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Anu whisks Imlie and says her damad/SIL Adi pitied on her and brought her here from Pagdandiya, but she is eyeing on Malini’s right and is luring Adi; whatever tricks she plays, an illiterate and orphan girl without a father like her cannot succeed in her plan. Imlie says she doesn’t want to interfere between Adi and Malini. Anu pulls her hair and pushes her on ground warning to ruin her life if she dare tries to go near Adi. Imlie cries vigorously while Daadi consoles her and says she is with her, she shouldn’t consider Anu’s words true as she is not a dust of feet but a sandalwood which is applied on forehead, she shouldn’t lose hope.

In Pagdandiya, Dulari washes utensils yelling that Mithi is still ill and not recovering. Bindiya walks to her and asks if Mithi is fine now. Dulari yells why would she work then, Mithi is ill remembering Satyakam and will die remembering him. Satyakam enters and asks what does she mean. Dulari changes her tone and cries that she has to work at this age as Mithi is ill. Bindiya says Mithi is severely ill. He says she will be fine if she rests. Bindiya says he should meet her once. He asks to show her to a doctor. She says Mithi needs him and he shouldn’t forget their relationship. He asks what relationship they have. She says he understands that and its up to him now if he wants to meet Mithi or not.

Dev returns home and calls Imlie. Imlie walks to her. He sees her injuries and asks how did it happen. She says she slipped and fell. He shouts at Anu. Anu walks in asking why is he shouting. Dev shouts why did she hit Imlie. Imlie says Anu didn’t do anything. Anu warns her not to lie, agrees that she slapped Imlie and warns to kill her if she interferes between Adi and Malini. Dev raises hand on Anu. Anu fumes and says he raised hand on her twice becaue of this girl. Imlie pleads to forgive her. Anu says Imlie came to ruin their lives, now she will wait and watch what she will do to her. Dev continues shouting. Imlie says its wrong to hit a woman, she will go to hospital or Pagdandiya as she doesn’t want problems because of her. Dev says she will not go anywhere as he will lose everything if she goes.

Sundar serves tea to Tripathi/T family. Tauji says Imlie is missing. Sundar jokes who adds imlie/tamarind in tea. Tauji scolds him. Pankaj says they can meet Imlie whenever they want. Aparna says she just wants Imlie happy in Anu’s house and doesn’t want her to argue with Anu. Anu angrily walks in calling Adi. Pankaj asks what happened, he is not at home. Anu says if his son is not at home, she knows where he is. Nishant says he must be at office. Anu says if he is free from roaming around servant Imlie, he must be in office now. Pankaj asks what does she mean. Anu says his shameless son was roaming on a bike with Imlie yesterday and left Imlie outside her house; she doesn’t down about their status in society, but her family is vey dignified. Tauji asks if she is sure she saw Adi. Anu asks if he thinks he will not identify her SIL roaming with a servant. Rupali asks what problem she has if Adi drops Imlie on his bike as he drops even her, Aparna, Nidhi on his bike and if she thinks his seat is reserved only for Malini. Anu asks if she wants Malini to lose her husband to another woman, she herself ruined her life and is rotting in her maika and wants even Malini to follow her path. Tauji warns her to dare not speak against his daughter. Anu asks his blood is boiling when its about his daughter, what about the injustice happening to her daughter. Taiji takes crying Rupali in. Anu continues that their son is enjoying with other woman and they want Malini to sacrifice. Nishant asks what if Adi dropped Imlie and left as it was late evening, why is she wrongly alleging. Anu asks why did Imlie lie and tried to hide truth, why did Adi went to meet a servant to her college, people identify him as professor Malini’s husband, why did Adi went there hiding.

Malini walks in and lies that she asked Adi to drop Imlie home as Anu had informed her that Dev dropped Imlie in the morning. Anu asks her to stop lying to protect her Adi. Malini repeats that she asked Adi. Aparna says Anu should be happy hearing that Malini and Adi are going on a honeymoon trip in a few days and their differences is clearing. Malini takes Anu to her room saying many people are hurt because of her.
Dev cries and apologizes Imlie that he couldn’t take care of her and everything here belongs to her. Daadi stops her. Dev says let him speak truth and repeats that everything belongs to Imlie in this house. Daadi says Dev means Malini considers her as sister and hence this house is also hers, whatever happened today shouldn’t have happened, she should go in and study. Imlie leaves. Adi asks Daadi why did she stop him. He says his emotional decisions have always backfired, Imlie will be most affected because of his act.

