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Nishant asks Imlie to share her problem if she has any. Imlie says he has problem instead and asks which medicine he consumes. He says multivitamins. She says she heard him telling doctor that he has leukemia and she found out yesterday that its a blood cancer. He asks her to speak slowly. She asks why did he hide the truth. He asks if she thinks he is the only person who hid truth. She asks that means he knew about his illness and returned home for the same reason, why didn’t he think about his family. Pankaj overhears their conversation and asks why didn’t he really think about them, since when he is having this illness. Nishant closes door and requests not to inform about it to anyone, he is getting his treatment and didn’t want to trouble them. Pankaj hugs him and says what if Tauji and Taiji finds out about his illness. Nishant says he doesn’t want to inform them for the same reason. Imlie says she read about leukemia and read complete treatment hasn’t yet been found, if Nishant will be fine. Pankaj apologizes her for nothing thinking about her and sending her to someone else’s house, but she is thinking about them even now. Imlie says when she came here and didn’t have a shelter to live, they gave her a place in their hearts and wherever she goes, she considers them as dear ones. She asks Nishant to trust himself and leave rest on god. She walks away thinking good Pankaj found out about Nishant’s illness, Nishant won’t be alone now. she picks Adi’s watch and reminiscing the incident thinks she doesn’t have right on his time and maybe there won’t be. She keeps watch in Adi’s room and thinks she is returning his stuff, but cannot return his memories and has to live with it.

Aparna tells family that she tried her best to solve Adi and Malini’s problems, but couldn’t. Tauji asks what is she thinking. Aparna says they couldn’t send Adi and Malini for honeymoon, so they should send them somewhere at least and make them realize that they are made for each other. Imlie passes them. Tauji stops her. Tauji asks what she wanted to discuss with Nishant. Pankaj walks down with Nishant and says nothing much and asks Aparna what were they discussing. Aparna says she wants to send Adi and Malini alone somewhere to clear their differences. Nishant says it means she wants to send them on a date. Aparna says its should be a surprise date to not let anyone know about it. Tauji asks Imlie to join them. Rupali asks Imlie to go as nobody except her and papa want her to join them. Imlie walks away saying she is getting late for college.

Imlie returns to Anu’s house remembering Aparna and Rupali’s words. Anu mishandles her and says because of her, Malini and Adi canceled their honey, what did she tell Adi and why did he go to him. Daadi tries to rescue Imlie. Anu says she will not leave Imlie until she answer. Imlie stammers she had some work. Anu pushes her by hair on ground and tells Daadi that she is supporting a liar who is ruining her granddaughter’s life; Imlie wants to become a home breaker like her mother and tries to slap her. Imlie holds her hand angrily and warns to dare not speak about her mother or else she will forget that she is Malini’s mother. Anu says shameless girl is threatening her, she is doing a big mistake. Imlie replies that she is doing a mistake by dragging her mother in between; she keeps quiet doesn’t mean she cannot answer her. Anu yells characterless girl acts innocent and helpless in front of Dev and hypnotized Adi that he wants to destroy his own house. Imlie says she can if she wants to. Anu asks what rubbish. Imlie with a grin on her face says if she wants, she can ruin her daughter’s life and her daughter got her right since she didn’t ask her right. Anu warns to be in her limits as she is a servant. Imlie shouts her daughter became bahurani since she became naukrani. Anu asks what did she say. Imlie, with a pride expression on her face, says she spoke what she wanted to and walks away. Anu hits her head with a stick injuring her badly. Daadi, who was standing silently not shocked with Imlie’s replies, rushes to her and says Anu did really wrong. Anu walks away saying she will never forgive Imlie. Daadi insists Imlie to take her to hospital as she needs stitches. Imlie says Anu gave her deep injury and she doesn’t want to forget it in her life, her injury will remind her that she can tolerate pain and not insult.
Adi reminisces Imlie coming home and Anu getting angry seeing her and thinks Anu will vent out her anger on Imlie, so he needs to speak. Malini gets Nishant’s message that there is an emergency and she should reach Deer Park immediately. Adi also gets Nishant’s message and reaches Deer Park. Malini surprised to see him asks what is he doing here. He asks if she sent him a message. She says even she got same message. He says his family is trying their best to reunite them. Malini says they don’t know that its not possible now and tries to leave. He stops her and says its time to reveal truth.

Imlie wipes blood from her hand reminiscing Anu insulting and beating her and thinks why she is crying as whatever happened today is not a new thing, she is seeing since childhood that city people consider villagers as slaves and ruthlessly torture them, they don’t value poor’s blood; her mother truly loved her father and she is waiting for him lifelong, even she has to stay away from Adi now; why Adi acted a loving her and lied when he wanted to return to Malini. She thinks she had to bear her mother’s insult today and Adi is enjoying an outing with Malini; she tried to reunite Adi and Malini. On the other side, Adi informs Malini that he loves Imlie. Malini is shocked to hear that.

