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The Episode starts with Sunanda saying Anu did good to save Gungun, was it necessary to go and drop her. Everyone argues. Golu says Anu isn’t a little kid that we get him. Yug says he thought he is needed more there. Sargam says he thinks a lot for others, but not family and wife. Charu apologizes to Akriti. Chandru says Anu wasn’t such. Charu says I promise, you won’t get a reason to complain now. 

Doctor checks Gungun. He says Gungun is fine, she can have internal injuries, we should get x ray done, she is in mental shock, she isn’t able to deal with her dad’s untimely death, so she attempted suicide, I fear that she can do this again. Anu asks for solution. The doctor says such patient wants attention, try to be with her and keep her busy, she will become normal soon. Anu agrees. Doctor says call me if there is any problem. He goes. Anu says I will sit with her for some time. Gungun doesn’t have the soup. Garima asks her to have it. Anu sits to feed Gungun. He says you will get big injections in the hospital if you fall sick, you like to trouble me, I know, find any new way, please have something. She doesn’t listen. He asks do you want me to die. She eats by his hands. He thanks her for saving me from dying. He says like good time doesn’t stay always, even bad time won’t stay, so don’t give up, you are your dad’s strong girl, sleep, I will come again. Gungun stops him and cry. He looks at her.
Anu comes home. Charu scolds him. Anu says sorry. Goli says Charu is angry. Charu says Akriti’s happiness and dreams are your responsibility. Akriti says let it be, its his nature that he can’t see anyone in pain. Sunanda asks what about a wife’s pain. She says Anu she is still defending you. Chandru says be thankful that you got such a good wife. Charu says we all will help Gungun, but Anu won’t. Akriti says I am there to take care of her. Anu says I don’t care, I will do what I have to do. Charu asks why, did you take her responsibility. Anu says it’s a duty to help others. Akriti says Gungun is married, what will her husband and in-laws say if you are around, sorry, people will doubt your generosity, there can be misunderstanding between Gungun and her husband. Sargam says she is right, think of Gungun’s respect, if she gets defamed, would you like it. Neeti asks Anu to give time to Akriti. Ankit says you are scolding Anu for no reason, Anu didn’t do anything wrong. Yug says situation isn’t normal, someone has died, in such a case, enemies also become friends, Riddhesh and Gungun are close to us. Sargam asks where are Gungun’s inlaws and husband, did they have any fight, I won’t be surprised, its not easy for anyone to bond with a girl like Gungun. Anu says I can’t believe this, you are saying this about Gungun. Akriti says Gungun is married now, no one has seen her husband, you signed as her husband in the hospital. Charu says you can spoil our family name while helping Gungun, so better be careful. Anu thinks I can’t give the answer right now.

Maid says Ranvijay has come to meet you. Gungun says kick him out. Ranvijay comes. He asks the maid to go out, he has to talk to Gungun in private. Maid says Gungun is sick, she isn’t having food, don’t trouble her. He says I will feed her. She says Anu is here to feed her. He says he is enjoying at both places. Gungun asks him to leave. He says I have to show you something. Gungun says I can’t tolerate you, get lost. She push him. He asks her to see what he wants to show her, then he will go. He shows her a pic of Anu filling sindoor in her maang. She asks how dare you click our pic. He says my friends have this pic, they will upload it on my saying. She asks why did you do this. He says I thought you will thank me, just imagine, what will happen if I send this pic to Anu’s family and office. Gungun scolds him. He says I didn’t know the power of your sindoor, you married Anu, why would I protect you. She asks what do you want. He says you. He blackmails her. He says Anu will get jailed, you will be alone, no one will marry you, I am ready to marry you, I have to wait till your dad’s Tervi. He asks for money. She agrees to give money and asks him not to send the pic to anyone. He says alright, my wife to be. She shouts shut up. He threatens her. She gives him a cheque of 5 lakhs and asks him to get lost. He asks her to send him money every month. He leaves.

