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Sharda goes to get 2 crores from locker and finds only one bundle left. She thinks she herself kept more than 2 crores in locker, where did money go; sh ewalks to Preesha and gives her one bundle. Preesha asks where is the rest of money. Sharda says she had kept more than 2 crores in locker and they are missing, Sulochana should answer where the money went. Sulochana thinks she took money for gambling and alcohol. Preesha asks her where is are 2 crores. Sulochana agrees that she took 2 crores. Ahana asks what did she do with such a huge amount. Sulochana cries that her friend was in trouble and she gaves it to her. She continues her emotional drmaa and crocodile tears. Sharda asks how can she give 2 crores to anyone uninformed,. Sulochana says she was about to inform them, but then forgot due to Chennai trip; she didn’t know that her son Rudra would be in trouble. Preesha says problems don’t come informed and they keep money for such unforeseen incidents, how will they manage such a big amount. Sulochana cries that her son wouldn’t have doubted and let them scold her like this, she lent money to her friend. Preesha says she should have informed someone at least. Ahana takes Sulochana’s side and says Preesha is misbehaving with mummy. Preesha says how will she manage 2 crores to save Rudra now, she won’t be able to forgive herself if something happens to him. Sulochana continues her drama and walks away. Ahana blames Preesha again and walks behind them.
Back to room, Kabir praises Sulochana for her acting. Ahana walks in and warns them to tell what did they do with the money as she knows they are creeps and wouldn’t give a penny to others. Kabir says they cleared their debts. Ahana asks 2 crores? He says 20 year old debt. Ahana insists. Sulochana says they spent it for their lavish life. Ahana fumes. Kabir’s phone rings. Ahana asks him to pick it. He says its spam call. She picks it and switches on speaker. CC speaks and asks Kabir what should he do with Rudra and when will he get 10 crores. Kabir says they are short of some money and will call him back when 10 crores are arranged. CC disconnects call. Ahana holds Kabir’s collar and shouts how dare they. Sulochana shout at her to shut up and says even she is supporting them for money. Kabir informs how Chennai doctor caught his lie and wanted to expose his truth to Rudra, so he had to kidnap Kabir via CC as he will be caught if something happens and 10 crores ransom is an excuse. Ahana walks away fuming. 

Sharda with Preesha calls family jewelers and sells jewelry to arrange 2 crores. Kabir notices that and informs CC to message Preesha to bring money to his said address. Sharda brings money from jeweler. Preesha gets CC’s message to bring money to the said address and she informs Sharda. Sulochana hearing that says they all will accompany her. Preesha says kidnapper called only her and she will alert them if something happens.

Jerry burns jail wall and throws handmade bombs inside jail. Fire breaks out in jail, and Mahima and Maria escape from jail easily. They meet Jerry, and Mahima tells Jerry that her plan will work. She remembers asking Jerry to get her and Maria out of jail and kidnap Rudra from CC. He says its dangerous and Maria’s life would be at risk and he cannot betray CC. She assures nothing will happen to Maria and if he is happy with only 50 lakhs, they should be loyal to CC. He agrees to kidnap Rudra and asks if they get 10 crores, why is she helping them. She smirks.

Mahima asks Jerry to be happy with 50 lakhs if he is afraid and forget about 10 crores. Jerry asks what she wants. She says she needs her friend Maria’s happiness and just wants to get out of jail, they can give her 1 crore out of 10. He asks if she was talking about getting Maria out of jail. She says she will and then he can happily marry Maria and live peacefully with ransom money. She asks him to set fire in jail as it is her tried and tested formula to escape. Out of flashback, she asks Jerry to get them clothes before kidnapping Rudra from CC.
Preesha reaches CC’s said venue with money. Inspector sitting in jeep at a distance calls her and asks her to act as speaking to someone else and informs that he will nab kidnapper once he comes. He spreads his team around. Mahima with Maria waits in car at a spot. Maria asks why did she bring her here. Mahima says Jerry will bring Rudra here and will stop car seeing road blocked with stones, then her goons will enter and beat Jerry a bit and other goons more and kidnap Rudra. Everything happens as she said. She says Rudra is kidnapped once again. Maria worried for Jerry tries to walk to him, but Mahima stops her and says CC will get doubt of Jerry’s involvement, so she should stay back. Preesha waits for kidnapper. Inspector calls her and asks if kidnapper called or messaged her. She says no. He says that means kidnapper is changing is words and wants more money. She says she will wait for some more time and prays god for Rudra’s safety.

Jerry returns to CC and informs him that someone kidnapped Rudra from them. He beats them and shouts how can this happen. Jerry says someone knew about their plan beforehand and betrayed them. CC says he knows who is a batrayer and will not be spared. Kabir at home wanders nervously. Sulochana asks him to relax and enjoy alcohol. He says Preesha has not yet returned and CC also didn’t call yet. She asks him to concentrate on 500 crores and not 10 crores. He says if CC is caught, he may take their name. CC calls him. Kabir shouts why did he call him so late. CC alleges him of kidnapping Rudra from his goons as he wants all of 10 crores. Kabir asks why would he. CC says only he knew about this plan and sent his men to kidnap Rudra. Jerry praises Mahima’s plan. Kabir says he really didn’t kidnap Rudra. CC says someone else kidnapped Rudra then, he will find him and kill him. Kabir asks to find out who is it, must be Preesha planned all this. Ahana enters and asks what happened. He says someone else kidnapped Rudra from CC. Ahana laughs and says he is a joke. He says CC is doubting him and asks if she kidnapped Rudra as she also knew about it. Ahana says she has 500 crore empire with her and wouldn’t eye on mere 10 crores, she really wanted them to be caught and being kicked out of the hour for their foolishness. Kabir thinks who must have kidnapped Rudra then.

Rudra tied to a chair resists and shouts to leave him. Mahima smirks standing in front of him. Maria enters and asks if they will get 10 crores for sure. Mahima says they will ask more precious thing and thinks Preesha should get ready for a bigger game now. Preesha returns home with money bags. Sharda asks why did she return with money, where is Rudra. Preesha says kidnapper didn’t bring Rudra at all. Sharda panics, Sulochana continues her acting. Preesha says kidnapper should contact her again, she doens’t know what she should do. Maria calls her and says she must be waiting for Rudra, they were bringing Rudra but changed their plan. Preesha asks if she needs more than 10 crores. Maria says she needs Saransh with 10 crores tomorrow and disconnects call. Sharda asks what are kidnappers demanding. Sulochana cries to give whatever they want and rescue Rudra. Preesha says they will call tomorrow and inform where to come, thinks why they need Saransh and realizes Mahima must be involved in this.

Precap: Preesha informs Sharda that kidnapper wants Saransh along with money and she is sure akka is involved. Jerry returns to CC and informs that he had gone to meet Maria in jail. Another goon informs that there was a fire accident in Maria’s jail. CC thinks why did Jerry lie and doubts his involvement. Preesha with inspector reaches jail and says akka set fire in jail as its her style of work. Mahima with Maria waits for Jerry in car. Jerry bring Rudra in car when Mahima’s goons hit him and kidnap Rudra. CC alleges Kabir of kidnapping Rudra via someone else again. Maria calls Preesha and demands more money and Saransh.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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