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Imlie over phone informs Mithi that she hired a big lawyer to fight Dadda’s case who has won many awards. Adi walks to her. She remembering his order to speak only in English speaks in her broken English. Mithi asks if she has gone mad. She speaks about Adi and rushes away. Adi thinks how weirdly she speaks. She walks into kitchen and explains cooking lady finger to Sundar and seeing Adi speaks again in her broken English. Sundar corrects her. Adi hears her again and asks what? She walks away nervously. Sundar later serves tea and samosas to Tripathi family. Harish asks him to get some jaggery sweet. Rupali scolds him. Harish then asks Imlie to take his side. Radha says Rupal is right. Aparna sees Imlie standing silently and ask the reason. She speaks in her broken English again. Rupali says Adi’s punishment is still continuing, its good for her and she will learn how to speak English soon. Nishant says she should speak without fear. She speaks, and everyone laugh. She feels nervous and says she will not speak. They say she is right and encourage her. Adi walks in. Imlie starts English again. All youngsters silently walk away seeing Adi. Imlie says English is no good, English is very bad, Imlie is sad. Aparna, Pankaj, and Radha also walk away seeing Adi asking her to keep practicing. Imlie questions Harish. Harish says her teacher is a donkey. Imlie says he himself doesn’t speak in English. Harish leaves seeing Adi. Imlie says Adi himself works for Hindi news paper, but wants her to learn English. He says he is doing this as he promised Dadda to make her competent. Imlie says one who live in pond can not cope up with an ocean. He asks if she is afraid of hard work? She says she is afraid of becoming a joker, everyone laugh on her when she speaks, and starts crying. He consoles her and says his Imlie is a villager but not senseless; no one is small and no language is that hard; English is not their language, but if they want to succeed, they can’t be afraid of English. He explains to her in village language one has to fall down to learn running and if she falls down, he will hold her. She asks if she should run. He says she should, and she runs away.
Imlie then studies English. Nishant walks to her and asks her to rest. She says she is philing okay, thanku. He asks what is she learning? She says giramar. He leaves. Aparna brings milk for her. Imlie continues to study till late night. Aparna calls her for dinner and informs family that Imlie doesn’t want to have dinner. Rupali says Adi frightened Imlie. Harish walks to Imlie and asks her to have food and have some mercy on books. Imlie says she will join them later, and he leaves. Adi brings food for her, corrects her grammar and asks if she will have it or he should feed her. She says she will eat. He says very good and try to leave. She calls him Mr Tripathi. He asks to speak. She nervously says you have always supported me and given me a hope to phigt. He says fight. She says so.. thank you. He says you are welcome. She says I love you. He looks at her. Serial’s title track plays in the background. He asks her to repeat it. She again says I love you. Family hears that, and Aparna asks what did she say. She says she told I love you, she means if they say this to say she loves them a lot. Rupali defends her and says I love you too. Imlie hugs her and says I love you. She then tells Nishant I love you for considering her as an younger sister, Pankaj for encouraging her, Aparna for loving her like a mother, Radha for scolding her and teaching her good things, Harish for truly loving her, Sundar for his friendship. Elders look unconvinced with her answer.

Imlie says I love you to each Tripathi family member for their unconditional love for her. They stand seriously and then at once says we love you too Imlie. Radha with Aparna arranges breakfast on dining table and says she felt bad yesterday for Pallavi as she doesn’t know why Nishant left her. Rupali says Nishant doesn’t want Pallavi to suffer like him. Radha says god snatched her son’s long life and now trying to snatch his love. Imlie says she will reunite Nishant and Pallavi at any cost. Aparna asks what will she do. Imlie says they should wait and watch. Rupali says she should concentrate on her exam or else Adi will scold her. Aparna feeds her sweet curd and wishes best of luck for her exam. Imlie says she needs luck to reunite love birds today. Adi ready for office says he will drop her to college. Imlie insists that Nishant will drop her. Adi asks if she has gone mad in the morning. She says if she doesn’t take Nishant to college, how will he meet Pallavi. He continues acting and walks away wishing her good lucky and smiling. Nishant says he will have breakfast later and hurries with Imlie.

Malini’s lawyer Desai warns KC to stop seeing Malini. KC says he is not holding anyone. Desai says Dev saw him with Malini in cafeteria yesterday and he is ruining a married woman’s life and is also tarnishing their profession. Malini walks in and confronts him for informing her each personal detail she told him as a client to her parents breaching his professional ethics and trouble a good man KC who is fighting a rebel’s case. Desai says he is worried for her as she is like his daughter, but ifs he doesn’t want to, he will leave her case. She says as he wishes, and he walks away. She then apologizes KC for all the problems he is facing because of her.

Nishant drops Imlie to college and wishes her all the best for her test. She searches Pallavi, finds her unloading canteen goods from a van and walks to her for help. Pallavi asks her to attend her exam. Imlie calls Nishant for help. Nishant walks to Pallavi. Pallavi says she told Imlie that she will be late for exam. Nishant says Imlie won’t be late and picks cartons brushing Pallavis’s hand and asks where to keep them. Pallavis says in the store room. Imlie loads more cartoons and says he is very strong. Nishant says its carton. Pallavi takes them to store room. Imlie walks away locking store room door from outside and runs for her exam.
KC apologizes Malini for whatever happened in his cabin. She says she is sorry for the problems he faced because of her lies. He says when Desai left her case, whom she will hire now. She says she will figure out. He says he knows a best lawyer and gives his card saying according to him, he is the best. She hesitates to accept is offer. He says he will take a huge fees from her and is just helping her. She agrees.

Pallavi knocks door and seeks for help. Nishant trying to call via his mobile asks her to stop pounding the door as he is getting headache. She argues and says he gets irritated whenever he is hungry, he must not have had his breakfast yet. He says when she knows, why don’t she feed him, he still misses his strawberry cake as he couldn’t find its taste in USA. She says he would have changed the taste then and insists him to tell why he rejected her love. He says he cannot answer and knocks door hard. She asks to stop. He says he is incapable of answering her. She cries why don’t she love him anymore, why he left her. He tries to console her. She continues crying that she loves him immensely. He collapses. She rushes to him concerned. Imlie happily walks out after finishing her exam. Malini meets her and seeing her happy says she is sure her exam went well. Imlie says she is also happy as she found who Nishant’s Pallavi is. Malini asks who is she. Imlie says she is canteen didi and says she knows they both still love each other, so she is trying to reunite them. Malini says she knows her intentions are genuine to help people, but she cannot force her decisions on others as she doesn’t know what the other person wants like in her and Adi’s case. Imlie says maybe she is wrong, but she there is nothing wrong in trying. She takes her to store room saying let us see what lovebirds are doing. Malini asks if she seriously locked them here. Pallavi pleads for help. Malini rushes to her seeing Nishant lying unconscious on floor. Pallavi says something happened to him and she is trying to wake him up since 1 hour. Malini calls ambulance. Imlie stands shocked seeing her plan backired.

Precap: Radha asks Imlie why she locked Nishant and Pallavi in a room, slaps her and says she can not interfere in every family issue. Malini defends Imlie and says her intention was right. Radha says even she shouldn’t interfere in this family issue as she doesn’t have any place in this house anymore. Imlie introduces disguised Adi as a sardarji to family as her friend Imlinder Singh from Patiala. Adi nervously hides his family. Pankaj asks him to show his face.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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