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Pallavi informs T family how store room was locked from outside, how Nishant fell unconscious and how much she was afraid. Pankaj asks her to relax as doctor is treating Nishant. Radha asks Imlie if she locked them in a store room and giving her a tight slap says she told her to concentrate on her studies and not bother anyone, what if something had happened to Nishant. Imlie apologizes her. She says her interference always harms others, she should apologize Nishant and Pallavi instead. Imlie apologize to Pallavi. Pallavi says its okay. Radha says Imlie has to understand that she can not interfere in every family’s issue as they have faced many problems because of her. Malini takes Imlie’s side and says Imlie wanted to help Nishant and Pallavi, so she shouldn’t bother. Radha says even she shouldn’t interfere in their family issues as there is no place for her in this house. Adi walks to them and says there will always be a place for Malini in this house as she is a part of this family since 7 years, though they are married only for 7 months, so she will always be part of their family. Harish tells doctor that Nishant fell unconscious 2 days ago and even today, if something is serious? Doctor says he is fine and its not related to his leukemia. Pallavi is shocked to hear that and asks if Nishant has a cancer? Adi says they didn’t inform her as it was Nishant’s decision. Doctor says Nishant is young and fit and can fight cancer with best treatment and mental support, so they should keep him happy and be positive. Pallavi walks towards Nishant’s room crying. Imlie says she was trying to do what doctor explained, she knows she is younger and not mature like them, but she knows hopelessness is a morass which will try to suck them in and its difficult to get out of it repeatedly, Nishant is stuck in a morass and its important and very difficult to get him out of it and she is sure that he will get out of it holding a rope of love as love is the biggest truth of life, she knows Nishant immensely loves canteen didi even today.

Pallavi walks to Nishant and says he is questioning him since 10 years why he broke up with her and never thought that reason would be cancer. He asks how did she find out. Family walks in. Pallavi says Nishant couldn’t become great because of Imlie who locked them in store room and revealed about his cancer, he is a fool thinking she will not leave him hearing about his illness. Radha says let us all go out and let Nishant rest. Tauji doesn’t understand at first and then walks away when she points at Pallavi. Pallavi try to leave. She asks Pallavi to sit with Nishant while she sends snacks for them.

Adi walks behind Malini and asks why is she going without informing anyone? Malini says what should she say, she fell like a stranger this house. He asks if she felt bad with Taiji’s words. She says she is not as family gave her immense love, she hurt their feelings and can understand their anger. He says they are friends since 7 years and friendship doesn’t need any document to prove it and hence its world’s unique relationship, he will never betray her from hereon. He asks if she spoke to her papa regarding Kunal as he thinks Kunal is not right for her. She gets angry hearing that. He suggests her to be careful. She says she got betrayed even then, pointing at his betrayal, then says she trusts Kunal and found someone after a long time with whom she feels peaceful. She informs that Desai backed off from their divorce case and hence Kunal accept it. He says its good as Kunal is a better lawyer and says if she feels safe with Kunal, he is happy for her.

Rupali comments Radha that her eyes are glowing with the happiness of getting new bahu. Harish says they should look at even the person who brought new bahu. Imlie sits in a cock’s position as a punishment and apologizes Radha. Radha pampers her and asks if her cheek is paining. Imlie says its okay as a mother is always a tigress for her children, though her cheek is swollen with her slap. Rupali says she should be thankful as Radha hit her and Dhruv from slippers, broom, and what not to protect Radha. Radha says she is sorry even for that, she used to protect Nishant as he is the youngest child. Imlie reminds doctor’s advice and says soon Nishant will be cured with treatment and Pallavi’s love. Rupali asks Radha to start preparations for Nishant and Pallavi’s wedding. Pankaj asks Harish what Nishant and Pallavi must be discussing.
Pallavi asks Nishant why don’t he understand that she is still waiting for him since 10 years and still loves him, she will go and speak about their marriage with family. She walks to family and informs that she and Nishant want to marry. Family get very happy hearing that. Harish asks her to think again as its a big responsibility and if she is taking this decision pitying on them. Pallavi asks her not to name her love as pity and says she took this decision after much thought. Nishant asks what about his wish, he doesn’t want to marry her. Imlie requests him to listen to her once. Nisanth asks if she wants to be bounded by a relationship which will be questioned from a first day. Imlie looks at Adi reminiscing their marriage, says there are answers for each question and his relationship will work for sure and whatever happens is with Seeta maiya’s wish and she reunited them after 10 years for this. Nishant asks what about his wish, he wants to lead his remaining life without any guilt and he cannot ruin Pallavi’s life by becoming selfish. He tells Pallavi that she should marry someone else and walks away. Arparna asks Pallavi not to pay attention to Nishant’s words. Pallavi walks away.

