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Shruti’s doctor thanks Sai for explaining Virat about the risks involved in Shruti’s surgery. Sai thinks Virat loves Shruti and not her. Pulkit asks doctor to ask Mr Chavan to sign a consent form soon. Virat thinks he doesn’t like Sai calling her Mr Chavan. Sai tells him that his loving wife will be fine soon as Nagpur’s one of best doctor Dr. Pulkit is operating on his wife and even she will take care of his wife after her surgery. Virat signs consent form. Sai says she will also take care of his son, he kept a nice name Sahas to his son. Doctor praises Virat that he took good care of his wife pre and post delivery and he will live happily with his wife and son after surgery. He thanks her and walks away. He thinks why don’t Sai understand that only she is his wife and he needs her support.

Sai cries profusely. Pulkit consoles her and says she can go home if she doesn’t want to attend surgery. She says its a good start for a budding doctor and she needs to control her emotions and act professional. He asks why she is sacrificing so much and punishing herself. She says she wants Virat to be happy always and let him stay with his real wife and son, etc. He says she doesn’t need to do this. She says god has sent him to perform this operation. He says she is supporting a person who ruined her life. She says she cannot punish Shruti and her baby for Virat’s mistake. He prays for her happiness. She wipes her tears and says she is fine and lets check Shruti’s reports.
Shruti’s surgery starts. Virat waiting outside prays god to get Shruti well soon. Pulkit with Sai walks out of OT. Virat asks how is Shruti now. Pulkit says he performed operation, Shruti lost a lot of blood, and if god wills she will be fine soon. Sai thinks she feels weird seeing Virat giving her place to someone else and caring for her like he used to care for her. She tells Virat that he is lucky that even after bringing his wife far away from her and Dr. Pulkit fate brought them here and help him. He says she is taunting him since she came here, but he still says that he didn’t do anything wrong. She says even she was trying to convince his family that he didn’t do anything wrong and they should accept his wife and son. Doctor walks to them and informs Virat that Shruti needs to be kept under observation.

Virat returns home. Pakhi asks if he was with Shruti. Virat warns her not to interfere in his life. She says he is misunderstanding her and looks tired, whole family is angry on him and would confront him once they see him. He says she need not bother as he will handle. Ninad notices him and insists him to explain what he is up to. Virat requests to give him some time as he is very tired. Ashwini walks in next and confronts Virat next. Virat says he is not a kid and knows what he is doing. Ninad says he wouldn’t have felt bad if he had done a mistake as a kid, he has disgraced them, etc. Bhavani confronts him next that he has become a flower which is hurting them, they supported him when he willingly brought Sai home, but now he ransacked Sai for another woman, and Sai left this house. Ninad says its not Sai mistake and continues scolding Virat. Virat says if he has problem with him, he will leave home right now.
Virat asks Ninad if he feels ashamed, he will leave the house whenever he wants him to go. Samrat tells Ninad that he is fulfilling Virat’s wish as he is eater to move out and stay with Shruti. Virat says once Samrat used to understand his mind, but now he has changed. Samrat says he is just worried for Sai and doesn’t bother about Virat. Pakhi says as Virat’s wife, Sai has a right to know what is going in his mind, even they want to know why he changed so much. Virat warns her that he already told her not to interfere in his life, she always had problem with Sai and now acting as worried for her. Pakhi warns him to not handover matchbox to her after burning his own house and tells everyone that Virat was creating problems in Sai’s life instead.

Omkar and Sonali walk in and ask what is happening. Karishma says as usual Virat is supporting one or other woman again. Omkar jokes that he thought Virat forgot path of their house. Sonali comments next. Ashwini vents out her sorrows and says Virat left a diamond like Sai for a stone like Shruti. Virat says he already told them that he didn’t betray Sai. Shivani returns from trip and asks really? Sonali says now new drama will start. Karishma says Shivani is Sai’s friend and will support her. Shivani tells Virat that he was excited to return home from vacation, but after knowing Virat’s misdeeds, she didn’t want to; Mohit informed her everything, how can Virat betray Sai. Mohit says he trusted Virat so much, but disappointed him. Ashwini continues and asks what is there is in Shruti that Sai doesn’t have. Virat asks her to stop alleging Shruti as she hasn’t even met Shruti yet.

Ninad says they will meet Shruti in police station. Ninad says there is nothing to prove against Shruti, and if he really wants to send someone to jail, it should be him. Samrat says Virat should go to jail for betraying Sai. Ashwini cries more saying Virat should really go to jail. Samrat consoles Ashwini and warns Virat to dare not come near Ashwini as he is ill fated who is making his mother cry. Bhavani warns Virat to get out of this house as he doesn’t deserve to stay here. Virat says he needs time to pack his memories. Devi confronts Virat next and says she always considered him as his best brother, but he disappointed her and he is no more her brother. Virat shows Sholay film’s Thakur’s shocking expressions.

Virat says he doesn’t want to leave this house as his elders stay here, but when they want him to go, he will. Ninad says he removes Virat from his house, heart, and his world. Virat says then he should fix his photo and show the world how an ill-fated son looks like. Omkar says he always wanted Mohit to be like Virat, but now he wants him not to. Shivani asks him not to pour ghee in fire. Ashwini asks what will they answer people. Virat says she is bothered more about reputation than her son. Shivani asks why are they diverting the topic and not thinking of Sai as they will be in losses without Sai, Sai changed their lives, etc. Mohit backs her and Sai gave so much to them, but they didn’t give her anything in return. Devi says she wouldn’t have married Pulkit without Sai’s support.

Shivani says she cannot believe Virat can stoop so low. Virat says then why is she alleging him and smiles. Karishma asks if Virat has gone mad. Mansi says she cannot believe Virat can stoop so low as he grew up in front of her. Ninad says she saw Virat’s sins. Virat says he cannot change their thinking, so they can keep their thoughts with them and he will keep his truth with him; as said, he needs sometime to leave from here to pack up his old memories. Ninad warns him not to perform his last rights after he dies.

Precap: Bhavani confronts Virat that she always considered her as his son and was proud of him, so she wants him to forget Shruti and bring back Sai home. Samrat asks where will he stay. Virat says he didn’t think about it when he broke relationship. Bhavani slips and falls down from stairs.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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