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Kunal Chauhan brings Satyakam to Tripathi House after bailing him out from jail. Imlie emotionally hugs him and asks how is he. He says he is fine and thanks KC for reuniting him with his family. KC says he did his job. Adi thanks him next. Imlie reqquests him to have lunch with family. He says he has some work. Imlie says Malini is here. He agrees and walks in with Adi. Mithi asks Imlie if Malini is here and would want to meet her. Imklie says why not. Satyakam says she had come for 1-2 court hearings and she is a kind woman. Malini looks at her and Adi’s pics and thinks if she still hopes to reunite with Adi, she shouldn’t think so and should move on, she asked Adi not to make his room as the museum of memories. KC walks in and asks what is she doing here. She says he followed him even here. He says he brought Satyakam. She gets happy and thanks him. He says he just united Satyakam with his family; Imlie, her dadda, and amma are all here. Malini panics hearing that and thinks Mithi will think she betraye3d her if she finds out that she is Malini and not Kalpana. She says she cannot meet Mithi and tries to rush out, but seeing Mithi with Satyakam and Imlie coming towards the room says she cannot meet her and cannot go out, what should she do now. She gets an idea, smiles and hugs KC. Imlie opens door and seeing Malini hugging KC nervously closes door and tells Mithi and Satyakam that should have some snacks and relax first andf then meet Malini. KC asks Malini if she will explain what is happening. She apologizes and says she didn’t know what to do. He says girls get out of control seeing him. She says she already apologized him and should go from here. He asks what exactly happened. She says her life is complicated, she cannot explain now, and walks away leaving him confused.
After finishing lunch, T family discuss that there is a lot of traffic congestion due to increase in vehicles. Sundar says neighbor bought a new car. Imlie yells at her to shut up and says they should stop acting too old, Nishant is so serious as if he has immense pressure on him, he should relax and enjoy as he just got married. She says they all should enjoy life. They all smile. Mithi asks her to control herself. Rupali they enjoy Imile’s drama. Imlie asks Satyakam to show their Pagdandiya style of entertainment. Satyakam plays drum with Baja Baja dhol baja.. song in the background. Whole T family dances with Imlie. KC seeing them busy sends Malini out silently. Satyakam asks Malini how is she feeling seeing her daughter’s sasural. Mithi gets emotional and after a long dialogue hopes any evil eyes shouldn’t fall on T family’s happiness. Anu walks in thinking this is maid Imlie’s last day of happiness as her evil eyes will fall on her happiness from today. She sees Imlie with Mithi and remembering boutique incident thinks what is this woman doing with Imlie, how are they related.

Dev calls Malii and T family and thinks Anu must have reached there and before she ruins T family’s happiness, he should go there and stop her. Family finishes their dance. Satyakam tells Mithi that he came directly from jail instead of visiting Pagdandiya, so he will call Prakash and find out the situation there. Mithi insists Imlie to introduce her to Malini. Imlie says she will after sometime. Anu realizes that Mithi is Imlie’s mother who had an affair with Dev and ruined her life. Harish calls Imlie for to participate in the next ritual and calls even Mithi. Anu walks to Mithi and pulls her hand. Mithi asks what is she doing here. Anu asks how dare she is to come here to ruin someone’s life after ruining her life. Mithi says she is mistaken. Anu asks if she is not Dev Chaturvedi’s mistress since 20 years. Mithi shatters hearing that.
Adi walks to Imlie and asks what is she doing. She says she came to pick coconut for ritual, why did he come here. He says he came to take her. She asks if she forgot the way or he is afraid to be alone. He says he was remembering her. She laughs and says she cannot talk romantically. He picks coconut. She laughs saying a coconut is holding coconut. He says she would say soft from inside and hard from outside. She says she is very happy seeing his family respecting her mother so much. He says his family will be more happy if they will find out that she is their bahu and insists her to inform their truth of family without any fearing as its the right time with her amma and dadda’s presence; asks where they both. She says Dadda went out and amma must be somewhere around. Anu shouts at Mithi that she ruined her life 20 years ago and now sent her daughter to ruin her daughter’s life.

