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AJ takes Guddan’s meds from the doctor. Dadi says love makes you worried for your beloved all the time. He says I was just asking for meds. Dadi says I am your mom. I saw and heard everything. I know it. I waited for this moment for months. I am so happy. He says I realized my love but I don’t know what Guddan think and this wedding. What if something goes wrong? Dadi says tell her what’s in your heart and this is the best chance. Say it on engagement day. She loves you. Start your love. AJ says you are right ma. If I don’t say it how would she know? I will tell her how much I love her. Durga overhear their conversation.

Durga says to Saru I knew AJ is in love. Saru says do something and stop all this. Durga says he hasn’t confessed yet. What if he never get a chance to confess his love to her? Saru says I am with you. They shouldn’t unite. Durga says they wont. AJ and Guddan are so different their love story can die easily.
Guddan is asleep. She puts her hand on AJ’s face. AJ opens his eyes. AJ caresses her face. Guddan is asleep. AJ recalls them fighting. He says in all these fights I don’t know when did I.. He smiles and leaves the bed. Guddan holds his hand and pulls him back. AJ says soon, I will tell you my feelings. Guddan open her eyes. AJ says sorry.. I your hand.. He falls on her. Guddan laugh. He says what’s funny? She says you used to laugh at me too. What happened? You look worried? All good? He says yes. She says is there something in your heart? You were saying feelings. He says you heard? She says not clearly. AJ says I was asking how are you feeling? She says I feel good. He says actually I wanted to ask you something. Would you.. She says you haven’t fold the sheet right. What happened to the perfectionist. He says this isn’t important, how does it matter. Guddan says I didn’t even know what fold is right what is wrong. You told me. Now you are being mad for bringing it up? AJ says sorry. Guddan says what.. Say it again. He says sorry for being rude. She says snake bit me but it is affecting you? You don’t have to change yourself. I won't move until you tell me what’s in your heart. He says I wanted to say that I.. I.. Durga knock on the door. Guddan says Durga you.. She says what to cook for breakfast? Durga says you can cook for AJ. Husband’s heart goes from his stomach. Guddan says I am coming. AJ says you are not well. You need rest. Guddan says I need rest. I will make your vegetable. Durga says I wont let you confess your love AJ. AJ says in heart I don’t know how to tell you.

Guddan is cooking. Dadi says to AJ Guddan is making poori for you. She is seeing the recipe in her phone. Did you tell her what’s in your heart? He says I tried but couldn’t. Dadi shoves him in and says go and tell her. Guddan says now you are tripping here and there like me? All good? He says yes. AJ says I wanted to tell you something. Guddan says what is it? Laxmi is going inside the kitchen. Dadi says don’t go. AJ is going to confess his love. Laxmi says AJ can’t do it. Dadi says he can. AJ says for some time.. AJ says I.. I can knead this flour. Guddan says we can do it together. He hold her and they knead the flour together. They cook together. Laxmi says he is wasting time. He can’t do it. Dadi says AJ you were saying something. You said you wanted to tell Guddan something. Say it. Guddan says what is it? He says I have some work and he leaves. Guddan wonders what’s wrong with him. AJ come to his room.

AJ says in mirror Guddan I love you. He look at her clothes and says why can’t I say it. Guddan says pink color shirt? You look good. He says thanks. Guddan says thanks for using my gift. What is it? He says I.. This shirt.. AJ look in the mirror. AJ sing the song kuch hogaya hai. He sees Guddan in everyone. Angad laugh. AJ sees Guddan serving, it’s Laxmi. He sees Guddan in everyone. AJ touch Guddan and says are you real.. Who is playing this song? Guddan says what song? No one is playing any song. Guddan says this bright shirt look good. What is happening? He says it’s hot. Saru says to Durga please stop it. Guddan says how are these? He says they are delicious. Better than my restaurant. Dadi and Laxmi also say they are so good. Guddan is happy. Durga says AJ never appreciates anyone’s food. He lied. Taste it. Guddan says they are okay. He is saying all this out of sympathy. Love doesn’t mean sympathy. Guddan leave. Guddan says to AJ it is so spicy. She eat them. AJ says leave them, what are you doing? She says you lied, you said these are good. These are so spicy. AJ says that was true. Guddan says why did you lie. AJ stop her and she falls on him.
AJ says you aren’t well. I never lied. Guddan says you lied. You said it was all good just to make me happy. AJ says that is appreciating from the heart. Why would I lie? She says for sympathy. She leave. AJ holds her hand. Guddan says what are you doing. Guddan leaves. AJ says this isn’t sympathy this is love. Durga says AJ Guddan left in anger. All good? AJ says everything is fine. Durga says you look different. Guddan is different. She doesn’t understand things you do. AJ says she is mature and intelligent. Durga says yes she is. Durga says but still she isn’t like you, this is her first marriage. It isn’t easy to be MIL of this house. I can talk to her if you want. This wedding might be new beginning for you. AJ says you don’t need to talk to her. He leave. Saru Says you played so well.

Guddan is crying. Guddan says I am all mistakes. You show me sympathy because of it. You won me from life. He says this is life. You can never understand what my heart says. Guddan says you don’t trust me. You can never tell me the truth. He says I will say it all truth. To understand my love, I will have to say it all. I know there is an age gap between us but I will make you understand my love. He was imagining all this.

AJ and Guddan choose the same ring. dadi says see they are alike. They pick ring for Guddan. Saru says our plan is failing. Durga says their smiles will go away. My plan never fail. Some people come in saying Guddan Gupta. They are her friends. Guddan hug them. She says you all are here. She hug her friends. Guddan says they are my school friends. Her friend Vicky says you have become so fancy dress. Her friend says we were missing you so much, good old days. You didn’t invite us to your first wedding. Guddan says you never called. He says we were busy in business. Durga says they are getting married again. Same people but new guests. There are many people who couldn’t be part of the first wedding. Her friend says wow that’s great. Guddan you are so lucky. Your husband looks so romantic. Dadi says you all sit. Create the environment of the wedding. Durga says we will take care of them no worries. Dadi says Guddan pick a ring for AJ and AJ you for Guddan. Guddan sit wth them. Durga says let me arrange food. Vicky says who is this uncle? A girl says she must be her husband’s older brother. Vicky says can you call her husband? Guddan says he is my husband. They are dazed. Guddan says those ladies are my DILs. Vicky whispers why did you marry an uncle? They laugh. Guddan says come on in. Durga says this is the beginning. See how their story end. A guy says let’s meet Guddan’s husband. He says hello uncle.. I mean. sorry sir. Nice to meet you.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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