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At Witch’s hideout

Amad finds that the baby cant be killed normally, when they find that even their efforts at trying to kill her without any magic, normally, by throwing her in the fire, fails, as the fire douses. He decides along with the witch’s leader, that now they would have to convert her into a devil, butthey would need a more powerful force than themselves to be able to do that. They get down to their rituals, and chanting, and evoke begum from her grave, while she smiles evilly. they show her the new born, and she eyes it overwhelmingly. They express their concerns, and she decides to help them. Then they say that the moment that they have all been waiting for shall be fulfilled very soon, when they can become the strongest evil forces in the world. they smirk evilly.

At Armaan’s residence

Mahira continues praying, with great grief and in her distraught state, and denies when gazalla begs her to eat something and continues praying. gazalla is tensed too.

In his room, Armaan sits boggled and in despair too. Armaan starts surfing through the net, for more research on black rituals, and comes across this special Amavasya night. he eyes the locket and thinks that he has seen it, but god knows where. He decides to check the CCTV footage and finds amad and wonders whether he is the one behind all this. He gets enraged. he goes to mahira and sits beside her as she continues praying. When she finally opens her eyes, she finds him sitting next to her. He tries to talk, but she asks if he has any info on their daughter. he stands still. She gets distraught, and comments that they lost their daughter, and that now they wont find her ever. she says that her life has no meaning, without her daughter and goes out helplessly. He goes after her. she eyes a knife, and is about to slit her wrists with it, when he asks her not to, and holds her, while she fights saying that she doesnt want to live without a daughter, and is apalled wondering what they shall do to her child. He hugs her to caress her, while she breaks andd collapses in his arms. he is surprised to find begum, and mahira ays that she was gone forever. begum says that she was called by, and that too to kill their child. She then asks them not to worry, as amad has the child, and tells them of his motive. they are apalled. She says that she came here to warn them and take them there, and asks them not to be scared of what happens, as she shall be right there for their help. they comply and leave with her.

At Kainat’s residence

Kainat stages her death scene, and gets the paid assasin to send the pic to sameer, who is busy flirting with his girlfriend, glaoting about how he managed to be fool his idiot wife twice. He is overjoyed to see the pics. Later, he flirts with someone else, planning to go to switzerland with her, while she is all gaga at him impressive tactics at having gotten rid of his wife. he starts thinking he finally won just as he had said that he would. Meanwhile, kainat pays the person, and then assigns him a task, and asks him to dare not cross her. he doesnt seeing the big wad of money, and happily comply. she swears revenge from sameer.

Later, in the middle of the night, he wakes up having had a horrible nightmare about kainat coming to kill him, having found his betrayal. He is frustrated that he cant get rid of her even in her dreams. He is terrified.

At the witch’s hideout

begum gets armaan and mahira, who are appalled to see the baby with amad. he asks them to stay still, while she asks him to let her child go, as she doesnt mean any harm. he says that she poses the biggest threat to them. They find begum smirking, and understand that she putthem upto this, and conned them into coming here, while she callously and without regret comments that devils can only think of themselves. They are then tied up, while the child is placed between them. They are distraught. he says that they both love the child too much, but the child shall decide who she loves more, father or mother. He teases and asks the child, as the one she signals, shall be sacrificed. 

At Witch’s hideout

Amad finds that the baby cant be killed normally, when they find that even their efforts at trying to kill her without any magic, normally, by throwing her in the fire, fails, as the fire douses. He decides along with the witch’s leader, that now they would have to convert her into a devil, butthey would need a more powerful force than themselves to be able to do that. They get down to their rituals, and chanting, and evoke begum from her grave, while she smiles evilly. they show her the new born, and she eyes it overwhelmingly. They express their concerns, and she decides to help them. Then they say that the moment that they have all been waiting for shall be fulfilled very soon, when they can become the strongest evil forces in the world. they smirk evilly.
At Armaan’s residence

Mahira continues praying, with great grief and in her distraught state, and denies when gazalla begs her to eat something and continues praying. gazalla is tensed too.

