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AJ says Antra.. Antra walks in. Everyone is in shock. Antara says Akshat.. Antara walks towards her. Laxmi says is this is a ghost. Antra says I came back after years. I would look like a ghost. Our relationship won. God didn’t keep me away from you. Your love didn’t let me die. It brought me here to you. Can’t believe your Antara is here? Touch me. You will believe. AJ touches her face. AJ says you are alive? She says yes. But I was incomplete I am complete now. He says you can never know how happy I am to see you. Antara hugs dadi and says ma.. Dadi says where were you? She says your prayers saved me and brought me back to this house. Dadi says you met with an accident but you are here how? Antara says AJ’s love brought me back to life. Once Angad tried killing me. Angad says I am sorry about my mistake. Antara says I have forgiven you. I have left God behind. Antara says I was critically ill. I know AJ won’t let me go. You did that AJ. You did everything. When the ambulance was taking me to the hospital and it fell in a ditch. AJ says don’t’ remind me of that night. I couldn’t save you even though I was with you. You left me and I couldn’t do it. I hated myself for not trying enough. Why you left and I was alive but you are here today. Antara says your love woke me up from a long sleep. AJ look at Guddan. He says you mean? Antara’s doctor comes in. He says I was treating her for all this time. Her ambulance fell in a village. My team and I were there on a camp. When she was brought there she was alive but in a coma. We couldn’t contact anyone. She fought for her life. Like a power wasn’t letting her go. Last week she opened her eyes. We asked her she can’t leave the hospital. But when she came here I realized it was your love that kept her alive. When I see you two I realize miracles do happen.
Antara looks at the ring. Antara says all these decorations.. Whose engagement is it? Dadi says when Antra is here we have to find some solutions. Thank you for coming. Bhushan says you are right. it is someone’s engagement. It is my daughter’s engagement. Antara faints. AJ picks her. He says what happened? Antara.. Antara.. Doctor says she is very weak. AJ takes her room. Guddan pick the ring.

Saru places all her jewelry in the idol. Durga says bribing God? She says God sent Antara back. Durga says I gave up. But look who God sent to stop their love story. Saru says let’s see what happens to her now. Durga says Guddan thought she was his present and then his past came to present.

Bhushan says to dadi please say something what would happen to Guddan now? Dadi says the circumstances. He says didn’t you know about circumstances when Guddan risked her life to save this family? Kaushaliya says AJ will be on our side. Bhushan says he has to. If you can’t question him I will. He can’t ruin Guddan’s present and future. Guddan says it is between us. I will question him. Durga says to Saru Guddan has no place in this home now. Guddan recalls what Antara said. She collides with a lamp.

Doctor is checking Antra. Guddan comes there. She holds AJ’s hand and takes him out of the room. Guddan says I made a mistake. I don’t want to do this engagement. I don’t’ want any relation with you.

Guddan says to AJ take this ring. I made a mistake by agreeing to it. He says Guddan.. Guddan says I am dead. Antara is back. She and her picture has always been here. And now.. When she is back I am not needed. I will remove my photo. He says Antara.. She says you keep saying Antara you don’t worry. You don’t care about me. I am just a third woman. she is back. what am I here for now? Now she is your past and present. I can’t live as a third person. I can’t share my husband. I know you also want me to leave. AJ holds her hand. Guddan says in heart I am sorry. I had to do this for you. Guddan says leave my hand. He says you don’t do good acting. You can’t ever do a negative role. People would rather laugh. Guddan hug him and cry. He says why did you lie? Guddan says what else would I do? I know you’re in trouble. How can I ask you to choose? He says you thought I would let you go away from me? He says I wasn’t expecting her. You are my present and future. Antara coming back won’t change that. Guddan says what was that downstairs? He says care. Because of all the time I had spent with her. Guddan says why didn’t you say all that. It was so difficult to see all that. My heart is really worried. I want to live all my life with you. AJ says I will tell Antara everything. Guddan says will she understand? AJ says I will make her understand. I promise. He hug her.
Bhushan says where are AJ and Guddan? AJ comes there holding Guddan’s hand. AJ says I know you’re worried for Guddan. Don’t’ worry. We have spoken. I will tell Antra everything that Guddan is my wife. The doctor says you can’t tell her. Her brain is really weak. This can be dangerous for her. AJ says but Guddan is my wife. The doctor says you should wait for the right time. Keep things the way she left. It’s not easy to tell how would she react. Tell her everything slowly. Saru says to Durga our time is going good. AJ says I have to tell Antara the truth. Doctor says she is conscious. Be careful.

