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Later, in their room, while gazalla is Latif manages to coax gazalla into giving her the baby for sometime, while she is tensed, that if anything happens to the baby, mahira would be highly upset. she warns latif and then leaves. latif holds the baby, and then caresses her, going near the window, while the protective sheath remains behind on the bed. she talks to the child, by the windowside. Just then, winds blow off with some powder, thats gets in latif’s eyes, and in her bid to close the window, her balance tumbles, as she falls down, and holds onto the sofa’s arm. the sheath also blows in the wind and falls on the child. Just then, mahira comes in and is shocked to see her like that. Mahira again reprimands her severely for being so negligent and careless with the baby. she asks what would have happened, had something happened to him. She screams and lashes out at them. armaan comes and asks whats the matter. she is totally hyper, and asks them to never touch her ever again. Diasppointed and sad, latif and gazalla leave. Armaan asks her to calm down now, and relax, as it was a mistake. she says that she wont allow anything wrong to happen the child, as she isnt safe in the house. he asks her to relax as he wont let anything happen to them. 

At Armaan’s residence

As Armaan sits with mahira and gazalla to dinner, they find that latif is missing. he asks gazalla where is she. she says that she wasnt feeling well, and she felt that she saw latif crying too. mahira getsup and goes. she finds latif crying, in a corner, and comes to her, apologising profusely for her severe lashes at her. she asks her not to bother. She says that since she grew up without a mother, hence she doesnt have much knowledge of responsibilities, and hence the issues. Mahira apologises yet again, and coaxes her to have dinner with them. She smiles. just then, the door is insistently banged by some people, threatening and asking armaan and mahira to come out, as they wont bear it anymore. The priest arrives with some other men, one of them being amad in disguise, and lashes at armaan for staying at mahira’s house. He tries to clarify his situation, while both attend to the men. This gives amad the chance to duck out. armaan says that its their personal matter, while they are rebuked that this cant be, as they are going against muslim culture and tradition. they continue to try and coax them into understanding their situation, but they are adamant and severe.

Amad meanwhile enters by the backside, and into the child’s room. he gets his hand down almost onto the pious sheath, to pick up the child. He gets an electric shock, and retreats. he does it again, and the same thing happens. finally, bearing the shock, he takes off the sheath and picks up the child. just then, mahira looks back, and finds amad’s shadow by the doors, with the baby in his hand. she screams out. amad hears this and leaves, keeping the child back. Armaan is shocked too. they both rush in and hurriedly pick the child, while mahira lashes at him, that he had assured that nothing would happen to their child, while didnt taking her fears seriously, and now someone is right there inside the house, after their baby, with they both being in the house. he asks her to calm down, assuring that he now understands the problem, and that he wont let anything happen. she says that she cant trust anyone with her child, as she means the life to her, and she cant afford to have the child away at any cost. He calms her down, and assures that he shall find a solution. He hugs both of them.

Armaan comes out, and tries to control the disturbing crowd, while mahira tends to the baby. They lash out at him, about to hit, when he stops them, and asks what they want. They say that they both cant live under the same roof without being married. he is shocked, but complies nevertheless, and promises that he wont give them a chance to complain. They leave reluctantly. he is tensed.

At The witch’s hideout

Amad lashes himself with the whip, disappointed and punishing himself, for having been defeated even in his second attempt. the witch’s leader comes and asks him not to do so, as that wont help their cause. She says that its impossile to believe that he has the blood of the strongest Daayan, and still failed. She says that he has one last chance, which if he fails, then he would be punished by being burnt alive, for the sake of his dark forces. She leaves. he is disgusted and continues beating himself up.

At Kainat’s residence

Kainat finds sameer, in a total corporate look, and is shocked and boggled, when she finds him like that. He says that he too changed just like she had told him to. He then asks her if she might think about giving them a second chance, getting her on the emotional track. she says that she doesnt trust him. he asks how can he prove so. she says that she needs his passport, as then she shall trust him. he casually gives it to her, and she takes it and leaves. he smirks evilly, thinking that girls are idiots, as they fall for the dumbest crap, and that now he would get a chance to have his revenge from her.

Later, when kainat comes out, having bathed, she finds everything topsy turvy, and is shocked. then she finds sameer taking a video of all this, that makes it look like a robbery and is relieved. she asks whats he is up to? he explains she can easily and truly declare bankruptcy, if she can make it look like, her house was robbed too of the cash and jewellery. she is impressed by his smartness. he then puts the handycam down, on the table, but continues recording. they start talking about their future, as to how they shall be able to spend their lives easily. he says that he shall just come, while she can change and get ready in the meanwhile. he leaves, while still smirking that the video is still going on.