In his room, Armaan sits boggled and in despair too. Armaan starts surfing through the net, for more research on black rituals, and comes across this special Amavasya night. he eyes the locket and thinks that he has seen it, but god knows where. He decides to check the CCTV footage and finds amad and wonders whether he is the one behind all this. He gets enraged. he goes to mahira and sits beside her as she continues praying. When she finally opens her eyes, she finds him sitting next to her. He tries to talk, but she asks if he has any info on their daughter. he stands still. She gets distraught, and comments that they lost their daughter, and that now they wont find her ever. she says that her life has no meaning, without her daughter and goes out helplessly. He goes after her. she eyes a knife, and is about to slit her wrists with it, when he asks her not to, and holds her, while she fights saying that she doesnt want to live without a daughter, and is apalled wondering what they shall do to her child. He hugs her to caress her, while she breaks andd collapses in his arms. he is surprised to find begum, and mahira ays that she was gone forever. begum says that she was called by, and that too to kill their child. She then asks them not to worry, as amad has the child, and tells them of his motive. they are apalled. She says that she came here to warn them and take them there, and asks them not to be scared of what happens, as she shall be right there for their help. they comply and leave with her.

At Kainat’s residence

Kainat stages her death scene, and gets the paid assasin to send the pic to sameer, who is busy flirting with his girlfriend, glaoting about how he managed to be fool his idiot wife twice. He is overjoyed to see the pics. Later, he flirts with someone else, planning to go to switzerland with her, while she is all gaga at him impressive tactics at having gotten rid of his wife. he starts thinking he finally won just as he had said that he would. Meanwhile, kainat pays the person, and then assigns him a task, and asks him to dare not cross her. he doesnt seeing the big wad of money, and happily comply. she swears revenge from sameer.

Later, in the middle of the night, he wakes up having had a horrible nightmare about kainat coming to kill him, having found his betrayal. He is frustrated that he cant get rid of her even in her dreams. He is terrified.

At the witch’s hideout

begum gets armaan and mahira, who are appalled to see the baby with amad. he asks them to stay still, while she asks him to let her child go, as she doesnt mean any harm. he says that she poses the biggest threat to them. They find begum smirking, and understand that she putthem upto this, and conned them into coming here, while she callously and without regret comments that devils can only think of themselves. They are then tied up, while the child is placed between them. They are distraught. he says that they both love the child too much, but the child shall decide who she loves more, father or mother. He teases and asks the child, as the one she signals, shall be sacrificed. 
At Witch’s hideout