Adi in his room thinks he cannot understand why Nishant is so adamant. Imlie says its his family issue, she knows how to convince Nishant. He says whenever she gets an idea, she creates problem, so she should keep it to herself. She says he should listen to her once. He is just worried for his brother and is going to speak to him. She thinks he will fail.

Adi walks to Nishant. Nishant says he is satisfied with everyone’s speech and cannot tolerate his now. Adi says he came to scold him. They both at once speak their childhood dialogue and laugh. Adi says he told him many times not to talk about his death as everyone have to die one day, he should thinks how Tauji and Taiji feel when he speaks about his death, their attitude defines their life and his loser attitude is wrong, why don’t he marry Pallavi if he loves her. Nishant says he is suffering since 10 years and has accepted the bitter truth. Adi asks which truth. Nishant says his life, his jokes, his courage, etc., are short lived and he wants to spend his remaining days with his family; he cannot marry Pallavi and ruin her long life when his at the death bed. Adi asks not to say that. Nishant asks him to fulfill his brother’s last wish. Adi walks away and cries vigorously hugging Imlie. Imlie consoles him. He says he couldn’t convince Nishant. Imlie says everything is fair in love and war. He asks what should he do. She says just wait and watch. She disguises him as sardarji with turban, moustache and beard and showing himself in a mirror says meet canteen didi’s fiance Imlinder Singh from Patiala. He says he cannot do that. She says he just has to hold Pallavi’s hand and tell that he loves her. He says she has lost her mind watching TV with Radha, he is a journalist and cannot do all this. Her jokergiri starts. She mimics a snake and signals its a sting operation for him. He says sting operation is done against strangers and not family and he will be easily caught. She says until he trusts himself, nobody will trust him. Their nok jhok continues. She says she cannot change his plan and he should make Nishant feel jealous. He says when Nishant himself wants Pallavi to marry someone else, why would he get jealous. She says even he asked her to marry someone else, but it was superficial; she knows how it feels to see one’s love with someone else. He tries in mirror and says he cannot, why don’t she change his name from Imlinder Singh at least. She says she can’t.
The next morning, Imlie walks to family and says she wants to introduce them to her friend and calls Adi. Family says there is nobody there. Adi walks in nervously. Imlie says he is her friend Imlinder Singh from Patiala. Family curiously looks at him. She asks Adi not to shy and say hello to family. Family laughs seeing him. Adi scolds Imlie that she made him a joke. Family continues laughing. Imlie shouts at them to shut up as its not a drama. Harish asks what are they up to early morning. Imlie says its her plan to reunite Nishant and Pallavi, she will introduce Adi as Pallavi’s fiance and out of jealousy, Nishant will express his love for Pallavi and will agree to marry her. Rupali says Adi needs a makeover. Harish says Adi cannot get into a character. Pankaj says he has trained many actors and tells him that one needs to get into the skin of a character and says an actor has to remember 5 Ws, what, when.. Harish asks him to explain in layman’s terms. Pankaj says he should imagine what the character feels, where is he from, how he is from. Harish asks him to explain in more simple terms. Pankaj says he just should try to speak like a character. Aparna asks how does he know all this. Pankaj says he did acting for 7.5 years before marriage. Harish jokes he acted as a tree in Ramleela. Aparna laughs. Pankaj asks her to be serious and teaches him how to speak. Adi fails. Pankaj mimics. Adi fails again. Harish suggests him to feel sarson da saag and makke di roti in his character. Adi asks how to smell food in his charcter Pankaj asks him to try once. Adi finally speaks like a Punjabi. Imlie claps. Rupali asks him to walk like a Punjabi. Adi fails again. Rupali brings Pankaj’s colorful shirt and asks to wear it. Adi denies. Sundar brings chains and asks him to wear it like a rapper for swag. Adi denies agian. Imlie requests him not to back off. He says Nishant will easily identify him. Nishant walks down and they all run away, leaving Adi.

Precap: Adi mimics as Pallavi’s fiance at first making Nishant jealous, but then speaks normally making Nishant suspicious. Nishant seeing Imlinder and Pallavi at home asks family about Adi. Aparna nervously says he is in the office. Nishant says he will end Imlinder’s herogiri and calls Adi. Imlinder gets tensed seeing his phone ringing.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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