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Preesha returns to Sharda. Sharda asks if she spoke to Rudra. Preesha nods no. Sharda says she should listen to Rudra once. Preesha says she will, but he should have informed her before. Sharda says it was a big issue. Preesha asks if she knows about it, why didn’t she inform her before. Sharda says she overheard them and seeing their fight, she didn’t want to exaggerate their differences. Rudra walks to them. Sharda says she is their mother and they should listen to her; tells Rudra that Preesha should be more important to him and if he troubles Preesha, she will not forgive him; asks him to explain Preesha clearly and walks away telling Preesha that she is always with her. Rudra apologizes her for hiding this truth and says even he was shocked to know when Sunny suddenly came from nowhere and informed that he is his son, how can it be.

Sulochana asks Yuvraj if he planned Sunny’s drama. Yuvraj smiles. Sulochana says he cannot do that. Kabir laughs and says Chomu Double Battery Yuvraj’s brain is empty and he is too dumb for it. Yuvraj reminds him how he made him run during his wedding in his undergarments and says he is the principal of the school in which Kabir studies. Kabir says he can bark how much ever he wants, he will not spare him once he is caught. Sulochana asks him to relax and asks Yuvraj if he planted Sunny in Preesha and Rudra’s life. Yuvraj agrees. Rudra continues that he doesn’t now who this Sunny is and from where he has come, after a much difficulty he found out that Sunny’s mother can be Reema and describing the party incident years ago says he doesn’t even remember if he got intimate with Reema as he was heavily inebriated for the first time.
Sulochana asks Yuvraj how did he do that. Yuvraj informs that when he went to Rudra’s college friends’ party, he saw a girl/Reema who was sitting silently in bar looking at Rudra and realized she has some connection with Rudra. He introduces himself as Rudra’s brother to waiter and insists to pay Rudra’s bill. Waiter says Rudra is his special guest, so he will not charge Rudra. Reema asks Yuvraj if he is Rudra’s brother. Yuvraj says he is and asks if she knows Rudra. Reema introduces herself and says she was Rudra’s best friend. He says Rudra never spoke about her. She says she was Rudra’s best friend and not girlfriend. He asks her to tell some exciting stories of night outs, hanky panky, etc. She says Rudra never used to go on night outs or mingle with girls, but he has changed completely now. She insists to tell something at least. She informs that they were partying with friends when her parents were not at home and they forced Rudra to drink heavily and he collapsed. She helped Rudra sleep in her room, Rudra was so drunk and didn’t remember anything what happened that night. He asks if she had some hanky panky with Rudra. She says what rubbish and walks away. He walks to her and insists if he got intimate with any other girl. She says Rudra was never like that. He says the way she was looking at Rudra, he felt she loves Rudra and hopes if something had happened between her and Rudra that day, she would have been Mrs. Rudraksh Khurana now; its obvious as every girl wants to become Mrs. Rudra. She says it was her past and its not possible now. He says it can be possible if she wants to as nobody knows that nothing happened between them, so she should believe that she got intimate with Rudra that night and got pregnant after that and has a child now. She says nothing of that sort happened. He says only she knows, but nobody does, so she should make these false allegations by bringing a fake son in Rudra’s life and then herself enter his life as Rudra’s wife. She asks how will this happen. He asks to just follow his order and become Mrs. Rudra.

Out of flashback, Sulochana praises Rudra and asks where did he bring the boy from, he does such a good acting. Yuvraj says he taught Sunny everything and remembers praising Sunny for his acting and ordering him to inform everyone and Preesha that he is Rudra’s son. He tells Sulochana that everyone will believe now that Sunny is Rudra’s son. Sulochana asks what about Reema. Yuvraj says he bribed and shut her mouth. Kabir asks what if Rudra investigates about Sunny and find out Reema. Yuvraj says he has hidden Reema where nobody can reach.

Rudra asks how to confirm Sunny is his son without meeting Reema, what would he tell Preesha, he cannot kick out Sunny as he is a small kid, Preesha should help him find truth by finding Preesha and confirming Sunny is his son, etc. Kabir says nobody will know where Reema is. Sulochana asks Kabir to learn from Kabir. Kabir says he would rather suicide than learning from Yuvraj. Sulochana says if Yuvraj was her son, they would have earned more than 500 crores by now. Yuvraj says he is like her son and will not leave her alone in trouble. Sulochana says his dhamaka will separate Rudra and Preesha forever. Rudra repeatedly requests Preesha to help him and feels disheartened when she doesn’t reply. Preesha says she will help him find Reema and find out Sunny’s truth. He kisses her hands and thanks him. Yeh Hain Chahatein.. plays in the background.