amad tells them that now the baby shall start her journey towards the devilish world. Begum sits on a throne and smiles. he says that the parent the child smiles at, shall be chosen for sacrifice. he asks the child to smile. Armaan begs him to stop this, and sacrifice him, but spare mahira and the baby. amad taunts mahira, of having turned armaan’s stone heart into a human one, who is willing to sacrifice himself. she says that he wont understand the power of love, as he isnt a human. He says that he has had a bitter experience of betrayal in love, and today due to that, he has become like this. Armaan is tensed. She says that believe it or not, he is one of them, and he cant deny it. She says that if he has any humanity, its due to azad’s heart beating inside him, and out of the three sons, only azad had a pious soul, and whatever was azad’s, she takes it from him, that is azad’s heart. all are shocked and boggled. mahira speaks up vehemently, not to do so, while all are amused. begum says that she is taking out his heart, after which he wont die, but shall be in terrible pain, and shall become a devil. he begs her to let mahira and the child go then. AAniket tells in front of everyone, that now he shall rectify whatever has been wronged. he says that tonight, he shall expose tai, when kartik comes back. Tai is apalled. Lata smiles viciously. They start chanting. Amad tells them that now the child shall make her hourney from the good towards the evil, and with the dimming of the flaming baton, pointing towards one, he says that the goodness in her shall die, and evil shall increase, and the dousing shall mean, that she has totally converted on the devil side now. mahira and armaan hear this and are shocked. begum does her magic, and begins to retrive her heart, while he winces in pain. mahira asks her to stop this, as armaan is her son, and how can she do this. Amad asks him to bear it, as after that, he shall be so powerful, that he would love it. Amad taunts mahira, not to waste armaan’s ain through the heart. mahira says that their enemity is with her, they should spare armaan and the child. Armaan asks her not to do this. Begum comments mahira on her nobility and guts, and she proved once again that noone is like her. She is about to take the heart out, but stops. She tells amad that he can take his revenge, as she has waited for this day for long. He says that he has fallen in love with her once again, seeing her nobility. He asks how should he seek revenge, kill her, or turn her into a devil, but then asks her to choose her punishment herself. She eyes the sword that he shows, and asks her who should he kill as a punishment, armaan or the baby. she is apalled. he says that he shall make her life worse than death and asks her again. She is unable to respond, when he asks her to speak up. Armaan asks amad not to do this, and if no humanity prevails in him anymore. amad says that he is a devil, incapable of humanity, and then asks mahira callously who she chooses. Armaan mahira not to do this, and speak up his name, and end it, or else he shall find out some way. Amad asks him not to give false hopes and promises to her, and then asks her yet again. begum tells armaan that he is hindering their work again and again, and decides to take his heart, but mahira stops her, and says that she shall say. Amad taunts that she is very mature, and asks her to decide who she wants to be sacrificed. she eyes both of them distraught, and appalled.

At Armaan’s residence

Latif and gazalla are boggled and tensed, as to whether begum shall get them back, or she shall sacrifice the new child due to the powers she has longed for so long. They compare their lives with begum and then with mahira and armaan, and find the latter much more peaceful and happier. gazalla says that they can end their evil, and bring out the good, and they wont let themselves be helpless, and shall decorate the house for a celebration, when armaan and mahira return with the baby, signifying the win of good over the evil. Latif loves the idea. they get to preparing. they get to start preparing for the feast.

As they eye the empty crib, latif asks gazalla as to who could have done this to the cute child. gazalla reminds her that they cant be helpless, and decide to be cheerful, and start singing lullabies, but both break into cries, at the grief for having lost the child. They are both apalled and grieved, as they comfort and solace each other. They doubt and then assure themselves that mahira and armaan shall come back with the child.

At Kainat’s residence

Kainat comes, hurt and betrayed, and finds sameer sleeping, thinking that she can forget anything, but not the betrayal that she she got from him. she says that for her to live, he has to be eliminated. he asks her not to take his life, as she has the revolver pointed at her. she says that she didnt come here to take something, but to give him something. She hits him on the head and then suffocates him underneath the pillow, what he had to her. he struggles, but then finally gives up. she eyes him, as she takes off the pillow, and eyes him lying lifeless. Then she packs her bags, with her stuff. she then checks into a hotel, under a fake alias, and says that she shall check out in the morning. the manager of the hotel complies, and she goes towards her room.

At The witch’s hideout

Begum says that people should take decisions after much deliberation, as one mistake can cost them dearly, and advises her to listen to her brain and not the heart. mahira is stunned into silence. But finally speaks that she would like to save armaan, as she eyes at the child, helplessly. The leader says that they shall sacrifice the child now. begum taunts and asks mahira to give the reason. mahira says that she thought with her mind and heart, and says that she cant love anyone more than mahira. Armaan says that they have to save their child together, or else who will. Amad taunts them on their love. mahira says that she told her reason, and choice, and asks armaan to be left. he says that he never said that he would spare armaan, but said that he wouldnt kill him, and now they shall sacrifice her child now. begum says that it would be wonderful to watch a mother giving her own child’s sacrifice. they are apalled. Armaan screams up no, and says that he knows she doesnt have motherly instincts, but how can she propose this. she asks him that he is forever angry at her, for having thrown him on the street for dead, and today she shall make another mistake. begum does some chants, while armaan and mahira eye her boggled. due to its influence, armaan gets groggy and then doses off into unconscious state, while mahira is shocked and screams at him. he doesnt respond. Amad and others are amused. Mahira asks begum what she did. Amad says that she proved that noone can be more devilish than her, and that the world shall remember a mother sacrificing her own child. He asks the witches to start preparations. 

