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Sai unpacks her suitcase and looking at Abha’s photo says this is her house for a few days. Pulkit walks in with a food packet for her. Dr. Mhatre calls him and requests to reach hospital soon as Shruti’s condition is worsening due to some emotional trauma. Sai thinks Virat is taking care of Shruti well, then how her condition worsened. Pulkit asks if they followed his given postoperative instructions and give her prescribed injection. Dr. Mhatre says they didn’t yet. He scolds her for being careless and if patient’s family is present there. She says yes. He asks to arrange that injection till he reaches hospital. She sends him hospital and patient details. Virat hires a real estate agent to rent out a 2 BHK flat with privacy for him and his wife/Shruti and kid. He gets a nurse’s call to return to hospital soon as his wife’s condition is worse. He rushes in worried and hopes Shruti’s condition improves soon.

Sai heading towards hospital with Pulkit asks how Shruti’s condition must have worsened. Pulkit says they don’t know Shruti’s pregnancy details much and she delivered a premature baby at 8 months, maybe Virat met her 1 year ago and didn’t care about her well during pregnancy or maybe they knew each other since long and the baby was accidental. Sai says she never felt Virat’s behavior weird before. He asks her to think well and remember if Virat had gone out for long and his behavior changed. She says she didn’t, last time had gone on a mission and was injured. He says even he didn’t find Virat’s behavior weird, maybe Virat didn’t want to continue with Shruti but changed his mind after hearing about her pregnancy and reaccepted her. He warns her not to involve herself in this mess. She says she is trying to help Shruti. He says its possible that Shruti may not survive, then Virat will return to her with a baby and force her to take care of the baby. She says its possible. He says that baby is not her responsibility.

Bhavani returns home after hospital discharge. Ashwini asks how is she feeling now. Samrat says doctor advised her 4-5 days’ rest before she starts walking again normally. Sonali says how will she after Virat ruined their dignity. Omkar and Karishma comment next. Bhavani says Virat ruined their centuries’ old dignity and she cannot face society now. Ashwini asks her to forget it as she needs to get well soon and walk on her feet. Bhavani says she should curse Shruti for trapping Virat and having an illegitimate child from him. Sonali says that child is Chavan family’s blood. Bhavani taunts her to treat her knees to sharpen her brain again and says until she is alive, she will not let Shruti or her baby enter this house.

Sai tells Pulkit that sooner or later Chavan family will accept Sahas and Virat will take care of Sahas with their help. Pulkit asks what about her. She says she will divorce Virat and will go away from Virat as she doesn’t to trouble him or Shruti. He asks how can she take all the burden on herself. She says she is angry on Shruti, but she will not let a child lose his mother. They reach hospital. She asks if he will forget his differences and treat Shruti. He says he is a professional doctor and saving patient’s life is his duty. She says they should save Shruti at any cost.

Dr. Mhatre informs Virat that Shruti’s body is not accept blood. He threatens to Shruti to another hospital if they are incompetent. She talks about Pulkit’s prescribed injection and him reaching anytime with his intern Sai to treat Shruti. He says he knows who Sai is, he just wants Shruti’s treatment. Pulkit with Sai walks in and goes to treat Shruti. Virat holds Sai’s hand. Sai remembers him worried for even her once during her accident and reminds him, says he needs not worry as his wife will be fine soon. He thinks she his talking so maturely and cries holding her hand. He asks her to have patience and walks away. He breaks down and cries that he doesn’t have anyone who can understand her, he had a bestfriend who used to understand her, but now she is acting like a stranger. Sai thinks he loves Shruti so much that he is crying inconsolably; if it was possible, she would have treated Shruti and reunited him with Virat.
Sai visits Shruti and asks Dr. Mhatre about patient’s condition. She notices Shruti in critical condition. Pulkit says this injection is a savior and if it doesn’t work, Shruti may go into coma. Sai gives injection. Virat notices from glass window and thinks he told Sai that if his wife finds out about her, she would help her, and as he said, Sai is helping Shruti. Shruti’s condition worsens even after getting injection.
Virat walks in and asks why is Shruti behaving like this. Pulkit says the did their best and can just wait now. Virat says he trusts Pulkit and god. Sai prays god to protect Shruti for Sahas. Shruti’s vital signs normalize. Pulkit says Shruti’s body is accepting blood now. Nurse asks Virat to wait outside while they finish some paperwork. Doctor says he can finish his work and be available on call.
Family helps Bhavani walk and sit on a sofa. Samrat says she will walk on her feet soon. Pakhi returns home and asks if she is fine, she went to Asthivinayak temple to pray for her after hearing about her accident. Bhavani says its good at least she was out of the drama. Pakhi asks what drama. Pulkit tells Mhatre that Shruti’s condition is stable now. Sai asks Shruti how is she feeling now. Shruti thanks Pulkit for saving her life and stopping her son from becoming an orphan. Pakhi is shocked to hear that Shruti has a baby from Virat and asks Samrat if its possible that baby is only Shruti’s. Shivani says hope it was true. Pakhi thinks Virat betrayed her and married Sai and now betrayed Sai and had a baby with Shruti.

Shruti continues to thank Pulkit. Pulkit says they are doctors and were professional. Shruti requests to talk to Sai alone for 5 minutes. Pulkit says they are doctor and will only listen to professional issues and asks Sai to leave from there. Shruti holds Sai’s hand and pleads her to listen to her once. Virat walks in and asks what is happening. Sai says his wife is fine now, he should take care of her medicines, he will get a hospital reminder for appointment and should bring his wife for next appointment on time. Nurse brings Sahas and gives him to Virat. Sai remembers Bhavani’s order that she expects Chavan family heir from Sai and Virat, Virat consoling her, etc. Nurse asks sweets from Virat. Sai says its a happy moment for Mr Chavan and his family, but she will give her money to distribute sweet among whole hospital staff. Pulkit asks why is she doing this. Sai says she is doing it for Mrs Chavan and baby, congratulates Mr Chavan for becoming a father, prays for his and his wife’s happiness without anyone’s interference. She then says she will leave now. Virat says she already left him.

She continues her heart felt discussion. Pulkit says they are late. Sai says let us go. Virat says he needs to talk to her. She says he got a family which many crave for, now he has a baby to fulfill his family. She says Shruti is lucky and should protect her happiness. Once she leaves, Shruti says she knows Virat is hurt with Sai’s words, she wanted to tell truth to Sai, but Pulkit stopped her. Virat says she need not do that. Shruti says he should tell truth to Sai and his family. He says he will when the right time comes.

Precap: DIG gives 72 hours to Virat to defend himself and warns to fire him from job. Sai reads news about Virat and informs Pulkit. Pulkit says its a tit for tat and asks her not to interfere in it. Sai calls Virat and asks him to visit Chavan Nivas. He says she can get her documents from cupboard. She says its fof different issue and requests him to visit Chavan nivas soon. He agrees.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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