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Aditya tells Mithi that Imlie made him woke up from sleep, when his eyes opened, he saw Imlie’s courage. She didn’t get afraid of the gully boys or the gangster. A fb is shown, Imlie fighting with the gangster. He tells that Imlie fights for those who couldn’t fight for themselves. He says I couldn’t understand that she has become my inspiration. He says on seeing her, I used to remember my failure, but later I used to remember my rules seeing her. He tells that he remembers everything, for what he had raised pen in his hand. He says whatever Imlie does, is for others as everyone is hers. He says when I realized my love for her, I started fighting for her. He assures Mithi and Satyakam that he will try to become suitable for their daughter from now until his last breath. Mithi says I know you have accepted Imlie as your fight and want to fight for her rights, but will your family accept her as your wife, and not a Servant. Aditya says they have to change their thinking else I will change the house.

Imlie says I have already betrayed them, now can’t snatch their son. Aditya says I don’t want to do this, but will not let them snatch anything from you. He says it is difficult for them to accept you, but when they can forgive me then why can’t you, who has never done anything wrong. He determines to get a place for Imlie which she deserves. Aparna tells that she has decided that there is no place for Imlie in the house. She tells that she will stay in hostel if she returns with Aditya, we will support and help her, but she will not return here. Bhabhi tells that if they can do this. Aparna says we have to do this. She says I care and love Imlie, but can’t ignore the fact that my son and daughter in law’s lives are in trouble due to her. She says I don’t understand why he went to Pagdandiya. He is not with Malini, but with Imlie. Bhabhi says how we will make Hari. Aparna says she will talk to him. She says she has decided.

Dev looks at Malini and thinks his daughters are suffering due to him. He couldn’t stop whatever happened with Imlie, but will not see what is happening with Malini. Malini asks him to come inside. Dev asks if she talked to Aditya? Malini asks for what? He says you are husband and wife and shall talk. Malini diverts the topic and asks about his painting. Dev asks if she is happy. Malini thinks if Desai uncle told him. She says she is not happy, promises that she will make everything fine. Dev says you had taken a wrong decision earlier, don’t do this again. Malini says no way, I promise. Dev asks if the misunderstandings between Aditya and her is due to Imlie and asks her not to misunderstand her, she is very clean hearted girl. Malini says she has no misunderstanding regarding Imlie. He asks her to think wisely before doing anything. Malini says Aditya and I will take the step together.

Aditya cuts the vegetables. Mithi asks him to leave it. Aditya says I can do anything for penance and says he don’t understand why they forgave him. Mithi says you love Gudiya and respect her, what else we want. Aditya hopes his family too accepts Imlie. Mithi says she is worried about his second wife. He says Malini. Mithi feels bad for Malini. Aditya says may be we were not destined to stay together, we were good friends and will always be her friend. Mithi prays that God shall send a life partner for Malini, to share happiness and sorrows. Satyakam asks Mithi to serve food to Jamai Babu. Mithi says she made lauki. Satyakam says he will not eat. Mithi tells that he is Pagdandiya’s Dadda, I know that he doesn’t like lauki then also I made it intentionally. Aditya jokes.

Malini thinks Aditya must be in Pagdandiya, he don’t have to hide his relation with Imlie infront of anyone. She wonders when she will accept that someone is there in Aditya’s life. She thinks if Mom was right about my marriage, then if she is right about her own marriage. She recalls Anu telling that Dev had an affair with a woman in pagdandiya 20 years ago. She tells that there is some connection of Dev and Imlie. Fb ends. Malini thinks of Dev taking Imlie’s side and loving her much and thinks if my Papa is Imlie’s Papa too. She thinks where she will find the answers.

Satyakam and Mithi wash the utensils together. Mithi asks how is he washing? Satyakam asks her to wash herself. Aditya looks at them. Imlie says they start in the morning. Aditya stops her. Imlie says let me go, else the utensils can’t be washed. Aditya says it is strange that we couldn’t fulfill our relation even though there is a name of our relation, but they are fulfilling the relation without naming it. He tells that they will return to pagdandiya as husband and wife, but not as friends. Imlie says she never thought about this and tells that Amma will not agree. Aditya says he will convince her. He asks Imlie to be quiet and asks how she will hide her smile. Imlie is happy for Satyakam and Mithi. The Police Inspector finds the CCTV footage in which he is kidnapping Doctor and taking him from there. He says he wants satyakaam either dead or alive.

