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Virat visits Chavan Nivas and seeing family unfavorable response says he came here on Sai’s invitation and will leave after speaking to her. Pakhi asks if he has a child from Shruti, he showed his true colors. He ignores her and asks Sai why did she call him here. He says she needs one last thing from him. He says she can take whatever she wants to as its all hers. Sai says nothing was hers and asks him to sign on divorce papers. He is shocked to hear that. She says these papers are just a formality, they are already divorced when he chose another woman over her; its a gift of freedom from her to him and Shruti. He says its a lifetime sentence for him and remembers their happier days. Tu Bin Bataye Mujhe Le Chal Kahin.. song plays in the background. They both imagine rejoicing with family and family cheering them up.
Sai realizes its her imagination and sheds tears. She insists Virat to sign on divorce papers. Virat says his fate is really weird that neither his marriage nor divorce are with his consent. She says whatever he desired is happening and says he should act as a stranger after this as she doesn’t know a new Virat. Shivani asks Virat if he is surprised and thought Sai would be sitting in a corner and crying for him. Ashwini hopes they could identify a fake person like fake notes. Bhavani says its of no use, she never wanted to meet Virat again after she saw him with Sruti, but jungli mulgi Sai called him here; she will give a newspaper ad that Virat is dead for them. Ninad says he will pay for the ad. Omkar says they will be defamed more.

Mansi tells Virat that she asked family not to come to a conclusion before knowing complete truth, but they saw his name on a child’s birth certificate; he should tell complete truth to his family. Ashwini hopes she never had give birth to him. Bhavani tongue lashes Virat again. Sai insists Virat again to sign the papers. Pakhi asks why is she in a hurry. Mohit calls him Virat chavan and asks him to sign the papers. Mansi scolds him to behave with his elder brother. Ninad says he lost that right. Virat says he will sign papers as per Sai’s wish. Ninad says its everybody’s wish now after his betrayal. Virat says he will not return again even if they call as he will not visit a place where there is no trust. Pakhi says he is talking about trust after breaking their trust. Sonali taunts him next.

Sai asks him to sign the papers as a favor to her. He asks her to sign first. She asks if he doesn’t trust her. He says its her wish. She signs papers remembering their happy days. Bhavani asks Virat to think again before signing papers as they both can reunite, papers don’t decide relationships. Sai says when soul leaves a body, it becomes dead body which is burnt; she shouldn’t try to save their dead relationship and let them perform its last rights.
Sai requests Chavan family not try to save their dead relationship as today is a funeral of it. She signs divorce papers followed by Virat. Pakhi thinks she wanted Virat to divorce Sai but for her and not someone else. Sai thinks she is divorcing him for his sake and soon he will find out the reason. Lawyer’s assistant takes papers away. Ninad asks Sai if this person’s task is over. Virat says he knows they all hate him, so he will leave. Mohit calling him by name says they broke up relationship with him, but Sai will be his SIL forever. Sonali warns him to shut up. Virat asks Ashwini to take care of herself and walks away. Sai also picks her bag and says she will go now. Ninad says as Mohit said, they broke out with Virat and not her. She says nobody can break a father-daughter relationship, but she has some work and needs to go. Ashwini asks her to promise that she will visit them often and considers them as her family. Sai says they are in her heart and will never be out. Samrat asks her to seek his help when needed. She says and asks him to keep smiling. Pakhi taunts just like she is smiling after divorcing Virat. Sai says some things are not done for happiness but to be on a right path. Pakhi asks what was right today. Sai says time will explain. Pakhi says she made them evidence of a divorce. Bhavani says they both humiliated her family, but it doesn’t matter to Sai. Sai says Bhavani never liked her and she couldn’t give her what she wanted to, but Virat gave her her desired heir. Bhavani says that baby will never be her heir as his parents are coward and brought him on earth secretly. Pakhi requests her to accept Samrat and walks way asking them all to take care of themselves.

Shruti noticing Virat’s sad face asks if something happened. Virat reveals that Sai sought divorce and asked him to sign papers. Shruti asks if he did. He says he did and its official now. Shruti feels guilty. He says a third person shouldn’t blame herself for 2 people’s mistakes. Sai returns home and remembering signing divorce papers tells Aaba’s photo that Virat was never hers and he never cared for her. She continues pouring her heart out when Pulkit knocks door and when she doesn’t respond calls her. She opens door and says she was sleeping. He asks if she is fine and sensing her having fever asks being a medical student why didn’t she take medicine. Sai says she will be fine by morning. Shruti asks Virat to have dinner. Virat says he is not in a mood and asks why did she prepare food when he told he will. She says she is fine, but he doesn’t seem to and should consult a doctor. He says he had visited a doctor, but she discharged him forever.

Sai tells Pulkit that she needs to get well by tomorrow and shows him divorce papers. Pulkit shocked says she freed Virat instead of punishing him. Sai says she is not a judge to give verdict, she will submit these documents to DIG and prove that she divorced Virat long ago and save Virat’s job. Pulkit says she is doing wrong. Shruti brings food for Virat and insists him to have it. He remembers Sai feeding him and says she doesn’t have to worry for him. She reminds him that he insisted her to have food at a restaurant and hospital. He says he gave this right to someone else nobody can take her place in his life.

Precap: Sai tells DIG that she separated from Virat long ago, Virat had a new relationship long after that and its not illegal. She shows him divorce papers and shows a date of more than 1 year ago. Virat visits Sai and returns divorce certificate saying he doesn’t need her favor. He then visits DIG who asks if he brought proof in his favor. He says no and offers resignation letter and agrees for department enquiry.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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