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At Armaan’s residence

Meanwhile, amad has mahira locked in a cellar, wherein she continues to tell him to refrain from commiting a sin, but he goes on his evil rant as to how he is so barbarous that he would get the child’s own father to kill it. She is aghast and asks him not to do so. he sys that he shall shake her faith in the lord, while she says that its so high, that people like him, cant even dare to touch it. Meanwhile, latif and gazalla are unconscious, as they are drugged by amad only. Amad has mahira tied up, and continues to taunt her, while she asks him not to dare touch her. he says that he finally won. She says that armaan can never kill his own child. he places a bet. Armaan comes and she is overwhelmed, and then he asks what does he want, as his enemity is with him, and he should spare her. Amad complies, and asks him to answer who he wants and loves more, his wife, or his unborn child. they both are shocked. Armaan gives a final point that he can still make amends and he shall himself set him up. amad asks him not to lecture and decide. he then finally selects mahira. amad then asks him to kill his own child then, if he selects mahira.

At Armaan’s residence

Amad rants about how he drugged latif and gazalla. He then asks him to give the abortion pill to mahira, taunting that their child wont feel the regret that he was sacrificed for the love story of its parentsa, and would be proud. she begs him not to. armaan profusely apologises and says that he cant afford to lose her, as if he loses her, he loses everything, and wont ever be able to forgive himself. She is distraught. he gives her the medicine. she too takes it and then gulps down water, while amad watches evilly amused. Armaan catches amad off guard, and gets the revolver in his hand, and points it at amad, who eyes it viciously. Mahira watches on tensedly. armaan apologises that he has learnt betrayal from him only. she says that she knew their child would be safe. He lunges at her throat, and armaan hits him, and he falls unconscious with a head injury. armaan gets to untying mahira, and takes her away from there.

As he tucks mahira in bed, armaan promises to her, that he shall never let anything happent o her, or the child, even if his life is at risk. She says that she knows that no one can separate them now, and she too promises to be with him, till her dying breath. he tries to hear the heartbeat, while she says that she is having some stomach pains. He hurriedly calls for the doctor, but finds that its switched off, and says that he shall go and get the doctor, in the meanwhile, he shouldnt sleep. she complies He leaves. she continues to assure the child, that he is fine, and that the doctor shall come and affirm the same.

Just then, she finds armaan with the doctor, who comments that her husband loves her very much, and didnt even let her sleep. mahira blushes. the doctor starts her examination, while they both tensedly wait for her to say something. She relieves them saying that everything is normal, and the child is absolutely fine. She says that its normal, and shall subside soon. He leaves to excuse the doctor. after she leaves, he assures mahira that she neednt be worried. she suddenly remembers about amad, and asks Armaan about him. he gets worried and tensed too. he goes to the store, and finds him gone, with a message, that they shall meet again.

At Sameer’s residence

Kainat tie Sameer, while he screams to be leave him alone. she taunts and teases if its too tight, as he might try to kill her again. he asks what she wants angrily. she asks what can he give her, but she wants to give something to him, a new world, away from this, that he rightfully deserves, she wants to send him to a place that suits him, a mental asylum. he asks her not to do this, as he shall tell everyone. She asks him to go and tell everyone if he wants, and then makes him hear the recording of his confession for murder. she says now he has two options, one go to jail, and the other go to mental asylum, and she think asylum is better, as he can sit and remember what atrocities he made her go through, and when he gets better, she will come and get him. He says they can sit and talk it out. But she says they shall, when he returns. she calls wardboys, while he gets scared and resists, but they take him away, as he begs and pleads that this shouldnt be done.
Later, she try to search for the passport, but doesnt find it, and wonders where it went. the police comes looking for kainat, she is shocked, and says that she is kyra, while kainat, sameer’s ex-wife is dead. He asks about her, and she says that she is his friend. the police asks her how conveniently he is in the asylum, and she got everything. Kainat asks him to hurry up as she has to catch a plane to new york. the police asks how would she go as the passport is needed and shows kainat’s passport. She is shocked. kainat feigns innocence, and the police says that they dont understand this matter. he says that he got this passport the day sameer was sent to the asylum, by one of his friends and this means that she betrayed sameer, and hence they are here to arrest her. kainaat says that she has two names, and begs for them to understand. she tries to bribe him, which angers him all the more, and she is taken into custody. She stands appalled and distraught.

