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Sharda and Vasu ask Preesha if she spoke to Rudra and convinced him. Preesha says Rudra is busy with his friend’s son, so she couldn’t. Vasu says she has to somehow and suggests her to take food for Rudra and clear their differences. Sharda backs her and asks Preesha not to delay. Preesha leaves. Vasu hopes their fight ends and they reunite. Rudra calls Reema when Preesha enters with food and he disconnects it and says he doesn’t need food and asks her to take it away. She asks if she is so bad that he doesn’t want to have food with her. He shouts that he repeatedly told her not to insult his mother and brother, but she continued and brought cheap Yuvraj and got him married to Ahana, how can she betray them; even now she is finding changes to insult his mother; she is not the same Preesha and is someone who wants to end his family. She stands sadly. He says she is here because of maa or else he wouldn’t tolerate her at all and shouts to go. She walks away crying thinking she will convince Rudra at any cost. Yuvraj noticing her tears and out of Rudra’s room gets happy thinking his plan is working.

Saransh walks to Preesha says he is hungry, so can he have it. She agrees and thinks Sunny also must have had food yet. Rudra feels guilty for venting out his anger on Preesha because of Sunny, thinks of calling Preesha and informing her about Sunny, then thinks of confirming with Reema first. He calls Reema and her phone is not reachable, so he thinks of asking Sunny about his mother.

Sulochana fumes that Kabir went to Goa without informing her, where will she find him, and thinks Yuvraj spoilt her whole plan. Yuvraj walks to her singing and informs that Preesha walked out of Rudra’s room crying, so their plan is working. She gets happy. He says he has set a dhamaka. She asks what is it. He says everyone will find out when it happens.

Rudra requests Sunny to tell who his mother is, but Sunny continues showing attitude. He asks if his mother’s name is Reema, he will get him anything if he helps him. Sunny asks what if he doesn’t help and tells truth to everyone. Preesha enters with food for Sunny and asks which truth, insists him to speak. Rudra hopes Sunny doesn’t tell truth as he hasn’t confirmed it yet. Sunny says Rudra is his papa. Preesha is shocked to hear that. Sunny hugs Rudra and says he is Rudra’s son, asks Rudra to tell that he behaves like his father and scolds him for everything; he felt he will enjoy here, but Rudra is acting like his father. Rudra says if he does mistakes, he will obviously act like his father. Sunny complains Preesha aunty and takes food plate. Rudra says he will not from hereon, gets Goa’s flight ticket confirmation messages and books even Sunny’s tickets.
Rudra with family reaches Gao and hires a lavish bungalow. Sulochana says where will they search Kabir. Mishka says Ahana is not picking even her call which she never used to do before, her phone is switched off now. Rudra asks not to worry as they are still in Goa. Preesha asks hotel staff to keep her luggage in Rudra’s room. Rudra says they will stay in different rooms. Sonia smirks hearing that. Rudra gets investigator’s call who shares Kabir and Ahana’s location. He excitedly asks investigator to keep an eye on them till he reaches there. Sulochana insists to accompany him. He asks her to wait till he brings them here. She agrees. He warns Sunny not to make any mischief until he returns and leaves. He reaches location and seeing Kabir and Ahana dumbly calls them from a distance without going near them. They escape seeing him. He asks investigator to keep tracking them and returns home sadly. Preesha thinks of questioning him. Sunny insists him to take him to swimming pool. He agrees. Sonia joins them. Saransh feels Sad seeing tha.t Rudra cheers him up and takes him along. Preesha thinks his mood is fine now, so she will ask him about Kabir and Ahana later.

Rudra enjoys swimming with Sunny, Sonia, and Saransh when Sulochana asks if he met Kabir and Ahana. He says he met them, but they ran away seeing him. She asks when will they find Kabir and Ahana. Rudra asks her not to worry as investigator is searching them. She sits aside and fumes that Kabir has left her alone like his father, she will punish him once he comes. Sonia falls on Rudra while playing. Sulochana hopes Preesha watches that. Preesha walks in and feels jealous. Sulochana thinks she would have asked 500 crores from god instead of this and enjoys seeing Preehsa’s jealousy. Saransh asks Preesha to join them. Sonia also calls her. Preesha says no thanks. Saransh insists again. She says she doesn’t know swimming. He says even he doens’t know swimming and Rudra taught him, so Rudra will teach even her. Rudra agrees. Preesha sees Sonia getting more intimate with Rudra and walks away fuming, thinks why Rudra cannot forget what happened and behave like before.

