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Imlie returns to Pagdandiya and informs Mithi that Adi’s family kicked her out of house, so she came here. Dulari yells that she knows this would happen and yells at them that she tolerated Mithi but will not tolerate Imlie and raises sickle to kill Imlie. Mithi wakes up from sleep shouting amma. Dulari yells at her. Mithi says her doll/daughter. Dulari asks if she saw a bad dream that she is panicking, says early morning dream always comes true. Mithi gets more concerned.

Dev informs Tripathi family that doctor informed that Malini is recovering well and will be discharged maybe tomorrow itself. Aparna says Malini is also her daughter and requests to send her home with them, she will take good care of Malini. Pankaj backs her. Dev says Malini couldn’t get better in-laws/sasural than them. Daadi says sasural is because of husband and when Adi is not behaving well with Malini, they need to take extra care. Aparna says now Adi is talking to Malini after realizing his mistake, so neither them nor Adi will give them chance to complain. Anu enters saying there is no chance at all and warns Aparna that her daughter will never step into their house. Aparna says that house is also Malini’s. Anu says that is why Malini return to her house, she already warned that Adi is not a right man for her daughter and will ruin her life, but he destroyed her life; she never thought that her daughter would take such an extreme step; now she will destroy Adi’s career and will file abetment case on him. Dev asks her to calm down as this is not the right time. She says she repeatedly told him that Adi is unfit of their daughter, their daughter returned home twice, even then she didn’t react, she doesn’t know what will happen to her daughter. Daadi consoles her and says their daughter will be fine. Anu says she knows as she has returned for her daughter and warns Tripathis to stay away from her daughter. Tripathis say they have to handle this tough siutation carefully and should seek Malini’s decision first. Anu says Malini’s decision will not be heard now as she ruined her life with her wrong decision. Aparna apologizes on Adi’s behalf and requests to give Adi a chance to correct his mistake. Anu warns that Adi will dare not come near Malini or else she will not spare him. Dev asks her to go and meet Malini. She leaves with Daadi crying. Dev then apologizes Tripathi’s on Anu’s behalf and walks away saying everything will be alright over time.

Malini speaks to her colleague over phone and says he got stumbled due to low BP and is fine now. Anu walks in and shouts how dare she is to take such an extreme step and cries asking if she thought what would happen to her mother, father, and daadi without her. Malini extends her hands and calls her. Anu cries more loudly hugging her. Malini apologizes her. Anu says she knew her daughter is not fine and shouldn’t have gone out. Dev walks in. Anu says they will start a new life and will go on a long vacation. Dev asks her to let Malini rest. Anu asks him to give Malini’s medical regime, she will personally take care of her daughter, they should leave Delhi for sometime, etc. Imlie walks in with juice for Malini. Anu angrily asks why did she come here. Imlie says Taiji sent juice for Malini didi. Anu says shouts she doesn’t need her fake concern and orders to get out. Doctor asks why is she misbehaving with this girl. Anu says she doesn’t know that her daughter’s condition is because of this girl. Doctor says this girl saved her daughter’s life. Anu says she didn’t do any favor as her daughter donated blood to this girl and this girl paid back, now she should stay away from her daughter. Dev asks her to calm down. Doctro says they should go from here if they need to behave like this as patient’s condition is very bad. Anu throws juice on Imlie’s face. Dev shouts Anu. Anu shouts back to shut up. Doctor asks Dev to handle madam. Anu pushes Imlie out warning to never return to her daughter. Adi (waiting for his chance) lifts Imlie and asks if Mrs. Chaturvedi came and walks towards Malini’s room. Imlie stops him. He says she knows how Mrs. Chaturvedi is, then why she goes in front of her often. Imlie says all mothers are worried for children and if her amma was in Anu’s place, she would have died alive.

Mithi burns rotis engrasped in Imlie’s thought. Bindiya rushes in and pours water on fire and alerts her. Dulari yells at Mithi and takes rotis away. Bindiya asks what is she thinking. Mithi says she is thinking same since 19 years, her daughter is alone in the city, she asked Prakash to take her there and he didn’t, even Satyakam is not talking to her, what shall she do.

Adi walks to Malini’s room with flower bouquet and food and asks how is she. Malini says she is fine and murmurs that blood has stopped, but tears are still ready to flow out. He asks if she said something. She says he is hesitant to tell truth and is silent, so she needs to do something; says she needs to talk. He says they will once she gets well completely and returns home. She says she doesn’t know which house she will go in and wants to talk before that. He thinks if she also wants to talk about same and asks to speak. She calls him near her and says she is feeling guilty for whatever she did and is unable to face herself. He says its okay. She says its not okay and knowing the reason, even he may.. She asks what reason. She says there was someone else in her life before him, they used to study in college together and she thought it was her infatuation, so she dropped that thought form her mind. He asks she took extreme step because of that, what difference does it make now as it was her past. She says even she thought it was her past, but he returned to her life and she realized it was more than her infatuation. She watches his reaction.

