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Angad says I want to be like you. I want to stand with Revati like you stand with Guddan. I want to be her Ram. Guddan says you aren’t far from that day. We are close to proving Perv’s crimes. Angad says I will take all revenge from him. Like he insulted Revati. Guddan says Revati will help us in all this. Revati says will he trust me? Gudan says he will.

Perv call Revati. Guddan says put it on speaker. Perv says how are you? Are you mad at me? I had no option. You saw how Angad came between us. And how he tried burning Durga and blamed your sister Guddan for it. He is very dangerous. Can you love him after all this? Revati says you are right. I saw his real face. You are my true love. He is a criminal. I can never love him. Perv says can we meet? We will relive our old moments. Can we meet please? Revati says okay let’s meet. AJ says I will teach him a lesson. Angad says what are we waiting for. Guddan says we have to catch him red-handed. She says Revati are you ready? No one can stop his destruction.

Revati says I can’t do all this. Guddan says this is my punch line that AJ changed. Every time I said I can’t do anything he me that trust that I can, you just have to act. We are actors. I won’t leave you there alone in trouble. Trust me, I will be in this room and keep an eye on him. AJ and Angad will keep an eye on everything from the outside door. Perv comes. Everyone hide. Perv says Revati.. I am so happy because you agreed to meet me. I am here only with you and no one else. Revati says I am sorry Perv ji because of that Angad.. He says just call me Perv. And these misunderstandings happened. Revati says but you are still married. And until you’re married I can’t be yours. He sees curtain moving and says who is there? Revati says no one is there. He goes close to the curtain. Revati breaks a vase. He says how did it fall? She says because of wind. AJ pull Guddan. He says good spy need help too. I can never leave you two alone with this demon. Perv moves the curtain. He says someone was here. Revati says no one is home. Perv shout what.. He says I mean. Siddhi can never come between us. we will be divorced. Revati says you have been saying that for so long. He says Siddhi will give me divorce this time, her life is in my hands. She can’t say anything. I will close her chapter. Gudan says what does he mean by that? AJ says we have to find that out.
Perv says to Siddhi before saying no to divorce see this picture of the kid. She says why are you doing all this. He says I was bored with you since long, now I can’t tolerate you anymore. He leaves. Siddhi looks at the picture and cry. AJ and Guddan come there. She hides the photo. AJ says what was he threatening you about? Tell us what it is. Guddan says we know you are scared. He is blackmailing you. We will turn your weakness into your strength but you have to raise your voice, you have to tell us everything. Siddhi says please save my brother. Perv has abducted him. He said if I tell anyone he would.. AJ takes the photo from her. Siddhi says please save him. AJ says this Perv is using a child? Guddan says we have to save Kunal. AJ says in next two hours Kunal will be with you. Guddan hug her and says don’t worry. We will bring Kunal home safe. This Perv’s end has begun.

AJ says I don’t want any excuse use as much money as you can but I want Kunal. Guddan comes and says when I was stressed in childhood papa used to massage my head with this oil. I will massage your head and your stress will go. He says I can’t sit until I find Kunal. Perv is playing with so many lives. I want to kill him but we don’t have any proof and he has Kunal as well. Guddan says don’t worry about all that, it will be fine. Guddan says leave that phone. She massages his head with almond oil. AJ feels relieved. Guddan says I am very angry too but papa say we should calm our heart in anger before taking a decision. This oil will take away your stress. He says come here. He massages her head with oil too. He says how does it feel? Guddan says very good. AJ’s phone rings. He says yes what? AJ smiles and says great news. He tells Guddan Kunal is found and he is fine. Guddan says wow I told you. AJ says but we have to be careful. Perv must have got this news as well. We have to catch him red handed.
Perv throttles Siddhi and says your brother is with me. I will kill him or sign these papers. Siddhi is crying. Guddan looks at her. Siddhi says I wont sign these papers, she tears it apart. Siddhi throws them on him. she says I am not scared of you. I don’t love you but I don’t want you to ruin another girl’s life. So I wont give you divorce. He is about to slap her. Siddhi shoves his hand and says you can’t hit me anymore. She leaves. Perv’s man calls him and says that kid ran away. Perv says find him back or I will kill you. He says Kunal ran and this Siddhi is not signing? There is something. Revati calls Perv and says Siddhi didn’t sign right? You broke my heart again. He says how did you know? Revati says if she did you would have called me by now. Perv says this just formality why does it matter? You know there is nothing between me and Siddhi. I will remove her from my life. Revati says what will you do? He says just prepare. I will come to your house. Guddan says I am worried for Siddhi. AJ says nothing will happen to her.

AJ says to Sidhi would you be able to do all that? Sidhi says yes, now Kunal is also with Bua. I can fight against this devil. I am responsible for all this. I should have told you earlier. I am sorry. AJ says no you were just being a wife. you thought he was a husband but he was a demon, you have to be strong. I am proud of you, he can’t harm you I promise you. Guddan says I wont let Siddhi take this risk. I know you will try to protect her but Perv will try to harm her. I will sit in her place when he tried harming her. Sidhi says no he wants to kill me so I will sit there. Please AJ ask her. AJ says she won’t agree. she won’t let you risk your life. AJ says Guddan are you serious? Guddan says I know you won’t let him harm me. AJ says promise me you will stick to the plan. I won’t be able to pardon myself. Guddan says like I said I trust you. AJ hide. Guddan take the blanket and sleeps on Sidhi’s bed. Revati and Angad are seeing it on camera. Perv comes in with a knife. Perv is about to stab but he stops. He says you have been upset but I can’t see you like this. Someone has cursed our relationship. I got this lemon to protect you from evil eyes. He leave it on the bed and goes out. Guddan says AJ I think he knows about our plan already.

Perv comes out and says all of them are fooling me. They wanted to catch me? Now see what I do. Saru says you should be thankful I heard Siddhi, AJ and Guddan talking. Otherwise, you would have been in jail. She says go away from here before he put you in jailed. And remember if you try to trap me I will be like Durga and choose myself over you. Run away from this house as soon as possible. She leave. Perv says no this has just started, now I will marry Revati and in front of Guddan’s eyes. 
Guddan says what is Perv upto? AJ says Guddan relax. She says I can’t be relaxed, that Perv is a danger for everyone’s life. AJ hold her hand and says calm down. AJ hug Guddan. Guddan become silent. AJ says relax. Everything would be fine. He says I am worried for Sidhi too, but we can’t help her like this, this is time that Perv goes to his right place. AJ call commissioner and says I want to file a complaint against an officer. His name is Perv.

Dadi says what? Perv did all this. Guddan says yes. Police search for Perv in the house. Sidhi says she is right. Perv tried to kill me. Inspector says Perv is nowhere, we are looking for him in all all exits of the city. Durga hit Saru and says your brother tried to kill me, were you with him. Saru says I didn’t know all that. I got to know when Guddan made a plan. Durga says so you helped him? Saru says I didn’t know he harmed you. Durga says I will kill him.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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