Adi walks to Imlie’s college and hears teacher informing Imlie that it will take time to get hostel accommodation, thinks Imlie wants to shift to hostel maybe because of Anu. Teacher asks if she is having a problem at a place she is staying now. Imlie says no as she is staying at known people’s house. Teacher leaves saying she will inform her if there is any vacancy. Adi walks to Imlie. Imlie asks why did he come here, there was a big problem after he met her yesterday. He asks what happened yesterday. She reminisces Anu slapping her and asks why did he come here. He says he came to give her books and asks why didn’t she inform him about her decision of shifting to hostel. She says she cannot live a free life with her friends and same age people if she stays at home. He shouts if she takes decisions herself without informing him, go to Pagdandiya or Anu’s house without informing him, he will not interfere between her decisions. He walks away while she stands crying.

Mithi severely ill subconsciously asks Seeta Maiya why did she do this to her daughter. Dulari seeing her resting on bed thinks of ruining it and acts that her knees are paining and good Satyakam helped her. Mithi wakes up and asks if Satyakam came. Dulari says he had come outside home and left. Mithi thinks good he returned, she will go and inform him about Imlie’s problem. She gets up with great difficulty. Dulari says Satykam doesn’t want to meet her and told Bindiya to show her to doctor instead, she thinks he got someone else. Mithi thinks she needs to meet Satyakam at any cost.

Anu informs Malini that Dev raised his hand on her. Malini is surprised and asks how can papa do that. Anu says she shouldn’t be surprised as Dev raised his hand on her because of the servant Imlie twice. Malini says her papa cannot do that. Anu says she has protected her from all this, she is also standing now where she is since years and protecting Adi wrongly and wishes whatever happened with her shouldn’t happen with Malini; says she just wishes she doesn’t get betrayal from Aditya like she got from Dev. She continues that she used to stay in Dev’s house because of Malini and now she doesn’t want to stay there especially after he raised his hand on her; she doesn’t know how Dev is related to Imlie. Malini asks what does she mean. Anu says she is hiding truth since 20 years and thinks if she doesn’t inform it, even Malini will be harmed with it. Malini asks what. Anu informs that 20 years ago when Dev went to Pagdandiya/PD, he had an affair with some woman. Malini is shocked and says this cannot be. Anu says she knows she can speak bitter but not lie. Malini asks how is Imlie related to this. Anu says even she is trying to find out and is trying to gather proof that Imlie and Dev have some connection. Malini asks what does she mean. Anu says she doesn’t want Malini to suffer like. Malini thinks if papa and mom fight for the same reason, if papa cheated on mom. Anu says she is afraid that someone may come from PD and say Imlie is Dev’s daughter. Malini shouts its impossible, stops aying that and panics.

Tripathi family rushes in and asks what happened that Malini got tensed, if Anu said her something. Anu says she didn’t know she brought up her daughter so weak that she cannot hear truth. Pankaj says Malini is already tensed and they shouldn’t trouble her more. Taiji requests not to talk about Malini and Adi’s relationship. Aparna says everything will be fine over time. Malini says she is fine, sorry for troubling them and asks them all to go as she wants to rest. Aparna asks if she is sure, they are out and she can call them if she needs anything. Malini asks even anu to go as she wants to be alone. Anu also leaves. Malini thinks if papa really staying in PD leaving man, if Adi will also leave her like papa, if Imlie is really papa’s daughter, she shouldn’t doubt much and should investigate about Imlie herself and if needed go to PD and meet Imlie’s mother.

