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Virat tells Shruti that if Sai is ready to hear truth, he will inform her truth for sure; he tried to explain to her that he is not wrong, but she is not ready to understand and repeatedly alleged him; it proves that she never trusted him. He plays his victim card and says Sai is behaving rudely with him like stranger and hence he will not forcefully try to explain the truth to her now or else it would be an insult of truth. He then says they should leave from here. Shruti asks where will they stay? He says he has arranged a safe house for her and Sahas. She asks what about him. He says he has found a place near safe house and will shift after a weak. She says he can stay with them as she trusts him. DIG messages him to report immediately. Nurse walks in and he asks her to help Shruti change her dress and takes Sahas away. He then with Shruti and Sahas passes in front of Sai and Pulkit. Pulkit asks why did she stay in Shruti’s room for so long. Sai says Virat wanted to talk to her. Pulkit says Virat doesn’t deserve to talk to her and deserves punishment for his sins. Sai says they shouldn’t curse Virat as he is starting a new life with Shruti and needs prayers instead. Pulkit says one who pained her heart doesn’t deserve happiness. Sai looks at Virat walking away from her sight.

Virat meets DIG. DIG asks who is Shruti. Virat asks why is he questioning him. DIG insists. Virat says Shruti is a known one. DIG says people don’t register a known one as a wife in hotel and hospital. Virat says he can not asks personal questions. DIG says he can as he can not let him stoop so low. Virat asks if his family complained against him. DIG says they didn’t yet as maybe they are embarrassed with Virat’s heinous acts and are trying to save their dignity. Virat asks how does he know about Shruti? DIG says he enquired where he went after mission and found out that he was hiding Shruti who gave birth to his child; he was his favorite officer, but himself ruined his reputation; how could he betray Sai. Virat says let talk official issues. DIG says he needs to take action against him as he needs to keep his department’s image clean. Virat says he can go ahead. DIG asks if he is ready to put his work and personal life at stake for that woman, how could he betray innocent Sai. Virat says he doesn’t mind. DIG gives him 72 hours to prove himself innocent. Virat says everything is clear and he is confident of himself. DIG gets angry and says Sai’s fate is really good that she is getting rid off such a characterless man. Virat asks anything else. DIG angrily shouts get lost.

Sai gets tensed reading Virat’s news in newspaper and rushes to Pulkit to inform him. Pulkit asks why is she bothered, its a tit for tat and Virat should be punished for his sins. Sai says she will not let that happen. Pulkit says its clearly written that Virat betrayed his wife with an extramarital affair and is having an illegitimate child. Sai says she will not let Virat suspended and will save him. Pulkit says she wants to save him even after what he did with her. Sai says Virat is not bad as he thinks and remembers how Virat rescued her from Gadchiroli goons and protected her, says she cannot forget that she is in medical college only because of Virat, Pulkit will not understand it. Pulkit asks if she wants to repay Virat’s favors by protecting him. Sai says she just knows that Virat protected her, gave her a family which loved her immensely. Pulkit says she developed love in family’s heart with her good behavior, she cannot rescue Virat as DIG must have had proper investigation before summoning Virat, she is protecting a man who abused her, already media and public trial is out and they get justice in public court hand in hand, nobody can save Virat now. Sai gets more worried for Virat and thinks how to save Virat now. Pulkit throws newspaper in dustbin and says she need to be strong and focus on her studies, they get what is written in their fate and cannot change it. Sai say she has one idea and will accept defeat without trying it. He says its waste to explain her and asks what is her idea. She says if she submits her and Virat’s divorce papers, Virat will not be blamed. He asks how will she do that. She says she will visit Chavan nivas and start divorce proceedings. He asks if she loves Virat so much that she is ready to sacrifice anything for him. Its too late to talk about love, Virat helped her after Aaba’s death and she cannot forgive her if she doesn’t help him.
Sai tells Pulkit that she will not forgive herself if Virat loses his job because of her. She says Chavan family will not be affected, but Virat’s new family will and any child wouldn’t like to be called his father as a criminal. Pulkit asks if even now she is worried for Virat. Sai says she needs to move on and its not necessary that Virat spends life with her, she was his responsibility which ended, but Shruti is his love in which he saw something which he didn’t any other girl; they have a kid and parents are most important in a kid’s life; she was bought up without her mother and saw how difficult it was for her Aaba without her mother, so she doesn’t want Virat’s baby to suffer. Pulkit says supporting wrong is also wrong. She says its Virat’s personal decision and world cannot point he is wrong, so she has decided to visit Chavan nivas, calls Virat there, and divorce him to end this issue. Pulkit says he knows she is trying to act strong, but is very weak from within; he is just worried for her health and knows her mental and physical health is getting affected. Sai says she knows whether anyone helps her or not, he will help her and she need to support Virat in his tough times.
Virat with Shruti and Sahas shifts to a house. Shruti greets him good morning. He says he prepares a soup for her. She says she would have prepared herself. He says he will work until he finds a maid and asks if she didn’t sleep last night. She says Sahas kept him awake, she didn’t want to disturb him. He says even he couldn’t sleep in a new room. She apologizes that he had to leave his house because of her. She says its his decision, so she need not feel guilty; he is feeling bad that his family wrongly alleged her. She says she is wrong though. He says Sai left her when he needed her most, its of no use if she finds out truth later. She says its not Sai’s fault. He says lets not talk about it. She asks if he is not getting late for office. He says he is not going to work. She says she is not too weak that she can’t take care of herself and Sahas. He says he is not going to office because.

She asks if its a govt holiday or Sunday, checks newspapers and is shocked to see his suspension news. She asks if he had gone to meet DIG after getting her discharged from hospital. He says he will handle it. She asks how will he prove himself innocent in 72 hours, he will lose his job, she will not let that happen and its better if she goes and stays at her parent’s house who have ransacked her but may accept her seeing her condition. He says she will be in trouble if she does that. She says she is ready to go to jail than seeing him in trouble. He says they have come too far and cannot go back, he is just worried for her health now. She says truth should come out and everyone should know how selfless person he is. She continues trying to convince him, but he denies and says people who trusted him now think he is wrong. She says its not his family and Sai’s mistake. He plays victim card again and says Sai didn’t trust him at all; if she had hidden something and asked him not to question her till she herself answers him, he wouldn’t have questioned her at all.

Sai calls Virat. Virat doesn’t pick it. Shruti asks why is he not picking Sai’s call. He says Sai must have read the news and must be calling him to taunt him. Sai thinks speak to her once at least. Virat picks call on Shruti’s insistence. Sai apologizes for disturbing him and asks him to reach Chavan nivas in sometime as she has some work and his presence is important. He says if she needs documents, she can take them from cupboard. She says she has some other work from him. He says family doesn’t like to see his face, so he will meet her somewhere else. She insists. He says if its important, he will come there, but his family thinks he is a criminal now. She says it shouldn’t bother him as he already chose his path.

Precap: Sai visits Chavan nivas and says she came for some important work. Pakhi says she knew Sai came here for something. Sai says she came here to meet Virat, introduces her lawyer’s assistant, and says she is taking divorce from Virat.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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