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Guddan says I can’t eat this. I am allergic to it. Rocky come to Jindal's house.

Rocky comes to the house. AJ says Rocky welcome. Guddan says if AJ doesn’t remember we all know what he did? He has to go. AJ says who are you to ask Durga’s brother to leave? AJ say Rocky you can stay here. Durga says we can’t let him stay after what he did in Goa. AJ says what happened? Saru says nothing. He did a small mistake. Angad says let him stay please. AJ says he should. Durga says thank you for forigivng him AJ. Guddan leave in anger.
Guddan says to AJ I will never forgive Rocky for what he did to you in the hospital. She says Rocky is Durga’s brother. Do you think she is helping Angad and Rocky?

Durga says to Rocky you have to find out if they are doing drama. 

Guddan says no Durga can never do that. She isn’t like her brother.

Angad says to Guddan I got divorce papers and then you have to be mine. Angad says AJ divorce papers. AJ sign them. He says to Guddan sign these.. Guddan says I will. She signs the paper. Guddan says you are free. There is nothing between you and me now. Guddan goes upstairs.

Guddan pack her bag. He says where are you going? She says I trust you. The signature are real. If there is no relation between us I can leave. AJ says what signature? There are no sign on it. This pen removes it’s own ink after few minutes. We are never divorced. Guddan hug him. AJ sees Rocky outside. He says I have divorced you. There is no relationship between us. Rocky comes and says you are great actors. I heard everything. I will tell Angad everything. Rocky runs downstairs Guddan try to hit him. AJ says stop. Rocky says to Angad look at this divorce paper. They fooled us all. Angad says your brother has lost it Durga. He is saying that they didn’t sign the divorce. Look at it. It is signed. AJ signed them quickly. Guddan says wow that was good speed. AJ says I know how to make them fight each other.

Angad says AJ was never the one for you. He gives her flower. He says I got gift for you. She says I will accept it. AJ wasn’t like you at all. He was never romantic like you. AJ is on the stairs.

Durga says no one should know I did this. Rocky says you have to make sure.

AJ says why did you take it? Guddan says are you jealous because of my acting? I am an amazing actor. She throws the flower.

Angad says to Durga Guddan agreed to marry me. Prepare for the wedding. Durga says what is Guddan up to? She can’t agree like this. Durga says you accepted the flowers he gave you. Is that true? Guddan says you know how Angad is. I couldn’t say no. Guddan leave. Durga says so she said yes? I can’t digest this.

Guddan come to her room. Angad comes with gifts for her. He says all of this is for you. AJ must have never given you anything. I am not like him. I will make you feel special. I want to see how these bangles would look on you. AJ look at them. He says let me make you wear them. Guddan cough. She takes the bangle from him. Guddan says you should have asked for my choice. I don’t like this color. Did you mind? He says you like red? I will get you red bangles. He leaves. AJ goes to Guddan’s room. Guddan says you got so angry you would ruin the plan. AJ says I get mad when he try to touch. I wanted to.. but we have to end this. It’s about time we find his partner. He says we have to stop this pretense. AJ says this is the plot to catch then red handed. He read a note, Angad I know what you did to AJ. Give me half of your wealth to keep my mouth shut. He says Angad will go to discuss this with his partner. I can’t let you be in trouble anymore. Guddan and AJ leave the notepad in Angad’s room. Rocky is in the rest room. Guddan says wait. AJ says no. She says he annoyed you a lot in the hospital. Guddan plug in an iron and put it in towel. She gives it to rocky. Guddan leaves the towel. Rocky scream.

Guddan says to AJ my hand burned too. They see Angad going with letter. Guddan and AJ follow him. Angad says to Durga what is this? Guddan and AJ are dazed. Angad says I didn’t know you did this behind me. You are doing all this for me? You chose this card for me and Guddan. Durga says you both like each other. So I can be part of your happiness. He hug Durga and says you are very nice. Guddan says I thought Durga was with him but no. Durga smile. Flashback Durga saw the letter. She says Guddan I am not an idiot like you. You can’t catch me. You burned my brother. I will take revenge from you. I know what drama you are doing. Durga says to Rocky go from here. I will save myself. Rocky says if AJ find out about you he will send you to jail. Durga says I wont let this happen.

