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Doctor checks Malini and tells nurses that patient has lost a lot of blood but is still surviving. Malini’s condition worsens. Doctor asks nurse to bring another doctor soon. Nurses rushes out of ICU. Dev asks how is his daughter. Nurse says can’t say anything and walks away. Nishant tells Adi that whatever Malini’s Daadi told is true as Adi is responsible for Malini’s condition. Imlie walks away hearing that. Dev asks Daadi if even she feels Imlie is the reason for Adi and Malini’s problems. Daadi says when someone comes between husband and wife when either of them allows, she doesn’t want to believe that, but today Mallini needs them more than Imlie; they couldn’t understand their child, gave her wrong opinions, and let her take such an extreme step; what will she answer Anu if something happens to Malini.

Imlie rushes to temple and prays god that Malini’s condition is because of her. Rupali consoles her that she shouldn’t blame herself as Malini’s pain will not lessen with it. Imlie says why did Malini take such a step, she is in deep pain and tried to kill herself for her suhaag, so its better that I die. She hits her had on idol stone. Rupali stops her and says she shouldn’t blame herself as she is Adi’s first wife and not Malini. Imlie asks her to speak low or else there will be a problem. Aparna with Taiji enters asking what bigger problem will come now, her bahu cut her wrist and tried to commit suicide; why did Imlie apply sindhoor when Malini warned her not to, she did really wrong. Rupali says Imlie didn’t know this would happen. Taiji says Imlie knows that unmarried girls cannot apply sindhoor; if she had obeyed Malini, this wouldn’t have happened; she considers Malini as her elder sister, then why didn’t she obey her order. Rupali yells at her to stop being insensitive and fill guilt in Imlie’s mind, Imlie is not at fault if Malini attempted suicide. Aparna asks if she means only Malini is at fault. Rupali says yes and says these people will love Imlie until she obeys and works for them; she should not bother about them and do whatever she wants. Taiji asks why she is provoking Imlie when Malini is fighting for her life. Rupali takes Imlie away saying it is waste to speak to them as they will blame her if she is around them.
Dev asks doctor about Malini’s condition. Doctor says Malini has lost a lot of blood and needs transfusion. Adi says then he should do that. Doctor says Malini has rare blood group O negative. Dev says he will give her blood. Daadi says he cannot as he is on medication. Tauji reminisces Malini informing that she will give her blood to Imlie as their blood group is same. He asks where is Imlie and says her blood group is same. Rupali drags Imlie out of hospital. Adi searches Imlie and asks Nishant where is Imlie. Nishant asks if he is worried for cool dude even now. Adi says Imlie and Malini’s blood group is same. Taiji says Rupali took Imlie out of hospital. Rupali gets Imlie into cab. Adi runs and calls Imlie. Imlie stops cab and runs inside hospital worried for Malini and requests doctor to transfuse her blood to Malini. Doctor says he doesn’t know if Malini’s body would accept it. She says Malini’s mind is very strong and she will accept it. She gives her blood while Malini is still unconscious. Dev prays god why his both daughters are in pain. Dev thinks he is responsible for all this.

Malini’s condition deteriorates. Imlie pleads doctor to save Malini and holds Malini’s hand. Malini’s condition stabilizes. Imlie says she told Malini is strong. Doctor asks her to go and rest and sends her out with nurse and Rupali. Adi asks where are they taking her. Rupali says Imlie donated blood, so she needs rest; makes Imlie rest and returns to family. Doctor informs family that Malini is out of danger finally and they all can meet her. They all happily walk into Malini’s room. Adi thinks anything would have happened today, he forced Malini to sacrifice her life for him, he is unfit for anything. Rupali asks him not to blame himself as it wasn’t anyone’s mistake and thank god Malini is out of danger; Malini has everyone with her, but Imlie is alone; she will take parents home, he should give some juice to Imlie. Adi asks if Imlie is weak. Rupali says she will not inform even if she gets weak and walks away asking him to take care. Adi walks towards her when Nishant asks him to meet bhabhi first. He looks at Imlie and walks into Malini’s room.

