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Kabir tells Ahana that he is telling truth and asks Mishka what was she doing in his bathroom. Ahana slaps Mishka. Kabir asks her to chat with her calmly. Sulochana says good Mishka did this with Kabir or else if it was someone else, situation would have been bad. Mishka stands shocked. Sulochana continues that Kabir is sanskari and her would be BIL, so he controlled himself or else someone else would have misused her advances. Ahana continues scolding Mishka. Mishka walks away from there. Preesha follows her and apologizes. Mishka asks why is she apologizing, don’t know how Kabir changed his tone suddenly, their plan failed. Rudra hears that and shouts if it was Preesha’s plan to defame his brother. Preesha says let her explain. He drags her away.

Sulochana continues provoking Ahana against Mishka and asks her to go and attend guests as they will feel left out without host. Ahana walks away warning her not to share free gyaan/knowledge. Kabir closes door and praises Sulochana that she is her god who saved her many times today. Sulochana says their time is going well or else they would have been on road; good she heard conversation and reminisces Preesha speaking to Mishka and warning her against Kabir. She walks to Kabir and stops him from entering bathroom. Kabir says he is getting prasad freely and will not leave it easily. She scolds him and informs Preesha’s plan, then asks him to go in and do whatever she says, and explains her plan. Out of flashback, Kabir says he escaped even today. Sulochana says Mishka is caught.

Rudra as usual blindly shouts at Preesha for trying to ruin his happiness by getting his brother and mother away from her and after a long shouting warns her not to force him to choose between her and his brother and mother; they suffered a lot because of Mahima last time and he doesn’t want something happening again; if she has problem with them, he will ask them to stay away from her. He finally asks her to go and stay in her parent’s house for some time with Saransh. Preesha feels sorry that Rudra is hurt because of her, thinks she can’t see him blindly trusting wrong people, and thinks she needs to act good and tackle wrong people in their own way. She returns to Rudra who asks what did she decide. She says he is right, but this is her house and she can’t leave without him, she will apologize maa and Kabir for her mistake but never wants to go away from him, hugging him. He says he knows her concern for family, she should accept his mother and brother as they are good, etc. She hugs him again and thinks she will act good with Kabir and Sulochana and expose their true faces to Rudra.
Sulochana tells Kabir that she cannot live without alcohol and didn’t drink even a drop since yesterday, Ahana took away her bottle and must be enjoying in her room, so she will go and bring her bottle back. He asks her to wait for a few days, then whole bar will be hers. She says she will die by then, so she will get bottle herself. He stops her and goes to get alcohol from Ahana.

Rudra enters his room and is surprised to see it decorated with balloons and candles. He asks Preesha what is all this. she apologizes for hurting him and says she will try not to repeat her mistake again. He says he loves her as she doesn’t make any mistake and if she does, she tris to correct it. He asks her to smile and wiggles her bones. She laughs and gives him rose. He says he will bring champagne to celebrate. She says she will bring it as today’s treat is from her side. She walks to home bar and gets champagne bottle out when she gets nurse’s call and goes aside. Kabir enters and gets happy seeing alcohol bottle cabinet open, walks on feet and picks a bottle and then goes in to get chilled water when Preesha sees him and asks what is he doing at this time. He says he came to get water. She goes to close cabinet and sees whiskey bottle missing. Kabir thanks god that he hid the bottle. Preesha thinks Kabir had come, but he cannot reach height from wheelchair. She then sees footprints and thinks if these were Kabir’s footprints as only he has come now. Kabir asks if she didn’t go yet and leaves. Preesha thinks Kabir can walk then, she should inform Rudra, but then thinks he will not believe without proof and hence clicks footprints’s pics.

