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At the dargah

Granny begs the Lord, to be able to help them, as begum killed farida, and now ehsaan is bearing the brunt of her toture, and that now she cant bear it anymore, and begs for a way to be shown. she ardently prays. She opens her eyes, to find a bed of burning coal, while people praying beside it. the peer baba says that the lord’s people arent scared of anything, even this burning coal. he says that those who walk on this, shall get everything that they so desire. One of the people tries to do so, but after taking the first step, he fleees off. the peer baba asks if there is anyone else, who believes in their worship to the lord. Granny says that she wodul. she is advised against it, owing to her health, but she is adamant. she says that its a test of her worship, and the lord shall have to listen to her. she eyes the smoldering coal, and then starts walking on it, remembering begum’s atrocities, and then begs the lord to help them. She successfully comply, while the people are amazed. The peer baba says that the lord shall save her and her family from the dark spirit and tells her of the plan, when she seeks help.

Armaan’s residence

In amad’s room, mahira asks him not to mind armaan’s words, and that he can stay nicely here, as noone shall bother him. latif and gazalla come with food, while mahira formally introduces them to him, as they go on their senseless banter, much to mahira’s frustration. he again gets into his poetry, while she is amused. She asks them to take care of him, while she attends to armaan. he continues on with the poetry and singing too. As he sings a romantic song, they wonder how amad is singing so well.

Meanwhile, in armaan’s room, he hollers for mahira, who comes and locks the door. he asks whats all this. She then explains everything, and amad’s relation with the family, and how she didnt have any choice. she makes him understand that he is his step brother, but he vehemently denies any relation with him. With tears in her eyes, she says that its fine as its just for humanitarian sake that she got him here, and if he doesnt like it, then amad can be asked to leave. he says that he doesnt want any connecting ties to his past any which way, now that he wants to move on with her. she says that she too doesnt want to look back, hence she is so happy with him, but she couldnt have left amad in that condition. He apologises for bringing tears back yet again in her eyes. he wipes them and she hugs him.

At Armaan’s residence

Armaan lovingly sits beside her bedside and eyes her, as she sleeps, and promises that that they wont separate ever, and noone shall come in between them. he says that he shall protect her from all troubles, and be the ideal husband that she wants. he takes off her slippers, and pulls the drapes on her. Meanwhile, munna rangeela actually turns out to be amad. Amad eyes mahira’s pic viciously saying that she is his dear mahira, and that times may have changed, but his adamancy to have her hasnt, and that he has come to get her, and so he shall, at any cost. He says that she is only his.

As mahira wakes up the next morning, she finds armaan in front of her, and apologizes for having dosed off, waiting for him last night. she is about to go out hurriedly for breakfast, when she is pleasantly surprised to see him with his grand spread of breakfast for her. He goes onto comment about how he would make every day of his special. she teases that she didnt think beyond imagination that he could be so romantic. he says that he too thinks like that. she hesitantly comments that she doesnt wish to have azad and his memories in her life now, as she wants to move ahead with happiness with him. They amusingly start thinking as to how they should address each other now. he gets serious and comments that he loves her so much, that he can give and take someone’s life too for her. Amad comes in just then and finds them like this. mahira sees him and moves apart. as mahira sits in the bed, amad comes and hurriedly takes her hand and asks her to come out with him right away, and almost drags her out with her hand in his, but armaan stops her with her other hand just then, as he eyes them tensedly. mahira is torn between the two and is in a dilemma as to how to handle this situation. amad and armaan confront each other. he asks amad to take off, asking how dare he come in like this. Amad asks her to come along, as there is something important that he wants her to see. he takes her hand again, and armaan comes in between. they both eye each other angrily, while mahira tries to calm him down. he pacifies and then leaves. mahira is tensed and rushes after him, while amad eyes them evilly.

At the dargah

The next morning, granny looks on while the peer baba prays. she begs him to show a way, while he says that she has been chosen to save herself and her family. She distraughtly thinks that nothing happens before begum’s power, then what to do. he says that the lord inside her is more powerful than any evil spirit, and asks her to be fearless. he produces a taveez, while she is surprised, as she eyes it. She takes it as he gives it to her. he says that this taveez contains the power of the world, and she can consume that much power as she wants, and that this shall work only as long as she has faith on god’s powers and miracles. Adding responsibility, he says that she can use this only to prevent the dark soul, as the day she uses it for herself, it would have a reverse effect. She prays and when she opens her eyes, the peer baba is gone, and only his cloth remaining behind. she clutches at the green cloth and treats it with reverance.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Granny returns back with whiskey, while begum intentionally and leeringly flirts with the stranger, to irk her. ehsaan comes and gives him his wallet that he forgot, and he takes it and leaves. Begum then asks him to go and clean the room. he silently complies and leaves. Begum then hollers her to get her drink, and she is amused, as granny complies. She takes the first sip, while granny eyes the taveez in her hand, glowing green. granny starts muttering something and stands up, and begum looks back shocked, asking her whats she doing, and asks her to stop it right away, while granny continues her chanting. begum takes a knife and it stands midway, away from her hand, and infact follows her as in whichever way she goes. begum is boggled, and asks whats she doing and whats all this. Granny holds the knife, and says that time doesnt wait for a change soon, and says that her power is more than hers, and that she wont spare her. Ehsaan comes out, and begum asks him to come and take the knife away from granny. he comes and does what he is told, despite granny protesting. Begum then asks him to kill granny. Granny begs him not to kill her. He is about to raise for a fatal blow, when begum stops him, and asks him to give the knife, and he complies. she excuses him and he leaves. begum asks her not to think that she had sympathy, and that she shall definitely die, but only by her hands, and eyes her confronting. begum says that she doesnt know how she got this power, but she knows that she shall now enjoy playing with her. begum leaves. granny thinks that ehsaan is her weakness, and that her magic wont work on ehsaan, and hence for the magic to work, ehsaan needs to be away.

