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Virat tells Shruti that he gave the right of taking care of him to someone else/Sai, so she shouldn’t bother. Shruti asks how could he say this, why would she take someone’s place in his life, he disgraced her by saying this. He apologizes. Pulkit tells Sai that she is different than he thought. She asks why is he saying this, she considers him as his brother and father. He says that is why he cannot see anything hurting her and is angry seeing her supporting a man who hurt her the most. She says its her duty to protect an innocent. He says she still loves Virat. She says yes if he thinks so, her priority is to protect innocent Sahas and Shruti. He says Virat first betrayed Pakhi and married Sai, then he left her and found Shruti, soon he will leave Shruti and will find someone else. He further says Virat is not attached to Sahas and is a selfish man. Sai says she wants a complete closure from Virat and concentrate on her studies and dream. He agrees.

Shruti touches Virat’s forehead and finds him having high fever. Virat stands up shocked. She says she would rather prefer going to jail than seeing him like this. He apologizes her for being rude and cries that he never thought Sai would leave her as she promised him to trust him always. Shruti consoles him.
Sai visits DIG. DIG says he wanted to meet her since long and says he felt bad hearing about her separation from Virat. Sai says she is not to first girl to be separated. He asks if she came here to seek favors for Virat. She says she came to find out about false news about Virat in newspaper as Virat is not wrong to move on with another girl after their divorce and shows him divorce certificate as a proof. He is surprise to see a date of over 1 year ago and asks why was she staying in Virat’s house then. She says she didn’t like family’s restrictions on her, so had tried to shift from there multiple times. She further says their marriage was a deal as Aabha had taken promise from Virat to take care of her. He says she is lying as he saw their love for each other. She says he is thinking wrong. He asks if she means Virat had an affair with Shruti after divorcing Sai. Sai nervously nods yes. He says he always thought Sai always supports right, why didn’t Virat tell this. She says he must have forgotten, in fact she suggested Virat to marry Shruti soon and accept her baby. He says he feels she is lying as she saw love in Virat’s eyes for her. She says even family thinks same and are finding it difficult to accept Shruti and Sahas. He says he knows there is something between them; due to his high rank, people are hesitant to look into his eyes and speak, but she is the first person who looked into his eyes and spoke confidently like his own daughter, then why she is lowering her eyes. She says she will leave now and feels drowsy. He asks if she is fine, he will drop her to her hostel. She says she booked a cab and walks out of cabin where she sees Virat who asks if she came to complain against him. She says he thought right. He argues with her. She says he must be happy with his wife and son, btw how are they. He says he is really happy. She says looks like his wife doesn’t take care of him well. He says that’s none of her business and says she will repent once she finds out that he wasn’t wrong. She says he is right and her opinion doesn’t matter to him. He says soon she will know that he wasn’t a bad man. She gives him divorce certificate and says this one document will save him from all the problems.

Virat meets DIG. DIG says he was given 72 hours to defend himself and bring proof of his innocence. Virat says he doesn’t want to defend himself and submits his resignation letter. DIG asks if he met Sai outside. Virat says yes and she must have come to allege him. DIG gets angry and says she was trying to defend him and gave a divorce certificate. Virat says she must have given it for office records. DIG asks if he saw the date on it, it shows that he had an affair with Shruti after divorcing Sai. Virat says he doesn’t need any favors from Sai and asks him to tear divorce certificate and not consider Sai’s request. DIG gets angry but then calms down and says if something is wrong, he can discuss with him off the records and rejoin his duty. Virat says he will rejoin his duty when its offered with pride and walks away requesting to accept his resignation.
Virat visits Sai. Sai asks what does he need. He returns divorce certificate and asks not to show unasked favors as he doesn’t need her favors or pitiness. Sai says she is not. He asks then why did she submit old date certificate when they divorced just yesterday. She says he should question her lawyer and he can keep this copy as she has original with her. He says she must have made multiple copies and its illegal to create fake documents. She asks he is questioning her when he himself is doing illegal things, she is just trying to get justice for his son and wife. He asks what doe she mean. She says everyone saw his name on Sahas’ birth certificate and Shruti’s hospital records. He says he had to do that under compulsion, he doesn’t see any benefit to Sai for helping him though. She says she is not doing it for her self-respect and doesn’t want people to point her as a woman whose name betrayed her. He asks that is why she divorced him. She asks him to leave from her hostel room as she doesn’t want any drama here. He senses her having fever and shows concern. She says she doesn’t need his concern. He says if he is proven right, she will feel guilty; he cannot hear anything against her. She asks if he still thinks he is right and asks him to leave.

Pulkit enters and seeing Virat asks if he is troubling her. Sai asks him to inform Virat to leave from here. Virat says he will not go as Sai is still his wife. Pulkit asks if he still shamelessly calling Sai as his wife and shouts at him with demeaning wods. Virat says he can’t believe Pulkit said that. Pulkit warns him to leave and not force him to call police. Sai says she would rather die than seeing Virat’s face again. Virat asks if she is not bothered if he dies. She says honestly no and will pray god that she doesn’t have to see his face again in life. He will pray god to fulfill her wish and walks away saying he will never show his face to her again. Sai breaks down. Pulkit offers her water. Sai says she thought good for Virat, but he came to fight with her. Pulkit says he already told that Virat is wrong and should be punished. Sai says she is not like Virat who promises and then breaks it. Pulkit says he already told her to shift with him and Devi. Sai says she doesn’t want to. He gets an emergency calls and leaves asking her to call him if she needs anything. She angrily tears papers and says she will erase his name and memories from her life.

Virat returns to Shruti’s house. Shruti asks where was he as she called him many times. He says when he doesn’t pick call, she should know that he is busy. She asks why is he behaving rudely with her as she is concerned for him. He says he didn’t ask her for that, he rented this house for her and has a spare key, so she shouldn’t bother. She says she will leave with Sahas then. Their fierce argument starts. She says he killed her husband and himself is taking care of her and her baby. He says he didn’t kill her husband, he died because of his sins and fate. She says he cannot insult her to fulfill promise made to her husband. He says she should so=topo worrying for him and live on her own. She asks if he thinks she is caring for him to impress him. He asks if she really to do that. She says if he thinks so, she regrets taking his help and doesn’t need his help anymore, she will shift to her old life with her son. He says she can’t do that. She says he doesn’t have right on her and her baby’s lives, so she doesn’t need his help or need. He says let us stop this argument. She says she just questioned where was he, but he spoke too much like a bad man. He says he is bad and will go from here. She says where will he go without a job. He says unfortunately he has job given by someone in charity. She asks if his department didn’t suspend him. He says Sai submitted and old date certificate in his department to prove that he didn’t do anything wrong. She asks why did Sai do that. He says he doesn’t need anyone’s favor or sympathy, especially Sai’s.

Precap: Shivani suggests family to call Sai and find out her condition. Samrat calls Sai. Sai feels weak and collapses. Shruti tells Virat that he should visit a doctor. Virat also collapses. Sai returns Virat’s given mangalsutra to Ashwini and asks her to give to its real deserver Mrs Shruti Virat Chavan.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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