Angad says Guddan I got this necklace for you. Guddan pick knife and says why do you keep asking me things. He says I didn’t say any of such thing. Angad says please calm down. He leave. AJ smile at Guddan. He says wow you are a good actress. Guddan says you never say wear this necklace. Guddan says I meant nothing. She goes to kitchen. AJ says Guddan doesn’t have to bear all this anymore.

Durga says AJ and Guddan are together. Angad says you are not happy because you want to kick her out. Durga says she is fooling you. Angad throttles her and says don’t you dare come between me and Guddan. She loves me. Durga says I have to expose Guddan and AJ’s drama.

Guddan drink juice and realizes it has alcohol in it. She says idea. Guddan goes upstairs. She feel dizzy. Guddan says AJ are you here. I got such a good idea. Someone is on the chair. Guddan says we will make Angad drunk he will say truth himself. Isn’t it an amazing idea. She falls asleep. It is Angad on the chair. He says you can’t fool me Guddan. Durga says now you trust me? She mixed alcohol in the juice. Durga throttles him and says now see never mess with me. Angad says Guddan you fooled me. You have called your death by doing this.

Angad is drinking. Rocky says Guddan isn’t as innocent as she seems. Angad says she loves me. He break things in anger. He says AJ is responsible for all this. I won't spare him. What will Guddan do to if he dies? I will kill AJ. Rocky try to stop him. Angad says I will kill you to. Rocky hit Angad and he faint. He says don’t you dare to hurt me. AJ run upstairs. No one is there. Guddan sees glass of wine. Rocky has hidden Angad in a garage. He calls Durga and says I hit Angad. I will kill him. Come here. Durga says you can’t do this. Rocky says we will be exposed if this crazy guy gets up. Durga says don’t repeat his mistakes, don’t worry I won't let anything happen to you. AJ sees blood on vase. AJ says Angad is in trouble. Durga says Rocky hit him. He wants to take your revenge from Angad. You don’t remember what happened in Goa. AJ says I remember everything. Dadi says then why were you doing this drama? AJ says I had to. Durga says in heart you won't ever know what I did AJ. I sacrificed my brother for it.

Durga says I am responsible for all this. My brother did all this. AJ says where is Rocky? Guddan says his phone is off. AJ says we will trace his location. Saru says wow Durga you did an amazing acting. You sacrificed your brother to save yourself.

AJ lock Guddan in a room. He says you stay here. Guddan says open the door. I am coming too. AJ says no you’re not coming. Dadi says God please protect both of my sons.

AJ comes to the garage. Rocky is there. He says don’t come close or I will kill him.

Guddan says dadi please open the door. I have to go there with AJ. He is alone.
Angad says bhai let Rocky kill me please go from here. This is what I deserve after what I did. AJ says no one will die here. Guddan come there and says we are live. Everyone will see what you are doing and you are a killer. Leave Angat and everyone. Rocky leave them. She says police is seeing all this. He says oh internet gone. Rocky pick the gun. He says you are such a fool. He puts gun on him. The bullets are empty. AJ took all of them out. He says don’t act smart with me. Police take Rocky.

Angad comes home. Dadi slap him. She says you are so shameless. He still saved your life. AJ says what you did with Guddan is unforgivable. You have disrespected her. You looked at my wife that way. Only I have the right the to be in her life. Angat says I am sorry. I made a mistake by disrespecting Guddan bhabhi. AJ makes Guddan wear mangalsutra. Guddan says I will always keep you happy. AJ says I love you and I am sorry for my mistake.

Akshat says while feeling proud that Guddan changed my thinking in these 7 months, he never gave importance to marriage vows, but now he will fullfil them.
Akshat take 7 vows:-

7 New vows by AKSHAT JINDAL {N} vs 7 old vows {O}:- with background music🎼🎵🎶 mangalam bhagwan vishu and Durga face turning pale😨 with all vows, while dadi, Guddan and Laxmi are smiling🙂🙂 and the rest expressionless..

