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Vanraj silently watch Anupama panicking seeing Anuj’s critical condition and plead to him to get up. 

At home, Toshu ask Kinjal to go and sleep as it's 3 a.m. and says she has a lot of work in the morning. Kinjal cry hugging him. Samar notices them and feels good seeing their differences clearing. 

Anu continue crying and try to hold Anuj’s hand but then stops. Varaj walk to her and says doctor said Anuj is stable and will be fine by morning. Anu ask if he is a doctor, they can’t say anything until Anuj regain conscious, why don’t he wake up? Vanraj offers her water. She finishes it, apologizes for being rude to him in tension, and says he is right that Anuj will be fine soon. Vanraj says by Kanhaji’s grace and Anu’s prayers, Anuj is out of danger, so he want to tell her something; he says he, Baa, and Kavya spoke bitter against her, but the truth is she runs Shah family even after staying away from them; they all taught they are habituated to her help and will be fine soon, but they realized she is their necessity who takes care of all their needs but can not for long; she can not do all their minor household chores for long, even Anuj being a big business tycoon got involved in their family issues and they both suffered a lot, so at least now they both should move on together. 

Anu is shocked to hear that. He says she should think of herself and Anuj and move on as life is giving her a second chance and she shouldn’t lose it. He accept that he was never compatible for her and only Anuj is, he is not a great person like her to praise someone, but accept that Anuj is better than him; he loves his family, but not limitlessly like Anuj love Anu; Anuj’s truly loves her and she also should accept her love for him. Anu says its not true. Vanraj says he is a stubborn person and will always be and he think of only his benefits, but he is saying whatever he saw at the corridor, her immense concern for Anuj proves that she loves Anuj; she should forget him, Kavya, and the whole world and accept it; he is egoistic and before his true self comes out, she should accept his observation that Anuj is the right person for her. 

He hold her hand and keeps it on Anuj’s hand. He says family was always with her, but he wasn’t supporting her and was unable to let her go, but today he is letting her go. He try to leave. She holds his hand. He kisses her forehead and walk away freeing his hand with a teary eyed ( I KNOW IT HURT VANRAJ TO LAT ANUPAMA GO). O maaji re nadiya kinara.. song plays in the background. He then thinks now he and Anu can move on in their life after this closure. Anu remembers Vanraj’s words and Bapuji’s suggestion and think she should move on as per their advice, but how can Mr Shah say this? She walk out of ICU room and imagines Anuj singing and dancing around her Janam Dekhlo Mitgayi Duriyan.. song in SRK style. Anu remember their happy moments, his acceptance, etc. She then look glass door and seeing Anuj on bed realize it was her imagination. She walk in holding Anuj’s hand says she is ready to move on and give a chance to their relationship and herself. Vanraj hear that. 

The next morning, Anuj wake up calling Anu and sees her sleeping nearby. Anu get happy seeing him conscious. He ask if she is fine. She says she is fine because of him and his condition is because of her. He says he is fine. She ask him to rest and calls Vanraj and doctor. Vanraj rush in and smiles seeing Anuj awake. Doctor checks Anuj and says he is completely alright now, but they need to keep him under observation for some more time.

Leela continues praying for Anuj the whole night. GK greets her and eagerly tells Hasmukh they should go to hospital now. Hasmukh ask him to have tea first as Vanraj called and informed that Anuj is fine now. Anu video calls Bapuji. The whole family joins. Anu shows conscious Anuj. Vanraj says Anuj’s condition is stable now and disconnects call. GK thanks Leela for praying for Anuj the whole night. Leela says Anuj is even her child. GK thank the whole family for their support. Hasmukh says he will have lots of sweets today and tells Leela that their son handled both Anu and Anuj wholeheartedly and he is proud of their son. Leela says she is also happy that he said their son and not only hers. 

Back at the hospital, Vanraj chat with Anuj and walksaway asking Anu to express her love for Anuj and not wait for the right time as this is the right time and walk away. Anu informs Anuj that police caught the goons and Samar got their mobiles back. Anuj says he must be looking funny with unbraided hair. She corrects his hair and remembers him proposing and supporting her. He ask if she wants to say something, she can open up to him.
Vanraj return home. Bapuji asks how is Anuj now? Vanraj says Anuj is fine now, he has a meeting at 9 a.m. and hence returned to get ready, GK can visit Anuj. Bapuji says he will inform him. Kinjal goes to prepare tea for Vanraj. Bapuji sense Vanraj’s dilemma and ask if he wants to say something? Vanraj explains what he said to Anu and says he told her that there is nothing wrong in moving on and if that path takes her to Anuj, he doesn’t know how family will feel but expressed his thought without any hesitation. Bapuji emotionally hug and thank him and says its better for both him and Anu.  Vanraj get Malvika’s call. Leela overhears their conversation and asks Hasmukh what where they discussing about Anu and Anuj? Bapuji thinks Baa doesn’t like Anu and Anuj’s relationship, so he shouldn’t tell her anything. He says Vanraj said Anuj is fine and walks away. 

