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The Episode starts with Gungun and Akriti arguing. Doctor asks for the family member’s sign on the consent form. Golu says Charu will sign. Akriti says I am his wife, I will sign. Yug and Ankit say Anu’s old relations didn’t end if he got married. Charu says don’t argue, let Akriti sign. Golu says you are the eldest, you sign. He asks Gungun not to worry, he will update her. Yug says she can stay here. Akriti says if this sindoor thief stays here, then I will create a ruckus. Gungun says your sindoor is intact because of me, I protected your sindoor. Charu says Akriti is right, she can’t stay here. Dean says she saved Anu’s life. He says she has put him at risk, he is in this state because of her, I request you to not talk in our family matter. He asks Akriti to come. Gungun asks will Anu be fine? Doctor says his survival chances are just 50%, pray for the patient, we will do our best. Gungun says I will not leave this city until Anu gets fine, I promise, I won’t disturb you. Golu asks where are you going? She says anywhere, I will ask you about Anu on phone. Yug says its not safe for you. She says already much bad has happened. She cry and leaves. 

Ranvijay is interrogated by Inspector Pandey. Pandey calls the other Inspector and says we caught Ranvijay. Inspector says I am reaching Lucknow. 

Goli asks Garima didn’t you think of your daughter. Garima says Gungun and Akriti are my daughters for me, one is wrong and one is right, I am supporting love, you thought Gungun is foolish, stubborn and careless, but today she has proved what she can do for family. Sunanda asks what will we answer the locality people, what about Akriti, what is she going through. Sargam says you should have at least thought of our respect. Garima says you find me wrong today, very soon you will understand that Gungun is right for Anu. Sargam says this will never happen. Neeti says no mum will wish her daughter’s family to break. Garima says I didn’t know, Akriti will win your hearts so soon, I didn’t send Gungun, Gungun didn’t get adamant to go, Anu took her by his wish, they are right in my sight, they both need each other, their happiness and fate are connected. Goli says no, this marriage would have not broken if their fate was connected. Sunanda says Anu’s fate is connected to Akriti.

Nurse says if you go to that mountain temple and pray for your husband, then he will surely get fine. Gungun asks for the address. Nurse says but its difficult to reach there. Gungun says I will do anything for my husband. Nurse says you have to wear Indian dress and go there, I will lend you the clothes. Gungun thanks her. She leaves in an auto rickshaw. Driver asks are you going to pray at the temple, for whom. Gungun says I am going to pray for my husband, his survival chances are 50%. He says I have seen you on tv, I heard your husband has been shot, its bad, we reached, the temple is over that mountain, you have to go barefoot. She asks will you stay back until I come back? He says I will surely stay back, I respect you a lot, I wish I have a daughter, then she becomes like you. She asks shall I give money now or later. He says you can come back and give it, be careful and go. She goes to the temple. 

Doctor says we can tell the condition after the operation, its going to begin now. Everyone worries. 

Gungun feels tired and goes towards the temple. She reach the temple and removes her slippers. She prays for Anu. Doctors operate on Anu. Gungun’s foot gets hurt. She proceeds. She says elders didn’t bless us in our marriage, we had no rituals or baraat, but you were there when Anu filled my maang, you have seen our love and longing, its not false, why are you punishing us, either make Anu fine, or call me with him to you, you have to choose Anu’s life or my death, kill me but please make my Anu fine. She cry. 
Charu cry and prays for Anu. Pandit blesses Gungun. He asks her not to worry. Doctor says if the bleeding doesn’t stop, then patient can’t survive, get the blood. Nurse says his blood group units aren’t there in the blood bank. Ankit says Anu’s life is in danger. Charu sits back. They cry.

The driver sees Gungun hurt and says we will go to doctor first. She says no, I have to go to city hospital to see my husband first, I don’t have time. She leave for the hospital. 