Anu continues insulting Mithi and asks if she was not happy ruining her life that she came to ruin her daughter’s life. Mithi apologize to her and says she was also betrayed like her and didn’t know that Dev was already married, she didn’t even know her daughter’s name. Anu says her daughter must have got the talent of trapping rich men and looting money from them. Mithi shouts not to accuse her daughter as she is pure. Anu warns her to stop her drama. Mithi says her daughter is innocent. Anu says she is feeling disgusted that she is sharing air with her in this place and asks if she thinks her daughter will grab money from Dev by her acting, her daughter is a dirty blood and an illegitimate child of her and Dev’s illegitimate affair. Mithi shouts enough, she can understand Anu’s pain, but her daughter is pure and innocent. Anu says he will not let her daughter loot Dev and will inform the whole Delhi about them. Mithi gets tensed thinking Imlie’s in-laws will disown her and holding Anu’s feet pleads not to do that. Imlie with Adi passes by and seeing that lifts Mithi and warns Anu if she forgot her warning, how dare she to insult her mother and try to ruin her dignity. Anu asks her to ask her mother where was her dignity when she was having an affair with her husband? Dev also walk in. Anu says Imlie is acting really well and knows that her father’s name is Dev Chaturvedi. Dev shout Anu. Imlie reminisces his fatherly love for her and him requesting her to call him papa like Malini does. Dev apologize to Imlie. Imlie shattered saying this is not possible. Adi ask her to listen to him once. Dev says its true that she is his daughter, he was waiting since long to call her daughter, hear baba from her, and apologize to her; he never thought this day would come in this way; she should forgive her baba who couldn’t do anything for her. Imlie walk towards Dev. Anu stops her and says Dev can not do anything for her as he promised that he will not give his name to this servant until she is alive. She push Anu and warn her to stay away from her family. Adi warns Anu to stop her nonsense or else he will call police. Anu asks if he is not ashamed to have an affair with Malini’s illegitimate sister, let us inform his family that Imlie is her husband’s illegitimate child. Dev says let us inform that Dev misused Mithi’s trust and ruined her life, let us see her status shattering in the society. Dev says its okay and emotionally extends his hands towards Imlie. Imlie walks away from there. Anu asks if he wants to get insulted more, let us go from here. Dev looks at crying Mithi and leaves with Anu. Mithi cry vigorously. Imlie runs on road and falls down. She cries vigorously remembering Anu’s words and shouts its not her her and her mother’s mistake, they both are innocent. Adi consoles her and says its not her mistake. Imlie asks if Malini’s father is also her father. Adi apologize to her for not informing her about it earlier. She asks if he knew about it. He says when he went to Pagdandiya, even his father was there and he heard Satyakam, Mithi, and Dev’s conversation.

Malini travels with KC and reminiscing hugging KC thinks she is in a big mess. KC stops her outside Chaturvedi House. She asks if he is in his senses. He says he is really confused what she is up to, she doesn’t want to go to her parent’s houe, can not stay in her in-laws house and misusing him according to her convenience, he is getting mad with her drama, she can go wherever she wants to but get out of his car first. She says she is so sorry that she dragged him in her mess, she randomly took Kunal Chauhan’s name and coincidentally his name is also Kunal Chauhan. He asks her to tell her story, why she and Adi want a divorce, maybe Adi still loves her as he invited her to his brother’s marriage. She says he doesn’t. He says she was with Adi since 7 years and they loved each other, then what exactly happened. She says Adi loves someone else.

Precap: Dev tells Imlie that he will give his name to her and will do whatever a father does for her daughter. Imlie says she has her name Imlie and doesn’t need his help to gain respect for herself. Dev tells Imlie that he didn’t do justice to his both daughters, but will from hereon and will give his name to her. She says she has a name and will create a name for herself via her hard work.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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