At Armaan’s residence

Armaan is working, when mahira suddenly wakes up, with the baby beside her, having seen a nightmare, as to how someone took the child away. he assures that nothing like that shall happen. She asks him to stay the night, for one night only, but then he is insistent that he needs to go, as per his promise, and that he doesnt want problems right now. He goes out, while putting her to bed. she is still tensed. As he goes out, he is still boggled, as to how could a man enter with CCTV installed in the house, and that means this person is someone known very nicely to the house. He sees the footage, and finds amad from the backside, and wonders who is it. he then thinkls that he might not be able to stay back as a husband, but can stay back as a friend for the security. he goes in and shares this idea to mahira, and she is ecstatic. she sleeps peacefully. He keeps working, and stays awake the night.
The next morning, armaan finds the baby crying, and picks her up, and starts chatting with her, which wakes up mahira, as she smiles at them. they take a selfie together. Later, the lawyer comes and armaan hurriedly asks if there is any solution. he denies saying that he has to get her to remarry. but he says that isnt an option, and then suddenly the lawyer remembers something, which has armaan boggled. he then says that the divorce isnt valid, if the husband gets back with the wife before the child is born. armaan and mahira are super happy, as they say that they fulfill this criteria. The lawyer says that they have nothing to be bothered with. he leaves. they are overjoyed. the screen freezes on armaan and mahira’s faces as they hug.

At Witch’s hideout

Amad performs some black magic chants, when the leader of the witches comes, and then tells him, that destiny does give a second chance, and his is giving it too. she says that tonight is Amavasya night, and tonight, a night that comes after 26000 night shall come, a night, when the good weakens, and the evil becomes the most powerful, and that tonight, itself he shall have to get the child, as her sacrfice shall get them their powers. she also warns that if he doesnt fulfill his motive, then he shall be killed. he says that his life is his motive, and hence he cant be defeated. she warns him still. he stands up and confronts her. She then makes him wear a black ring, around his neck, and then picks up the knife, and with her blood, marks his forehead. she tells him that if he gets defeated, then he shall be burnt alive, and lose his life. he defiantly says that wont be needed.

At Armaan’s residence

Mahira and armaan talk romantically, as to how they can get married again, while gazalla and latif hover around the baby. then he suddenly gets an idea and leaves. mahira continues to adore her child lovingly. While they are chatting, armaan comes back with a pram, that overjoys all of them. They makes her sit in the pram. Gazalla and latif go to the kitchen, for preparation of dinner. Meanwhile, armaan and mahira chat, wherein she apologises for being rude top him, in her concern for the child, and says that she very well knows, she can bank on him. Armaan and mahira attend to the child, wherein she goes to get milk, and he takes her out for a walk in the prembulator. Mahira comes back to find the baby gone with armaan. she screams for them, and then armaan comes back with an empty perambulator, while mahira is shocked where the child is. She says that he went with her, while he says that he just came in. She is shocked and wonders who that person was then. As they realise that noone was at fault, they are shocked that someone took their baby. mahira agin gets berserk and reprimands him for being careless, when he said that he wont let anything happen. She says that she wants her child right now, and wouldnt be able to forgive or live herself, if something happens to the child. Armaan is tensed. Meanwhile, amad who had disguised himself as armaan, walks out of the corridor, along with the child, and out of the house, as he smirks.

Later, Mahira prays to the lord, that he cant give this test, as its too much, and that being a mother, its unbearable for her to go through this separation from her child, and begs the lord for the strength to bear through it, and also asks him to help her, find the baby soon, and begs the lord to keep her safe and sound and away from the influence of any dark spirits.

Armaan too in his tensed state, in his room, wonders how could this have happened, that someone resembling him took the child away, and then decides to surf the net regarding it. he then finds a black ring by the crib, and wonders where has he seen it earlier, oblivious that he had seen this page on the google search.

At The witch’s hideout

the leader of the witch, along with others, are tensed when amad doesnt return even after a long time, wondering that it wouldnt just be amad’s end, but to their end too, as this child brings their doom and destruction. amad comes in just then, with the child, and they are ecstatic. Two witches take the child away, while the leader says that she shall have to be anointed, as a devil and then sacrificed, so that they can retain their glory, as its well known, that good conquesr over evil, but this time around, they have to stop that from happening. he complies and smiles.

At Undisclosed Location and Kainat’s residence

sameer comes to meet a hooligan, and pays him for some money, and then asks if the work is done. he says that it shall be, and sameer promises that he shall pay the remaining amount after the work is done. he then leaves. Then the fellow call;s up kainat after sometime, having sent her a video, of sameer paying him for her life. she asks what does he want. he says that he wants her to be out safe, and he shall have his revenge as he is sameer’s driver, whohe publicly insulted, when he had needed money from him. she complies after much deliberation. He asks her to come at a particular destination.
Kainat arrives at the destination, wherein the driver gives her a call, and asks her to search for a red box. she puts him on hold, and after searching, she finds it. She then opens it, to get a mobile inside. She is boggled. It shows a video of him flirting with another girl. She is shocked at his shamelessness, and thinks that he did wrong, as he would be trapped in his own trap. just then, the same person comes and traps her, from behind with a knife, asking her to stay still. she asks him to take it away. she then eyes him, having overpowered him with a quick swift, maneuveur, and aiming a pistol at him. he is shocked. she asks him to spill out everything. She asks if she was called, so that he could kill her, and asks who had sent him. He says that its all done by sameer, who wanted to kill her. she is shocked.