At Armaan’s residence


Mahira goes into delivery, all wait in anticipation, while the nurse overwhelms them saying that its a baby girl. they all rush in. Armaan is too ecstatic, while latif and gazalla rant about how she has gone on them. the doctor tells that its success, and perfectly normal, and both the mother and the baby are fine. mahira says that she is the happiest today, and thanks the doctor. As all leave, armaan and mahira together eye the child, while he thanks her for this beautiful gift. she asks him to come in this house now, as they have a daughter. he says that technically they are divorced, and he cant stay here till he remarries her. she says that there must be some way. he says that there is, and now that she is in their lives, there must be some way out too. They both look at her adoringly. mahira is amused, as she walks with the baby, while gazalla and latif continue to fight about the child’s resemblance on them. They find a woman dressed in white waiting for them. gazalla says that she has called this lady so that she can bless the child. they all sit and the lady eyes the baby. the woman tells mahira that she isnt any normal child, but very speciil, who bears an old and pious soul, but is god’s miracle, and asks if she has any sign anywhere, when mahira doesnt understand her meaning. mahira reesponds in a yes, saying that its around her neck, and shows the same figure of eight that she too bears. the lady smiles and says that she doesnt realise the power of her own child, and that she is miraculous, and shall change everything in an instant and has healing powers, and to test it, she shows gazalla’s pain in the leg, disappearing, when the baby touches her leg. they are all surprised. the woman says that she is a very pious soul, but she shall also be the centre of attraction for every devilish soul, and she shall have many enemies, but she would be able to fight all of them. mahria thanks her, and she leaves. she is however tensed.

At The witch’s hideout

As daayans do some ritual, in a circle, the same lady who had blessed the child comes in, and then transforms into the ir leader who had helped begum too. she says that she is here to tell them, that the child, they were waiting for so long, the girl with the sign, is finally born and that she herself went and saw her. she says that now is the time, to sharpen their weapons, and end that child. she then walks ahead, and sits on the third corner, and start their ritual, as someone;s body lies inside a marked circle, completely covered in red shroud. As it lifts up, its revealed to be amad lying on the ground. the witches eye her venomously. 

At the witch’s hideout

The witches finish their ritual, and then mark his head with blood. he gets up, in a flash. The leader says he is the first male that they have allowed ever in their coven, but he is special, as he is the son of the greatest devil of their times, khan begum and that a mother’s influence shall fall on the child, and that soon he shall get his devilish powers, which he shall use to strengthen their coven, and accepts him as their master. she tells him that he needs to become the leader of their kind but for that, he shall have to give a test first, to become the greatest devil, and acquire the devilish sword, to finish off the child with the special mark, and asks if he is ready. he says that he is ready, and that his motive is now, the child’s death, and he accepts risking his own life for that. she tells him that he is the devil’s son, and he should be responsible for their protection, and before its too late, he should go and kill the child, who has come to kill them, so that the world shall know that good can never win. she asks him never to underestimate the enemy, as the child bears ruins for them, and asks if he feels ready for this. he says that he sacrificed his life for this, then this is a petty question. He takes a knife, and pierces himself on the hand, and drops his blood in the flaming bowl kept in between them. she says that he has the first step and passed, and with the second test, he has to prove that he has no humanity left in him. he eyes a stranger who has wandered in their cave, anbd then gets up and starts strangulating the man, while he suffocates. He drops dead on the floor, while amad and the wicth eye him evilly. she says that he passed this too, but there’s a final test, that he has to give, and thats to sell his soul to the devil himself, to gain his trust, and asks if he is ready. he says that he is ready for any kind of test. he is given a dagger, and he says that right now, he shall finish his existence, and prove his loyalty to the devilish master. he stabs himself in the chest, and after bearing much pain, he falls on the floor, unconscious, with his dagger still inside. his soul leaves the body, as they all watch viciously. Meanwhile, amad regains senses after sometime. the leader gives him the grand dagger saying that now he can finish their enemy. Amad eyes the dagger, saying that with sharp mind and a sharp, dagger, now noone can stop him from getting his motive, and ruling the world.
At Armaan’s residence

Mahira continues trying several names, along with armaan, and judging the facial expression of the baby, they find that she doesnt like any of the names. she suddenly starts crying and mahira gets tensed, and wonders wheteher she is hungry. he takes the child, and then she rushes out. She comes back with a holy locket, to find blood on the floor, and is aghast. he says that he hurt himself accidentally. She comes in makes her wear the locket, and then wonders why she suddenly started crying. he asks her to relax as its normal for a child.