Back at the hospital, Anuj seeing Anu’s care and ask if he is dying? She warn him not to dare say that again. He says he saw it in films where doctor tells patient that he has only 2-3 months left. She scold him that this is not a film and nothing will happen to him. She is about to express her feelings for him then sees him getting Malvika’s call and stops. He ignores Malika’s call and ask Anu what was she saying? Anuj asks Anu what she wanted to tell him? She nervously try to speak when doctor walk in and inform Anuj that all his reports are normal, he was worried seeing his condition, but his family’s prayers and especially his wife/Anu’s love brought him back to life. 

Anuj says Anu is not his wife. Doctor apologizes and says he saw only loved ones in hospital like this and goes to finish discharge formalities. Anuj ask Anu again to tell what she wanted to say. She scold him that it won’t be good if he does herogiri again and get into trouble. He pinky promise and asks if she only wanted to scold him or there is something else? She says what else and walk out feeling shy. Anuj then think why is Malvika calling him repeatedly, she called on Baa and Bapuji’s anniversary and even today. WHO IS MALVIKA TO ANUJ?

Vanraj speak to Malvika over the phone. Kavya hear him and ask who is she? He says she is his girlfriend. She angrily pick vase to break. He warn her that Baa will scold her if she breaks vase. She keeps vase back and ask why did he say that? He says what can he do if suspicion is her fulltime hobby? She ask what should she do when her husband doesn’t spend time with her and was busy with his ex-wife the whole night? He says she need not feel insecure with Anupama as he himself has asked her to move on with Anuj and even he has moved on. 
Samar takes bike keys from Toshu. Toshu asks if he is going to hospital. Samar says Anuj got discharge, so he is going to drop GK home. Kinjal serve breakfast to Toshu, she says Anuj and mummy need home-cooked food, so she will pack their food. Samar agree. She remembers Toshu’s misbehavior and tells him that there are problems in life and when something happens to dear ones like Anuj, they realize all their mistakes. He says they expect guarantees in life, but there is no guarantee of life at all. She says they both fight often a lot. He holds her hands and says they should give themselves a chance. Baa notices them and thanks god.

Vanraj drop Anuj home. Anuj thank him and says they couldn’t become friends, but he helped him more than a friend yesterday. Vanraj says he is Anuapama’s special friend, Anu was worried for him the whole night as he is very special to her. Anu shy hearing that. They reach home. GK get happy and emotional seeing Anuj. Vanraj says Anuj is so handsome that many girls put nazar/bad eye on him. Anu says she didn’t. GK ask Anu to perform Anuj’s aarti, and she does. Vanraj leave. Hasmukh tells Anuj that he shouldn’t even get up from bed till he is completely well. GK says he is there to take care of him. Hasmukh taunts him that he is too old for that and ask Anu to stay back with Anuj to take care of him as he can not take Anuj home due to Kavya and Vanraj’s tussle. GK hesitates. Anuj says he will hire a nurse from hospital. Toshu ask what if he stays with mummy and asks her to accompany him to take food for Anuj and clothes for herself and then return here. Anu agrees and accompany him.

Anuj informs GK that Malvika had called. GK says why is she calling now? Anuj says she never listened to him or picked his calls, always herself calls whenever she needs and he has lost communication with her since 10 years. GK says she is like that. Anuj says Malvika knows about Anupama, but may feel awkward if she comes here and sees Anu. GK says he should inform everything to her. Anuj says Malvika is his biggest responsibility, bigger than love. 

Back at Shah house, Leela ask Hasmukh if Anu will stay at Anuj’s house? Hasmukh says he asked her and even Toshu offered to stay there over night, Anuj did a lot for them and its their turn. He ask when Vanraj doesn’t have any problem, why is she bothered? She nod no. 

Anu pack her clothes remembering Hasmukh and Vanraj’s words to accept Anuj and Toshu, Samar, Kinjal, Baa also accepting Anuj.

Precap: Anu thinks of informing Anuj that she accepted him in her heart, reaches his house and stops seeing a torn photo on floor. Anuj dances on his bed excitedly on Bin Tere Sanam Marmitenge Hum song. Anu tells Bapuji that she is ready to move on with Anuj, but fears that she may become old Anupama who needs support. She shatters hearing Anuj expressing his love for Malvika.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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