Sundar cleans Aditya’s room singing and seeing a mattress there takes it out to clean it. Taiji noticing that goes to inform her team. Sundar thinks they may blame Imlie even for this. Tauji says how can a couple sleep separately in same room. Nishant says he gifted them honeymoon tickets thinking things are getting back to normal. Aparna asks why did Adi drop Imlie at Anu’s house and came from outside without going in. Taiji says Malini told she told Adi to drop Imlie; if there was a problem between them, they why would she do that. Pankaj says curtains are draw to hide dirt. Nishant says he feels Malini lied to defend Adi. Aparna says like they hid their problems. Nishant says many questions are hovering in his mind and he tried to speak to Adi, but he is in different zone. Aparna says she still remembers Malini tell their house and not our house. Pankaj says he cannot understand how can Adi not adjust with such a nice girl like Malini. Taiji says because of that, Anu is trying to prove her doubt right. Pankaj says he cannot believe Adi lied for Imlie.
Rupali enters and says she didn’t think they would change so soon; until Imlie was taking care of family and kids, she was their dear one and once a small problem troubled them, they kicked her out of their minds. Pankaj says Adi is behaving weird since Imlie went to Anu’s house; they remember Imlie but didn’t go to meet her like Adi did. Rupali says they didn’t think twice before taking decision against Imlie and when someone is thinking about her, they are cursing him; she is ashamed to be this family’s daughter. Nishant says they are just thinking. Rupali yells that they are alleging Adi and Imlie when Imlie sacrificed a lot for them and went to stay where she knows she won’t be respected; he didn’t know even Nishant would become part of this house’s politics. Tauji says he also loves Imlie like her. Rupali asks then why he is conspiring against her. Aoarna says they are family and not individuals and are trying to fight out Adi and Malini’s problems together. She says she accepts their concern, but they also taught her to keep her conscience clear, she doesn’t know if they are betraying their own conscience or Imlie. Pankaj says they need to talk to Adi.

Imlie sees Daadi cleaning house and asks what is she doing. Daadi says servants are on leave, so she is cleaning. Imlie says let her do that. Daadi says is free, so she is doing it. Imlie in her usual style blabbers to pray god, go to park, or do something else and let her clean house. Daadi says she will do some other work then. Anu throws garbage on Imlie. Daadi asks what is she doing. Anu says she is showing a servant girl her place, that garbage’s place is in dustbin. Daadi says even she was doing same work a few minutes ago. Anu says she would have anyways asked Imlie to clean garbage and if she thinks she will pamper her like Dev, its her misunderstanding. Imlie tries to leave. Anu orders to clean the garbage. Daadi asks her to stop. Anu says she will not stop until Imlie doesn’t mend her ways; informs that she had gone to meet Tripathis and saw them happy after Imlie left their house, Malini was also happy as Adi is paying her attention again, she gave her bags to pack clothes for their honeymoon trip in a few days. Imlie gets angry hearing that. Daadi asks why honeymoon suddenly. Anu says they were planning since long and hopes evil eyes don’t fall on them, looking at Imlie. She asks Imlie why she is looking shocked, if she is not happy with her Malini didi’s happiness. Imlie leaves without replying feeling sad, but thinks she is happy as she wanted Adi to fulfill each promise made to Malini and hopes Seeta maiya keep them both happy always.

Severely ill Mith visits Satyakam’s house. Satyakam feels concerned for her and thinks why did she come in such a severe illness, acts rude and asks why did she come here. She says she came to ask him to speak to Imlie. He says she should speak to Imlie’s baba then. She says Imlie needs her dadda and not baba now. She says she is right, one respects others due to need or else don’t even look at them; he helps whoever comes to his house even if he has to sacrifice his life. Mithi collapses. He rushes to her concerned.

Precap: Anu alleges Imlie that she is following her mothe’s path and ruining someone’s house and tries to slap her. Imlie holds Anu’s hand and warns to dare not talk about her amma or else she will forget that Anu is Malini’s mother. Anu asks with what right she is behind Adi. Imlie shouts Malini got her right as she didn’t ask her right. Anu says she is just a naukrani/servant. Imlie shouts Malini because bahu as she became naukrani. Anu alleges Imlie that she is following her mother’s path and ruining someone’s house and tries to slap her. Imlie holds Anu’s hand and warns to dare not talk about her amma or else she will forget that Anu is Malini’s mother. Anu asks with what right she is behind Adi. Imlie shouts Malini got her right as she didn’t ask her right. Anu says she is just a naukrani/servant. Imlie shouts Malini because bahu as she became naukrani.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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