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Sai tells Pulkit that she loves whole family and has emotional attachment with them. Pulkit asks what about Virat. Sai remembers her feud with Virat and says there is no connection with him at all, she wants to move on and fulfill her Aaba’s dream of becoming a doctor and serve people. Pulkit says he feels proud that he will contribute in her becoming a doctor and help humanity. Sai thanks him for not making her feel alone. Pulkit says he will complain Devi if she says so again requests her to stay with him and Devi instead of hostel and not ever think of returning to Gadchiroli. She asks if he is saying this as she is an orphan. He warns to dare not say that as him, Devi, Ninad, Ashwini, Samrat, and Mohit are always there for her, but he doesn’t know what Virat wants. Sai says he already chose Shruti over her, so she doesn’t want to talk about him anymore.

Samrat holds Virat’s collar and confronts him for betraying Sai. He says he humiliated Sai and let her go, but she silently walked away saying Virat loves Shruti and she wants him to be with the woman he loves. Virat says he doesn’t know what he needs. Samrat blames Shruti for the problems and insists to meet and confront her. Virat warns him not to drag Shruti in it and denies to take him to Shruti. Samrat gets more angry and pushes him away. Pakhi enters and holding Virat asks Samrat if he has gone mad to fight with his brother. Samrat warns her not to interfere between them. Virat says its between him and his brother and asks Samrat to beat him if he wants. Samrat continues venting out his anger.

Pulkit takes Sai to college canteen and buys her favorite cheese veg sandwich and choc milk. Sai continues discussing her ordeal. Pulkit says he doesn’t know how can Virat change suddenly, he thought Virat has a special bonding with her. Sai says he never connected with her emotionally. A doctor calls Pulkit and reminds him of her senior doctor discussing about a critical delivery patient’s case who needs surgery and asks him if he can come to perform surgery right now. He says he is 1 hour away. She says she will prepare for surgery till then. Pulkit informs Sai about a critical patient whose uterus is damaged due to delivery and needs immediate surgery. Sai requests to accompany him. He says she can assist him like other juniors.

Pakhi consoles Virat. Virat thinks at least Samrat would have understood him. Pakhi as usual provokes him against Sai that she should have some patience and stayed back until he explained to her about Shruti. He agrees. She says its even his mistake that he didn’t inform her about Shruti beforehand and then says she would have waited for him unconditionally without doubting him, but he never gave her that chance at all; if anyone should know about Shruti, its her as she is the first woman to enter his life. He senses her lusty greedy intention, pulls his hand away, and says she acted as showing concern at first and then started her greedy behavior again trying to misuse his and Samrat’s fight in her favor. She says he is misunderstanding her. He asks her to please leave. Shruti calls him. Pakhi says Sai is right that he runs away whenever Shruti calls him. He forces her to leave and picks Shruti’s call who asks him to come there as thinks she will be operated soon.
Pulkit with Sai visits hospital and introduces her to his doctor friend as college’s topper who will give them a tough competition soon. He goes to check surgery arrangements. Sai checks Shruti’s file and thinks its a complicated case, so she needs to meet patient and comfort her. Shruti writhing in pain hopes Virat visits her soon. Sai pray to Bappa that she will keep aside all her problems and will focus on her work first.

Shruti calls Virat and asks him to come soon as she is being readied for operation and specialist has already arrived. Virat says he will reach there soon. Sai visits Shruti and asks how is she feeling. Shruti asks if she is her doctor. Sai says she is an intern, so she can call her Sai. She asks her name and seeing S Chavan thinks if she is the same woman? She questions Shruti about her problems. 

Pulkit’s friend inform him that Shruti’s delivery was very critical and both baby and mother were in critical condition. Nurse informs her that surgery arrangements have been made. She ask nurse to inform patient’s husband to reach soon. Virat picks call and speaks. Pulkit takes phone next, but call gets disconnected.

Sai questions Shruti and asks if she could stay with her relatives who could take care of her and asks how could she be so ignorant and not get her regular checkup during pregnancy. She says situation was not in her favor and seeing her mangalsutra asks how she manages her in-laws and studies both. Sai ignores her question and questioning about her issues and asks since when she is married. Shruti says 1.5 years and what about her. Sai ignores her question again. Shruti asks if all doctors are short tempered like her as she is not answer personal questions. Sai says there is no use of discussing personal issues, so they should concentrate on her issues. Shruti says she got angry again. Sai says she wants to finish her questions soon or else senior doctor will interrogate her.
Virat reaches hospital. Pulkit visits Shruti and assures her that she will need not worry about surgery as she already gone through surgery once via her delivery. Shruti asks what are the chances of her survival as there is nobody to take care of her son Sahas except her and her husband. sai asks her to think positive. Virat enters. Sai and Pulkit are shocked to see him. Sai remembers Shruti calling Virat repeatedly and rest of the incidents. Pulkit’s friend introduces Virat as Shruti’s husband. Sai says S Chavan means Mrs Shruti Chavan. Virat think he got Shruti admitted far away from Sai’s college so that Sai can not reach there. Pulkit’s friend asks Sai if they know each other from before. Sai says she is meeting Shruti’s husband for the first time. Friend says Dr. Pulkit is one of best surgeons of Nagpur and he is lucky that Shruti is being operated by him. She introduces Sai as intern and asks her name. Sai says she is Sai Kamal Joshi. Shruti remembering earlier conversation thinks if Sai is Virat’s wife?

Dr. tell Virat that he can ask any questions from Dr. Pulkit. Pulkit denies. Nurse bring Sahas’ birth certificate and asks Virat to cross-check his son’s certificate. Sai shatters more thinking Virat betrayed her brutally. Virat fears Sai will doubt him more. Pulkit asks Virat to check his son’s certificate thoroughly and show it to even his wife. Sai walks away from there. Pulkit tells his friend that he can not operate on Shruti, so she should find another doctor and walks away behind Sai. Sai locks herself in waiting room and cry vigorously thinking of Virat’s betrayal. Chan Se Jo Toota Koi Sapna.. song plays in the background. She thinks why did Virat do this to her, she would have walked out of his life, etc.

Precap: Sai tells Virat that today there is a critical operation of his beloved wife Shruti Chavan and tries to convince Pulkit to perform operation. Pulkit asks how can she ask him to operate on a woman who ruined her life.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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