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Door bell ring. Its police at the door. Guddan is dazed. Dadi comes too. Inspector says AJ’s body is found burnt. Dadi faints. Guddan says this can’t be true. You are lying. We can’t believe all this. Guddan says dadi dont’ cry. Nothing happened. He is lying.

Pandit ji does AJ’s funeral. Gudddan recall her moments with AJ. Guddan says this isn’t true. AJ is alive. Dadi says we have to accept the reality. Guddan says I won't remove this sindur. Angad says you don’t have to remove sindur because I will make you my wife. I will marry her. Everyone is dazed. Dadi says are you crazy? She is your sister inlaw. Angad says AJ wanted that, he said if anything ever happens to him I should marry Guddan. Guddan leave.

Angad says to Durga I did everything you asked but Guddan doesn’t want to marry me. Guddan comes downstairs and picks her chunri. She says Angad come here. She says AJ asked you to marry me right? I am ready to fulfill his last wish. I am ready to wear mangalsutra from your hand. Dadi says what are you saying? Guddan says if AJ wanted that I can marry Angad. Guddan says once AJ’s funeral is done, after that you can marry me. Everyone is shocked. Dadi says why are you doing this Guddan?

Laxmi comes to Guddan. she says why are you marrying Angad? What happened? Guddan says try to understand. I am doing all this to save AJ. Laxmi says AJ is dead. Guddan says he is alive. Guddan shows her a message from someone. It has AJ’s picture and it says marry Angad if you want to save AJ. Gudan says I have to do this to save AJ. She show her Angad’s video. Angad says if you don’t marry me I will kill AJ. Guddan says AJ warned me about his mental state. It was my mistake to keep him here. I have to find out why is he doing this. Laxmi says I am so scared.

Guddan comes to Angad and says I considered you a friend and you are doing all this? Angad says you know I am doing this for us. For our love. Guddan says I don’t love you. Angad says you dont’ love me? He calls someone and says kill AJ. Angad shows AJ to Guddan. He says see I told you. Someone goes close to AJ with an injection. Guddan says please dont’ do this. I will do what you ask. Please don’t harm him.. Angad calls and stop them. He says you will soon be mine. drink water. He hold Guddan’s hand. Angad says you will be mine forever. 

AJ open his eyes. He look around. 

Guddan cry and says AJ where are you.

AJ open his eyes. He says where am I? He try to get up but he is tied up. He try to tear the plastic he is tied in. AJ release himself.

Perv says to Kaushliya your daughter is marrying again. AJ died and she is marrying Angad. What manner? Kauhslia says we don’t need you to tell us anything. Perv says ask your other daughter to marry me. Revati says go from here. She shoves him. Perv says I will ruin your lives. Revati says why is di doing this?

Dadi cry. She says why is Guddan doing this. Durga says you trusted her and see what she did. Saru says she is doing this for money. Angad says don’t say anything against my wife to be. Guddan comes downstairs. Angad holds her hand. He says this is our mandap. I will give you all the love and respect AJ never did. Your bridal dress is here. He says you will wear this dress and I will make you my wife. Guddan says in heart I won't let this happen. 

AJ says where am I? He comes out and asks a man where am I? My family is worried for me. He is a crazy man. He starts hitting and running. AJ says what are you doing. AJ realizes he is in a mental asylum

Durga says to Angad we are not doing anything wrong. You did right. Get ready. Angad hug her and says you did a great favor for me. She says AJ would never come back here.

AJ walk in a room. Somoene gives him electric shock, it’s Rocky.

Guddan gets ready as a bride. Laxmi come. She says you shouldn’t do this. AJ is alive Guddan says you think I will do this? Laxmi says what is your plan? Guddan says I need time to save AJ. Trust me I won’t let anything wrong happen. Guddan come downstairs. She says I will get us both out of this trouble. Pandit ji says make her wear mangalsutra. Guddan says I want to hear and understand all the mantra. Angad says that’s true love. Pandit ji tells them meaning of mantra. Angad is about to make her wear mangalsutra. Guddan says its 12. The time of the wedding is over.

Gudan says we can’t marry right now. I want your long life. Some women come in with idol and start doing arti in the house. Dadi is with them. Dadi says we have to do this arti. This time is for Mata not wedding. Pandit ji says we can’t do this now.

AJ is in a dark room. Two men are about to give him a shock. Rocky come. AJ says what are you doing? Why am I here. Rocky says your own brother stabbed you. Why are you still alive? He gives AJ shocks.

