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Vanraj tongue lash Kavya that a person marries for a trustful relationship where there is no betrayal, but Kavya betrayed and conned him; maybe this is god’s justice when they cheat their partner. He continues that he is tired of her insecurities, she crossed her limits in security; he doesn’t remember when they sat together and had tea. Kavya says he did same with Anu for 26 years. He shout he married Anu and loved Kavya and even a minute issue hurt in love; people considered their love as wrong even now as its an extramarital affair for them, but for him it was true love; he made mistakes as he couldn’t tolerate Anu’s success and fought with Anu; he never said truth to Anu and never lied to Kavya, but Kavya betrayed him and his family. She says she returned their house. 

He says she betrayed them and its scar can not be healed for life; he is unable to adjust with her as her betrayal snatched his love for her; his and Anupama’s relationship had respect, but their relationship doesn’t have any respect left and hence it should end. He hands over divorcer papers to her again. She throws them and shouts she is not Anupama to give up so easily, he made her a villain and now she will not divorce him at any cost. He says she has to and walk away. She shouts she will not and keep blaming Anupama as usual warn her that she will counter attack her and show what her what she is. Vanraj walks to his room and thinks if Kavya is stubborn, he knows how to break her stubbornness; he will end this marriage at any cost and will concentrate on his job.

Anuj excuses himself from Shah family and tells Anu that he is there for her if she needs any help. Anu ask him to go home straight with GK kaka. They walk away. Anu sends children to their room. Leela tells Hasmukh this was the only thing left. Hasmukh says it was happening with Anu before and now with Kavya. Leela says its good Vanraj realized his mistake and leaving Kavya for her mistakes. Anu says even Leela’s mistake was unforgivable, but Hasmukh forgave her; Kavya loves Vanraj and realized her mistake. She continues her moral gyaan. 

Kavya panic and think she can not lose V. Vanraj walk to her.

GK tells Anuj that there are problems in every house, but there are more than required in Shah's house. Anuj says Anu’s life is in that house and he hopes he bears all her problems and she gets some peace. GK says he is Anu’s peace, so he should comfort her and leave the rest to Kanhaji. 
Dolly requests Anu to speak to Vanraj once and try to change his decision. Anu says she doesn’t want to interfere between their lives and doesn’t want to know what they do. Dolly says it affects even her; she felt bad for Kavya; their divorce will affect Pakhi and Samar’s lives, there would be fight for alimony and it will affect their family both finacially, socially, and emotionally. She requests Anu again to speak to Vanraj once.

Kavya plead with Vanraj not to leave her or else she will be heartbroken and die. Vanraj says nobody die with heartbreak as he suffered it once because of her. She says she will do whatever he want. He ask her to sign the divorce papers then. She says if a woman is divorced twice, her life will be hell. He says he doesn’t care. She continues pleading and showing him their picture and hug him tightly and says she can not live without him. He push her away and tears all pics and says their story ends here. Anu walks to them, but he walks away from there.
Vanraj tells Anu that he will not change his decision. He ask why she is bothered, she should live her life and let him live his life. Anu says this may happen in foreign countries where a boy and girl decide to marry without family’s consent and even divorce without family’s consent, but in India, even neighbor’s relatives attend wedding; his one decision will affect his whole family, especially his children; even she decided to divorce when there was no other option left, he should evaluate all the options and then decide. He says there is no love left between him and Kavya until she betrayed him and snatched his house. Anu says Kavya returned it back. Their discussion continues when they hear Kavya panicking and rush to her room. Kavya throws stuff in her room and shouts at them to get out. Anu hug and console her. Vanraj get angry and asks her to stop her mahanta/greatness. Anu says she is showing her humanity and is not bothered how people judge her or call her mahan.

Anuj gets concerned for Anupama and calls her. GK ask whom he is calling? Anuj says Anu is alone with Vanraj and Kavya and hopes everything is fine. 

Back at Shah house, Vanraj ask Anu if her drama is over or she wants to continue? Anu confronts him. He says he has suffered a lot because of this woman, lost his job, lost his family’s peace, and almost what he got. She says he is the one who married Kavya and should handle her. He ask why is she interfering in their life? She says she doesn’t want to and is just worried for her children as Pakhi is already in shock and can not see her father’s divorce again. He ask what she want? She says she doesn’t want her children to feel insecure with her as they can’t see their father’s divorce again. He says even she vented out her anger on Kavya once and slapped her. She says she did and is facing the consequences, he should give some time with a calm mind and even after that he feels he wants divorce, he should discuss it with his family and then make a decision. Kavya thank Anu for supporting her and says she controlled her anger, now it's V’s turn. 

Anu says if they don’t understand, she is out of it. Kavya stop her and threatens Vanraj that if he forces her for divorce, even she will not keep quiet. He shout what will she do? She hits her head to a wall and threatens to file a domestic violence case against him. Anu says she is worsening the situation more and can not do all this. Kavya says if she had taught Vanraj a lesson, he wouldn’t have gone to this extent. Anu ask them stop fighting till she calls Baa and Bapuji. Kavya says its of no use now. Vanraj himself calls police and says he would rather go to jail than bear this woman and warn Anu again not to interfere between them. Anu suggest to Kavya that fire can not be set off with fire, she explained the best way she could, now its up to them.

Anu leaves Shah house and sees Anuj standing outside having tea at a roadside tea stall. Anuj says he had gone to her house and even called her up, but since she didn’t pick call, he got concerned and came here. She sip his tea and says she is not fine. He says she can share her problem with him. She says Mr Shah is adamant to get divorce. He says people consider her as an idiot who is over concerned for others, but he is proud of her. She says she can not have food when someone is hungry and in trouble; she had her family’s support when she got divorced, but Kavya is alone. He hope Mr Shah’s decision changes. She says he will not, remembering his adamancy. He says if she is worried about Mr Shah’s next step? She says Kavya once tried to commit suicide when Mr Shah denied to marry her, she is worried if she takes similar step again and her one wrong step will harm her whole family.

Precap: Anuj informs Anu that they are going for their next project’s site visit and hence he will come and pick her up tomorrow morning. Anuj meets with a car accident on the way to her home. Goons attack Anuj and Anupama. Anuj pleads them to take everything but not touch Anu. Goon try to snatch her jewelry. Anuj angrily trashes goon for touching her. Another goon hits him from behind and he falls unconscious. Anu rushes him to hospital where doctor says he can go into coma if he doesn’t regain his consciousness by morning.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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