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Durga says to Angad, Guddan was at the asylum. Rocky saw her. She is fooling you. Angad leave in anger. Durga says Guddan you can’t fool me.

Lasxmi says when I was getting ready I took steam and my face got burned. He says let me get medicine. She says I already applied it. This will get better. He leaves. Laxmi comes and says what did you see there? Guddan says AJ is there. We have to keep Angad’s trust with ourselves.

Angad says to Durga and says don’t try to create misunderstandings between me and Guddan. I trust her. Durga says to Laxmi where are you these days? So close to your MIL? Laxmi says just staying to myself. Durga says what is this parcel? She saays this is for my husband. Durga says in heart you can’t lie to me.
Angad is asleep. Strong winds blow in his room. He sees kali mata in the window. Angad is scared. Kala mata says your sins have crossed all the limits. You have to die. He runs. Laxmi come and says would it scare him? Angad says save me please. He screams. Durga says what happened? He says someone came to kill me. Guddan says this is because of your medicines. You will come to hospital with me. Durga says but.. Angad says I will do what Guddan says. Durga call Rocky and says Guddan is bringing Angad to that asylum for check up. Move AJ from there.

Rocky’s men try to take AJ to another place. AJ beat them. Guddan come outside with everyone. Rocky’s men beat AJ. They put him on a stretcher. Guddan comes and says to Rocky we want to get Angad’s treatment done. Rocky check Angad. Durga says to Rocky have you moved AJ from here? Go and do it. Guddan look for AJ Rocky ask his men to make AJ unconscious and take him to factory.

Durga asks Laxmi where is Guddan? She says I don’t know. Guddan peeks in a room. AJ is there. Rocky and his men are about to give him an injection. Angad says I have to do all this. He says AJ you have to go through pain because of what I did. Rocky gives him electric current. Guddan cry. Laxmi says you have to calm down. They can’t see you. Guddan sees Rocky’s face. She cry. AJ takes the rod and gives Rocky current. Laxmi says please calm down. We have to be careful. Guddan cry. Laxmi says you have to be strong. Guddan says I won't spare them.

Guddan make Rocky unconcious. Durga sees him. Guddan dresses as nurse and says time to go home. A warden says stop, you can’t take patients anywhere. She says I am a doctor. He says there are no doctors here. Guddan shoves them. They blare the alarm. They try to take AJ back from Guddan. Laxmi come. Guddan says we have to take him out. Laxmi hits wardens on the head.

Rocky gets conscious. He says a girl took AJ. Durga says that was Guddan. Durga says it all happened because of you. Angad says she won't be able to take AJ home.
Guddan takes AJ to the car. She sees temple. She says I hope AJ gets well soon. she looks at unconscious AJ at the back seat. A guru ji gives Guddan prasad. Guddan prays. AJ gets conscious. He walks towards Guddan. A fake guru puts gun on AJ and says if you move I will kill Guddan. He takes AJ with him.

Guddan comes home and think AJ came home. Angad is in her room. He says not happy to see me? You thought you will find your Aj? He throttles her and says you lied to me. Guddan says yes I did. I dont’ love you. I am AJ’s wife. He says then say you love him? Everyone is downstairs. He says today is Navratri. I will marry you after it. You won't be able to stop me. Guddan laughs and says I said yes because AJ’s life was in danger. His life is out of danger. Angag says where is he then? He wasn’t seen after you prayed with those gurus. Those gurus were my men. Guddan says where is he? He says he is alive right now but you will have to marry me to save his life.

Durga says to Guddan you look off. She says just worried where would I look for AJ. Laxmi bring police home. Guddan says sorry inspector. We have no complaint. Laxmi is dazed. Angag says let’s do pooja. Laxmi says why did you send police back? Guddan says AJ is detained by Angaf again. AJ is behind the flowers. Angad hid him there. Guddan does arti. the idol is taken from the house. AJ is inside it’s box.

AJ’s body is in the idol. He tells Durga AJ is in the idol. Durga says dont’ kill him. Leave me. He puts gun on her and says I will kill you too. No one is coming between me and Guddan. Look at Guddan. She doesn’t even know she is going to drown her husband with the idol.