Antara says what truth? Why are you distant? Come sit with me. Antara says what truth? Guddan says the engagement truth. Angad and Revati were getting engaged. This is Revati. Antara says hello. Antra says who are you? What’s your relation with this house, are you also engaged? AJ? Why is she silent? You’re so pretty. Whoever you marry would be really lucky. Guddan says I have no fiance. I am here as Revati’s sister who will be Angad’s wife. This is my only relationship with this house. Antara stands up. Antara says you’re our guest. You’re always welcome to be here. Congrats Revati. You will be SIL. She hug Revati.

Guddan is leaving. Antara holds her hand. She holds her mangasutra. She says you said you don’t have a fiance then this? Guddan says I meant, Durga says she meant husband. Her husband is abroad for some work. Antara says I knew how can such pretty girl be single. Now, look at me. AJ was after me before marriage and we are together. Guddan says you’re lucky. Antra says why did your husband leave? Gudadn says he has a reason. Antra says no AJ and I will talk. He always takes out time for his family even though he is busy. Guddan says he is very nice. Don’t say anything to him. If he didn’t have a reason he would be standing with me like AJ is standing with you. Dadi says let Antara rest. Antra says to AJ where are you going? Stay with me. Guddan walks out. Antara rests her head in AJ’s lap. Antara says when I used to be sick, you would always caress my head. No one can love me as you did.

Guddan recalls AJ with Antara. She swipes her tears. AJ comes and holds her hand. He says you’re eating all the ice cream that was meant for guests? Guddan says all the guests left only one is here. I am very angry. AJ says because your engagement called off? Or Antra held my hand? Or you couldn’t say truth. Guddan says I don’t care. AJ holds her and says your eyes tell how much do you care.

AJ says I would have left your hand after Antara came if I had to. To save her life you lied about the relationship. I know how much it hurt you because it hurt me too. But this feeling for you is my choice. Guddan says I trust you but I don’t know why I feel bad. AJ says I would have felt bad if you didn’t. She says you tease me like always. He says your ice cream is melting. She says I am all cool now. Bhushan comes and says Guddan loves and trusts you so much. What are you doing? Kaushaliya says he is our SIL calm down. Bhushan says I can talk. He says for you and Antara she lost her identity. She is living in her house like a guest? Can you secure her future in this house? If not, I won’t let her stay here for a moment. AJ says I understand your worry. Please trust me. I promise you. I won’t let my present spoil due to my past. I will tell Antara everything once she is fine. I will tell Antara everything. Bhushan says I hope you stand by my Guddan every moment. Guddan says I trust him. He stood by me and he will. AJ says thank you.

Saru says Laxmi why are you crying? Antara came back. Oh are you crying for Guddan? Looks like her engagement would never happen. Laxmi says you’re mocking her? Be ashamed. She sacrificed her relationship for Antara’s health. I am proud of her. She leaves. Saru says look at her. Durga says Guddan’s sacrifice will turn out to be a mistake. The closer Antara gets to AJ, the further Guddan will be away from AJ. Durga says time to rule this house again.

Dadi says I can’t see Guddan like this. AJ says so can’t I. Dadi says I am happy Antara is alive.. But Guddan.. AJ says I am with her. She is safe in this house. Dadi says I hope Antara understands too.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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