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Anupama laughs on Anuj’s jokes and gets back to work. Hasti Rahe Tu Hasti Rahe.. song plays in the background. He perform her nazar from behind. 

In the market, Vimla and Kamla taunt Baa that they heard Anu left home, ask if she is staying with her mother or Anuj, it's her mistake that she considered Anu as beti/daughter instead of bahu/daughter-in-law/bahu, etc. Anu passes by looking at Shah house. She sees Baa and touch her feet seeking her blessings. Baa back off and tells Vimla and Kamla that she herself kicked Anu out of the house as she crossed all limits, its her mistake that she considered bahu as beti, but now realized that bahu can never be beti; she can not stop her from passing on the road, but will never let her inside her house as she is neither her beti nor bahu now, etc. Anu ask if she is done, can she leave. Kavya stop her and ask her to sign documents either here or at home. Baa says she will not let her inside her house. Anu ask what are these documents? Kavya says its property transfer papers from her to Baa’s name. Baa order her to sign papers as she never had anything personal and was gifted by either them or Anuj. Anu remembers Bapuji giving her property share papers and signs them saying this house was Baa’s always, she will leave her property share but not her relationships, Baa can stop her entry inside the house but not stop her relationships. 

Anu then reach dance academy where Samar and Nandini notice her sad and ask if something happened? She smiles and says she is feeling light again like she felt after divorce. She ask to play song to choreograph a wedding sangeet sequence.

Kavya inform Vanraj that she got Anu’s signatures on documents. Vanraj says Bapuji is already angry with him and will get more angrier. Kavya says this happens among family members, Bapuji will calm down soon. She says she will snatch karkhana next from Anu. Vanraj ask not to do that so early. She says she became bahu literally now and wants to erase Anu from their lives completely. 

Anu dance happily on Aaja re mahi.. song. Anuj enters in lieu of returning her mobile and informing her about getting real estate agent’s call insist to accompany her to check the houses. She agrees and asks Samar to accompany her. He says he has some work. Kavya hearing their conversation tells Vanraj that Anu has Anuj’s support, so they should take back karkhana from her. Vanraj agree.

Anuj travels in an auto with Anu. Anu says he must be thinking why didn’t they travel in his car; he look so handsome and rich and gain everyone’s attention, giving temple incident’s example, and owner will increase house rent seeing him with her. He remove his tie and blazer and ask if he is looking like a common man now? She says he always look special. They check a house which Anu like and hope owner agree to rent it to her as she is single.

At home, Baa buys a steel utensil and ask vendor to write her and Bapuji’s name on it. Bapuji holding documents asks to write only Leela. Baa notice him holding documents, pays vendor, and sends him away. Bapuji ask why did she snatch Anu’s right without his permission, she was mannerless before and now crossed all her limits. She says she did what she felt was right. He says then he will do whatever he feel is right and try to tear papers when Vanraj enters and stops him. He asks that means they are all together in this? Vanraj says Anu’s act forced him to support Baa. Baa says Anu herself left their house. Bapuji says she forced a Laxmi to leave their house on Dantheras. Baa says Anu is not a Laxmi. Bapuji warn her not to stoop so low that she has to repent later and unable to face herself.
Owner enter with real estate agent ask if she will get 50000 rs advance. He says yes. Anu says she wants to clear that she is single and Anuj is her friend who will visit her often, she has a son who will also visit her often and ask if she is okay with this condition? Owner agrees and says she is also single and facing all the issues she decided that any single girl will not go through what she went through. Anu says she is really woman empowerment. Anuj says she need not worry as Anu will convert her house into temple. Owner agrees and says its Anu’s house from today. Anu happily thank her for giving her a house at Dantheras.

Anupama rejoices after she gets a rented house. Anuj gift Anupama inscribed keychain and says GK taught him to gift gold or silver on Dantheras, he brought her keychain and fixes house keys in it. 

Baa argues with Bapuji that Anu can not look into her own yes for her act, she left this house and they didn’t force her to leave, she passes by freely on streets and if she insults her again, she will slap her. Vanraj ask her to calm down and asks Bapuiji to think practically. Kavya says Anu has a crorepati boyfriend but they don’t. Vanraj says Kavya is jobless and his business is not stable, so they need this house at least. Kavya starts her emotional blackmail and requests to consider her as her bahu and Lakshmi of this house and let her take care of the family and house. Baa says however Kavya is, she is their daughter inlaw; she didn’t accept Kavya till now because of Anu and now she has to. Kavya says she will never leave this house and its people and plead with Bapuji to give her rights like he did to Anu, says Anu is lucky to get everything without asking, but she is unlucky not to get anything even after asking, etc.
Anu thank Anuj for gifting her a keychain. He suggest to her to celebrate her Dantheras in her house now. She says this is her first festival without her family, but she is happy. She looks at her house happily. Anuj writes her name on door and recites a shayari in his mind seeing her smiling. They walk on street next. Anu asks if he is thinking something. He says every year he gifts his employees sonpapdi. She says he must be getting sonpapdi in return and jokes. He says he wants to gift something different this time and seeks her idea. She says they can give sweets order to the ladies whom they have employed and let them earn some money this diwali. He likes her idea. She then sees a lady heavily bargaining for lamps at a pottery stall and requests her not to bargain with poor. Lady says her husband doesn’t earn money to burn it. Anu asks when she doesn’t bargain 800 rs pizza, 300 rs coffee, 2000 bag, 1000 rs sandals, why is she bargaining for 10 rs lamp. Lady says bargaining is her right. Anu buys lamp set from potter lady who blesses her. She says she bought blessings in exchange of bargain and continues her speech on not bargaining with poor and helping them celebrate their festival. Anuj think people ask him why he loves her since 26 years and even he buys lamps for his house and office.

Baa continues venting out her anger on Anu and says nobody should take Anu’s name in this house from hereon. Bapuji says Anu’s name will be taken always, Baa herself will take Anu’s name and cry for her, and that day will come soon. Kavya thinks she is taking over Anu and will rule in this house from this dantheras.

Anu and Anuj return to Kanta’s house with grocery. Devika comes to meet her and saying leaving Shah house was her life’s best decision and cry hugging her. Anu ask why she is crying? Devika says its difficult to leave her family, but she did it and took the right decision; she is self-dependent and doesn’t need anyone’s support, etc. Anu says she needs a friend like her always though.

Mamaji gets confused with Bapuji’s medicines and feels helpless. Bapuji says its good that Mamaji can forget things, he knows what medicines to take and will not trouble Anu by falling ill. Baa notices that from a distance and seeing Kavya roaming freely asks her to take care of her and Bapuji’s needs like Anupama did. Kavya says Bapuji is angry with her. Baa says she can calm him down like a daughter and asks her to try. Kavya agrees. 

Devika tells Anu that she knows she cannot leave her family easily and they are her strength, but she should continue moving ahead not just for herself but for Anuj and her also. Anu promises not to break her and Anuj’s trust in life and hug her again. Anuj cheers them up and clicks their picture.

Precap: Baa curses that even if Anu lights up 1000 lamps, her diwali will be black. Anu celebrates diwali with dear ones. Dolly confronts Baa for forcing Anu to sign property documents in the middle of road, she is ashamed to call her as mother. Vanraj shouts at her and orders to sign property documents. Vanraj shouts at Dolly that Anu is most important to her and they are evil for her, so she should get out of their house right now. Anuj gifts a fairytale snow globe to Anu. Dolly replies Vanraj that one who troubles others can never be happy. Anu enjoys diwali with her supporters.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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