At Witch’s hideout

Khan Begum put Armaan to sleep till the morning, while he is unconscious on the chair as the devils, rejoice this great night, wherein they shall succeed, mahira curses them that they shall be punished by the lord for this heinous sin. The witch’s leader says that now they need to start preparing for the sacrifice. begum says that she wont feel pain, when she sacrifices her daughter, as she shall be turned into a devil first. mahira says that this shall never happen, as she believes in the lord. Amad says that the lord shall not come to protect them, and what they wish shall happen. mahira says that she and her belief shall win. The leader says that they know she is adamant, but they have defeated the best of people. The leader gets begum a bowl filled with cxoloured liquid, and they together chant, for some ritual, while mahira too closes her eyes and starts chanting. finally, their magic wins over, and she collapses by the side. When she again wakes up, she is in a trance. They all wish her welcome to the devilish world. She eyes them resignedly. Armaan wakes up meanwhile and tries to struggle free from the binding ropes, but gets dizzy yet again. he fights and then gets back to struggling to untie himself. he gets back dizzy.

Mahira is taken away to some other location and made to sit, as she sits sternly and emotionless. the leader dips her hand in the red coloured liquid bowl, and then annoints her with it, on the forehead. she does the same with another bowl of white liquid. then she hands her a covered pate, while mahira accepts. she comes dressed along with the others, wearing the black signifying evil and devilish aspect. the leader makes her wear a tiara, saying that they are indeed fortunate as they never thought that they shall be able to witness this night. begum comes and is overwhelmed to see mahira in the devilish avatar, and asks her to come along, so that she can take her to the new master. she silently complies. she is taken to a secret place, where amad waits for her. begum signals her, and the witch’s leader leaves. begum tells mahira that to perform the devilish rituals, she shall have to consummate her relationship with amad. she nods in agreement. he says that he too has been waiting, for the day, wehn mahira trule becomes his. he makes her sit on the bed. begum begins to leave, but mahira stops them. Mahira says that she was made to choose between armaan and the child, and she chose armaan. She says now its Amad’s turn, and he has to chose between the baby’s sacrifice and mahira herself, as both are equally important, but no one, not even the devil gets the cake and eats it too. begum is surprised that she is asking Amad to choose, when she is a mere mortal without powers. Mahira says she was mortal, and now she is a devil, and hence selfish like them, and then asks amad to choose between her and the baby. begum understands her prowess, and hence asks Amad to comply and then choose. mahira eyes him tensedly waiting for an answer. 

Precap: amad addresses them all, saying tht tonight is the night that they have been waiting for ages, when begum becomes the greatest devil of all by the sacrifice of this young spirit of light and then the evil shall always and forever be hoped to have had succeeded over the good. The witch’s leader says that now they are ready to become the greatests force of evil to be reckoned with. Amad says that when the time comes for sacrifice, mahira shall sacrifice her own child, with the sword. mahira eyes them helplessly. Armaan grabs a witch and asks her where is mahira and the baby. She responds curtly, that they are at the sacrificial grounds, wherein mahira has herself decided to sacrifice her child. He is shocked. he comes to the grounds, wherein he enters into a scuffle with amad, who manages to physically overpower him, in the duel, until finally he is stabbed with the knife, from the back. all are shocked, including mahira and armaan. as amad turns around to see the murderer, he is shocked to see begum, with the bl**dy knife in her hand and tears in her eyes.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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