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Aditya gets romantic with Imlie and says she is having emotional sickness and tickling in her stomach. She says no and keeps her finger on his lips and then shyingly walks away. He stops her and extends his hand towards her. She looks at herself in a mirror, pulls her tresses out, and holds his hand. He dances with her looking into her eyes with Abhi Abhi To Mile Ho.. song playing in the background. She then walks aside. He kisses her shoulder. Emotional tears roll down her eyes and she smilingly looks at him. Malini shatters noticing that and walks away crying. They both notice someone near door. KC clashes with her and asks if she doesn’t have any other work than clashing with him. She apologizes. Adi picks Malini’s ring and thinks if she came here. Malini twists her leg. KC offers to help her, but she shouts she will manage. He says as she wishes. Imlie with Adi calls Malini and asks KC what is he doing here? KC says he came to discuss Satyakam’s case. Adi asks why didn’t Malini come in. Malini says she didn’t want to disturb them. Adi asks if they both came together. Malini says yes and thinks why is she continuing her lies. Imlie asks then why did they come in 2 cars. KC says she can be a better lawyer than him and says they came in different cars, but will return in one car. Adi says they should get inside and discuss. Malini asks KC if he can accompany her now and come here tomorrow. KC tells Imlie that he will discuss Satyakam’s case tomorrow and walks towards car with Malini. Imlie helps Malini and returning her ring says she knows why she is lying and aplogize to her. Malini says she need not apologize, its a minor sprain and she will be fine soon. Imlie gets her into car and returns to Adi.

Adi asks Imlie if she heard what Kunal said. She says she still feels there is something wrong. He says he is just asking if she wants to become a lawyer like Kunal as she can be a good lawyer as she stretches the issue a lot. She says she still feels Malini is lying. He says she met Kunal and should end this issue right here and inform family about them, he will inform family that he filed for divorce with Malini. Aparna walks out and is shocked to hear divorce. Adi says he and Malini filed divorce papers. Aparna walks in to inform family.

Malini thinks she wanted Imlie and Adi to reunite, but couldn’t see them together; pray to god to end her pain soon. KC plays loud music. She switch it off and says she doesn’t like loud music. He says he likes it though and says she should be thankful to him that he is taking her in his car and dropping her home. She asks she doesn’t care what he would have done, why did he lie that they came together? He says he just supported her, he is not a mind reader and doesn’t know when to lie and when not to, he thinks there is some tension between her, Adi, and Imlie; asks how does she know Adi and Imlie. She warns him to mind his own business. He says she dragged him into this triangle. She says there is no triangle. He says its a square now with his entry and says he was very intriguing since childhood, so she should answer him. She asks him to stop his lawyer mode and requests to not take up Satyakam’s case. He says he will not leave a high profile case and will not fulfil her each demand, she can not even thank him once and is a crazy lady. She switch on music. He says that is rude. She says his words are weird, so she switched on music. Their nok jhok continues.
Pankaj asks Adi why did he file for divorce. Adi says he has already taken a decision. Harish asks why didn’t he inform them before taking such a big step. Adi says they both already decided. Radha says there is problem between them because of Malini’s boyfriend. Adi says a husband and wife’s decision is their own and is not influenced by a third person. Aparna says family is also involved in a marriage, why is he trying to snatch a daughter from her. Adi says why would he snatch any relationship, Malini is her best friend and he is just trying to protect a friendship which would have turned ugly in the future.

KC drops Malini home and try to help her. She says she will go herself and argues with him. He thinks he will neither leave the case nor this crazy lady’s mystery. Anu noticing them asks Malini who is that boy?

Aparna tells Adi that he snatched a daughter of the family who stayed with them for so many days, loved them unconditionally, and shared an emotional bonding and is informing them now. He says who is he to snatch Malini from them, Malini is his best friend and will always be, she will be a beautiful part of his life and he is ending a relationship which would turn ugly in the future, he didn’t want to take this decision under anyone’s influence and hence informing them beforehand, he knows she is hurt but should understand him. Nishant says he already told him and once again is asking him to rethink again. Harish says divorce is happening for the first time in this house. Rupali says they always tell that whatever they do is for children’s happiness, then do they think Malini and Adi are happy, they didn’t let her and Pranav take divorce till now and let her suffer, why are they putting Adi and Malini in guilt when they are taking a decision, do they like putting them in guilt. Radha says all this his happening because of Malini’s affair. Adi asks her not to badmouth Malini, they took a decision mutually and hence needs their support, not only Malini even he has a reason for this divorce. Imlie looks at him. Pankaj asks what is his reason? He says he will inform them at the right time and walks away. Aparna cries saying her Adi’s heart can not break like this. Pankaj consoles her and asks to stop fighting as he doesn’t think things will get right between Adi and Malini. Harish says if one walls falls down, the whole building shakes, don’t know what will happen to their family. Imlie silently watch them.

