ass her not to go in front of Shah house. Anu says she left house and not family and hope to see Bapuji or Sweety. Kanta warns her to stay away from that house and conduct her dance classes from house and not karkhana. Anu acts like a child, and Kanta walk away fuming. 

At Shah house, Kavya provokes Baa that they should protect their house from Anu and Anuj as Anuj is very powerful and may get them entangled in a legal issues. Baa shouts if this house is Anuj’s father’s. Kavya says his girlfriend’s and they should get Anu’s name out of this house’s legal documents. She frightens her that Anu has Anuj’s power and she should react before Anu sends her on road.

Anu and Samar dances on Humto Hain Jaise Hain Waise Rahenge.. song to cheering up an angry Kanta. She then visits a rented house with a broker who says she needs to pay 12000 rs rent and 50000 rs deposit. She agree and ask landlady if she can pay deposit next month? Lady asks who will stay with her? She says her son will visit often and she will stay alone as she is a divorcee. Lady scolds broker that she will not give her house to a single woman as she doesn’t want any complications. Anu stops her and says everyone are not same just like 5 fingers are not same, she judged her character without even knowing her and gave verdict easily, she should think living alone is someone’s helplessness, an owner can give notice and kick out a tentant if he/she does any mistake, but doesn’t have any right to comment on someone’s character without knowing them. Lady says a lonely woman visits house late night and wears whatever she wants to. Anu asks should a nurse and call center employee leave her job if she works till late night or an air hostess who has to wear skirt due to her job. Lady says she doesn’t know all that and just knows that a lonely person does something wrong. Anu asks where did she get this knowledge from, why she thinks single people are bad? Lady says they are. Anu asks if she was bad before marriage, she should change her thinking first.

Anuj gets worried for Anu thinking she didn’t attend office yet, but find her stamping papers angrily in her cabin. He ask why she is venting out her anger on papers, if something happened? She says nothing and ask how was his meeting? He says secretary noted down minutes of meeting in a single paper and ask her to forward her single folder PPT. She ask if he had to stress on the word single. He ask if she has a problem with word single? She says people have problem with her being single; she saw 7 houses and selected 3, but couldn’t finalize even 1 as she is single; they didn’t see her age, she has grown up children and DILs, her nature, etc. He ask her to relax as he will accompany her tomorrow and both singles will teach landlord a lesson. She smiles. He thinks she should keep smiling like this as he can not see her sad.

Precap: Anu touches Baa’s feet on street. Baa warns her to stay away and says she is neither her bahu or beti and she is not related to her. Kavya asks her to sign property papers. Anuj gifts Anupama her named key chain and writes her name on wall. Baa gets jealous seeing Bapuji getting a gift for Anu’s new house and says she will break Anu’s all relationships before she breaks her house. Dolly enters and questions that son’s affair is accepted, but daughter’s friendship is considered wrong; she feels ashamed to call Baa as her mother. Vanraj shouts and demands to repay the expenses they incurred on her since 40 years or else sign property documents and forgo her right on their house.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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