As mahira comes down with the baby, latif and gazalla hover around her. Mahira gives the child to latif and gazalla, and says that she shall go and get milik for her. They continue to gloat about her. meanwhile, as she goes to the room, and is transferring milk from the glass bowl into a bottle, Mahria accidentally drops the bowl, breaking it into shards. Gazalla and latif come in and are shocked to see this. She says that its considered an omen of glass breaking. latif asks gazalla to hold the child, while she cleans it up, and accidentally drops the child. Mahira lest out a scream in despair, to see this, horrified and stunned. but to their relief, armaan holds it midway, while mahira is too shaken up. he reprimands them for their carelessness and negligency, as he wont bear anything to happen to her.

At Sameer’s residence

In her residence, kainat paces around tensedly, in her original self. she thinks that her bad days shall end, and whatever had to happen has, and now she doesnt want to think about the past. she says that she shall make a fresh start today. she finds sameer coming in, cool and casual, having a cold drink and smirking evilly at her. He welcomes her back, addressing her as wife, and asks if she liked the prison, and asks if she isnt happy to see her husband, as he is, since she came to ruin him, but got shattered instead. he asks if she is wondering how he came out, as if he ran, but clarifies that he didnt, and was freed due to his good behaviour. he says that he lost one bad habit though, thats alcohol, and its good, cause now she wont be able to take advanteg of him. frustrated, she asks what he wants. he says that he wants his property, his business and his moeny. She says that whatever he is gloating about, was already hers, and she hasnt snatched it, but took whats rightfully hers. he says that its his, and she says that now he wont be able to do anything. he says that they can play it again, and find out who wins. As they eat, kainat tells that she is ready to play whatever game he wishes her to, and asks what she has to do. he asks her to eat and then taunts when how was the prison food. she defiantly responds thats it was okay. He says that noone must be mixing poison in it definitely. she gets tensed and startled.

At Armaan’s residence

Later, armaan puts the child to sleep, while armaan nervously paces around. she says that anything could have happened today with their child, and wonders why is this happening. he asks her not to worry, as its simple negligence. she says that she instinctively feels anything can happen to the child any minute. he assures that he wont let anything happen to her. He asks her to come down and eat. she says that she doesnt feel like going, and isnt hungry too. he nudges her and gets her to come down, and not worry like thisd. she resignedly goes down. they all get to eating. Later, latif goes and gets a doll for the child from the bed, and when she returns back to the cradle, she is shocked as she finds the crib empty. she screams. Latif hollers for armaan and mahira, and they rush concerned. she tells them that someone took their child. They are shocked and stunned. As they look towards the crib, they find her sleeping safe there. Mahira is shaken up, while latif is boggled. Mahira in her frustration, reprimands latif for saying this. latif doesnt realise what just happened. After they leave, mahira is still tensed for the child’s safety, saying that she feels there is some danger. he asks her to relax. She says that much wrong has happened. He says that he has CCTV cameras installed to notify anything wrong. she reminds how this child shall have many enemies, as prophesied. he reminds that she had also told, that the child shall win in the end. She says that she needs him back in the house, to feel secure. She asks what if amad came back seeking revenge. He says that he cane come, till he is married to her, and that cant happen, till she marries someone else. She asks him to get her married to someone else. he is shocked. she says that she wants to be with him, and if this is the solution, then so be it. He asks her to relax and calm down, as he shall definitely find a way out. 

At Armaan’s residence

The lawyer who has been called by armaan, tells them of the only solution, that mahira has to remarry in order to be able to marry her. He says that this isnt an option, while she stands tensed. the lawyer says that there isnt any other way out, but when armaan insists, he says that he shall find a way out. he begins to leave but then turns around. the lawyer asks if there is any evidence, of their divorce. they deny. He says that then there might be hope. They thank him, and he leaves. they hope that everything happens soon. They take a Mannat that they shall go to the dargah, once all is fine.

Later, Mahira places the child in the crib, and then turns to the wardrobe, looking for something, oblivious of the fact that right above the crib, the chandelier has gotten loose, and starts coming down inch by inch, right above the baby. she turns around and is shocked to find the chandelier at a fatal height, at which it finally drops on the crib, while she lets out a scream of despair and horror. She takes out the baby, within microseconds of the chandelier falling. she screams and calls armaan. They all come. she is appalled and distraught as she narrates everything, and then talks about how she knows the house isnt safe for her.

At the witch’s hideout

Amad places the dagger back in its sheath. he is sure that now no one can stop them, and that he shall get the child right away, and here they shall sacrifice her. The leader asks him to go, and perform this devilish work, and that they shall await his return back with the child. he complies, while she stands evilly eyeing him.

