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Dadi come inside and hold AJ, when he cry😭😭 hard, she says say we have to do as per God wish, we are helpless infront of God. Akshat says then God will have to change their decision… Till now in every pain and every moment wives had always prayed🙏🏼 for their husbands, even Savitri took Satyawan life back, now he will do Mahapuja🙏🏼 to Save Guddan..

At Jindal house Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati prepare for Maha Puja🙏🏼 with buring coal.. Akshat come and hold 51 or 101 diya lamp🙏🏼 and stand on coal, with Music of God🎶🎶… 

In the hospital🏥 Guddan take heavy breaths when doctor come.. He check her and heavy winds🌬🌬 blow, which blow off every thread of lamp.. With Guddan life lines getting straight… Everyone is shocked😨😱😨😱😨…
Laxmi pray for Guddan. They get a call. Laxmi give the phone to AJ. Angad says bhai Guddan.. He rush to hospital. Guddan can’t breathe. AJ rush to OT. Doctor says you can’t be here. AJ says Guddan open your eyes. Doctor says medicines aren’t working because of venom. AJ says my Guddan can’t leave me. Doctor says her heart is weak. AJ says Guddan please I know you will open your eyes and talk to me, you can do anything I know you can do this too. Please open your eyes. Show me my Guddan can win and come back to me. You can’t leave me alone. Doctor says its too late. AJ says she has breathe and until she has I have too. She is alive. AJ says I won't let you go anywhere. My love won't let you go anywhere. I love you Guddan. I really love you. You can’t leave me alone. Dadi says my Guddan.. AJ says Guddan please come back. He hold her hand. Guddan try to breathe, her heart stop beating. AJ scream Guddan... Everyone is shocked. AJ cry. He recall Guddan saying I know you won't let anything happen to me. Guddan is in a dark place. She sees her mom. She says maa.. You are here to take me. won't you ask how am I? Do you know I am not that old Guddan. I can do anything now . Guddan says I miss you maa. Take me with you. AJ says don’t go Guddan. Guddan turn back. She look at AJ. AJ says I have lost my love before. I can’t lose my love again, you have made me Akshat from AJ. You can’t go. Guddan says I have to go. AJ says how can I let my love go. Guddan says we were together till here only. AJ says think about maa. How will she live without you? Guddan says I know you will take care of Dadi and everyone. AJ says no one understand me but you. Hold my hand and tell me you won't ever leave me. Her mom extend hand too. Guddan says maa is here calling me. AJ says I am calling you too. You have to come to me, why did you come to my life? Why did you make me a good man and husband? If you had to go. AJ says I want to live with you. I want to be with you in troubles. Guddan says I can’t do it. AJ says you can. Just try once. AJ says Guddan for me please once come back. Guddan moves her hand, she breathes AJ says Guddan.. He calls doctor. Doctor says this is a miracle. Your wife came back from death to life. AJ cry. AJ sit with Guddan. He hold her hand. AJ says good morning Mrs. Jindal. For a moment I thought.. She says you didn’t lose me. I am here with you. For a moment I thought I was going away from you, but I heard you saying I can do it. I won from death because of you. He says you are with me and that is enough. Doctor says she can be taken home. She will be weak. AJ says I will do anything for her recovery. We will all take care of her. Laxmi says thank God you are fine. Revati says if you ever do something like this I won't talk to you. Durga says thanks for saving us all and risking your life. Thank you. Guddan say I didn’t do this alone. AJ and his trust was with me.
Everyone meet Guddan. Guddan says where is Dadi? She says Dadi why are you there? Are you mad at me? Dadi says you were going to end your life to save me? My life is already completed. Guddan sing the song ek dusry ke waste.. Dadi sing hain tayar hum. They all sing together. AJ hold Guddan’s hand. Guddan says how could I leave you and my family in trouble. True friend is there for you when in need. AJ says only Guddan can.. Guddan says can sing in this situation. Guddan says songs of your time were really nice. Durga wonder why AJ look so different. Saru says to Durga, Guddan is fooling the whole family. She came back. Durga says she is trapping them with her acting. Durga says AJ look different too. I have never seen him like this. He was ready to do anything for Guddan. Saru says I am scared of that Gudan. Durga says if AJ has fallen for her it would be impossible to kick her out. Their love story is a danger for us. Our lives would be ruined.

AJ bring Guddan home. Saru says you were right. Look at how he look at Guddan. What will we do now? Guddan slip.. AJ hold her. AJ pick her and takes her to the room. AJ says I will be back. AJ recalls his moments with Guddan. He smiles and cook. Durga come to kitchen. AJ comes to Guddan and says soup.. The song Qaafirana plays. He makes her drink the soup. He gives her medicines. Guddan says they are so bad. AJ gives her sweets. Guddan makes him eat too. Guddan says you’re not letting me do anything. I am fine now. don’t spoil me. He says I am doing what doctor asked. You don’t know more than him. Guddan says how long will you do everything alone? He says as long as I have to. What can’t I do alone? Guddan says okay.. so you will do whatever I ask? He says yes. She says my foot.. He says just that. He massages her foot. Guddan says you are my husband no.. He says who said husbands can’t massage feet? I can.. AJ says we are all safe because of you. If as a husband and friend I massage your feet it won't make a difference. Guddan says you are a senior too and my husband. He says you speak like I am from dianasour’s time. Guddan laugh. He says where did you read a husband can’t massage feet? He massages her feet. Sidhi comes in. She says I made these rice for Guddan. AJ says I would do it. Sidhi says I made it like doctor asked. You can make her eat this. AJ says thank you. Guddan says Sidhi looked worried.

Guddan comes to Sidhi’s room. She says why are you packing your bags? Sidhi is in tears. Guddan says I know your pain. Leaving house isn’t the solution. Sidhi says AJ did so much for us. He let us live here and what did my husband do? I am also at fault. I should have told him. Perv would be punished. But I don’t deserve to live in this house or everyone’s love. Guddan says you deserve it. You stood against your husband. You could have saved him but you stood with the truth. This is your house. Promise me you won't go anywhere. Sidhi hold her hand. She says promise. Guddan hug her. Sidhi says you are so great. People should learn from you. People are wrong when they you can’t do anything. Guddan says they speak.

AJ serves juice. She says parathas for me? He says everyone knows how much Guddan loves aalo paratha.. He says after this drink the milk. Guddan says I am a lioness. Cat drink milk AJ says then don’t eat aalo paratha either. Guddan says okay okay I will drink. He says good. Durga says in heart I have to stop AJ’s love for her.

Angad comes downstairs. Revati is there too. Pandit ji come. AJ says what have you decided for the wedding pandit ji? Dadi says yes we want this wedding done soon. Saru says they will ruin our lives together. Laxmi says they are in such a hurry. They call pandit when you asked once. AJ says they should get married if they love each other, things haven’t been good for a while. It would be great. Pandit ji says two days later engagement and five days later wedding. Laxmi congratulate Revati. Revati says congratulate the ones whose wedding it is. Angad says yes.. Guddan and AJ will get married on this day. Guddan says what? Dadi says I also think they need to restart their married life, it would be so much fun. Guddan says but dadi.. Dadi says call me ma. You will become my daughter after this wedding. AJ says but why all this? Dadi says it was all my plan.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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