At Armaan’s residence

Latif and gazalla comment as to how armaan doesnt get angry anymore. he comes just then, telling them that heis going to the office, and by the time he returns, then amad should be out, and if he isnt, then they should see themselves out by then. As mahira arrives in a dark room, lit by a chandelier, amad comes with a mask on his face, as he goes on a rant of poetry, and asks if she liked his act. he continues to talk about the importance of love, and then springs up behind her. He leans in to whisper in her ear, taking off his mask. Amad tells mahira that this is love itself that makes a person go mad, and change himself completely and resides in every artist that can make him do anything, as it can make or break a man, turn him into a romantic or make him a vicious betrayer. Mahira is boggled, as he hugs her from behind, with his mask.
At Armaan’s office

Armaan while working in the office, starts hallucinating mahira everywhere around her, and is embarrassed as he is flustered in front of his employees. His worker comes and announces that client have come for the meeting. he asks him to send mahira in. he clarifies the confusion. Armaan asks him to cancel all the meetings, as he needs to go. his employees are boggled.

At Armaan’s residence

As armaan comes in, latif and gazalla are overly teasing him of his romantic gestures, as he carries a bouquet in his hands. he is frustrated with their banter. he gives it to latif and then walks off hurriedly. He then comes back again to take the bouquet. He leaves.
Meanwhile, inside, mahira jerks amad away as he clutches at her. mahira asks whats he doing. He pulls her close and says that she is only his. armaan comes in just then, and is disgusted and pulls mahira away, and throws a jab at him. She says that he isnt in his senses, and that his memory isnt with him. He says that he doesnt care and he cant tolerate him at all, and asks how dare he touch her. Armaan announces that either he stays or amad does. Mahira says that no one compares to him. he says that he isnt related to him at all, and asks her to throw him out. She tries to make him understand but he walks out. She is tensed. Amad gets to speaking. She says that she doesnt wish to talk to him and then leaves. Amad asks her to go wherever she wants, but her destination is she herself, and her roads shall lead to him.

As mahira rushes after him, Armaan goes in and locks the room, while mahira is outside, asking him to stop his anger. he says that nothing is left to talk, as she had to think before choosing. She asks how can he ask her to choose, as she values him more than anything, and asks him not to create misunderstandings, as that can hamper their relation. she begs him to try and understand. He asks what she wants from him, and from whats happening, how can he tolerate him. she asks him to trust her atleast, as she only loves him, and cant even think about another man. she begs him to give her sometime. he says that she has time till tomorrow. He is tensed. She thinks that she knows she has hurt him, but she promises that she shall not let misunderstanding arise in between their relations.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum wonders what power granny got to stand up to her, and whether she is also on her way to becoming the devil. Her phone rings and Latif tells her that amad has returned, and armaan and mahira have started loving each other. Begum is happy, thinking that now their consummation isnt afar, as when that happens, the child shall give her back all of her strength and lost power. But then she wonders where did amad get here from. She goes out to explain it to him, but before she can, granny calls her from behind. she asks whats it. Granny throws a cloth at her, and asks her to get to cleaning. begum asks if she is okay, and knows what she is speaking. Granny then asks her not to refuse the elders’ talks, as she is waiting. As she eyes the taveez, something happens to begum and she bends down to pick the cloth, and the bucket falls right next to her, and she starts wiping the floor, with the cloth, as granny wanted, while she eyes her. begum uses her magic to try and throw stuff on granny, but she escapes. granny taunts that maybe today she shall understand that the good always wins over the bad, and asks her to clean it spic and span. just then, ehsaan is walking past, when granny asks him to listen to her, but he doesnt. Then begum takes the juice, that he has brought and drinks it evilly smiling, and then throws the glass on the floor. She asks ehsaan to take the glass pieces and wound himself. granny is apalled, and asks him not to do it. To her horror, he does it, and blood starts gushing out. Granny tries to stop him, but begum asks him to go and get the knife now. She begs begum not to do this, while she asks ehsaan to come along and he silently complies. Granny rushes after them. she is shocked as she sees begum using a black magic to create a room, and then asks ehsaan to get in and he complies. She informs that the room shall start lessening up in air, and soon he shall die. Granny isd appalled, as in front of her, the room vanishes into thin air. she is apalled. Begum warns her not to be over smart, or else she would lose him. She leaves. granny then again finds the room, and ehsaan inside it. she tries to open the door, but finds it closed by black magic, and uses her powers to try and get it to open. but just then, begum hollers for her, from outside, and the taveez falls inside their room where ehsaan is blocked. She is appalled, and begs ehsaan to lift it up and give to her. he silently complies. she takes it just in time, to find begum entering who is boggled as to what granny is upto now. She asks granny to beware or else she shall kill him. Granny rushes out hastily, clutching the taveez as begum notices it. she understands that this is the key to all her powers.

