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Aditya walks to Malini and asks if she is fine. Malini says she hadn’t thought that he would come and asks if he didn’t go to office. He says she came to pick her up after discharge, asks if her boyfriend knows that she is in hospital. She says sorry. He asks if she spoke to him. She asks whom and reminisces lying to him about a fake boyfriend to know his, truth which he didn’t reveal, and she has to continue her lie now. She says she didn’t have phone in college, so she couldn’t contact him. He says he can help her as he must also be worried for her, so should speak to him and he will be out till then. She says she doesn’t want to complicate the issue, so she will not. He says its because of him and she is bound by their marriage. She says she knows he will free her from marriage, her family doesn’t know about this truth and papa will be very sad. He says her mom would be happy though. She says she doesn’t know, but hiding the truth is not right. He asks to drop the curtain and unveil truth to everyone. She says its not easy, she doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He says he can understand her situation and thinks she is also in dilemma like him and if he frees her, she can be happy with someone else at least. She asks why is he connecting himself to her guilt. He says let us go home. She asks why. He says that house also belongs to her and people there love her and would be happy, but if she doesn’t want, he will drop her to her mom’s house. She says she will accompany him, she shared her biggest problem with her bestfriend and wants to give Adi a same chance, anyways she loves Adi’s family and doesn’t want to disappoint anyone. He tries to help her. She says its okay, she will manage. He says he was just helping her. She says she knows how it is to lose and wants to stand up for herself. He asks her to get ready while he finishes discharge formalities and walks away.

Anu with Dev visits Tripathi House. Aparna and Taiji say they have made all arrangements for Malini’s stay here. Anu says she knows, but what if Malini doesn’t come here at all. Aparna asks why is she saying this. Anu says she gave them many gifts till now and their list of promises is bigger than her list of gifts, but there won’t be anything to write if she lists the promises they fulfilled. Imlie prepares tea, Rupali asks her not to come out in front of Anu and takes tea tray. Anu continues that they never fulfilled their promises and says she has a condition if they want Malini to return here. Dev says its not a condition but just.. Anu says it must be a democracy for Dev, but not her; she will not agree until her condition is fulfilled. Rupali brings tea for her. She asks where is the servant. Rupali says servant’s name is Imlie and she is resting after donating blood, looks like Anu doesn’t read current affairs and hence doesn’t remember the name which whole world knows. Taiji asks Rupali to go in. Anu says let her stay and hear her condition. Aparna asks what is her condition. Anu says if they want her daughter to return to this house, they should send the servant out of house. Tauji asks if she wants them to ransack Imlie. Anu says its their problem. Pankaj says they had thought of a hostel for Imlie and needs at least a week for the formalities. Dev says let Imlie stay at his house as she would replace Malini. Aparna asks if Anu also wishes same. Anu says sometimes their wishes don’t work and her husband wants this. Dev says he wants it and tells Tripathis that he knows they consider Imlie as their daughter, he will also keep Imlie with respect. Anu says she will keep Imlie as a guest but not as a daughter and she can do anything to protect her daughter from a servant. Tauji says they will ask Imlie her wish and only if she wants to, they will send her with them. Anu says they can do whatever they want, she wants to take Imlie from here before Malini comes as she doesn’t want Imlie’s evil eyes fall on Malini.

Adi discharges Malini and asks her to sit in car while he calls family and informs them that she is coming home. Malini thinks he doesn’t look like her husband now as someone else took her place in his heart. He returns and drives car towards home.

Nishant walks to Imlie and asks her to accompany her. Rupali stops him. Nishant insists that they both want family’s betterment and takes Imlie to Anu. Anu asks Imlie to pack her bag and accompany her. Imlie stands silently without obeying her. Anu says looks like this house’s servants don’t follow orders and repeats to pack her bag and accompany her. Dev stops Anu. Imlie looks at everyone’s face. Anu says they all have taken this decision together. Nishant informs that Adi and Malini are on their way home. Anu asks Imlie to pack her bags soon as she doesn’t want Anu and Malini know her location. Tauji says he told her that they will ask Imlie’s wish first. Anu says they have spoilt thier servant. Dev asks her to stop and tells Imlie that he and Daadi would feel good if she stays with them and Anu will not trouble her there. Pankaj and Aparna promise Imlie to call them whenever she likes and not feel alone. Imlie thinks when she came here, they gave her so much love when Adi was against her, and when Adi is supporting her, they are going away from her; its better for Malini’s future, so she should go to Dev’s house. Anu asks if she doesn’t want to go with them as she has something special here. Dev asks Imie again if she will come with them. Imile says she will bring her bag and leaves.

Adi while driving tells Malini that everyone would be happy seeing her home. Malini asks even Imlie? Adi says she is excited to see her at home and is preparing her favorite sour bhindhi. Malini says Imlie knows her choice well and thinks she has to go to Adi’s house even when she doesn’t want to and thinks why is she feeling alone even after being so important to both families.

