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AJ says Angad shouldn’t have done this. Guddan says where are you going? AJ says to talk to him. Guddan says I can’t trust this. We saw this that doesn’t mean.. AJ says he isn’t mentally unstable, we have to speak to him. Guddan says please try to understand. We can’t blame him. He would be heartbroken. We can’t take this step. AJ says I know I have to speak to him don’t defend him. All I know are facts. Guddan says give me time till tomorrow morning. He says okay.

Guddan is folding clothes. Guddan says should I speak to Angad? Angad says Guddan come with me. He takes her upstairs. The room is all decorated. Guddan says what is all this? He ask will AJ like it? I have decorated it for you two. Guddan says what is this on your forehead? He says I slipped. AJ come in. Angad says bhai do you like it? I wanted you two to come back to your room happily. Guddan says thank you Angad, this is beautiful. He leaves. AJ says you said you will speak to him tomorrow. Guddan says why can’t you see truth in his eyes. AJ says you are wrong this time. your trust on him will break soon.

Angad sees a cake in his room. He says Revati is that you. She come and says you recognized my cake? He hug her and says yes. She says I have to go. He says so early? She says you lied to me that you are fine. They cut the cake and make each other eat. Perv says come close. He takes their photos. Angad says what are you doing here? He says what you are doing here? Do you have any shame Revati? You keep changing guys. Angad hit him and says how dare you? Revati slap him and says you are so disgusting. We love each other, we don’t have anything to hide. Angad hit Perv. Angad put gun on Perv. Perv says what are you doing? Angad says I love Revati. If you say a word against her.. AJ come and says what is happening here? Revati says I am sorry I didn’t want everyone to know this way but we love each other. Durga says wow.. So we should name this house Gupta house? Perv show them video. He says this isn’t true love. AJ slap him and says you can’t insult a woman like that in this house. Durga says few days ago Angad loved Guddan and now Revati. Dadi says there is nothing wrong. Durga says Revati can’t be part of this house. Guddan says don’t doubt Angad. He call me sister inlaw and respects me. Angad has changed and I trust him. AJ goes upstairs. Saru says this would be your plan. Dadi says this is my house and if they love each other I have no problem in getting them married. Revati says I am sorry didi. Guddan hug her and says I am very happy.
Kaushaliya and Bhushan come to AJ’s house. Angad comes in. Bhushan says if kids love each other then why would we have problem with it? Kaushaliya says you are right. Angad is such a nice guy and Reavati is very lucky. Now both sisters will live together happily. Dadi says we are very happy too. Your one daughter made this house so happy I am sure both of them will make this house heaven. Saru says to Durga we will be kicked out. Durga says wait AJ isn’t here yet. Dadi says Saru give sweets to everyone. AJ comes and says stop. Dadi says let them have sweets. AJ says why? If I dont’ accept this marriage then why? Durga says see Saru I told you. Saru says Durga do something. First Guddan and now Revati is coming to this house too? Durga says AJ didn’t say anything. Flashback shows Guddan is happy. AJ slapped Perv because of Revati’s dignity. Durga said no, AJ didn’t agree with Guddan for the first time. His silence means a storm is coming. Durga says see I told you. Dadi says what are you saying? AJ says I am not happy with this marriage and Angad can not live in this house anymore. These people are here to take Angad where he should be. People from mental asylum come in. AJ says to Bhushan please trust me. I am doing this for Revati. This marriage can’t happen. A criminal minded and liar like Angad shouldn’t be married to a nice girl like Revati. Guddan says what are you saying? Angad isn’t like that. AJ says stop taking his side. He hates all of us. He tried to trap you and burn Durga. I have proof, npw he stooped so low. Guddan says what are you doing? AJ shows the veil to Guddan and says this is the proof you wanted to hide? We all have the culprit in front of us. Angad says bhai what are you saying? You think I lied? AJ says you wanted to marry Guddan few days ago, I forgave you but you can never change. I am ashamed to call you my brother. Angad says if you don’t trust me then I dont’ want to say anything, I will go with them. Dadi says stop it AJ. He is your brother. AJ says leave this house forever, never show me your face again. Guddan says Angad won't go anywhere, like you are doing all this for Revati.. I wont let you be unfair with Angad. He isn’t the culprit. I am glad your brother who is like you will marry Revati. AJ says Angad isn’t like me. If he were.. He wont have done this. Angad can’t live in this house any argument won’t make me change my decision. He says to Angad go. Guddan stands in the way. AJ says take him from here. Guddan says if you force this you will lose a friend too. AJ says take him from here. The team from mental asylum take Angad. Dadi says no Angad no. Guddan says I will never forgive you for this.
Perv comes to his room and laughs. He says I am proud of myself. He made Angad do all this. Perv says he gave proof of his craziness himself. Her forgot I am Perv. AJ and Guddan aren’t friends anymore. So Revati is all mine now.

AJ comes to meet Angad and hug him. AJ says I am sorry brother, we have to do all this drama. Angad says I am glad that I am helping you and Guddan that Perv should pay for his sins. Guddan come there and says yes. That Perv will be punished for sure. Angad says thanks for trusting me or that Perv would have done something to get me trapped. AJ says thanks Guddan. Perv’s plot made me doubt you. It was Guddan who trusted you and showed me the reality. Guddan says no thank you for trusting the family. I knew our family can’t do this. I knew that Perv can not be trusted. He isn’t family. AJ says what else can you trust him. He is doing all this in my house and we couldn’t see it. Guddan says don’t blame yourself. Guddan says this planning makes me excited like I am going to do something big. Perv thinks we all think Angad is the culprit. And we will use that against him.

Guddan says the whole family think Angad is the culprit. Angad says the whole family was against me and all the proofs too. How did you find out? Guddan says I can’t praise my own self. AJ says so your sister inlaw is a good spy. She went to check where the footage was from. She found a button there that was from Perv’s shirt. Then we planned all this. We wanted him to succeed in his plan so we can catch him red handed. Guddan says good praise but I am still mad. You were ready to break friendship with me, is it that easy for you? AJ says only you know acting? I might also give some audition. Guddan says I know you can never break our friendship from me. You make my trust stronger everyday. Angad says I want to be like you. I want to stand with Revati like you stand with Guddan. I want to be her Ram. Guddan says you aren’t far from that day. We are close to proving Perv’s crimes. Angad says I will take all revenge from him. Like he insulted Revati. Guddan says Revati will help us in all this. Revati says will he trust me? Gudan says he will.

Perv call Revati. Guddan says put it on speaker. Perv says how are you? Are you mad at me? I had no option. You saw how Angad came between us. And how he tried burning Durga and blamed your sister Guddan for it. He is very dangerous. Can you love him after all this? Revati says you are right. I saw his real face. You are my true love. He is a criminal. I can never love him. Perv says can we meet? We will relive our old moments. Can we meet please? Revati says okay let’s meet. AJ says I will teach him a lesson. Angad says what are we waiting for. Guddan says we have to catch him red-handed. She says Revati are you ready? No one can stop his destruction.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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