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Sai tells Ashwini that she wants to just concentrate on her studies and career and doesn’t need anyone in her life at this time. She says she gave her immense love as a mother and will always remain in her heart, takes her blessings, and walks away asking to take care of herself. In jungle, Sada tells his aide that Shruti loves him more than herself and even Virat always keeps his promise. Aide hopes it was true and says he sent his men to check and found out that Shruti has move on with Virat and Virat has given his name to her and Sahas. Sada says he can’t believe it and asks aide to find out Virat’s address. Shruti tells Virat she wants to shift to an ashram where nobody identifies her and she can peacefully lead rest of her life. Virat says her own men will find her and kill her and Sahas, so he cannot let her go.

At college, Sai’s friends meet her and ask how is she feeling. Sai says she is fine and her fever has subsided now. They says they are talking about news about her husband, he is getting famous for the wrong reason. Sai says even she reads newspapers and is not bothered about it, they can talk about studies or she is not interested in any other topic. They say they are worried for her as she must be feeling emotionally labile while her husband is enjoying with another woman. Sai says she is bothered about only studies and is determined to get gold medal even this year. Pulkit hearing that praises her spirit and seeing her mangalsutra missing says now she has truly kicked Virat out of her life and is ready to move on. Sai says she doesn’t want to hear that name again.
Shruti says Virat sacrificed his family for her and Sahas. Virat says he feels guilty for killing Sada. Shruti says she could meet him because of that and says Sada would have let Sahas stay in jungle itself and not bothered about his education or future, but he is taking care of Sahas’ future. She thinks that is why she is getting attracted to him. Sada searches Virat’s address. Shruti starts crying and says her respect for him has increased, he is a very good man, and she cannot stop thinking about him. He tries to calm her down. She hugs him tightly. He tries to calm her down and is shocked seeing Sada. Shruti also is shocked to see him alive. Sada gets angry seeing that and remembers his aide’s words. Virat gets emotional and says he is so happy to see him alive and is free from a guilt of killing his friend. Sada says he took over same friend’s wife and son. Virat says he was taking care of them in his absence as promised. Shruti says Virat is right, he took care of her and Sahas in Sada’s absence.

Sada says he saw them hugging each other, if Shruti fell in Virat’s love in his absence. Shruti gets tensed thinking how did he find it out. Virat says Shruti is going through an emotional turmoil like any other person in this situation and he was just consoling her, he asks Shruti to tell him truth. Shruti stands silent lowering her eyes. Sada asks why don’t she looking into his eyes and angrily holds Virat’s collar for betraying him. Shruti tries to intervene, and Sada pushes her away. She falls on table, and Sahas’ birth certificate falls down. Sada gets more angry seeing Virat’s name in Sahas’ birth certificate. Virat says he was just helping him and suggests to surrender. Sada denies and says Virat wants to get rid off him as he is the hurdle between him and Shruti. Shruti says he is thinking wrong. Sada drags Shruti with him. Shruti frees her hand says she doesn’t want to go back to jungle for her son’s sake and wants to surrender instead.
Virat asks Sada to shoot him if he thinks he betrayed him. Sada says he blindly trusted him, but he snatched his wife and son and betrayed him. Virat shouts he is tired of being referred as a betrayer without any mistake and asks him again to shoot him if he thinks so. Shruti shields Virat and asks Sada not to shoot Virat. Sada gets more angry and warns her not to protect her boyfriend. He hears Sahas crying and try to walk toward him when Shruti stops and asks if she is stopping him from meeting his son. Virat asks him to keep the gun aside and meet his son. Sada hears police sirens and escapes saying he will return soon. Shruti gets worried thinking what Sada will do next.

Ashwini calls Sai and asks if she is fine. Sai says she is fine and going to hostel from college. Ashwini says until she gets well, she will send her food via Mohit or someone else. Sai says she need not worry as she is fine. Ashwini insists. Sai says she needs to learn to survive alone in hostel and she is not the only girl who lives alone. She sees Ashwini with Mohit there and asks what is she doing here? Ashwini says Pulkit informed that she has class break, so she brought food for her. Mohit says they are family and its their duty to take care of each other.

Inspector visits Virat and says DIG has sent him duty rejoining letter and asked him to join today itself. Virat says he will not accept the letter and sends him away. Shruti says he should rejoin the duty as Sada is angry with him. Virat says he got his job back because Sai submitted fake divorce letter to department, Sada will not spare him even if he joins duty. Sada returns to his camp and fumes that he trusted Virat, but Virat snatched away his son and wife. His aide asks should they attack Virat and being back Shruti and Sahas. Sada asks about Virat’s wife. Aide says she studies in Nagpur medical college. Sada says she is Virat’s weakness as Virat loves her a lot.

Sai tells Mohit and Ashwini that she is lucky that her in-laws are worried for her even after divorce. She notices Virat’s messages on Mohit’s number and asks why Virat wants to know about her health. Mohit blocks Virat’s number. Virat noticing that thinks of calling him and find out Sai’s condition. Shruti walks to him; and he says he wanted to set things right, but everyone are misunderstanding him including his wife, his family, and Sada. Shruti says Sada is adamant and will not understand easily. Virat says Sai is also adamant. Sai notices a boy apologizing his girlfriend for not paying attention to her busy in some work and offers her rose on rose day. Ashwini shows pic of Virat and Sai celebrating rose day and asks if they were talking about it. Sai says Virat is gone now. Virat and Shutri’s emotional discussion regarding Sai and Sada.

Sai gets into a taxi. Taxi driver drives taxi rashly wearing Virat’s mask. She resists and shouts for help and notices motorbikers joining taxi wearing Virat’s mask. She opens door and jumps from cab. Pulkit waits for Sai at hostel and asks warden who informs that Sai hasn’t returned yet. He calls Devi and asks if Sai came there with Ashwini and Mohit? Devi says no. Mohit takes phone and informs that Sai went alone after she met them. Ashwini and Ninad get worried for Sai. Bhavani and Sonali as usual yell at Sai and discuss that she must have returned to Gadchiroli. Samrat says Sai will not go anywhere uninformed. Pulkit says Sai informs warden if she goes out, but today she didn’t.

Sai escapes from goons and runs. She finds a few men and try to seek help, but finds them also wearing Virat’s mask. they kidnap her again. She resists and driver rams car to wall. Sai fall unconscious.

Precap: Shruti tells Virat that Sada understood that she loves him and hence pointed gun at him. Virat says she should have told Sada that he is thinking wrong. Sada kidnaps Sai and says she trusted her husband immensely and got betrayed by him. Sai identifies him. Sada sends Sai’s pic to Virat and messages to return Shruti and Sahas or else he will kill Sai. Virat tells Samrat that he knows where Sai is.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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