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Durga see on tv 📺that Guddan has reached Dadi, she signal 😉Angad and Saraswati.. All 3 divert Perv saying let them go, leave us. Angad signal😉 Revati, she see Guddan saving Dadi and she untie my hand and Hold fire.. She shout at Perv covering TV view.  Guddan goes inside and start coughing😨, she tie her Drape😷 and free Dadi, she cut her drape and tie on her face 😷as well and take Dadi out.. Angad shout to leave Revati, when Parv take out gun🔫 and ask Revati to marry him, otherwise he can kill🔫 her love❤, Angad.. Revati agrees.. He ask Pandit to do the marriage fast..

Guddan reach near Lakshmi, where water🚿 has almost filled to her neck.. Guddan ask Lakshmi to trust her friend.. She try to break box but in vain, she take axe⛏ and start cutting water pipe which she get successful by 5 min🕐 left.. She take stair help, and jump inside box freeing Lakshmi hands and they both hug eachother.. Siddhi shout to leave Revati and others.. Saraswati says how can he hurt his sister? Perv say like others she will not support his and Revati's marriage, so bear the pain.. Angad ask Durga to tell Saraswati to pass safety pin from saree, which they start doing.. Perv forcefully make Revati to make him wear Garland and when he try to make her wear, she throws it away.. Perv aim gun🔫 at her and see Guddan has saved Dadi and Lakshmi.. Guddan reach Akshat's room, where snakes 🐍🐍🐍has come out and one has started to walk to him via leg.. Guddan break door and shout seeing all this.. Perv ask Revti to take Marriage vows within the next 15 seconds🕐 otherwise and Angad try to free himself..

Guddan sees AJ in the room. Guddan says AJ.. She says please open your eyes. Guddan cry. She recall AJ asked her to be calm when they see snake. Guddan says there is no time left. Guddan diverts the attention of snakes on herself. She throws sheet on a snake. Guddan goes in. Guddan says AJ please open your eyes.
Perv pull Revati. He drags her. Angad break his rope. Revati says Angad.. Angad hit Perv. Perv puts gun on him and says don’t you dare come between me and Revati.. Angad says stop it. Perv shoot Angad.. Revati screams. Saru says what did you do? 

AJ open his eyes. Guddan hug him and says I am sorry. I came to you last. I had to save Dadi and Laxmi. She cry. AJ says let’s go. Guddan says let’s go, we have to save Revati.

Angad’s hand is shot. Perv says only two round are left. Someone hit Perv from the behind. It’s Guddan. AJ pick Angad. AJ says the bullet touched him. Laxmi and Dadi open ropes. Guddan says 10 minutes aren’t over yet and I saved three of my relations. Perv says who will save you now? Perv puts gun on her? Saru says please no bhai. AJ shout Perv.. Perv says don’t come forward or I will kill you too. AJ says don’t even try. He puts gun on AJ. AJ shoves him and gun falls down. AJ hit Perv. Laxmi opens the door. Police comes in. AJ says jail is your life now Perv. Get lost. 

Guddan says Kishor please call ambulance. Guddan says AJ we saved everyone. I could do it all. She faint. AJ says Guddan.. What happened. Open your eyes. Laxmi says a snake bite her foot. AJ says you didn’t protect yourself. Perv laughs and says your Guddan will die. I thought I lost but she is gone. AJ says Guddan you can’t leave me. Guddan please open your eyes. Dadi says call the doctor. AJ says nothing will happen to her. AJ ties her foot and sucks the venom from her foot. AJ is fainting too. Dadi says stop.. He says nothing will happen to Guddan. He rush her to hospital. Revati says please save didi God.

AJ says Guddan open your eyes. AJ rush her to the emergency room. the doctor says it’s too late. Her body is blue. AJ says what is late? You have to start the treamtent. AJ says I beg you do what you can I will give you as much money as you want. The doctor says this is our work. We will do what you ask. Guddan is being treated. AJ look at her. He recalls his moments with Guddan, how Guddan brought Antara’s photo. AJ faints too. Dadi says AJ.. 
Nurse says you have to come with us. AJ says I won’t move from here until Guddan is fine. Nurse says ma ji, please. AJ says no I won’t go until she is fine. Dadi says she risked her life to save you. Please take the medicine for her sake. AJ takes it. Dadi says Guddan risked her life to save everyone. She always did good nothing bad can happen to her. Everything will be back. AJ says yes. But for bad person bad has to happen. AJ leaves in anger. Dadi says where are you going? Durga says let me check. Dadi says no you stay here. Angad comes. Dadi hug him. He says I am fine ma. Dadi says AJ left in anger. Angad says let me go.

Akshat stop Police👮🏻 Jeep, he get out and take Parv out.. Akshat start beating 🤕Perv badly, Police try to stop him, but in vain… Parv evilly smile😉 and shout that your Guddan will be dead… Akshat get more angry 😡😠😡and take Police inspector gun 🔫.. Inspector try to stop Akshat, but he doesn’t listen to him.. Parv provoke Akshat to shoot🔫 him, he will die but the person Guddan who saved every relation of her will loose her life, and laugh👹👹… Dadi and Angad come and stop Akshat for Guddan sake don’t do this.. Perv again provoke Akshat and ask to shoot🔫 him, Akshat load Gun 🔫and is about to shoot, when he see Guddan protecting Perv and nod no to Akshat.. Akshat get calm and put gun🔫 down and tell Perv if anything happened to My Guddan, then he will kill🔫 him inside prision.. Police take gun🔫 and Perv along. 

In the hospital 🏥Durga and Saraswati take full plate food🍱 when Lakshmi say they have lost it, Guddan is fighting for her life and you want to have food🍱.. She even taunt Saraswati about Perv.. Durga take her out and show that they took food🍱 for Beggars so that their blessings save Guddan.. Durga accept that she didn’t like Guddan, but she wasn’t wrong this time and with medicines 💉prayers🙏🏼 and blessings are also required to save her.. Beggars bless them…

Akshat return and ask about Guddan, when Guddan parent’s arrive as well.. Doctor 👨🏻‍⚕inform that they took poision out but because it stays in her body for a long time, her organs specially Kidney is affected, if she doesn’t regain consciousness within 3-4 hours we can’t say anything, just pray to God🙏🏼.. Everyone cry😭😭😭… Akshat say she will regain consciousness…

Akshat walk inside Guddan's ward and remember each and every moment since they meet.. He start crying 😭and keep his hand on her forehead and ask her to get up, he says he is used to her non-stop talks🗣.. He hold her hand🤝🏼 and says since when did she stay quiet 😷for this long and request her to get up.. Later he add that she wanted to change color of the bedroom but she can change the colour of the whole house, he will say nothing, if she want to break things he will not get angry😡… And ask to tell 3rd thing which she always forget after she say 2 things… He cry 😭😭 and ask her to get up. 

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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