Preesha checks Sunny’s wound and says he will be fine in a few days. Sunny wakes up. Preesha asks him to relax as nobody will fight with him as she knows truth now and he can stay with them peacefully. She asks where is his mummy. Rudra also requests. Sunny gets tensed and thinks Yuvraj didn’t inform him what to tell in this situation.
Preesha asks Sunny to tell where his mummy is. Sunny gets tensed and says he is feeling hungry. Rudra asks to tell about his mother first. Preesha goes to get him food. Rudra asks him to tell him till Preesha returns. Sunny insists him to tell aunty to bring him milk shake. Rudra leaves. Sunny thinks Yuvraj didn’t inform him what to do in this situation, so he should meet him and find out soon. Yuvraj is busy conspiring with Sulochana and Kabir when Sunny runs to him and informs that a big problem barged in. Yuvraj asks what problem. Sunny looks at Sulochana and Kabir. Yuvraj says he need not worry. Sunny informs that Preesha is questioning about his mother, he didn’t know what to say and hence came to him. Kabir taunts Yuvraj for his lame plan. Sulochana says they are team and should work together. Sunny asks Yuvraj what should he tell Preesha, what if he tells truth trying to lie. Yuvraj reminds him what he taught him. Sulochana asks why is Preesha talking to him while she should be very angry. Sunny says Preesha reconciled with Rudra after he told truth and is helping him now instead. Kabir laughs on Yuvraj and says they will have to pack their bags now. Yuvraj asks Sunny to return and not meet him again like this.

Rudra tells Preesha that Sunny is very stubborn and will not tell about Reema at any cost. Preesha says they have to reach Reema at any cost. Sharda walks in. Preesha says don’t know why Sunny doesn’t want to discuss about Reema. Sharda says maybe Reema ordered him not to inform anything to Rudra as she must be afraid that he will send Sunny back to her. Rudra asks how will they find out about Reema now. Preesha says she knows. Sulochana fumes that Preesha always fails their plan. Kabir says exactly, they should think what Sunny should tell Preesha. Sulochana asks Yuvraj to speak. Kabir asks where is Chomu master now, he was boasting he is his school principal, what they should do now, they trusted a loser. Yuvraj says when he runs a horse, he doesn’t bother about small issues. Sulochana asks them to stop fighting. Yuvraj asks to leave it on him now, he will make such a big plan that even Preesha cannot do anything.

Preesha takes snacks to Sunny and asks if he is missing his mother. Rudra says an ill son always members his mother like Saransh misses Preesha when he is ill. Preesha says Sunny must be missing his mother for sure and insists to tell where she is. Sunny says he doesn’t know where she is now, just knows that she is getting hospitalized as she has cancer and told she is going to die. Preesha consoles him. Rudra asks hospital’s name. Sunny says he really doesn’t know. Going aside, Rudra asks how will the find out where Reema is. Preesha says Sunny told Reema is hospitalized in a cancer hospital, there are not many cancer hospitals in Delhi and hence they should call each hospital and find out if Reema Bhattacharya is admitted. They try all hospital numbers, but don’t find Reema’s location. Rudra panics. Preesha calms him down and says they will do something. She returns to Sunny with Saransh who shares his toys with Sunny. Sunny gets happy. Preesha praises Saransh and asks him to mingle with Sunny well. She asks Sunny if her mother gave him something. Sunny says a letter which he gave it to Rudra and a bag which is inside his room. Preesha opens bag and finds a phone number in it. Rudra says he is sure its Reema’s number, calls on it, finds its City Hospital’s number, and asks wardboy if he can speak to patient Reema Bhattacharya. Wardboy says Reema passed away in the morning and her body is taken for last right, asks who is he. Rudra says Reema’s son is with him. Wardboy says Reema considered him as a bother and had informed her last wish to let Rudra take care of Sunny from hereon. He sheds fake tears and disconnects call. Rudra informs Preesha about same. Preesha says they should inform Sunny. Rudra says they shouldn’t now and anyways ward boy told that Reema’s last wish was he takes care of Sunny from hereon.

At night, Saransh asks Preesha why is Rudra sleeping with Sunny today. Preesha says Sunny is ill, so Rudra is sleeping with him today to not make him feel alone. Saransh asks if she will sleep with him. She says yes, tells him a story, and makes him asleep. She then goes out to bring water. Rudra makes Sunny asleep and tries to leave. Sunny wakes up and says he is not getting sleep at all. Rudra says he is trying since 1 hour, don’t know what to do now. Preesha walks to them and says whenever Saransh doesn’t get sleep, she and Rudra sleep on his sides holding his hands and Saransh falls asleep instantly. She does same and tells him a story till he falls asleep. Saransh wakes up again and gets afraid not finding Preesha next time. He walks to Rudra’s rom and feels disheartened seeing Rudra and Preesha sleeping holding Sunny’s hands and thinks they told their love will not decrease for him with Sunny’s arrival, but even mamma also left him alone now.

Precap: Rudra asks Preesha how to inform a small kid such a big news. Sunny asks what happened to his mom. Preesha informs that his mom passed away. He cries hugging him. Saransh feels bad seeing that. Mishka joins Yuvraj’s team and explains her master plan to them.During breakfast, Saransh asks Preesha to bring him water. She walks to kitchen and seeing Sunny’s injured finger nurses it. Saransh gets angry seeing her attention towards Sunny. Sulochana and Sharda ask about Kabir and Mishka. Kabir enters with Mishka after marrying her. Rudra asks why did Kabir marry Mishka when he loves Ahana. Mishka says he married her as she is pregnant.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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