Malini informs Aditya that there was someone else in her life while she was studying in college and she used to like him. Adi asks how does it matter as it was her past. She says she now realized that she cannot stay without him, she knows all their vows and relationships became weak in front of him, she is getting attracted to him somehow, she should have informed Adi long ago and shouldn’t have hidden it as they are good friends first and didn’t hide anything till now, she betrayed Adi and his trust. He says she didn’t betray him, but life did. She asks what does he mean. He says its not her mistake and he is not angry on her. She says even then she hid this secret from him and he shouldn’t inform anyone. He holding her hand says he will not and it proved that she is his good friend and he couldn’t follow his friendship. She says she told he will feel bad. He says he is feeling bad for the other person, then says he is the other person and asks if she shared her feelings with the other person. She says no as she felt she should inform him first. He says he thought they knew each other well, but didn’t discuss what is in their hears; she must have gathered a lot of courage to tell truth and hopes even he tells his truth with her. She asks him to tell then. He asks her to have food and goes to bring plates. She cries thinking her one lie revealed Adi’s truth, he didn’t even mind any other person in her life, it means he doesn’t love her at all. She continues crying painfully.
Nishant gets Adi’s call and informs family that he is calling and they should discuss the issue with him. Rupali asks what happened. Aparna says she is forced to think that Imlie is the reason for problems between Adi and Malini. Tauji says Imlie can’t be reason for their problem, what did Imlie do that they all are blaming her. Imlie hears their conversation and thinks if they found out that she is reason for Malini’s attempt at suicide. Rupali says they all are blaming Imlie as she silently listens to them and never opposes. Aparna says nobody said that, she is just telling that Malini is doubting Imlie. Rupali says its just a doubt and how will Imlie feel if she hears this. Nishant says didi is right, this is not the right time to discuss about it and should think of solving problems between Adi and Malini. Tauji asks him to call Imlie. Imlie tries to rush away when Nishant notices her and calls her. Rupali asks Imlie why did she come here instead of resting. Tauji says everybody are worried for Imlie and are trying to solve the issue. Adi walks in. Rupali looking at him says whoever has made a mistake should correct it and walks away with Imlie.

Adi asks if there is any problem. Pankaj says situation has gone out of control, they spoke to Anu and she doesn’t want Malini to return here. Tauji tells Adi that he should concentrate less on job and more on Malini and take good care of her. Adi says he will do whatever he can, now its should be only Malini’s decision whether to come here or go to her parent’s house. Pankaj says he will not do favor to anyone by taking care of his wife. Aparna says she never thought that she has to explain Adi difference between relationships and responsibilities. Tauji says its important that they don’t forget their responsibility towards Malini and should try their best that Malini returns her. Pankaj asks Adi to think well and take a decision. Tauji says Pankaj is right, he should bring Malini home. Adi thinks he never thought that he is following responsibility and not relationship with Malini; Malini told his truth today and don’t know when he will tell his truth to her.
Dev and Anu return home. Daadi asks if Malini is fine. Dev says yes. Daadi thanks god and asks Anu if Malini will go to her in-laws’ house or come here, she knows Anu takes a right decision for Malini always. Anu says she knows they both want Malini to return to her in=laws’ house and even Malini must be wanting same, so she will let her return there and try to revive her marriage, but she has a condition. Daadi says they accept her decision. Anu asks what happened in her absence and why did Malini take such a big step. Daadi reminisces Malini informing about Imlie’s interference in their lives. Dev says there are many reasons, one of them is Malini and Adi’s growing differences. Anu asks Daadi her reasoning and says even if they are trying to hide truth, she can guess it; she will visit Tripathis and put a condition in front of them if they want Malini at their house. Dev asks what does she want. She says to root out problems from her daughter’s life.

Adi sees Imlie preparing food and asks why is she preparing food when everyone finished dinner already. Imlie says she is preparing Malini’s favorite food as she is returning home tomorrow, asks what he thinks. He says they should inform truth to Malni. She says no woman can see her husband with someone else. He asks how did she see then. She says she is afraid. He asks even when he is with her. She says more when he is around and asks him to go while she serves milk and juice to family. He asks how she does it. She asks what. He says whatever happened is his mistake, but his family blamed her. She says she considers his family as hers and when she can enjoy their pampering, she can bear their scolding. He says he did injustice to her till now and will not let anything wrong against her either by him or anyone else.

Tauji informs family that Radha told Anu is visiting them. Nishant says its a big issue then. Aparna says they should listen to her. Nishant says they should find out what Anu wants. Tauji says he doesn’t want Anu to blame Imlie. Nishant says to avoid this, they should sent Imlie to hostel. Tauji asks if he has gone mad. Nishant says when many parents send their children to hostel, why can’t they; they can meet Imlie whenever they like. Tauji yells why they are listening to Nishant’s wrong suggestion. Pankaj says Vishu is right, its not a punishment for Imlie. Nishant says Imlie can concentrate on her studies there. Tauji asks if they should tell Imlie to get out of house as they think she is the reason for Adi and Malini’s fights. Taiji says they all like Imlie like him, but. Aparna says Imlie will not stay here forever and will return to her mother some day. Taiji says they have gone dumb, he will not support in their decision. Aparna hopes everything gets well and Malini returns home.

Precap: Anu tells Tripathis if they want Malini to return to their house, servant Imlie should leave their house. Malini asks family about Imlie. Adi asks Sundar why is Imlie not helping him. Rupali informs that everyone sent Imlie to Malini’s parent’s house.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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