Sulochana praises Sonia for enjoying in swimming pool with Rudra. Yuvraj asks what did she do. Sulochana says Sonia went closer to Rudra repeatedly and made Preesha jealous. Sonia shies. Sulochana says she should continue getting closer to Rudra so that Preesha gets more jealous and goes away from Rudra. Yuvraj jokes kid is getting good training. Sulochana asks what happened to his big bomb. Yuvaj says he planted it at its place and it will take some time blast. Sulochana says she is eager to hear the blast and orders Sonia to get back on duty. Yuvraj jokes to spare at least kids. She replies that she didn’t speak even him. He thinks old woman is very stubborn.

Sunny wakes up at night getting bad dream and rushes to Rudra and Saransh’s room. Rudra asks what is he doing here. Sunny says he got afraid sleeping alone as he never slept alone before. Sunny laughs on him. Rudra says even Sanarsh used to be afraid and sleep with him and Preesha and asks to apologize Sunny. Saransh apologizes him. Rudra asks Sunny to sleep with him and makes them both asleep.

In the morning, Sharda walks to sad Preesha and asks if she convinced Rudra. She says no and describes swimming pool incident where she felt bad seeing Rudra and Sonia together and didn’t enter swimming pool. Sharda says she loves Rudra, so obviously she would feel bad; she should ignore all this and save her relationship somehow. Presha agrees and sees Rudra sleeping with Sunny and Saransh, tells Sharda that she cannot understand why Rudra is giving so much importance to his friend’s son Sunny and ignoring Saransh. Sharda asks her not to bother about it as Sulochana and Kabir take advantage of same and concentrate on her task.
Rudra gifts toys to Sunny as per his demand and requests to inform who his mother is, asks if Reema is his mamma. Sunny acts and says if he brought toys to find out his mother’s name, now he will never inform it. Rudra pleads what problem he has. Sunny says he has problem, how can he forget who his mummy is, he should be shameful to forget his mummy’s name. Sharda enters and is shocked to hear that. She asks Rudra what is Sunny saying, if its true. Rudra nervously says she heard something and asks Sunny to tell what he was telling. Sunny says he cannot hide truth anymore and says he is Rudra’s son and Rudra lied that he is his friend’s son, now he will inform everyone about it. Rudra pleads not to. Sharda gets tensed that Preesha will break relationship with Rudra if she hears this secret. She stops Sunny and says Rudra never hides truth, but did due to some reason; she will inform everyone at the right time. Sunny agrees. Sharda then scolds Rudra for hiding truth from her, takes him along, and asks who is Sunny’s mother. Rudra says he really doesn’t know. Sharda asks how will Preesha react hearing the truth, he didn’t trust when Preesha told her truth, now Preesha will not trust him. He explains that he had partied with his friends years ago and there were 3 girls, he got intimate with one of them after getting heavily inebriated; he spoke to 2 girls except Reema. Sharda asks to speak to Reema then. He says she is not reachable and requests to handle the situation till then. Sharda asks what all she should handle.

Saransh gets excited seeing Sunny’s toys and asks from where did he get them. Sunny says Rudra gifted him. Saransh requests to share with him. Sunny denies and rudely pushes him asking to take it from Rudra. Saransh runs away crying. Preesha notices him and asks reason. Saransh informs that Rudra brought toys for his friend’s son and not his own son. Preesha thinks why is Rudra doing this and says Sunny must be feeling lonely, so Rudra brought them for Sunny. She takes him to Sunny and asks him when he came here, with whose tab he was playing. Sunny says Saransh. Preesha says when Saransh shared his tab with him, he should also share his toys with him. Sunny agrees.

Sharda gets engrasped in thoughts thinking who is Sunny’s mother when cook asks what to prepare today and she doesn’t hear him. Preesha noticing it alerts Sharda and asks if she knows Rudra’s friend as she never heard about him before and Rudra is paying more attention to Sunny and brought costly gifts for him. Sharda says Sunny must be feeling lonely, so Rudra brought him toys. Preesha says even she was thinking same, but looks like there is some other issue. Sharda asks her to go and prepare for lunch and thinks she has to hide truth from Preesha.

Precap: Saransh plays with helicopter and it accidentally breaks down. Sunny complains Rudra that Saransh broke his toy. Preesha says Saransh didn’t. Rudra fight with her for interfering between kids, later he insists Sunny if Reema is his mummy and Sunny agrees. He then catches Kabir on investigator’s information. Sharda tells Preesha that Rudra is more sad and less angry on her. Preesha says she will try her best to convince him. She takes juice for Rudra while he is practicing with Sonia. Sonia takes juice, and Rudra takes Sonia’s water bottle. Sharda noticing that tells Saransh that Rudra is very angry on Preesha and they need to do something.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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