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Angad takes the color and comes to Guddan. He is about to apply it on Guddan’s face. He apply it Guddan laughs, Guddan apply it on his face too. AJ smile. Durga says now you see what I do Guddan. I will use Angad as third person and ruin your relationship.

Guddan sees AJ going. She says let me put color.. It is rocky. He hold her hand. He says you threw the color on the floor. Let me pick it for you. He says you thought you could get away after insulting me in front of everyone? Guddan try to run. He grasps her hand. Guddan says leave me. He says your husband isn’t yours anyway. Rocky throws her dupatta away. Guddan says leave me. He says what about my insult? Guddan says please let me go. Rocky grab her. AJ hold his hand. AJ hit rocky. Guddan hug AJ. AJ swipe her tears. He beat Rocky more. Durga and everyone come there too. Durga says what are you doing he will die. AJ says he better die. Rocky says yes I did it. Why do you care? I tried to force myself on her. Durga slap Rocky. She says how could you stoop so low. How dare you be so disgusting. Rocky says so now you will hit me for these people? AJ says holi doesn’t mean you misbehave with other people. Rocky says first see your relation then talk about my holi. See your wife and yourself. You don’t love each other. You haven’t even applied color on her. She doesn’t even wear mangalsutra. Why do you care if I play holi with her? AJ says enough. Whatever our relation is doesn’t prove what you did is right. If I didn’t play holi with her that doesn’t mean she isn’t my wife. AJ apply color on Guddan.

Perv says to Kaushliya one throttle and your daughter is here. Revati come there and says happy holi. Perv says apply color on me. Revati says sure. She put color on his face. He scream. Revati says don’t scare my mother. I will never let you be successful. He goes out and says you will pay for it. Kaushaliya says it was my mistake that I brought this devil in your life, what should we do now? Revati says we have to handle it ourselves. Guddan has a lot of problems going on already.

AJ light fire and takes round around it with Guddan. He takes out the mangalsutra. Durga is dazed. He put the last pearl in it. Guddan stop his hand. She says you can’t make me wear this. Guddan says yes I did but not for this reason. You are making me wear this because Rocky said all this. You shouldn’t be forced to make me wear this. I will wear it when you are doing this with your heart. She take it back from him. Guddan says thank you for what you did.

Dadi says what Guddan said might have hurt you. I can speak to her. AJ says no you won't say anything, she said the right thing. I am proud because she speaks the truth, she doesn’t settle for lies. She is very mature opposite to what she look like.

Durga replace Angad’s medicine. He comes and says what are you doing here? You lied to me and said she likes me. She love AJ. She was waiting for AJ to color her not me. They married there. She likes him. Durga says then why didn’t she wear mangalsutra? Without mangalsutra wedding is incomplete. AJ is very old. You are her age, she want you to make her wear the mangalsutra. Take your medicine so you are well to see the truth I want you to see. You have to trust me. Will you? He nod. Durga says Guddan because of you I had to slap my brother, you have messed with the wrong person.

AJ comesto the room. He look at Guddan. Guddan says I made this cake to thank you. Tell me how is it. AJ eat the cake and says it’s good. Guddan says then eat more. everything is as per your recommendation. Guddan says there is no sweet in it, so you said it’s good because you do it for sympathy. This is the reason why I didn’t wear mangalsutra. Thanks for standing with me in everything.
Dadi says God please bring them closer. Please complete their marriage. Laxmi come and says what you want will happen. AJ will make Guddan wear this mangalsutra. I am with you. I won't hurt her anymore after what she did for me. We will both try for it. Durga look at them. Saru come and says you are not alone. I am with you. We will be the heavier side. AJ won't make Guddan wear this. We will make Angat do this. It will be fun. Dont’ worry. I know your plan and we are one team. Guddan has insulted our brothers. Laxmi says AJ will make her wear this dadi.
Durga gives Angad mangalsutra and says Guddan want you to do it. She is much younger than AJ. Angad says she is AJ’s wife. How can I do this? You are lying. She throw the medicine away. Angad comes to Guddan. He says Guddan you left this mangalsutra there. She says yes I did, you must be thinking I shouldn’t be doing this right? But I want to wear it right. He says so you want.. She says I want this to be in my neck with love. I will leave it in the temple till then. Angad leave.

Guddan says Dadi open the door. Dadi says you have to wait. Guddan says but what are you doing inside? AJ says what happened? Guddan says Dadi isn’t opening the door. Dadi and Laxmi come out. Dadi says your wedding is six months old, go in now. They both go in. Dadi says I and Laxmi will bring you closer.

Guddan and AJ come to the room. It is all decorated. 

Durga says to Angad, she said it clearly how she wants this mangalsutra to be in her neck from your hands.

Electricity and gas is gone in Kaushaliya’s house. Perv calls Reavti says says this is just my trailer. If you marry me I will stop annoying your family. Choice is yours. You don’t have a lot of time, or get ready for me to ruin your life. Kaushliya says what happened?

Dadi lock the door. AJ says Dadi what is this? Guddan says Dadi will be happy if we eat here. They have done so much hard work for it.

Saru says to Durga our plan is failing. Dadi and Laxmi have arranged everything for Guddan and AJ. Durga says time to do something big Saru.