Imlie continues crying and thinks Malini and Aditya will reunite again, then whatever happened between her and Adi was a lie. Adi tells Malini its time to tell truth. Malini prays god to give her strength to tolerate truth, says finally he will tell truth and what is his truth. Adi says truth is he and Imlie love each other. Malini is shocked to hear that. He says when he went to Pagdandiya/PD for the first time. She asks to stop as she doesn’t want to hear about his heinous act. He says he knows she is hurt, but he didn’t do anything purposefully. She says he married her purposefully; she thought him something and he is something else; he is not a person whom she loved; she loved his honesty, loyalty, daringness, etc., but he fooled her and must be laughing on her; he shamelessly fell for a small girl. He asks to listen to him first. She says she is sure Imlie is not the first girl and he must be having extramarital affair with many other girls. He warns to control her tongue. She says how dare he is, he couldn’t control himself and wants her to control her tongue; they dated for 7 years, if not love, he would have respected their friendship; her bestfriend whom she trusted most and a girl whom she considered as younger sister betrayed her. He asks not to talk about Imlie. She says she loved Imlie like a sister and shared everything with her, her parents, her grandmother, her house, her knowledge and now has to share her husband with him. He asks not to blame himself without knowing whole story. She says she never saw such a good actor like Imlie in her life, Imlie acts so innocent and calling her didi eyed on her husband. Adi repeats again. She says he is feeling bad when he talks against Imlie; her mom tried to alert her, but she didn’t; Imlie is a big manipulator who gained family’s confidence and love and now wants to snatch her love, village women are cunning who trap wealthy city men and among women who trap others’ husbands. He shouts to stop it. She asks why should she stop when he or his mistress didn’t stop, she is seeing a cheap cheater instead of India’s biggest reporter; he is so intelligent, then can he stupidly have an affair with Imlie; didn’t he realize before having an extramarital affair that she can drag him to court as she is his wife. He says she is not his wife as Imlie is his first wife. She shatters more hearing that and says this can’t be true.
Imlie packs her bag and thinks she will not tolerate anymore, she learnt a lesson late, coming to city was her dream and now realized it was wrong, she will return to Pagdandiya for now and will return when she will have a name, fame, identity and will reply people who insulted; she is going gifting her suhag to Malini, now Adi doesn’t have to tell truth to Malini. She ties her duppata over her forehead.

Malini repeats this can’t be true. Adi says he wanted to inform this before and reminds her restaurant incident when she collapsed after he informed her about Imlie. He continues that he didn’t want to betray her, but nothing was in his control, reminiscing marrying Malini. Malini says she is ready to hear whole truth. He describes the whole story when he went to PD for the first time to cover Satyakam’s story when he met Imlie and after an unusual accident, villagers forcefully got him married to Imlie; he says nobody was in his life except Malini for 7 years, she as his friend and wanted to be loyal to her, but don’t know how he changed and wished this would have happened before their marriage and she wouldn’t have hurt; Imlie and his marriage was forceful, but now he wants to follow that relationship, which was burden to him and Imlie considered it as blessings and accepted his and his family’s hatred at first; he now wants to give Imlie her right and support her in front of whole world; thinks Imlie did everything alone, but now he wants to support her. Imlie leaves Anu’s house with her bag/potli.

Malini travels home in car and thinks her marriage and heart broke completely; she always thought she is right and Imlie is wrong as she came between her and her husband, but whom to blame now as neither Aditya nor Imlie is wrong, fate got them married before her and she became a second woman instead; Imlie respected her responsibility by hiding hers and sacrificed her sindhoor and her husband, she won even without asking asking anything and is more closer to Adi now. Adi thinks he feels sin-free after telling truth, now Malini also has someone who can support her, so he can support Imlie only now. Imle thinks why should she hide herself; when there is no meaning for her and Adi’s relationship, why should she bear the pain; why should she stay in this city when this city didn’t consider her as dear one. Adi thinks good truth is out, he is free from his guilty and will give all his right to Imlie. He reads a poem justifying his act. He passes by Imlie without noticing her. Even Imlie doesn’t notice him.

Imlie waits for Pagdandiya bus when Satyakam and Mithi walk out of bus and seeing her ask what is she doing her, how is she injured. Imlie says she fell down and asks why did they come to city. Satyakam says they came to meet her. Imlie asks why. Mithi says its time to know truth. Imlie says even she wants to know truth from her which she is waiting since years and wants to know her father’s name.

Precap: Satyakam’s men brutally assault Adi and Satyakam points gun at him and shoots. Aditya is attacked by Satyakam and his men. Satyakam fires a bullet at him.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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