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Guddan is crying. Guddan says I am all mistakes. You show me sympathy because of it. You won me from life. He says this is life. You can never understand what my heart says. Guddan says you don’t trust me. You can never tell me the truth. He says I will say it all truth. To understand my love, I will have to say it all. I know there is an age gap between us but I will make you understand my love. He was imagining all this.

AJ and Guddan choose the same ring. Dadi says see they are alike. They pick ring for Guddan. Saru says our plan is failing. Durga says their smile will go away. My plan never fail. Some people come in saying Guddan Gupta. They are Guddan's friends. Guddan hug them. She says you all are here? She hug her friends. Guddan says they are my school friends. Her friend Vicky says you have become so fancy in dressing. Her friend says we were missing you so much, good old days. You didn’t invite us to your first wedding. Guddan says you never called. He says we were busy in business.

Durga says they are getting married again. Same people but new guests. There are many people who couldn’t be part of the first wedding. Her friend says wow that’s great, Guddan you are so lucky. Your husband look so romantic. Dadi says you all sit. Create the environment of the wedding. Durga says we will take care of them no worries. Dadi says Guddan pick a ring for AJ and AJ you for Guddan. Guddan sit wth them. Durga says let me arrange food. Vicky says who is this uncle? A girl says she must be her husband’s older brother. Vicky says can you call her husband? Guddan says he is my husband. They are dazed. Guddan says those ladies are my DILs. Vicky whisper why did you marry an uncle? They laugh. Guddan says come on in. Durga says this is the beginning. See how their story end. A guy says let’s meet Guddan’s husband. He says hello uncle.. I mean. sorry sir. Nice to meet you.

Guddan’s friend says Guddan you are lucky. Such a big house, money and all. Your husband is nice. Durga says you are all so silent. Do some exciting things. Durga says Saru I think we should leave. Vicky says let’s do a dupup. AJ says what is it? He says not your fault. It is a new generation thing. My dad doesn’t know either. Guddan says let’s dance. They start dancing. AJ stand there. AJ slip. A guy says uncle are you hurt? Vicky says get your bones check, in this age bones are weak. AJ says you continue. He leave. Vicky says when people this old dance this happens. Guddan’s friend says no offense. You are so young. You could find anyone why did you marry someone so old? Ankit says people will call you aunty because of him. How will you live a life with him? 

Guddan says to AJ will you dance with me, please? She hold his hand and says Vicky you consider yourself an amazing dancer right? Let’s have a challenge and see who is a better dancer. Vicky dance with Kaviya. AJ dance with Guddan. Guddan and AJ dance better than them. Vicky fall. AJ pick Vicky. Guddan says now you see? The one you called uncle beaten you. You couldn’t dance with Kaviya. He has handled me both in life and dance. There is a little difference in age, but that only gives me experience. He hide my mistakes like he is doing to you because you are my friends, no one can speak a word against him, but he respects me and my friends and that is why tolerating all this. But I was wrong. AJ says let it be.

Guddan says no let me speak. Guddan says he doesn’t know how to insult people because he isn’t stupid like you. There is the door now just walk. Kaviya says you will ask us to leave? Guddan says I got this house and respect because of him. He made me Guddan AJ. No one can walk in and insult him. I am not a statue. Leave my house right now. AJ says they are your friends. Guddan says they don’t deserve to be my friends. No one has the right to insult my friend. They can come only when they can respect my husband. They leave. AJ smile. Guddan says why are you looking at me like that? I would behave that way. Saru says to Durga why did you plan all this? They won. You couldn’t wait. Durga says let me think. Saru says you overthink. Durga says I know how to fix my mistake.

Durga says wow Guddan. You fought for AJ. Guddan says this is my responsibility. Durga says has AJ given you the right of a wife? He would never give Antara’s place to anyone. This is sympathy, not love. You are just his friend. Nothing else.

Dadi says what happened AJ? You didn’t tell her what’s in your heart. Now you are standing in front of Antara’s photo. He says I feel like I am doing wrong with Antara by giving her love to someone else. Dadi says what does your heart say? Did you ever cheat her love? The time and relations change. Antara also wants you to move on. Antara was your past and Guddan is your present. You can’t take her present and future. This love is her right. You don’t feel anything wrong. Antara is with you in all this. Think about it.

Guddan recall what Durga said. She is in tears. Guddan sees AJ looking at Antara’s photo. She leave. Guddan come to Durga. She hold her hand. Durga says leave my hand, where are you taking me? She takes her to the room. AJ has put Guddan’s picture on the wall. Guddan says he has given me a place in this house and his heart.

Guddan says AJ has given me a place in his heart and life but that doesn’t mean Antara is out of it. Antara’s photo is there. Guddan says she will always be part of AJ’s life and I am his trust. Past has memories, everyone is where they should be. After seeing this picture I knew I was wrong. If it were just sympathy he would never give me a place in his heart.
Arrangements are being done for engagement. Guddan says Dadi this is what you asked for? Guddan look at AJ. Dadi says let me go. Guddan says you wanted to say something. AJ says it wasn’t sympathy. Guddan says I wanted to apologize and for what my friends did. Sorry for their behavior. AJ says it’s okay. I am glad for the stand you took for me. She says you taught me how to stand with your partner that’s why you placed my picture where Antara’s was. He says I have placed present in present and past in past. Guddan says thanks.

AJ says I wanted to say something. This between us.. Flowers fall. Guddan says let me pick it. AJ says it’s okay. I will pick these. Laxmi says AJ can’t do it. AJ says there was a problem. Guddan says yes? He says for my friend. He says he and his wife are always fighting. But he has fallen in love with his wife. Guddan says so this is a good thing. He says he is confused. How to confess. They fight like us. Guddan says how can they fall in love then? Ask him not to confess his Love. I don’t think there is space for love in all these fights. Dadi says AJ what did you do? He leaves. Laxmi says he can’t do it. You lost the bet. Dadi says we have to push them.

Laxmi ask Love marriage or arrange marriage? She says AJ sorry. I thought it was.. He says what were you saying. Laxmi says Dadi told me you are planning to propose to Guddan. So would it be arranged marriage or Love marriage? AJ says she doesn’t care. She said my friend shouldn’t confess because there is no chance. 

Guddan says to dadi what was that? Dadi says he doesn’t have any such friend. He was trying to say what’s in his heart. Guddan says you’re pulling my leg. This isn’t possible. Dadi says you can’t be friends only. Guddan says stop watching movies. Dadi says he will confess. Keep your answer ready. Laxmi says how will she answer if you dont’ confess. I think you should say it straight to her.

Guddan says dadi said.. But does AJ? Dadi has some misunderstanding. Why would AJ fall in love with me? Laxmi says what if he did? Dadi was right. AJ wrote this letter to you and this saree. Guddan says what.. She takes the letter. Guddan is confused. Laxmi says read it. Guddan says I am scared. What if there is something written in it. I am.. I don’t know how to answer. I don’t know what love is like. Guddan says I can’t.. Laxmi says read it. Laxmi says AJ says you can do anything. AJ cares about you, trusts you. Your fight has love. This is love.

Guddan says we fight a lot. Nothing is alike between us. Laxmi says opposites attract. Their small things touch us. Their anger is part of the love. Laxmi says love can happen anywhere to anyone. Only your heart can answer it. One answer, that you need from your heart. Laxmi hugs her and says you can do it. Guddan starts reading. AJ wrote.. I wanted to say this for I love you.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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