At Armaan’s residence

Later, while armaan and mahira sit with the baby, while latif and gazalla rant nonsensically, about their beauty, as they both are amused. beggars come at their door, in which one of them is Amad, in disguise. They are tensed to see the beggars, as they wish the child good health. Mahira gets them in, while she goes to get food. the beggars come in, while amad has eyes only on the child in the crib. armaan continues to read the newspaper. Amad in changed tone, asks latif to go and get water, as he is very thirsty. she complies and leaves. he comments to armaan that its a wonderful child. He smiles. Armaan then gets a call, and moves aside to attend to the call. amad gets his chance to eye the child, while she is tensed too, as he thinks who shall save her now from him. he is about to pick her up, when he places his hand in the crib, but just then, before that, a peer baba comes and places the hole and pious sheet over her, and amad retreats by its presence, being devilish now. the peer baba eyes him angrily, while he cowers away. mahira and gazalla return with the food. the peer baba asks them not to be scared now, as no devil can even touch her, due to this protective sheath of this pious spirit. He leaves. mahira is relieved. amad hastily rushes off from there, boggling them.

At the witch’s hideout

Amad comes back, defeated, saying that he doesnt accept defeat at the last minute, and that he has to get the child anyhow. Just then, the leader of them, dressed as a beggar too, says that they cant sit idle, as if she isnt killed in time, then she would ruin them all. He swears to finish the baby.

At Sameer’s residence

Kainat is shocked to know that sameer wants that they should scam on themselves. He marvels at the idea, while she rubbishes it off, saying he has actually gone mad, since the asylum visit. he says that once she gives him all the money, he shall go to europe. After that, he asks her to file a complaint, in the police, and declare herself as bankruptcy, and that way, noone can ask her about the money. She can then come to europe and take her amount. She asks if she shall let him, take all the money and leave. he says that he shall run away, but would leave the money back in their joint account, so that he can access only when he has her signatures too. She asks who shall trust on this. He says that everyone shall, as all know how much they hate each other. She complies, and asks what she needs to do. He asks her to transfer all the money in this account, as he has already opened a joint account in their name, in switzerland. He hands her a chit. She complies, and then sits for the transfer, while both eye each other tensedly.

Later, one of her employees comes and tells kainat that he has no clue how it happened, but all the money in their company’s account is gone. She says that she doesnt know all this, and asks him to find out the theif soon, or else, she shall have no option but to declare the company bankrupt. the employee leaves. After he goes, sameer comes out, and commends her regarding her acting skills. He asks what next. She says she wants to clear something, that her money is at stake, and she doesnt trust him, and hence the percentage should be 25% and 75%, being hers. he doesnt accept. She then blackmails him, into how, she had recorded his voice, when he was narrating the whole plan. He is tensed. She reminds of him the murder recording and this one now. He complies, to her request, and asks what would he get in return. She smiles.

Later, sameer sees kainat coming back with shopping bags, and taunts that she shall spend all their money, before they even get to europe. She says she was getting disguises for their perfect escape to europe. She then shows him the stuff, and he is impressed. She then gets her fake passports too. he marvels at her smartness, and she asks him to get one for himsef too, as they have to leave by the end of the week. he says they were supposed to be going by the end of the month, then why early. she says that the earlier they go, the better. she leaves. he smirks tensedly.

At Armaan’s residence

Later, armaan talks to the lawyer, asking him to soon find a way out, on the phone. Just then, mahira comes with the child, and the pious heath, and narrates the entire incident. he says its good that since they got it, their child would now be safe. she says that it merely ensures that there are evil forces behind their child. he asks her not to overthink, and spend quality time. he gets the lawyer’s call, with a bad news, that the priest isnt ready for their remarriage, and he doesnt like the fact that they are still meeting. he says he cant leave them alone here. the lawyer says it can be disastrous for him, enraging them. he comply. Mahira ask Armaan what happen? He says nothing everything is fine. She says that he cant lie, and speak up, and seems tensed. he asks her not to worry, and then takes the child with him outside. she thinks that she is happy after a long time, and hope that no one gets through them.

Precap: Mahira places the child in the crib, and then turns to the wardrobe, looking for something, oblivious of the fact that right above the crib, the chandelier has gotten loose, and starts coming down inch by inch, right above the baby. she turns around and is shocked to find the chandelier at a fatal height, at which it finally drops on the crib, while she lets out a scream of despair and horror.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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