At The witch’s hideout

Amad holds the baby, while the witches chant. The leader ask him to place the child, inside a drawn circle. he complies and takes his seat too. The leader of the witch asks amad to scribble the logo of the devil on the baby, with a dagger. He takes it, and then eyeing the child kept in the circle, he raises the dagger, and then gets it down, trying to do, but despite all efforts, he isnt able to. the dagger falls away, while he falls on the ground, beside him, unconscious. 

At Witch’s hideout

Amad finds that the baby cant be killed normally, when they find that even their efforts at trying to kill her without any magic, normally, by throwing her in the fire, fails, as the fire douses. He decides along with the witch’s leader, that now they would have to convert her into a devil, butthey would need a more powerful force than themselves to be able to do that. They get down to their rituals, and chanting, and evoke begum from her grave, while she smiles evilly. they show her the new born, and she eyes it overwhelmingly. They express their concerns, and she decides to help them. Then they say that the moment that they have all been waiting for shall be fulfilled very soon, when they can become the strongest evil forces in the world. they smirk evilly.

At Armaan’s residence

Mahira continues praying, with great grief and in her distraught state, and denies when gazalla begs her to eat something and continues praying. gazalla is tensed too.

In his room, Armaan sits boggled and in despair too. Armaan starts surfing through the net, for more research on black rituals, and comes across this special Amavasya night. he eyes the locket and thinks that he has seen it, but god knows where. He decides to check the CCTV footage and finds amad and wonders whether he is the one behind all this. He gets enraged. he goes to mahira and sits beside her as she continues praying. When she finally opens her eyes, she finds him sitting next to her. He tries to talk, but she asks if he has any info on their daughter. he stands still. She gets distraught, and comments that they lost their daughter, and that now they wont find her ever. she says that her life has no meaning, without her daughter and goes out helplessly. He goes after her. she eyes a knife, and is about to slit her wrists with it, when he asks her not to, and holds her, while she fights saying that she doesnt want to live without a daughter, and is apalled wondering what they shall do to her child. He hugs her to caress her, while she breaks andd collapses in his arms. he is surprised to find begum, and mahira ays that she was gone forever. begum says that she was called by, and that too to kill their child. She then asks them not to worry, as amad has the child, and tells them of his motive. they are apalled. She says that she came here to warn them and take them there, and asks them not to be scared of what happens, as she shall be right there for their help. they comply and leave with her.

At Kainat’s residence

Kainat stages her death scene, and gets the paid assasin to send the pic to sameer, who is busy flirting with his girlfriend, glaoting about how he managed to be fool his idiot wife twice. He is overjoyed to see the pics. Later, he flirts with someone else, planning to go to switzerland with her, while she is all gaga at him impressive tactics at having gotten rid of his wife. he starts thinking he finally won just as he had said that he would. Meanwhile, kainat pays the person, and then assigns him a task, and asks him to dare not cross her. he doesnt seeing the big wad of money, and happily comply. she swears revenge from sameer.

Later, in the middle of the night, he wakes up having had a horrible nightmare about kainat coming to kill him, having found his betrayal. He is frustrated that he cant get rid of her even in her dreams. He is terrified.

At the witch’s hideout

begum gets armaan and mahira, who are appalled to see the baby with amad. he asks them to stay still, while she asks him to let her child go, as she doesnt mean any harm. he says that she poses the biggest threat to them. They find begum smirking, and understand that she putthem upto this, and conned them into coming here, while she callously and without regret comments that devils can only think of themselves. They are then tied up, while the child is placed between them. They are distraught. he says that they both love the child too much, but the child shall decide who she loves more, father or mother. He teases and asks the child, as the one she signals, shall be sacrificed. 

Precap: Amad tells them that now the child shall make her hourney from the good towards the evil, and with the dimming of the flaming baton, pointing towards one, he says that the goodness in her shall die, and evil shall increase, and the dousing shall mean, that she has totally converted on the devil side now. mahira and armaan hear this and are shocked. Amad addresses them all, saying tht tonight is the night that they have been waiting for ages, when begum becomes the greatest devil of all by the sacrifice of this young spirit of light and then the evil shall always and forever be hoped to have had succeeded over the good. The witch’s leader says that now they are ready to become the greatests force of evil to be reckoned with. Amad says that when the time comes for sacrifice, mahira shall sacrifice her own child, with the sword. mahira eyes them helplessly.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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