AJ sit with Guddan and they both eat. AJ hear Angad screaming. AJ runs downstairs. Durga says he isn’t well. He says my head hurt. AJ run to get his medicines. Everyone leave. Durga is home only. Angad laugh. Durga says no one can come between you and her now, go upstairs she is waiting for you. 

Guddan is worried. Angad comes in. He says you did all this for me? Guddan try to make him happy and says yes did you like the surprise? Angad hug her and says thank you Guddan. AJ come, Angad leaves. Guddan ask what happened to him? AJ says why did you lie to him that you did this for him? AJ says something is wrong.

Angad looks at the mangalsutra and smile. He think how Guddan makes him happy. Angad says Guddan love me, she want me to make her wear this. Angad goes upstairs. Guddan is asleep. He is about to make her wear mangalsutra. AJ hold is hand.

Aj bring Angad and says she is my wife. What were you doing? He is about to slap him. Durga says what are you doing? She ask Angad to leave. Durga says it is Guddan’s mistake. Guddan brought him here. She is taking care of him but Angad is mistaking it for love. AJ says that is Angad’s mistake not Guddan. Durga says but.. AJ says that’s not Guddan’s mistake.

A nurse come to Angad. He says where is Guddan? Durga says she is with AJ. AJ want this nurse to take care of you. Guddan say to AJ why did you call the nurse? Am I not taking care of him right? Durga says to Angad that is AJ’s decision. He won't like it if his wife loving you. She can’t say she likes you in front of everyone. Angad says maybe that’s not true.
Guddan says let me go to Angad. Guddan is about to fall. AJ hold her. AJ says Angad should only be taken care by the nurse.

Guddan come to Angad. She says don't mind what AJ said. You have always been my friend. Guddan says don’t mind what AJ said. He is my husband even if he doesn’t call me his wife. He says you consider me your friend right? He shake hands with her. Guddan leave. Angad says AJ did all this. I am sure Guddan love me. I will make her wear mangalsutra.

AJ look at mangalsutra. He says to Dadi why did Angad say she is his brother’s wife and not mine? Dadi says you should accept this relation, you should make her wear this mangalsutra.

Guddan says to Durga help me choose my saree. She says AJ is going to make me wear mangalsutra. I am very happy today. Angad hear her. Guddan says do my make up and get me ready. Durga says wear this red saree. Gudan says let me get ready.
Guddan dresses as a bride. AJ says I will fix my mistake. I am ready to accept you as my wife Guddan. Guddan comes downstairs in ghughat. AJ look at her. He says I want to say something. I respect what you said. I have understood our relation now. I want to make you wear this mangalsutra right now. AJ says take off the ghunghat. It’s Angad. He takes off the ghunghat. AJ is dazed. AJ says Angad.. Angad stab AJ. Aj shoves him. AJ fall down. Angad stabs him more. Angad says no one can come between us. Not even you. Guddan scream.

Angad says no one can come between us. 

Guddan’s sindur fall. Dadi says this isn’t a good sign. 

Angad is about to stab AJ more. Durga stop his hand. She says what did you do? They hide AJ’s body. Durga says let's go from here. Guddan is coming downstairs. Angad and Durga run. Durga try to clean the floor. Guddan sees her. She says Durga what are you doing? She says looking for my ring. Guddan says did you see AJ? Durga says no he went to the restaurant. He will come back when his work is done. Guddan sees the dagger. Guddan says this is blood on your hand. Durga says it cut in the kitchen. I am fine. Guddan goes upstairs. Saru says I told you this Angad is crazy. Durga says you have to help me in this. Saru says I wasn’t part of it. Guddan look for AJ. She says where is he? Durga and Saru hide his body. Guddan call AJ’s number Durga turn his phone off. Guddan says what is happening? Guddan look for her mangalsutra. Angad says looking for this? He says AJ gave me before leaving. Guddan take it from him.

Angad says no one can come between us. Guddan’s sindur falls. Dadi says this isn’t a good sign. Angad is about to stab AJ more. Durga stops his hand. She says what did you do. They hide AJ’s body. Durga says lets go from here. Guddan is coming downstairs. Angad and Durga run. Durga try to clean the floor. Guddan sees her. She says Durga what are you doing. She says looking for my ring. Guddan says did you see AJ? Durga says no he went to the restaurant. He will come back when his work is done. Guddan sees the dagger. Guddan says this is blood on your hand. Durga says it cut in the kitchen. I am fine. Guddan goes upstairs. Saru says I told you this Angat is crazy. Durga says you have to help me in this. Saru says I wasn’t part of it. Guddan look for AJ. She says where is he? Durga and Saru hide his body. Guddan calls on AJ’s number Durga turns his phone off. Guddan says what is happening. Guddan looks for her mangalsutra. Angat says looking for this? He says AJ gave me before leaving. Guddan takes it from him.

Durga and Saru prepare to burn his body. She set his body alight and leave the place Guddan says what is happening. Where is AJ. Angat says you should rest. Guddan says I am waiting for AJ. Angat says in heart he wont ever come back.

Guddan is in the temple. She sees AJ caressing her face. Guddan says where were you? I was waiting for you to make me wear this mangalsutra. She was dreaming all this. Bell ring, Guddan wake up from her dream. 

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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