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Anupama collapse in hospital waiting in front Anuj’s ICU room. Vanraj hold her. 

Samar gets inspector’s call informing him that they caught goons who snatched Anu and Anuj’s belongings and injured them. Samar panic and ask where are they now? Inspector says he doesn’t know. Bapuji hear his conversation followed by GK. They both say nothing will happen to them as they both are with each other. 

Anu break down explaining what happened and says Anuj can not see her in pain, he waited for her for 26 years, but now he is part of her life; what if something happens to him, he expressed his love for her in front of everyone, but she couldn’t. He console her and says nothing will happen to Anuj, he think her words reveal that Anuj is more than a friend for her now. He says only good will happen to Anuj. Anu watch Anuj from glass door. Vanraj first-aids her forehead injury and ask if its paining? She says a lot like she is losing her life. 

Samar requests inspector to find his mummy and Anuj as they are not reachable, hope they are fine. Toshu sees him crying and asks what happened? Samar says Anuj and Anu are missing, they had gone for sight seeing outside Ahmedabad and were attacked by goons. Toshu ask how does he know? Samar says inspector informed him. Toshu ask why didn’t he inform him before? Samar says he doesn’t like mummy. Toshu says he has differences with mummy, but he is her son.

Doctor inform Vanraj and Anu that patient’s condition is very critical and he may need surgery, so they should finish all the formalities beforehand and sign consent form. Anu ask what kind of papers are they? Vanraj says consent form and remind her that she signed one during Bapuji’s surgery. Anu vent out her frustration at hospital and says they should take Anuj to some other hospital. Vanraj control her and says she should sign the papers as he can not and can not call GK here; there may not be a necessity of surgery if god wills, but as a precaution she should sign the form. She sign consent form looking at Anuj. Kal Ho Na Ho.. song plays in the background.
Vanraj calls Samar and informs him that they are in City Hospital, Anu is fine, but Anuj’s condition is critical. Leela feels guilty for cursing Anuj and prays for his life. Kinjal comforts her and says brain surgeries are risky, she need not worry as Vanraj is with Anu. Kavya hears that and panics thinking if something happens to Anuj, Vanraj will bring Anu back here. She remember Vanraj demanding divorce from her and think why did he go there acting good, if he is planning a game? 

Samar, Bapuji, GK, and Toshu rush to hospital. GK cry seeing Anuj’s condition and pray to god not to show this kind of situation to any parents. 

Leela tells Kinjal that this 5 fingers unite when in trouble, Toshu is stubborn like her, but loves his mother. Kinjal says Anuj needs their prayers. 

Hasmukh console GK. Vanraj seeing Samar crying consoles him that his friend will be fine soon. Samar says Anuj saved his and mummy’s life and now himself is struggling for his life. Toshu consoles Anu.

Nurse inform Anupama and others that visiting hours are over. Anupama says she will stay with Anuj and there should be someone to take care of him. Nurse says 2 persons can stay back. GK also insists to stay back with his son. Vanraj says he will stay back as there will be a lot of running around for medicines and reports. Hasmukh insists GK and takes him home. He feel proud of Vanraj and says he sees his son again who is his pride after a long time. 
At home, Kavya get angry when Vanraj doesn’t pick her call. She burn in jealousy seeing Baa praying for Anuj and confronts her that she, Vanraj, and Toshu were hating Anuj, then how did her behavior changed suddenly towards him and she is praying for his health? Baa ask why not as he is in the hospital and warn her not to disturb her. Kavya says she need her husband back, she says Bapuji is simple like a sugarcane and Baa is very complicated like jalebi, Vanraj has gone on Baa and wouldn’t do anything without his benefit, she is sure he is up to something and will never change suddenly and acting so kind hearted. Nandini with Kinjal and Pakhi walk down and warns her to keep her lame ideologies to herself. Pakhi says her papa is not like that. Kavya continues that Vanraj is selfish and his ego is bigger than his height, he definitely has gone there for his benefit. Kinjal says papa loves his family. Nandini warn her to stop trying to infuse her dirt in them. Kavya says V want either professional favor from Anuj or wants Anu back in his life, that is why he wants to divorce her. Kinjal warn her to stop thinking nonsense and return to her room and let Baa pray.

Anuj’s condition deteriorates in ICU room. Anu panics seeing that. Doctor check Anuj. 

Bapuji, GK, Toshu, and Samar return home. Kinjal ask how is Anuj? Toshu says he is still in critical condition. Leela signals GK to relax. Kavya asks Toshu about Vanraj who says papa stayed at the hospital overnight. Kavya says GK or someone else should have stayed there. Toshu says not now and walk away. Kavya think why is Vanraj so much worried about Anuj? Samar remembers Anuj saving him. Toshu feel guilty for his misbehavior with Anuj. Pakhi brings coffee for them and asks what if something happens to uncle Anuj? Samar says nothing will happen to him as he means a lot to mummy and them. Pakhi says mummy got a best friend for the first time in life and Anuj means a lot to her. Samar says Anuj supported their whole family and means a lot to them also. Pakhi says she feels their family problems are more than the whole world’s problems, they realize the value of the person after losing them, she took mummy for granted earlier and now Toshu is doing same with Kinjal, he brought bhabhi home and she loves their family as hers and even fights with her mother for them, so he should reconcile before it's too late.

Doctors give defibrillator shocks to Anuj and his body stops reacting. 

GK wakes up calling Anuj seeing nightmare. Bapuji comforts him and says bad dream during bad time is a good sign. GK insist to visit Anuj at that time. Hasmukh says they will go in the morning and scold him to stop behaving like a child, he says Anu said elders act like kids in tension. 

Back at the hospital, doctor says Anuj’s condition is stable now and he may not need surgery. Anu cry remembering Anuj fighting with goons and thinks he is a big businessman and didn’t care about his own life, she can not let him go. Vanraj think Anu is perfect in everything, she is supporting his family even after divorce, now there is someone else in her life and what if she accepts him?

Precap: Anu imagines Anuj singing Main Yahaan hoon yahan.. song around her. Vanraj insists Anu to accept that she loves Anuj and says she is free from today. Bapuji suggests Anu to shift to Anuj’s house to take care of him. Anuj informs GK that Malvika had called, she is his biggest responsibility.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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