Anu asks Malini who was the boy who dropped her home? Malini says even maa saw Kunal now, how much lies she has to say now. Anu asks if he is the same Kunal Chauhan, she supported her until Adi did wrong and now even she is doing wrong like him; if Kunal is the same boy because of whom she is taking divorce from Adi. Malini asks if she wants even her to live with a false relationship and stay with a man who doesn’t love her, then apologize to her. Anu says maybe following a false relationship like her is wrong, but she is not wrong; Dev is wrong instead because of whom all this problem happened, Dev’s illegitimate daughter broke Malini’s house and her mother broke Anu’s house. Malini requests not to vent out her anger on Imlie as she is innocent, she shouldn’t worry about her now as Kunal is in her life and she is very happy with him. Anu says if that is the case, she is happy for her and asks her to come and have food. Malini goes to her room. Anu thinks she knows Malini is not happy as Adi broke her heart for uncultured maid, whatever she couldn’t do years ago she will do it for her daughter and will punish Adi for sure.
Imlie walk to Adi. Adi says he doesn’t want to talk to her. She ask him to listen to her once. He says when he promised amma and Satyakam that he will get her right, each day is a burden for him; Malini also loves someone else, even then Imlie brought some reason to stop him from telling the truth to family. Imlie says she needs to show him something and showing him family photos asks if they are nice. He asks what she wants to say. She says these are not just photos but her morning, she wakes up and cleans these photos each morning and pray to Seeta mayya to keep them happy. Adi asks what she wants to say. She says she wants to show him instead, his family together looks so happy and she is nowhere in this picture as her place is to keep these photos clean and not be in it; a family which can not tolerate their DIL leaving them, how will they accept a servant as their DIL; they will not smile again and will shatter. Adi says he always thinks she is giving an excuse to tell truth, but didn’t know she is thinking in a different way; she has to decide how she will inform their truth to family before they find it out and break down. 

Anu files a police complaint against Tripathi's families. 

After sometime, Adi gets on his bike to leave for his office. Imlie says she is going to meet KC at 11 a.m, will he accompany her? He says its near his office and he will reach there on time. He drives bike away saying bye Mrs. Tripathi.

Imlie walks back in. Sundar cleaning the floor scolds her to watch out. Anu walk in and tells Tripathi family they are celebrating after burning someone’s house. Aparna says if she is talking about Adi and Malini’s divorce, even they wanted to talk to her, but didn’t citing Dev’s illness. Anu says Dev did not come with her, but she is not alone. Pankaj says even they don’t want this divorce. Anu says she wants to know what Adi want, he was behind Malini for 7 years and got bored of her after marriage and now want to spend remaining 7 hears with a servant. Harish shouts at her not to dare speak ill about Imlie; though Imlie didn’t say anything, they know Anu did something wrong with her at her house. Anu says he is worried for his servant but didn’t speak when there was injustice happening with Malini in front of him. Aparna says if she is questioning Adi’s character, even she can point at Malini’s character. Anu says if she is talking about Kunal Chauhan, Malini doesn’t have any affair with him and is alone; now they will pay for their sins. Aparna asks what she mean? Anu calls police in. Inspector says Anu has filed a case against them of domestic harassment, mental torture and abuse. Tripathi family get shocked says this is wrong and Anu filed a false case against them. Imlie says this is wrong and he should question Malini. Harish asks her to back off as Anu will get even her arrested. Inspector says there is an arrest warrant against even Adi. Imlie asks Anu why is she doing this? Anu says they made her daughter shed tears and Imlie made her shed tears, they all will pay for it. Inspector arrests Tripathi's families.

Precap: Adi warns Anu to dare not speak ill about Imlie. Anu asks Malini how did she ruin Malini’s life. Imlie holds her hand tightly and says she will teach her difference between right and wrong. Malini wishes happy birthday to Adi and says she didn’t bring a gift for him. He says she came, that is enough for him. She says she brought 2 good news along, one is Satyakam’s court hearing date is fixed and two their divorce date is finalized. Imlie hears their conversation.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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