Dev, Daadi, and whole Tripathi family cry seeing Malini’s condition. Malini opens eyes. Aparna says she didn’t do right, she was their brave daughter, what if something had happened to them. Pankaj says thank god that she is saved. Doctor enters and says they should also thank Imlie as she donated blood on time. Tauji asks Malini what if Imlie had not donated blood, what would have her papa answered her mom. Malini apologizes everyone and cries vigorously. Doctor says patient needs rest and they all should go out. Pankaj takes Dev away followed by others. Adi walks to Malini, and she turns her face. He says she is a college professor and students’ mentor, what example she is setting for them by doing all this, she told she will meet him tomorrow. She says he makes her wait always, so she thought of making him wait this time. He asks if she wants to make him wait whole life, he wouldn’t have been alive if something had happened to her. Malini says this is not true, he can be happy even without her. She asks what he wanted to tell her tomorrow, he should inform it now. He says he should have spoken to her long ago and delayed it. She asks not to delay more and reveal it. He hesitantly says a few months ago, when he; then stops and thinks Malini cannot hear the truth which she doesn’t want to hear. She insists him to speak. He asks her to relax. Doctor rushes in and asks him to go out as patient’s condition is worsening. Malini continues pleading Adi. Adi asks her to relax as they will speak later and tries to leave. She asks him to send Imlie after some time as everyone came to meet her except her. He says its his mistake and she shouldn’t blame Imlie. She asks him to send Imlie as she wants to meet her. He leaves. She cries vigorously.
Adi walks out and thinks he couldn’t speak even today, don’t know till when this will continue. He sees Imlie sitting silently without having juice and biscuit after donating blood and asks her to have juice. She asks if Malini is awake now. He says yes. She says she wants to meet Malini right now. He asks her to have something first and rest as she is weak. She says she is fine. He forcefully makes her drink juice. She asks how is she now. He says Malini is fine but weak, thanks her for saving her life. She says Malini tried to sacrifice her life because of her. He says its because of him and asks not to blame herself. She says truth is this is not her place and wants to return to her village. He says that will not change anything, so better he reveals truth to everyone.

Imlie walks to Malini’s room and applies kajal on her neck. Malini opens eyes. Imlie says she applied black dot to ward off nazar/evil eyes. Malini says already she got nazar on her. Imlie asks why did she do this. She says sometimes there is no justification for their acts. Imlie asks when she considers her as her younger sister, why did she try to commit suicide because of her. Malini says when there are unsolved questions in mind, there cannot differentiate between right and wrong, she just wants someone to answer her questions and show her difference between truth and false. Imlie says she will return to her village. Malini reminisces earlier drama and says truth will not be out if she goes, so can she answer her questions. Imlie gets silent. Malini thinks even Imlie is silent like Adi. She says she wants to tell her something important. Imlie asks her to get well first and asks once she gets well, will she come to her house or go to her house. Malini asks her house? Imlie says its Malini’s house itself, she is just asking. Malini asks if things will change if she comes. Imlie says everyone will be happy if she comes there. Malini asks everyone? Imlie asks to get well soon and return home as she needs to get back to her studies. Malini asks if they both can stay together in that house, nobody will be happy if Imlie goes, especially Adi; now Imlie is bonded to family, her, Aditya; just like Imlie gave her new life by donating blood, Adi gave her new life by bringing her here from Pagdandiya; so she shouldn’t ruin what she got from Aditya as everyone are not that lucky. Imlie thanks her and says her Seeta Maiya is enough for her and she doesn’t need anyone else. Malini what will happen with her wish, someone gets everything without asking and some don’t get even their right when asked. Imlie asks her to stop thinking much, get well soon and return home. Malini thinks house is because of husband, but when husband is not her, what will she do coming to his house; she wants to hear truth from Aditya.

Precap: Malini tells Adi that she is feeling guilty for what she did. He asks not to say that. She says there was someone else in her life before him, they were studying in college together and she used to like him. Adi tells Imlie that she saw the consequence of being silent and should inform truth to Malini. Imlie says no woman can see her husband with anyone else. He asks how did she see then.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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