1.  {O}: I promise that my wife will be treated as a robot.
    {N}: I promise that I shall treat you as my friend and authority to make me realize my mistakes.

2.  {O}: I promise that I will make my wife to be boring and arrogant.
    {N}: I promise that I shall think about you before myself and will never ever ask you to change

3.  {O}: I promise that my wife will be treated as a maid in this house and will be treated as trophy for outsiders with respect.
    {N}: I promise that till my life has breaths I will always give you and treat you with respect.

4.  {O}: I promise that I will ask my wife’s age!
    {N}: I promise that though I am older in age, but I shall keep fit myself for you, and will remember my duties as husband and will fulfill them.

5.  {O}: I promise that my wife shall stay in house but will not get place in my heart and in my room.
    {N}: I promise that in Jindal house Guddan will get all the respect as wife, daughter in law and as a mother in law

6.  {O}: I promise that I will make my wife strong that she should be able to protect herself for world as well as from me.
    {N}: I promise that I shall protect you all your whole life.

7.  {O}: I shall not take this 7th vow as living together is not possible.
    {N}: I promise that Guddan, I shall never make you far from myself. And no 3rd person will come between us.

These are 7 vows Guddan are from Akshat and both hold hands🤝🏼… {ishq agar ek dhaga hai to ek sira main hun dusra tum ho, ishq agar ek vada hai to ek tudka main hun dusra tum ho.. music plays🎼🎵🎶🎶🎵} Guddan says these vows are so amazing and touched my heart❤ as these are from your heart❤. Akshat says I am a man of my words and now see other things as well. He turn towards Angad and says I promised Guddan that I shall make her wear Mangalstura as well as catch the real culprit, as He knows Angad can’t do things alone. Angad points towards Durga, everyone get stunned😨😨. Akshat says you are the real culprit, but Angad say not Durga but Saraswati is the main villain. Saraswati says I am not, he is lying. Dadi slap👋🏼 her. Durga smiles🙂. Dadi scold Saraswati saying still you are lying, we gave you love and respect, and you gave us this in return. You are black spot!! Akshat try to calm dadi, but dadi order Saraswati to leave the house!! Saraswati ask Akshat and Guddan to believe her!! But dadi stay its her order!! Guddan and Aksaht says we can’t take this decision in absence of Rahul: Saraswati husband!! But dadi ask her to leave… Sarawati think🤔 where to go? Why Angad took my name? What did Durga say to him? Flashback show Durga again brainwash Angad saying saraswati blackmailed her to harm Guddan, Akshat and family and I am helpless. Angad says we shall expose her infront of family soon. In present Angad says to Durga now you are free from burden. Durga fake tears😢 saying yes, and thanks for believing in me. Angad says I had too, and now I shall rectify my mistakes.. Durga smile😀 that all my planning is falling in place, but I need to take care of Saraswati..

Saraswati is packing her clothes, and Durga arrives. Saraswati taunts Durga that she is too dangerous, but not to forget I am not Rockey and I shall expose you for sure. Durga ask for forgivness and ask her to relax, I shall fix everything.

Wardboy arrives to take Angad, and he ask for forgivness from Guddan and was about to go. Guddan stop him saying you realized your mistake and you should rectify it rather than going, after all you were used by someone else. Angad hold Guddan legs🦵🏼 and say you are great but I don’t deserve all this. Guddan say no you should stay with us, after all everyone deserves second chance. Akshat say Guddan is right, if I was old Akshat, I would had done same as you, but now I believe Guddan is right and hug him. Angat say I shall become good brother and shall correct everything.

Saraswati come with her bags and ask for forgiveness and return everything given to her as Jindal daughter in law and is about to leave. Guddan stop Saraswati saying you did mistakes and leaving the house is another mistake, Durga smile😀. Guddan ask Akshat if she is allowed to take decision as his wife, she ask dadi if she is allowed to take decision as mother in law? Akshat and dadi nod yes😄; then Guddan says being mother in law of this house and on behave of my daughter in law I beg🙏🏼 that we should give Saraswati second chance as we all gave to Angad.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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