At Armaan’s residence

The next morning, mahira wakes up but doesnt find armaan anywhere, remembering his latest love for her and goes on searching for him. Mahira comes looking for armaan, but doesnt find him anywhere and then finds a note, reading which he is shocked. It reads that he is going to Delhi for office work, and hence when he returns, he hopes that things are okay, meaning that amad is out of the house, she is tensed. Just then, amad walks in with a chef’s cap, and a breakfast spread, and a full poem for her. He gifts her bracelets, as a token for what she is doing for him, since armaan should take care of this stuff, but supposedly he is least bothered and hence he decided to do it instead. She asks him not to decide what a husband armaan is and asks how could he enter the room, despite being warned the last time. she asks him to get out. he says that he didnt want to hurt her, but she throws him out, asking him to leave. he says that he is going, while smiling evilly at her. After he leaves, she is tensed.

At Armaan’s residence

As mahira stands tensedly, amad bids a sentimental farewell to latif and gazalla, who ask him where shall he go. he says that he is a Banjara and can go anywhere. Mahira says that if he doesnt have a place to live, then he can stay here, but within boundaries, as as he cant forget that this is armaan’s house. Latif and gazalla are excited and take him back inside. She is tensed wondering what to do, as she cant handle the forgetful amad, nor the fiesty armaan. Amad thank him and leaves with them.

In his room, amad opens up his suitcase, to reveal some stuff about mahira, that she has carelessly thrown about, and he has grabbed them. then he eyes mahira’s pic and kisses it, and then opens the folded pic to reveal armaan’s pic too which he vehemently tears off from mahira’s pic. then he eys the revolver kept.

In her room, mahria continuously tries armaan’s number, and wonders whats she doing, as she had resolved that she wont let his past interfere, and she is doing exactly the same. She decides that she cant break this promise, or hurt armaan at any cost, and she wont let anything wrong happen now. She enters amad’s room, just when he closes the suitcase. Amad is asked by mahira, that things arent appropriate and she shouldnt be doing this to her husband, and then asks him to leave the house, as she has no other option. he pulls out a revolver, and then points it at her, while she is aghast and shocked, and says that if she so wills, then he shall leave and never show his face ever again, and then points it to his own head. she is shocked. She tries to pull it off from his hands, while he threatens that he shall kill himself. After a scuffle, she takes the gun and then asks if he had gone mad trying to do this. He says that he is distraught wondering who is it, and whats his story, and who is amad and whats his connection, and that his life feels a burden on him, and doesnt have even a single friend in his life. she is worried to see his state.
she asks him not to lose hope, and keep on trying with strength and hope, as thats the only solution. She says that she is with him, and shall help him, and he shall remember everything. he is happy. She says that he needs to know that she cant hurt armaan for this, as he is her husband. he promises her that he wont do anything like that ever again, that makes her regret her decision. She leaves. He says that he promises that he would ruin her life, the same way she ruined his.

Mahira goes to the room, and then eyes armaan’s pic, and remembers how he fears neglection and rejection, and hence hates his mother. She thinks that unlucky are those who dont have anyone, but worse are those, who have but they separate. She says that she wont have this nonsense anymore. She says that she shall do this for armaan, and shall unite the brothers at any cost.

Amad comes with a red dupatta, and asks mahira whose is it, and if she recognizes it. She asks where he found it, and he says that he found it in the suitcase. she gets reminiscent, and nudges her head in a yes. He says that he continuously feels that he was married, and asks whether he was. she looks at him surprised and then responds in a yes. he asks her where is she. she says that she doesnt know, and that she has no pic of her, while he gets inquisitive and curious about his wife, She wonders where to find his bride from. he says that this dupatta gave a new meaning to her, and begs her to keep it safe. she complies and takes it. He leaves, eyeing her evilly.

Precap: Amad is asked by Mahira, that things arent appropriate and she shouldnt be doing this to her husband, and then asks him to leave the house, as she has no other option. he pulls out a revolver, and then points it at her, while she is aghast and shocked, and says if she so wills, then he shall leave and never show his face ever again, and then points it to his own head. she is shocked. Mahira tells armaan, on the phone, that ever since he went away, she has been worried thinking whether he is still mad. he assures that he cant be mad at her for long. She smiles. he asks her if they can start afresh in their lives, with just him and her, and no shadows of past looming over them. She smiles and complies. Meanwhile, amad eyes mahira’s pic, and starts scratching her pic, with a knife, swearing to ruin her completely.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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