Imlie packs her clothes. Sundar asks if she is mad to go to Anu’s house, she should oppose if she doesn’t want to, even bosses ordered her to leave. Imlie says they are not her bosses but family. He asks which family does this. Rupali walks in, and Sundar leaves. She asks Imlie not to leave till Adi comes. Imlie says she doesn’t want to create more problems. Rupali asks how can she sacrifice her right, she is jhalli/stupid. Imlie says she cannot snatch Malini’s right. rupali says she should leave if she cannot fight for herself. Imlie asks her not to get angry and wish her bye bye. Rupali says when she doesn’t want her to go, why should she bye bye her. Aparna tells Anu that Imlie is like her daughter, so Anu should take good care of her. Anu says its weird that they consider a servant as their daughter. Dev asks her to behave and says if she doesn’t like to take Imlie home, Imlie has other places to stay. Tauji says this is Imlie’s house and he is letting them take Imlie on their insistence. Pankaj says they will let Imlie go with them only if assure that nothing wrong will happen with her there or else they will not. Anu says she will make sure Imlie gets all the facilities she gets here, but she will not get a daughterly love. Dev says Imlie will get that love from him as she is like a daughter to him and he is taking her on his assurance. Imlie walks to them with her bag/potli.
Adi stops car midway and walks out telling Malini that he will come in 2 minutes. Anu tells Dev that they should leave before Malini and Aditya come here. Tauji asks Imlie to concentrate on her studies whatever may happen. Imlie touches his feet, and he hugs her emotionally. She then meets each Nishi and then touches Aparna, Pankaj, and Taiji’s feet. They both hug him and assure not to worry and take care of herself. Imlie then walks to Rupali who cries hugging her and asks to call her if she has any problem. Adi returns with jalebi. Malini asks if he brought it for her. He says street food is not allowed for her, its for other fmaily members. Imlie leaves with Dev and Anu.

Aparna hearing door bell gets excited thinking Adi and Malini came and asks Sundar to bring aarti thali. He offers her aarti thali instantly. She calls other family members. Dev and Anu take Imlie home. Daadi performs her aarti. Anu says she will call all servant and Daadi can perform all servant’s aarti together. Dev yells to stop her rubbish as he brought Imlie as a guest. Imlie says she will never consider servant as guest, throws away aarti thali, warns Imlie not to forget her place. On the other side, Aparna performs Malini and Adi’s aarti. Malini notices Imlie missing and thinks she didn’t like her coming home. Adi thinks Imlie was excited to welcome Malini, where did she go then. Dev and Daadi yell at Anu that she is doing wrong. Anu replies not to teach her. Dev and Daadi tell Imlie that they prepared room for her. Anu says this girl’s room is at store room as she knew they want to give Malini’s next room. Dev shouts if she has gone mad. Anu says they cannot consider everyone as guests and she knows Imlie will feel good in guest room. Dev frowns. Anu calls servant and orders him to show store room to this girl. Servant rudely asks Imlie to follow him. Dev shouts to behave with this girl as this girl’s name is Imlie. Servant apologizes and asks Imlie madam to follow him. Anu warns Imlie that she interfered between Malini and Adi and shouldn’t dare come between her and her husband. Imlie tells Seeta Maiya that she can tolerate Eglish madam’s taunts for Adi and Malini’s sake, she will return to college and study well, god should control her tears.
Aparna tells Malini that she will take care of Malini’s each necessity. Tauji says he will take her for a morning walk. Aparna asks Sundar to bring juice for Malini. He brings it and asks how is she. Malini says she is fine. Adi thinks whole family is here while Imlie is in kitchen making juice. Malini asks where is Imlie. Aparna says she is in kitchen. Nishant gifts Kerala honeymoon trip tickets for Malini and Adi. Malini says she cannot go as she has taken a lot of leaves and should return to college. Pankaj says they will stop her work then. Adi concerned about Imlie asks Sundar why is Imlie not helping him. Rupali says everyone sent her to Malini’s parent’s house. Malini asks why. Rupali says they all don’t want her to stay here when Malini is here. Aparna says Dev and Anu insisted to send Imlie with thiam for sometime. Adi yells they let her go with Anu even after knowing about her repeated insult. Nishant says they requested. Adi says they shouldn’t have sent her with Anu. Malini thinks Imlie is suffering because of her; she is here until Adi tells truth. Adi thinks Imlie goes to Anu’s house repeatedly to get insulted without thinking what he feels.

Malini returns to her room and reminisces her post-marriage nigth when Adi expresses her love for her. She thinks she thought she and Adi are same, but they are completely different. Anu calls her and asks how is feeling, if Adi is behaving well with her and taking care of her. Malini says she is fine, why did she take Imlie there. Anu says that girl should stay away from her. Malini asks why. Anu says she may find the proof which Malini is finding. Anu thinks what if Adi tells her truth before that and asks her not to misbehave with Imlie. Anu says she has given her a separate place to stay and a separate bathroom. Dev thinks if he can inform her that her mom say something and does something else. Malini says she is talk about her behavior. Anu asks when she was sacrificing her life because of Imlie, why she is still bothered about her, she can be Imlie’s elder sister, but I cannot behave like her mother; asks her to take care of herself and call her if needed. She thinks Aditya’s life is in parrot called Imlie and until she is here, he will not misbehave with Malini.

Adi thinks he wants to bring back Imlie home, but seeing Malini’s condition, he cannot create problems; he should call Imlie and ask her to come here though. Pankaj walks to him and asks what is he doing here. Adi says Imlie. Pankaj says even he is feeling bad like them, he should let them worry for Imlie and should support Malini instead who needs him. Adi thinks once he speaks to Imlie, he will go to Malini. He calls landline and disconnects it when Anu speaks. Anu thinks who is giving blank call. Adi thinks if he calls again, he will be caught, but he cannot be in peace until he finds out if Imlie is fine. He calls again. Imlie picks call, Anu notices that and picks another receiver.

Precap: Adi takes Imlie on his bike. Anu notices it. Anu sees Imlie going on Adi’s bike, slaps her and warns her that she is Malini’s mother and will not tolerate her sins. Daadis stops her. Anu asks why did Adi come to meet her.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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