The lady says how can a smart guy like you make such a big mistake, marrying two girls in a day. He says situation was such. She asks whom will you explain, does Akriti know this. He says no, keep this confidential, I want a favor, I want to apply for jobs abroad. She asks what, you said you want to work here. He says I want to go away, I am stuck. She says you can’t run away from problems, Akriti is your wife, what will you do if she wants to go with you, sorry, I can’t help. He asks what shall I do, I can’t leave Gungun alone, Akriti keeps an eye on me. She says I can transfer Akriti to another dept, I know it will be wrong with her, but I can’t see you like this, how long will this go on? He says until Gungun is out of mental trauma, then she won’t need me. She asks don’t you have anything in your heart for her? He says its there but it doesn’t matter. She asks what will Gungun answer the people. He says I am just living in present, Gungun is my responsibility, she has no one except me, her dad isn’t alive. She says fine, I will mail Akriti about the transfer, make sure that she doesn’t know about this already, are you going in science convention? He says yes, I wish it was for three months instead of three days. She says you will get a little escape, remember, your personal life shouldn’t affect your professional life. He says never, thanks.

Neeti and Khushi come to tease Akriti, and show Anu’s shirt with the love sign. Akriti says I will go back to office if you pull my leg. Neeti says no need to cancel the leave. Khushi says you promised that you will take us for dayout. Akriti says yes, but what is it about the shirt. Neeti shows the shirt. Khushi says its sindoor mark, keep it safe. They go. Akriti says its not my sindoor mark, how did this come on Anu’s shirt. She says this is the mark of Anu’s cheat.
Gungun asks Anu to leave. He asks where are you going. She says wherever I like. She thinks Ronnie will blackmail me if I stay here, I have to go. He asks her where is she going and why, what’s the problem. She says everything here reminds me of dad. He asks do you want to run away from his memories, what happens with us is not life, our relations on the happenings is life, it depends on you, you want to preserve the memories or run away. She says I want a break, so I am going. He says fine, but you should stay back till the Tervi. She cry. He asks what happened? She says nothing. He asks why did you become silent. She says you should be happy. He says I want old Gungun back. She says no one liked old Gungun, stubborn, stupid, idiot, party animal, even dad didn’t like her. Anu says the Gungun I knew, her anger and stubbornness wasn’t her personality, but her childishness, she used to stay happy in her own life, I want that Gungun back. She asks what’s your problem, I am trying to change, what shall I do. He says I liked old Gungun and want that back. She says that Gungun is lost and even this Gungun wants to go lost, go and don’t come to meet me again. He asks what. She scolds him. She says you are married now, your wife will have a problem if you come to meet me, your family also doesn’t like me. He says I didn’t tell the truth to them, so they have a problem, I don’t want to put you in problem. She says I will remove the sindoor, don’t worry. Anu says its sindoor, not makeup. She says I don’t care. He says remove it if you want to see me dead. She stops. She says you said this sindoor doesn’t matter to you, why are you explaining the meaning to me, dad asked me to delete that day from my life. They argue. She asks why are you saying this when it’s a lie. He says it maybe a lie for you, not for me. She says this isn’t true. He says fine, you can run away, tell me, what shall I do, shall I listen to my heart or mind. She says dad used to say, listen to the heart. He says you are in my heart, I have applied sindoor to you first and I regard you as mine. She cries and shouts shut up, what nonsense is this, never say this again, it was just an accident, its better that we forget it, so I am going away from you and your life, forever. He holds her hand and asks can you live without me. She says I am living without dad, you mean nothing to me. He says ask yourself if I mean anything to you or not, come back when you get the answer. She says never. He says we shall see. She opens the door and sees Maya. Maya hug her and cries. She asks how can Riddhesh leave us alone. Gungun asks how did you know. Maya ask why are you saying this, Riddhesh was my husband. Gungun says so you are coming now after so many days. Maya says I wasn’t getting tickets, I had called you many times, I called Garima and got to know that she went to her husband, you are alone here, Riddhesh had told me that life has no guarantee, I didn’t think it will turn true so soon. She cries. She sees Anu there. She asks what are you doing here.

Precap: Anu comes home. Sunanda asks were you in the lab. He says yes. Maya calls Akriti and asks her to handle her husband, he had come to meet Gungun. Akriti and family scold Anu for the lie. Anu stops Gungun’s car and says you are going to US. Gungun says no one care for me. He says I do care. She says ask Akriti not to talk about my marriage with anyone. He says she won’t listen. She ask why, she is your wife. He says you are my wife.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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