Mithi keeps tea on the stove. Imlie thinks to make her Amma wear the clothes brought by Aditya. Aditya comes to Satyakam and tells that Imlie brought clothes for you. Satyakam asks why it was needed. Aditya says we will click the photos. Satyakam says a rebel pic have the message written dead or alive. Aditya says you are krantikari/freedom fighter for me and not a rebel. He asks him to tell Imlie if he doesn’t like the clothes. Satyakam takes the clothes.
Aparna and her bhabhi come to meet Malini at Dev’s house with Nishant. Anu taunts them. Dadi asks them to sit. Anu asks Aparna about Aditya and asks when is he coming or he wants to spend more time with that Servant. She says your son couldn’t fulfill his relation with Malini, don’t know you came. Malini comes there and greets them. She thinks she is distancing herself from them. Aparna tells that they were missing her. Malini says she is doing an important project and not getting time. Nishant says Aditya is busy and if you also say this then. Malini says she tried to take time out for him, but. Aparna and Bhabhi ask her when she will return? Malini says she will come to meet them, thinks she can’t go there even as a guest, her marriage will soon be ended. She excuses herself on the pretext of submitting the project.

Imlie gets Mithi ready as a bride. Mithi shies. Adi gets Satyakam ready as a groom. They both insist and take them to a temple. Constable informs inspector about Satyakam’s location. Satyakam asks Adi and Imlie why did they bring him and Mithi to a temple. Imlie says to perform their wedding. Mithi scolds if she has gone mad. Satyakam warns not to scold his daughter. Mithi scolds him. Imlie says she needs both a mother and a father, she is ready to bear their scolding and wants to see them together. Adi asks them to accept their love for each other and marry with god as evidence. Satyakam says she is ready as he wanted to marry her since before and decision will be on Mithi though. Mithi says she is proud of him and never sought his support as she thought people will humiliate an unmarried mother, but he always supported her and her daughter; if he is ready to accept dirt in his life, she will spend rest of her life as his wife. He says she is a kajal and not dirt which he wants to keep in his eyes forever. Adi and Imlie perform Satyakam and Mithi’s wedding. Seeing Satyakam applying sindhoor in Mithi’s hairlines, Adi remembers applying sindhoor in Imlie’s hairline.
Rupali asks Aparna if she spoke to Malini. Aparna says Malini doesn’t want to return to their house, but its not her mistake as Adi never respected her and gave her a wife’s right, don’t know what happens to people when they visit Pagdandiya. Rupali says Adi is relaxed as he knows his family will support Malini, but there is no one to support Imlie and she will be kicked out first. She says its better if Adi and Malini stay separate for sometime. Taiji says returning to maika is not a solution if there is a problem in marriage, they can save the marriage with talks. Rupali asks what is the use of marriage when 2 people are not happy, but Taiji wants to become a typical Indian mother and talk about society and relationship even if 2 people suffocate in that relationship, why is she behind 2 people who don’t want to be together. Taiji says she will not understand as one needs to sacrifice to keep family united and they cannot be selfish. Rupali asks if she means she should have been with her husband even bearing humiliation and shouldn’t have thought about herself. Aparna says they didn’t mean that. Rupali cries that they want Adi and Malini to stay together forcefully, they should give them a chance to think about themselves. Aparna says they gave many changes, its not a question of Adi and Malini now as Imlie has come between them.

After Satyakam and Mithi’s wedding completes, Adi says he will feed them a nice lunch. Imlie says marriage not complete yet as Dadda has to promise her something. Satyakam agrees. Imlie holds Adi’s hand and asks Mithi to hold Satyakam’s hand and repeat that she gives equal right to him, their bonding will be equal and nobody will be superior to each other. Adi repeats that he will give her a right on him, their bonding will be equal and he will not let anyone insult her. Mithi and Satyakam extend hand towards each other when inspector shoots Satyakam’s hand and warns to dare not move or else he will shoot Satyakam, orders his team to arrest Satyakam. Adi asks if he has a warrant. Inspector shows him warrant and asks if he is related to fugitive Satyakam. Imlie says he is not, he is a reporter. Adi introduces himself. Inspector says he knows. Adi says he shouldn’t have shot Satyakam and is breaking rules, he will write an article against him. Inspector says Adi can do whatever he wants, he will get a medal anyways for arresting Satyakam. Satyakam says if inspector arrests him, he will get medal and I will get a jail; he was a farmer and then become a rebel; his daughter Imlie will complete his incomplete task; he asks Mithi to be his wife and never remove her suhagan’s dress even if he is hanged. Inspector yells to stop his drama and drags him towards car. Satyakam looks at Mithi. Inspector gets him into car and leaves. Mithi cries vigorously. Imlie consoles her. Mithi says her fate is really bad and she is always betrayed in life. Imlie says she and Dadda taught her since childhood to fight for her right, then why didn’t she ask her right from her baba 20 years ago. Mithi says even if her baba had accepted her, his family wouldn’t have accepted an illiterate bahu, they wouldn’t be happy and she doesn’t want to make anyone unhappy. Imlie reminisces Aparna telling Malini is well educated and perfect for Adi, her family is well respected in the society.

Precap: Malini returns home with Adi and Imlie. Taiji says at last Adi brought Malini home. Malini says Adi brought Imlie home instead. Malini asks Imlie to tell everyone at home and stay where she shall stay. She asks why are you stopping. Imlie says for you. Malini says I am happy with Kunal. Imlie says I know that you are lying. Malini asks what is our relation, why are you doing this for me.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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