Doctor says maybe we can’t save the patient. Gungun calls Golu and asks how is Anu, what did the doctor say, why are you crying? She recalls Anu. He tells her everything. She says I am bringing puja flowers, nothing will happen to him, don’t worry. Doctor says patient needs blood, and we have no blood. Nurse says blood will be delivered from the blood bank, but it will take 3-4 hours. Doctor says we should inform his family. Golu ask Gungun to come soon. Akriti asks who was he talking to? Golu asks her not to question him and pray for Anu. She asks him to just answer. He says its proved that you don’t love your husband and don’t respect elders. She ask whom were you talking to? He praises Gungun for doing the duty of a wife. He asks shall I tell the name or you understood? She asks why did you call her. He says she has right to know, your real anger and fake tears are useless. Nurse comes and says patient needs O negative blood, we don’t have it. Golu asks how can this happen. They ask nurse to check their blood groups. Nurse says you all have no match with the O- group, if you can arrange it from any blood bank. Golu, Chandru, Yug and Ankit leave. Charu asks Akriti not to worry. She says I have a sautan to fight. Charu says I promise I won’t let Gungun come around Anu. 

Gungun thinks of Anu. She coughs. Driver gives her water. She drinks water. She asks him to regard her a younger sister. He says then listen to a brother, get the foot treated first. She says I have to reach my husband first, sorry. He says its okay, I understand your sorrow, I will wait there till your husband’s operation is over, you get the aid done at the hospital. They reach the hospital. 
Golu try to arrange the blood. The man says its not available here. Chandru says please help us. The man says fine, I will call the blood bank and check again. Golu says its about Anu’s life. Nurse says blood isn’t arranged. She calls Golu and asks is the blood arranged. Golu says we are trying, its not available, how is Anu? She says just a miracle can save him now, we are trying our best, he had much blood loss, if we don’t get blood in 15 mins, then we can’t do anything. He ask how will we arrange it in 15mins.

Gungun goes inside the hospital. Auto driver asks her to tie the handkerchief to her foot. She says later, I have to touch Anu’s forehead with this flower. He ties the handkerchief to her. 

Golu feels helpless. He cry. Ankit asks shall we call Gungun, she is a fairy, she can solve all the problems, maybe she will do a magic this time also. He calls Gungun and says Anu isn’t getting O- blood. She says my blood group is also O-, I can donate blood, I just reached the hospital. Ankit says it’s a miracle, Gungun is in the hospital, her blood group is matching. Gungun says I won’t let anything happen to Anu, come there. Akriti asks why didn’t they come? She asks Charu not to lose hope. Charu asks her to go and see if they arranged the blood. Gungun ask nurse to take her blood. Nurse asks what happened to your foot. Gungun says take my blood first. Nurse informs the doctor that she found a donor. She asks about the driver. Gungun says he is my brother. Akriti stop Gungun and says my husband won’t be given her blood. Gungun says Anu needs blood. Akriti says he is my husband, not yours. Gungun says we have to save him first. Akriti asks her to shut up. She says I have right on him. Gungun says right will be there when he gets saved. Akriti says Anu is in this state because of her, my family members will arrange the blood. Gungun falls in her feet. She says don’t do this, let me donate blood to him, I will leave from his life forever. Akriti says there is no one to clap for your drama. She says this girl is lying, how can her blood group match with Anu? Nurse asks why will she lie, we will do the blood test first. Akriti says she is a liar, she is telling the world that she is Anu’s wife. She asks Gungun to leave. Gungun’s puja plate falls. Driver picks it. Gungun says it had prasad for Anu. Akriti says he doesn’t need this. Driver asks nurse to take the flower to Anu, its her faith, she got hurt on the way. Akriti says he is my husband, and you are doing the puja. Driver asks why didn’t you go, who stopped you? Nurse says you can’t stop me from doing my responsibility. Akriti says I will see how she donates blood to Anu. Gungun says I will see who stops me from reaching Anu, I will fight the Lord for him, you are just an ordinary human. She push Akriti. Driver stops Akriti, and asks Gungun to go.

Precap: Doctor says Anu’s operation is successful, he is out of danger. Anu asks for his wife Gungun. Nurse goes to call her. Akriti says I m his wife. Charu stops Golu and argues with him. Golu says I learnt this from you to stand for what is right.

Love By Chance Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday

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