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Sada asks Sai if she doesn’t want to meet her husband whom she was eager to meet. He says she is surrounded by land mines and if she moves, she will blast into pieces; its good that Virat saved her from 1st blast and cannot save her again. He alleges Virat of snatching his wife and daughter. Virat says he is thinking wrong. Sada ask why didn’t he bring them here. Virat says its dangerous. Sada alleges that he can risk his own wife and not Shruti. Shruti with Sahas walks in. Sada gets emotional seeing her and walks towards her. Shruti warns to stop him and confronts that he is not a man whom she married, he has kidnapped an innocent girl and is torturing her, he used to respect women and was ambitious ,but has completely changed now. Virat asks her why did she come here and asks her to return back. Shruti says he risked his life for her and Sahas, so she cannot leave her in danger. Sada says he cannot believe that they love each other so much and are ready to sacrifice innocent Sai. Shruti says he cannot believe she idolized his principles. Sada shouts at her to stop her lecture and asks Virat to walk through landmines and Sai if he can. Sai requests Virat not to come near her and let her come to him with long steps. Sada throws a stone on landmine near Sai and it blasts. Virat gets worried for Sai. Sai falls down injured. Virat tongue lashes Sada that he is harming a woman like a coward and challenges him to fight with him. Sada hears Sahas crying and heads towards him. Shruti warns him to dare not come near her. Sada says he can sacrifice himself for her and points gun towards his temple. His aides plead him not to sacrifice his life for a traitor woman and request to permit them to kill Shruti.

Virat asks Shruti to keep Sada busy in talks. Shruti continues provoking Sada. Sada says he was a fool to trust her, but she betrayed him for Virat. Virat pleads him to drop the gun or shoot him. Sada warns him to stop his drama and asks Sai to walk towards Virat if she wants to save him. Virat pleads her not to move. Sada says Sai doesn’t love Virat like Shruti that she cannot risk her life. Sai stands up writhing in pain and says she will run towards Virat. Virat leads her again not to move. Sada warns Sai again to keep moving or else he will shoot Virat. DIG with team reaches there and shoots Sada’s hand. Gun battle starts. Virat pleads to cease fire as there are landlines in whole area. DIG captures Sada and his team captures Sada’s team. Sada says Virat shows his cheapness and called his team here. DIG says Virat sent him live location before coming here. Sada snatches gun from DIG and warns Sai to keep moving or he will shoot Virat. Sai starts moving.
Virat warns Sada that if something happens to Sai, he will kill him first and then his gang. Sada says he will kill him first and shoots at Virat. Virat escapes and throws a stick towards his hand. Gun falls down far away. Sada rushes towards it. Virat trashes him and picking gun shoots his knee. Sada says he will not spare Virat again if he escapes this time. Police arrests him and his gang and even Shruti. Shruti tells Virat that it was her fate, he should save Sai. Virat returns DIG’s gun and seeing Sai standing on a landmine asks her to keep standing. DIG says he did right by trusting Virat. Virat says Sai is injured and if she sits down, landmine will blast. DIG orders to call bomb squad. Virat says it would be too late and if Sai sits before that, landmine will blast, so there is one way with which he can save Sai. He climbs tree and extending his hand asks Sai to hold it. Sai writhes in pain and says she can’t. He says she is brave policeman Kamal sir’s daughter and shouldn’t give up so easily. She holds his hand. He lifts her up. She says she needs to speak. He says let us go from there first.

Branch starts breaking. Virat says they need to reach another branch soon as this one will break. Sai reaches another branch and asks Virat to hold her hand. Virat tries to hold her hand and the branch breaks down and he falls down on landmine and gets severely injured. Sai with police team rushes him to hospital and tells nurses the procedure to follow. Nurses look at her. She says she is a medical student adn its a basic procedure. Doctor walks in and seeing Virat says its an accident case and should be reported to police, asks Sai to fill the form first. Sai asks if form is important or saving a patient. DIG says he will complete all formalities and asks him to treated Virat soon. Doctor takes Virat to ICU and treats him. Sai prays god to save her husband and feels guilty that Virat is injured while trying to rescue her.
DIG try to console her. Sai says she could have trusted Virat and have some patience, but she didn’t. DIG says he can understand her pain, she should get her leg injury treated first as its deeply hurt. Nurse bandages her wounds. Officer brings Virat’s car keys and Sai’s bag. Sai calls Pulkit and informs him that she is in City Hospital and needs him there. Pulkit says she need worry as he will reach there soon. Sai looking at Virat says she never thought that Virat will rescue her from Sada. DIG says Virat requested him permission to rescue Sai and says he is surprised to see her concern for Virat when they are separated 1 year ago and acting like couple even now. Sai says they were never a couple, Virat followed his duty selflessly, Shruti is not Virat’s wife and he was just following his promise made to Sad, she gave fake divorce certificate, etc. Pulkit reaches there and get angry seeing Sai’s injuries, asks if Virat did this, and describes incident happened at Virat’s house. Sai shows injured Virat and describes how he risked his life trying to save her. Pulkit asks if she informed Chavan family. She says not yet.

Precap: Bhavani badmouths about Sai and says Sai must have escaped herself. Ninad says he will call DIG and find out Sai’s details. Pakhi says there is no need for that as Sai has come. Ashwini gets worried seeing Sai’s injuries. Sai asks her to return her mangalsutra. Bhavani yells if she started a new drama now. Chavans including Ashwini blame Sai for Virat’s condition.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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