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Virat asks why is she suddenly talking about love? She says Sada’s doubt is right that she has fallen in his love seeing him risking his life and care for her and her son, she hated him at first after he shot Sada, but slowly she fell in his love. He says she very well knows that he loves only Sai. She says she knows when he was calling Sai in subconscious state, but he should remember what he did with her. He warn her that its between him and his wife and she shouldn’t bother, Sai must have divorced him, but she will be his wife and will be in his heart forever. She ask why he strongly feels for Sai. He says he loves Sai. She says she loves him. He ask her not to repeat it and should have informed Sada that he is thinking wrong. She says she did what she felt was right at that time and wouldn’t have let a person who supported her and her baby die. He says her thinking is wrong as he will never love her. She says she knows and doesn’t expect him to love her in return; she is telling this as Sada has returned and will try to take her and her baby back to jungle, but after becoming a mother, she doesn’t want to risk her baby’s life; it was getting difficult to hide her feelings for him, so she expressed it and now she wants him to return to Sai and his family.

Sada kidnaps Sai and ties her to a tree. She resists and shouts to free her. Sada wearing Virat’s masks asks she must be angry seeing this face remembering what he did to her, even he is angry after what he did to him. She asks who is he. He removes his mask. She identifies him and asks if he is Virat’s best friend Sada, Virat saw him in a mall and try to catch him but failed and must have not met him since then. Sada says that means her husband didn’t tell her truth, so he will.
Pulkit over phone informs Chavan family that Sai always informs warden if she goes out, but today she didn’t. Pakhi says maybe she is stuck in some problem. Devi warns her to shut her dirty mouth and hopes Sai is safe. Sonali asks what if something happened to Sai? Ashwini warns her not to talk bad and hopes Sai is fine. Pulkit says maybe Virat harmed Sai. Pakhi says Virat will never harm Sai. Pulkit says Sai met with an accident because of Virat and maybe he harmed her this time. Mohit says Virat messaged him enquiring about Sai’s health and he blocked Virat’s messages, maybe he harmed Sai out of frustration.

Sai continues to resist and shouts to free her and see what she will do them. Sada reveals that Virat snatched his wife from him. Sai asks who is his wife. He says Shruti. Sai is shocked to hear that. 

Pulkit visit Chavans and tells them that he knows they all care for Sai and hence he came here, they should file Sai’s missing complaint. Ninad agrees. Omkar says this problem can be solved without involving police. Bhavani and Sonali back him. Devi says they themselves should search for Sai. Bhavani asks their effort will go to waste if Sai must have gone to enjoy with her friends. Pulkit asks if they still trust Virat? Bhavani says not after what he did. Ashwini cry worrying for Sai.
Ninad ask Pulkit why he think Virat can harm Sai? He reminds them of the recent incidents. Samrat remembers Sai unconscious in her hostel room and says he can’t believe Virat can do this. Pulkit says there is one way to find out.

Sada describes how Virat shot him and promised to take care of his wife and son and says he will not spare Virat for snatching his wife and son from him. Sai says Virat loves Shruti and married her. Sada shouts Shruti is his wife.
Sadanand get angry on Sai and says he planned all this to trap her husband and will take revenge from her. She says she is not afraid off a goon like him as she is a brave police officer’s daughter and knows its his cheap friend’s plan to trap her, but she will not fall for his trick. He shouts if she think its a drama. She says she is not interested in his, Shruti, and Virat’s love triangle as she already divorced Virat and moved on. He explains how Virat promised to take care of his wife and son and trapped them and shows her Shruti and his pic. She says its edited. He says he and Shruti selected their baby’s name as Sahas and instead of naming him as Sahas Sadanand Pawle, Virat named him as Sahas Virat Chavan. He angrily throws things around. Sai realizes what Virat did.

Virat hears door bell. Shruti asks not to open it as Sada must have come back. Virat says he wants to clear Sada’s misunderstanding. Samrat, Pulkit, Pakhi, and Mohit knock the door and when Virat doesn’t open it, Samrat breaks it open with his one kick and enter. Virat asks is this the way to enter someone’s house? Pulkit asks what about the way he opted? Mohit says he is enjoying here and their family is tensed because of him. Virat asks what does he mean, what are they doing here when they asked him not to maintain any contact with their family? Pakhi says they came here for some other reason. Virat asks why did she return after insulting his wife and being warned not to return here. Samrat warns him to behave with his wife as he is not Virat to betray his wife. Argument continues. Pulkit asks where is Sai. Virat asks what happened to Sai? Mohit warns he will not spare him if something happens to Sai. Samrat and Pulkit also question where is Sai? Virat says he doesn’t know anything about Sai. Samrat holds Virat’s collar and asks where did he hide Sai. Virat says he really doesn’t know where Sai and maybe she is kidnapped. Pakhi asks if he is behind her kidnap?

Sai thinks if Sahas is really Sada’s son and asks him same. Sada says he will prove it via DNA test. Sai asks if Shruti is his wife and Sahas is his son, why didn’t Virat inform her? Sada says Virat is a dual faced man. Sai says maybe Shruti knew Virat from before. Sada says Virat met Shruti next day after Diwali when he came to catch him. She remembers Virat leaving for a mission and asks if he went to catch Sada? Sada says yes and showing his gunshot wound says he will not spare Virat and will make sure nobody forgets his punishment.

Virat calls Sai and finding her number not reachable asks Samrat and team when did they find out that Sai is missing. Samrat asks him to stop his drama and tell where he is hiding Sai. Virat asks how can they misunderstand him. Pulkit says whole family believes he can kidnap Sai. Shruti says Virat was with him all the time. Pakhi says Virat will betray even her just like he betrayed she and Sai. Their argument starts. Virat asks them to stop and asks Samrat where Sai must have gone and thinks if Sada kidnapped Sai. Mohit asks if he kidnapped Sai when he blocked his messages. Virat says he was concerned when she saw Sai ill at Chavan nivas. Their argument continues. Virat says he knows where Sai must be. Samrat warns him to stop his acting and holds his neck. 

Sai remembers Virat telling her that Shruti is his friend’s wife and he had to go and help her, Mohit informing about seeing Virat and Shruti in hotel, Virat asking her to trust him as he is just following the promise made to someone. She thinks Sada can be right as Virat can go to any extent to fulfill his promise like he went against his family and married her to fulfill promise made to Aaba, if Virat didn’t betray her, etc.

Precap: Sai feels guilty for misunderstanding Virat. Sada says she is blind in Virat’s love even after being kidnapped. Sai says Virat can go to any extent to fulfill his promise like he promised her Aaba to take care of her and married her against his family wish. Virat informs DIG that Sada kidnapped Sai and if he doesn’t permit him, he will go alone on a mission to save Sai. Sada’s aide informs that Virat has reached. Sada beats Virat. Sai pleads not to beat Virat, she realized Virat was not wrong. Sada frees Sai. Sai runs towards Virat, and bomb blasts.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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