The next morning, during breakfast, Sulochana says they should get Kabir and Ahana married in 2-3 days. Mishka asks why so hurry. Ahana says when everything is decide, why delay. Rudra says Kabir is in a hurry. Sharda asks how will they make arrangements in such a short span. He says he will make arrangements and calls Panditji for muhurat. Preesha thinks she cannot let this marriage happen and walks aside in lieu of attending Saransh and thinks of checking Kabir’s shoes to check yesterday’s footprints.
Preesha thinks she needs to find evidence against Kabir and searches rangoli color on his shoe soles, but doesn’t find it. She then finds slippers with colors and realizes it was Kabir and she needs to do something. Rudra while having breakfast asks Kabir if he is ready to become a groom. Preesha walks to him and says not so soon. Rudra asks if there is any problem. She says definitely and asks if he doesn’t want Kabir to walk on his feet and perform pheras with Ahana. Ahana warns to behave. Preesha says she is and informs that she had taken Chennai ayuverdic center’s appointment for Kabir’s treatment and Dr. Swami called today and informed about bed availability. Rudra gets excited hearing about that. Sulochana says they should celebrate wedding first. Kabir backs her. Preesha says they are right, but Kabir may lose a chance for treatment this time. Rudra says marriage can happen later and convinces Sulochana and Kabir.

Preesha takes Kabir and Sulochana to treatment center. Sulochana says Preesha spent a lot for his treatment. Kabir says they would be caught if doctors find out he can walk, so they should have denied Preesha. Sulochana says even if they do that, they would be in trouble, so he should continue to act and when doctor’s give up treating him, Rudra will scold Preesha and kick her out of house. Preesha explains Kabir and Sulochana’s story to doctor and seeks his help to expose their plan. Doctor says he cannot act as treating an already fit patient. She requests that he is her father’s friend and should help her. Doctor agrees.

Preesha then returns to Kabir and asks if he is ready as doctor called him. Sulochana says she is eager to see her son walking on his feet and if Preesha succeeds, she will be thankful to her whole life. Preesha thinks she would be happy when their plan is exposed and goes to bring ward boy for her. Kabir gets worried. Sulochana says its an ayurvedic treatment where they will just use oil massage and herbs, so he should enjoy the massage. Ward boy takes Kabit to the treatment room. Kabir asks the doctor what will do today. Doctor says he will use hold and cold treatment to awaken his dead nerves and will use hot treatment first today. He asks nurse to pour hot oil on his legs. Kabir writhes in pain, but controls. Preesha thinks he will stand up for sure. Doctor stops today’s treatment and sends him back to room. He writhes in pain with burn injuries. Sulochana applies ointment. He says she told he will get massage and herbs, but doctor poured hot oil on him. He says its all Preesha’s plan and he has to tolerate a bit of pain till they get Rudra’s wealth.

Doctor tells Preesha that Kabir is not acting as he tolerated so much pain. Preessha sys he is definitely acting as he really can walk and requests to continue the drama. Next day, doctor starts cold treatment and makes Kabir sit on ice block for 2-3 hours. Kabir controls his pain. Doctor signals Preesha that its not working. He asks Kabir if he is feeling something. Kabir says no. He continues treatment for 1 more hour and orders ward boy to take him to his room. Sulochana leaves with Kabir. Doctor tells Preesha that Kabir is really disabled as nobody can bear so much pain in 2 days. Preesha says even she is surprised. Kabir shivers with cold in his room and feels insensate in his legs. Sulochana applies hot pack and promises to take revenge from Preesha for his each tear. Doctor tells Preesha that he cannot help her in lieu of treatment. Preesha says this is the only way for requests for last time. Doctor agrees. Preesha seeks god’s help.

Precap: Doctor starts electric shock treatment on Kabir and he stands up on his feet. Preesha asks doctor to inform Rudra that Kabir was acting. Doctor agrees. Mishka informs Ahana that police found Rudra’s car and doubt he is kidnapped. CC calls Preesha and informs that he kidnapped Rudra, demands 10 crores ransom and wants if she informs police, she will get Rudra’s deadbody.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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