Pandit ji leaves. Angad says we can get married later, I will make you wear mangalsutra. Dadi says I know you are doing it for a reason, you can tell me when you want to. Laxmi says to Guddan luck in your mission.
AJ hit Rocky with head. He beats the men. Rocky gives him shocks and says you will hit me? AJ faint. Rocky call Durga. He says good news? Durga says she had delayed the wedding. Keep AJ with you. Rocky says he can’t even imagine you are behind all this. I won't let him go anywhere.

Everyone in the house does arti. Guddan says please help me save AJ God. Angad comes and does her arti. He says you are like God to me. Why did you stop the wedding then? I can kill AJ. I wanted to love you only. Guddan says I will marry you. Let me speak to AJ. Angad says I am not stupid. Guddan says I dont’ want anything to happen to him before we get married. I dont’ want you to be in trouble. Angad calls AJ. Rocky gives phone to AJ. Rocky says don’t say anything. Guddan says I know you are not well. Won't you tell me where you are? He says rehab center with Rocky. Rocky hang up. Angad says stop worrying about him. If I get jealous I can do anything. If you love me, AJ is safe.

Laxmi says I tracked the location. AJ might be in this location. Guddan hug her and says thank you. Laxmi says what if Angad comes and asks about you? Guddan says I need your help. You have to be Guddan for an hour. Laxmi says but he is scary. Guddan says you have to do this. I have to bring AJ home.

Durga says what if she find out AJ’s location from number? Angad says you have to control that or I will tell your secret to other people. Durga says if that happens, you won't marry Guddan. Angad says we are a team. Durga leaves. Angad says I will kill AJ once we get married.

Guddan comes outside the house. She enters inside, it is a mental asylum. AJ is tied inside. Guddan enter. AJ feel something and says I can feel Guddan's presence. He try to break his ropes. Guddan says you are here AJ. AJ breaks a bottle with his leg. Guddan hears the noise, she says I feel like AJ is near. AJ cut his ropes. All people start making noises. Gdddan is scared. AJ opens the door. Rocky sees Guddan and says how is she here? He leaves all the patients out. They scare Guddan. Guddan says help.. Rocky and his men try to stop AJ. He hit them and goes towards Guddan. Rocky hit AJ on the head and lock him. Rocky says how is Guddan here and how come Durga and Angad don’t know about it? Laxmi is locked in Guddan’s room. Angad knocks. Laxmi says I am fine. I will meet you downstairs. Angad says come with me. He comes inside the room. Laxmi lock herself in washroom. She try calling Guddan. Rocky and his men tie and sodomize AJ.
Rocky with covered face says who are you and what are you doing here? Guddan says I think your voice is familiar. She says listen.. She says I want to find my husband. He says okay you can come in and check. 

Angad says Guddan says are you ready? I am worried for you. Laxmi is scared.

Rocky take Guddan to rooms. Guddan’s bangle drops. AJ sees it.

Angad says Guddan open the door or I will break it. He try breaking the door. Laxmi is scared. Guddan bows down to pick her bangle. She says who is inside this door? Rocky opens the door.

Rocky opens the door. AJ is in a corner. A crazy man makes noise in the room. Guddan get scared. Rocky stops them. He says madam you should leave. This place isn’t safe. Guddan feel like AJ is near. AJ is tied in a corner. Guddan walk outside.

Laxmi apply mask on her face. She says this is our first pooja together. I have to get ready. He says you re getting ready for me? She says yes. He says okay I am waiting downstairs. He leave.

Guddan’s chunar headband fell in the asylum. She goes back. 

Angad comes downstairs. Durga says I dont’ feel like something is right. 

Guddan look for her headband everywhere.

AJ is on a wheelchair. He try going to Guddan but Rocky’s man hit him. Guddan sees her chunri. She picks it and leaves. Rockys says thank God she left. Durga says 
Angad call Guddan downstairs, its’ been long we have to start pooja. Laxmi comes downstairs with ghughat. Angad says why this? She says I want you to see my face after pooja. Guddan run back home. Laxmi does arti. Durga look for Laxmi. She says Guddan where are you?

Durga looks for Laxmi in her room. She says where is Laxmi. Durga sees her face from the chunri. Durga says so pooja is done. take off ghunghat now. Or let me do it for you. Lights turn off. Everyone ask what happened to light. Angat brings candle and says Guddan show me your face. He takes off ghunghat and it’s Guddan. Laxmi comes and says sorry I got late. Laxmi says to Guddan thank God you came on time. Guddan says I will only do this pooja with AJ. AJ comes and says what are you waiting for then? Guddan looks at him. She is dazed. AJ picks arti. AJ says you thought you couldn’t do it? I told you, you can do anything. He says I know Guddan never gives up. Guddan says I don’t know what to do He says let’s do arti first. They do arti together. Guddan was imagining all this. She looks at her chunri and sees AJ written on it with blood. She says that means AJ is there.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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