Guddan says God please help me find AJ. Her dupatta gets stuck. She says why do I feel like he is close by? Is he around? She try to pull her dupatta. Angad says to Durga his life is over. Guddan says AJ is close. Why can’t I feel it. AJ is in the water. Guddan puts hand in the water and sees chunri she tied on his head. Guddan sees AJ drowning in the water. She jumps in water and takes him out. Guddan says AJ please open your eyes. She gives him quick CPR.
Angad gets mandap ready in the house. He get mad at Durga and everyone for not prearaing things. Angad says to Laxmi where is Guddan? He throttles her. Durga says leave her. Are you crazy. He says I want Guddan right now. Anga screams and says Guddan. Guddan comes and says how dare you scare my family. He says come with me. start the mandap. Guddan says I am your brother's wife. He says you have to marry me. He force her to wear chunri. He try taking rounds with her. Guddan shoves him and says I won't mary you. He says you have to. Guddan pick trishul and says enough. Guddan says I was only silent because AJ’s life was in danger. Dadi comes and says no Guddan please. And you.. Your tried harming Guddan. She is about to slap him. Angad shoves dadi. Guddan holds her. Guddan says shame on you. You can’t scare me because my husband is safe. Angad asys no he is dead by now. I put him in the idol. Guddan put trishul on him and says enough. AJ comes in. AJ holds Angad’s hand.

AJ comes in. He hug Angad. AJ says Angad are you okay? I am with you always. Guddan says what happened to him and he was in the hospital. Flashback. She saw people taking idol. she took AJ to hospital on their cart. Doctors took him to an emergency. Guddan saw him and says I will always be with you. She asked doctor when can we take him home? Doctor says he was in critical condition. Guddan says please get up AJ. Out of flashback Guddan says to AJ what are you saying? This man shouldn’t have any importance in our life. AJ says who are you to say that? Who is she? Guddan says I am your wife. AJ says who are you? I don’t know you. Guddan says how can you forget me? I am married to you. AJ says I have a wife and her name is Antara. He faints again. Dadi screams. Guddan calls doctor. Doctor says due to bruises on his head he has lost some part of his  memory. He will forget his recent memories. Saru says AJ won't know what we did. The doctor says he might not recognize you Guddan. Dadi cry.

Angad breaks things in anger. Durga says why did this happen? AJ came back. Durga says we would have been in jail if AJ regain his memory. Do what I ask you. Never dare be loud in front of me. We have to make a big plan

Guddan look at AJ. She says I will remind you who I am. AJ says what are you doing in my roon? Who are you? What are you doing here? He sees the photo and says why are you in photo with me. Durga calm AJ down. Angad try to be nice to him. Durga says I think AJ isn’t well you should go from here, to keep him alive we have to do this. Guddan says what is happening?

Angad comes and shows Guddan mangalsutra and says AJ forgot you. You can only stay here if you become my wife. Guddan says his problem won't make me your wife. I am his wife and will always be. Angad call everyone. He says I did a sin. I did this to AJ. I tried kill to him. Guddan is saying that.

Guddan come to Angad’s room with wires. He is asleep. Guddan says I will take revenge of what you did to AJ. AJ comes and holds her hands. He takes her out to temple. AJ says what were you doing Guddan? She says you recognized me? I knew you can never forget me. He says yes I remember everything. Flashback shows AJ woke up in the hospital. Nurse asked him not to leave but he leaves for Guddan and his family. Guddan hug him. AJ hug her back. Guddan says why did you do all this? He says I don’t have another way. We have to find out what he is doing. He isn’t capable of planning all this alone. We have to know who is with him. Guddan says who could it be? AJ says someone from the house.

Durga says I have to kick Guddan out of this house. I will use Angad as a pawn. AJ says no one should know about this drama. I am sorry. Guddan says I am sorry. I won't let you have any trouble because of me. AJ says you can never put me in trouble, you take me out of troubles everytime, it’s my turn to do the same for you. He picks mangalsutra and says I want to make you wear this without any pressures. He makes Guddan wear it. He says I will give you every respect and right a wife and DIL deserves in this house. Guddan is in tears.

The next morning, Guddan comes to breakfast and says what is this paper? You want to divorce me? He says this marriage doesn’t mean anything to me. She tears the papers and says I will never sign it. Guddan later says to AJ alone, it is difficult to act so. He says you have to act like we hate each other. He says I will fix everything. Do you trust me? She says yes. Her mangalsutra gets tangled in his locket. AJ takes it out.

Durga says what is up, has AJ really lost his memory? Angaf says yes he has. Durga says Guddan is allergic to dry fruits. Lets see if AJ lets her eat this or not. Durga serves everyone kheer. AJ says in heart Guddan is allergic to it. She serves it to Guddan. AJ try telling Guddan not to eat it. Guddan says I can’t eat. I am allergic to it. Rocky come to Jindal's house.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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